"Respectless" - A Perfect Hazbin Hotel Scene: Velvette & How To Introduce A Character

"Respectless" - A Perfect Hazbin Hotel Scene: Velvette & How To Introduce A Character

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@torunsmok5890 - 29.01.2024 03:46

Velvette's introduction was absolutely well done, in that they did a great job making her hateable but believable. imo shes the middle of the Vees in terms of hateability (obviousl Val is the most hatable and Vox is too much fun and too comedically salty about Alastor to be that hated)

@LuckyOtter_WorldBuilding - 29.01.2024 01:49

I think that Carmilla and Velvet are probably not related, atleast from their time on earth, because Carmillas accent is Latin American where as Velvets is Black-British, (those are totally different parts of the world, separated by language barriers)

@jukesdtj656 - 28.01.2024 23:45

This was easily my favorite song so far. Velvette very clearly was acting in the exact way Carmilla described, vaine, innane, lacking respect, and uninformed. But that was all to strike a nerve, to get Carmilla to slip and achieve her real goal of getting to the truth of the matter on why and how the Angel had died. The moment that Carmilla said she was uninformed was the moment she let slip she knew something about the situation that she wasn't sharing, and it was exactly then that Velvette dropped all the braggin, all the media references and all the bullshit to go straight for the throat and call Carmilla out on how she clearly knew something about the Angels death. Pointing out her strange reaction to the severed head, her resistance against going to war despite that being her business, and asking straight up what she has to say for herself. Of all the Vee's Velvette is clearly a sleepr threat, because while Vox has a large presence and Valentino is blatantly abusive, Velvette is smart and connected enough to piece together exactly what Carmilla was hiding within a few minutes.

@kingstrojek9937 - 28.01.2024 22:59

Any one else mesmerized by that saunter walk she does on the table at the end

@greywind243 - 28.01.2024 22:21

The biggest thing I picked up was the fact of her being the social media head, a fashionista with no bounds to how perfect she wants something.Her perceptiveness was to be expected from the earlier screen time. Her attitude and want to rise through the ranks quickly as well as her current rise is explained as simply as the internet and social media. It 100% makes sense for her to be paired with Vox, the symbol of television and inter-connectivity. I'm still having issues pairing Valentino in with the group though..

@toxi6836 - 28.01.2024 21:59

Velvette and carmilla are nowhere close to being related. Carmilla was an arms manufacturer and judging by the types of weapons she makes she is at least 100 years older than velvette who died during the age of the smartphone.

@squano9440 - 28.01.2024 21:35

During the song I definitely got the vibes that Velvette and Carmilla were related somehow. I got bitter mother and daughter from the two of them

@sakuraice22 - 28.01.2024 20:35

I'm mostly glad a character that claims to be the most important/influential of their group is actually right for once; Val is influential but depends on advertisement, which is spread on Vox's technology but managed by Velvet, who also takes care of fashion, trends and other desirable things for the sinners (like the love potion), she literally represents social media.

@TonyaSmith-sb2pi - 28.01.2024 20:12

The show is a pet great opera

@xgensean - 28.01.2024 19:47

6 episodes in and respectless is my favorite song.

@anthonyd1567 - 28.01.2024 19:47

I really enjoyed the song

@aval1na28 - 28.01.2024 19:21

Velvette is the backbone of the Vees, because Vox is the brains and Val is the Brawn

@Aryan-qv5qk - 28.01.2024 19:15

The singing is kinda cringe, I wish they just talked but ya she’s probably gonna be a fun character

@cheese7119 - 28.01.2024 18:50

I'm mad that y'all always make connections trying to find out who else could be related to Camila which makes me mad because none of the theories hold water. Velvet doesn't have horns like Camila's daughters, vaggie doesn't even have the same eye color or shape, velvet doesn't even have a nose! And vaggie's nose is clearly curved downwards. Stop trying to pile together characters that have no family affiliations. And yes I am aware that Lucifer doesn't have a nose while Charlie does, but Charlie's mom does have it. And so it makes sense.

@user-mr4tk2ef6e - 28.01.2024 17:51

for once vivziepop made a good female character

@chiyokou2222 - 28.01.2024 16:14

Velvette, Valentino, and Vox all think they’re most important member of the V’s. The easiest way to get rid of them is absolutely just to make each other admit it and destroy each other. I’m super excited for that sh*t show.

@Mtijger - 28.01.2024 14:50

I dislike Velvette alot...I guess that is the point but they just contradict themself in every sentence and argument they make, and characters like that always rub me the wrong way 🤣 Like confidently incorrect AND attitude..plz no

@Ch1l1C0nCarnag3 - 28.01.2024 13:04

The issue with Velvette that this interaction points out is how she doesn't think anything through. She thought "they can be killed, we should fight back", not stopping for a singular moment to think that they just killed a SINGLE grunt. That's the lowest of the low in heaven's army and it's taken this long for someone to ever actually kill one. Sure, they might not actually be that difficult to kill for people of that level, but going to war with heaven over killing a single mook is senseless and would get them eradicated when Heaven sends in the actual big guns, which is Carmilla's entire point.

@ScionStorm1 - 28.01.2024 11:28

Bets on Carmilla being an exorcist who abandoned her duty to be with her daughters which is why she can kill an exorcist and can sell angel-tech weapons. Vaggie probably already suspects but can't say anything because it could draw attention to her own identity. Maybe a previous interaction with Carmilla when they were both exorcists is why Vaggie initially showed mercy to that sinner that got her in trouble.

@watson9096 - 28.01.2024 11:28

at first I didn't enjoy this sound and found Velvettes voice annoying to listen too but as i kept listening and relistening, I started to enjoy it

@riakun - 28.01.2024 11:02

Love the song. Didn’t expect to like Velvette as much as I did. I also love how she wants things done quickly, and immediate results, much like her platform of social media. Definitely a fun character that I look forward to seeing in the future!

@ULTIMATZEKROM - 28.01.2024 10:59

You know, I honestly thought Velvette was going to end up as some Harley Quinn knock off or maybe someone like Niffty (kidlike and psychotic to the point where others had to keep her in line, in this case the Vees)

I'm so happy to have been wrong.

@murder8689 - 28.01.2024 10:37

I feel like the song showcases Velvette’s values really well, she doesn’t care about tradition or caution and thinks that the other overlords are outdated and falling behind on the times, (which is also why she was able to rank up quicker and thus believes herself superior to them) she values progress and profit without care if how many lives are lost or destroyed

@davidarcherd9868 - 28.01.2024 10:12

It's probably my favorite song from episodes 1-4, I'm a fan of complex rhyme schemes, so doing "Respectless" "Suspect is" "Headless" is something I really enjoy. Also, I'm a big fan of Rock / Metal so this hits that instrument selection well.

Velvette(sp?) is my favorite antagonist of the Vs, mostly because she's so unapologetic about her views and stance on the current cullings of Hell. She comes off as the Yin to Charlie's Yang where they both want to end the exterminations on Hell, but have MUCH different ways of wanting to go about it. So far, no one else in Hell other than Charlie and Velvette seem to be focusing on the bigger picture, most of the other Overlords simply are using the exterminations as power grabs for their own personal power, and whereas Velvette almost certainly is one for looking out for increasing her own power / status, she also understands that a Queen ruling over nothing is no Queen at all.

@skeath36 - 28.01.2024 10:08

First of all I am glad that they didn't make velvet a Harley Quinn type character, AKA a punching bag that made other characters stand out or a hyperactive nut job who's disconnected from reality.

And second is that she literally walked into a room full of people who could wipe the floor with her and then walked right out after talking shit to all of them.

@leifthesilly - 28.01.2024 08:41

I feel like there's a little bit of overanalyzing going on In this video, But I don't disagree with the core concept lol

@ulissesarredondo8674 - 28.01.2024 08:39

I already figured it out, Camila has vaggies angle spear that adam just droped after abandoning her.

@theblazingpegasus9151 - 28.01.2024 07:51

That was easily one of my fav songs so far, absolutely loved the back and forth between the two

@chada4806 - 28.01.2024 06:22

Honestly one thing i noticed about this series is most of its flaws become way less impactful if you think of this as a musical and not a tv show. Good video btw

@ACE4573 - 28.01.2024 06:22

Velvette reslly fits the theme of "old vs new" "tradition vs modernism" in one bundle.

@Mcpaimon-nuggets-rt3mc - 28.01.2024 06:20

Is it just me or when you look at velvette from the side her earings look like airpods

@mokeymokey166 - 28.01.2024 05:47

Guns you sell are for is perfect

@kratkartan1486 - 28.01.2024 04:25

While disrespectful, Velvette is unfortunately right. At this point Heaven has declaired war on Hell even though Hell's been leaving them alone. If they have any hope of survivle, Carmilla is going t have to tell everyone how she killed the angel, and then they'll start producing the weapons needed. Which we then see in Helluva Boss (Moxxie also comments about the war against heaven, and currently in Hazbin it hasn't started just yet).

@huntercool2232 - 28.01.2024 03:43

War isn’t pretty and anyone who rushes blindly into it is a fool. Causalities are brought upon both sides and there’s no guarantee you will even win. Wise leaders are the ones who only choose to fight when it is absolutely necessary.

@azrielraeken5216 - 28.01.2024 03:33

I absolutely ADORE the way she speaks without fear of being judged by other people around and she basically owns the room whenever she opens her mouth... I hope one day I can be like that

@TheJadeFist - 28.01.2024 02:23

It not only introduced her more properly, but it showed us the other overlords and a bit of their relationships and personalities. Even made Camella and Zestial both seem like pretty decent people aside from their status and career choices.

@Rurik_Luci - 28.01.2024 01:20

Velvette was one of them kids that was never told no and died as a teen because of it 100%

@BlazeWolf9511 - 28.01.2024 00:09

While I think the character is introduced and characterized well, I’m hesitant to call her intelligent. Don’t get me wrong, she isn’t dumb, but she only got away with this little stunt because the other overlords were amicable. Any one of them probably could have nipped that shit in the bud, but none of them did. She’s also trying to rush into a fight, when they have no idea how to kill an Angel to begin with. Which is understandable given the current precedent, but isn’t going too effective unless you actually know what you’re getting yourself into. Her brazen temperament if rallied behind, would likely get everyone killed. She came in with a game plan, but it wasn’t as well thought out as many are making it out to be. Which funnily enough, befits the character, considering she’s essentially social media personified.

As an introduction, the scene works really well, as Velvette gets a good chunk of characterization from it. But it feels like it works in part, because the other characters, essentially facilitate her impulsive behavior with no consequence.

@4pensword4 - 28.01.2024 00:09

It also shows how impulsive and rash Velvette is. She didn’t quite think things through. She’s not collaborating; she wants total control of the situation.

@sneavile9912 - 27.01.2024 23:56

This song, along with every other song in Hazbin, is just on another level to other songs in shows and movies, because it doesn’t slow the show down, it’s necessary to understand what’s going on in the story, while with most other songs in fiction you can omit and still watch without confusion most of the time.

@theforgetfulalchemist - 27.01.2024 23:49

Respectless and More Than Anything are probably my favorite songs so far

@kinda_cold_in_the_closet - 27.01.2024 23:37

Velvette (and by extension, the V's) are my favorite characters. All three of them are so full of life, charm, personality, and that doesn't even scratch the surface to their fantastic character designs and voice acting. They're outright villains but every interaction they have with each other reads like a sitcom. They each have their own distinct personalities while also making up a trifecta of chaos.

No single person outshines the other because they are in perfect sync with each other. Vox needs Velvette and Val because you can't have television without media and films. Velvette needs Vox and Val because without them she doesn't have anything to support/showcase in media. Val needs Vox and Velvette because films are (almost) useless without the media representation and public support.

They're perfect, and Velvette's song cements that fact.

@silverdust4197 - 27.01.2024 23:30

I especially like how it highlights her arrogance when she says "i could eat you lot for breakfast" and the shot stops at Alastor
(on the background but still somewhat on center)
Who we see just the episode before how easily he handled Vox showing us she is over her head .
Like with Zestial before making the correct observation that She does NOT know how the angel died and by who , meaning , if it wasn't an Demon or otherwise something they couldn't use and they tried fighting regardless they would be screwed .

@BookWyrmOnAString - 27.01.2024 23:17

I think velvette is what we were lead to think lucifer would be. She's the prideful, powerful, lord of hell who'll take what she wants and kill those who oppose her.

@owo4470 - 27.01.2024 21:46

It also shows her as a influencer. by quote literally manipulating people, she influences the thoughts of others around her.

@nate876 - 27.01.2024 20:56

Best song bar none

@redrasegarden - 27.01.2024 20:11

I can’t stop listening to this.
Send help!
It’s too much of a bop!

@D-N-0 - 27.01.2024 19:48

One of few (or just two) good songs in all of the first 6 episodes

@ItsTylesOrSomething - 27.01.2024 18:45

My headcanon theory is that Velvette is one of Carmilla's daughters, and so is Vaggie. They both have similar traits to Carmilla; red scleras, pale irises, white hair, clearly latina and abrasive when having their buttons pushed. The difference with Vaggie being that her eyes are paler, possibly due to being an angel.

@locosword3985 - 27.01.2024 18:38

For a character who has no ties to the main cast outside of being tied to the 3 Vs which is of course Val tied to Angel and Vox tied to Alastor, she's definitely above Val in terms of ranking, Vox of course dominated with his cartoony ass vibe but Velvette is VERY close.
