Anthony Rapp Reflects on the Impact of His Kevin Spacey Revelation (Exclusive)

Anthony Rapp Reflects on the Impact of His Kevin Spacey Revelation (Exclusive)

Entertainment Tonight

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@Sweetie-zf3ss - 11.12.2023 21:01

Rapp tells such ludicrous lies that he definitely should write ✍🏾 for hollyweird 😂🤣😂😂😂😂

@jdmintegradp - 29.11.2023 07:34

I hope Kev can get his life back in order even though that's going to be one of the toughest accomplishments

@jdmintegradp - 29.11.2023 07:31

Why come out and say something about an incident that happened 30 plus years ago. Should have done it then. Now it seems like it's made up to accuse someone of something that never happened but could have so it sounds believable but if it was true I'm sorry, but if not shame on you and the truth will come out sooner or later and it looks like it did and Spacey was found not liable. So it goes to show that making up shit is just as bad as lying and Kevin spacey's life nearly ended in jail. Luckily the truth came out before it was to late. Spacey.has been proven innocent and Rapp trying to sue for 40 million comes off as a lier. I always felt that about him for some reason and here he's doing that exact same thing

@paulrobinson3213 - 09.10.2023 15:45

This liar's career is now a rapp.

@fernsby - 24.08.2023 00:18

Got courage to come forward and lie about everything

@sijacquz - 22.08.2023 10:30

Turns out he was full of shit. Spacey found innocent.

@tnteachertim - 07.08.2023 02:33

Liar, liar....

The ONLY thing setting Rapp's pants on fire.

False allegations should receive, Boomerang Style, equal consequences, no?

@227060 - 28.07.2023 08:25

"Anthony Rapp reflects on the impact of his blatant lies"

@paez123451 - 27.07.2023 19:04

Lying scumbag

@peteb-s5061 - 26.07.2023 21:18

How simple it is to destroy some one else's life & career, claim its for justice and aim for a 40 mil...USD...

@LeBoogieman - 05.06.2023 03:15

i dont remember the details of course, it was a long time ago, ohh, also i support all u guys... the victims, you know, yeah, i support that. Anyway i accept credit card transfers and cash.

@nadine-sw4kp - 01.06.2023 09:06

He lost his court case because he got caught in too many lies...

@gen_music - 11.02.2023 21:08

So Is Spacey proven guilty ??? If not why his career is destroyed ???

@brandonstephens1447 - 04.02.2023 00:19

I just want this shit to all be over wiruvhd it wrecked one of the greatest shows of all time HoC!! Why wait 32 years to report it and spacey was also just found not liable in court so rapp obvious you didn’t have a strong enough case.

@thefunkytrio - 26.01.2023 03:07

I wanna hug Anthony Rapp -V

@DIDYOUSEETHAT172 - 01.11.2022 23:01

When he announced this the fist thing I said was. BULLSHIT! NO! CASH GRAB!! When I was 10 or 11 a Scout leader made the moves on me. 1: I screamed at him to get the hell away from me as loud as I could, 2: I told my mom as soon as I got home. 3: We called police that day, once I convinced her to put the butcher knife away. 14 and didn't know what to do my ass. Nor was Kevin even a known actor back then to threaten Rapp's career in any shape or form. Rapp had more screen time than Kevin at that point.
Of course Rapp wants people to find the "courage" to come forward. To help breed support for sudden LIES 25 or more years later, once a law changed so he could sue and get a giant cash grab. His nowhere career needed a boost, his minor role on Star Trek presented the opportunity to create a spark to get attention, his accusations, like others, gives him a stepping stone to a giant cash grab lawsuit. But guess what? HIs 40 million dollar lawsuit has CRASHED

@don-cw1yz - 26.10.2022 05:44

Rapp will be hit with legal costs from Spacey,and that will not be cheap.

@SlyDellian - 23.10.2022 01:40

Oh, Anthony Rapp is reeling even more now! He just lost his court case against Kevin Spacey.

@jadepixie2719 - 22.10.2022 15:51

Kevin was found not guilty but all I can say is only God knows the truth, if Kevin did do what Anthony Rapp alleged had been done to him, Kevin might have been drunk and not have remembered what he had done. I heard that their were allegations that Kevin was drunk when it was alleged he abused Anthony. However this is just allegations there’s no 100% truth to go on here. If Kevin is innocent 😇 I hope he continues where he left off in his career and wish him all the best.

@bebobbebob8275 - 21.10.2022 19:35

Lying poltron.

@kar102030 - 21.10.2022 17:17


@Thomas-ou2sp - 21.10.2022 11:33

I hope this is the end of Rapp career. Disgusting human! Looking for a quick pay out of a stupid amount of money at the expense of another person's life! I hope he rots in he'll.

@lindalawon9151 - 21.10.2022 09:03

Several other men have come forward with the same allegations?
What was a fourteen year old doing in his apartment repeatedly?
Are there no studios as well as laws of appropriate supervision reference to minors?
Too much is tolerated in that field.
What about when the Pagano modeling agency tells the child's mother that they want your small child daughter to be left alone with them and in another country.
The same told to you about your young niece child by some agency at the Penn Hotel in midtown Manhattan applying to becan extra on the TV show.
Just wondering.
Just wondering.
Just wondering.
Some, all of the time.
All, some of the time.
Never all, all of the time.
Just wondering.

@exospaceman8209 - 21.10.2022 03:27

He lost lol

@CoopyKat - 21.10.2022 01:51

I don't trust ANYONE that would sue a celebrity for $40 million, especially the way he described the incident. Now that Kevin's found not liable, maybe he can sue Anthony for $80 million. Of course Anthony will have never that much money!

@beriadan77 - 21.10.2022 01:16

I hope that now that makes his case has been dismissed in favor of Mr Spacey, he proceeds to SUE this DOUCHE ANTHONY CRAP for lying and destroying Spacey’s career and life.

@ministryoflies1344 - 21.10.2022 00:20

Scumbag PoS liar after 40million. PoS liar proven a liar today. Spacey innocent.

@connormurphy7684 - 12.10.2022 06:10


@lessivald7720 - 12.10.2022 05:06

I feel sorry for him BUT why destroy Spacey 's career decades later? Problems in life should be faced head on. It took him long enough considering how traumatized he claimed he was🤔🤔

@STALINGRAD7 - 05.10.2022 19:33


@leonardodalongisland - 29.09.2022 04:16

If it really devastated him as he claims he would have done something about forty years ago. He's nothing but a gold digger

@bobbybiscuits - 19.07.2022 21:57

Anthony is a liar. Never happened. Not to say Spacey doesnt do strange things, but Anthony is just a liar trying to get work and is harassing a homosexual man.

@pomegranate6221 - 23.06.2022 06:24

Funny how he looks like AH..

@generalvictoriouskilljoy8146 - 18.06.2022 06:29

He was a Child Molester people! The audacity of some of you to think about your viewing pleasure makes me hope some of you have had karma serve you very cold dishes since. -_- God willing.

@ebayaccount675 - 07.04.2022 15:33

To bad everyone who was sexually assaulted keeps turning up dead. Wonder whose killing them?

@carastone3473 - 25.03.2022 20:36

You have no empathy for a victim of sexual assault who was a CHILD? Wow…So sorry his RAPE ruined a TV show for you. Jesus, How selfish can you be??

@carlossebastiangonzalezdia6262 - 24.11.2021 00:53

The reason house of cards died

@abrahamlupis9354 - 11.10.2021 22:37

And he is the reason why House of Cards ended into crap

@michaelwilson7475 - 18.09.2021 15:58

As a gay man I feel like if you weren’t raped then you shouldn’t make too big of a deal out of someone being attracted to you. I think Rapp went much farther than Spacey. We just live in a crazy mean spirited world now.

@tonyscott1658 - 03.08.2021 07:51

I do not give a rat's whisker about Anthony Rapp nor especially his welfare. He is a mediocre actor of no significance. On the other hand, Kevin Spacey is a BRILLIANT actor. The only thing Rapp and his peers can take pride in, is destroying Kevin Spacey's career.

@stefandanev8117 - 01.02.2021 10:11


@MovieMowDown - 22.01.2021 04:17

He is a filthy snitch.

@redierreen - 07.01.2021 14:33

i ban series and movies with him.

@Elnata000 - 02.12.2020 00:48

Fools always being taking the side of the predator as they’re more famous/well known. Guys, Spacey apologised for it, therefore highlighting that it DID in fact happen.

@angelapritchard6640 - 21.11.2020 01:16


@bluerisk - 15.11.2020 03:02

He alone is reason enough to boycott Star Trek Discovery.

What an awful person.

@someone-rw2pf - 07.10.2020 06:06

133 likes and 113 deslikes wut

@haydenwinfield5397 - 06.10.2020 21:18

Anthony Rapp Plays A Gay Man In StarTrek Discovery He Falls In Love With Another Man n The Series So the Way I See It
Kevin Spacey Is A Gay Man Who Was Trying to Come Out Of The Closet And The House Of Cards Company That Kevin Spacey built they Fired Him from A Company That He Built From The Ground Up I Hate That Gay Celebrities Are Being accused Of Things They Didn't Do And Are Being Silenced Forever Christopher Plummer Has Been Stealing Film Roles From Kevin Spacey For Years As Punishment So I Hope That Gay Celebrities Stop Being Targeted For Things That Never Happend Unless Victims Have Audio Or Video Evidence Then There's No Proof Of Thier Allegations Its Just Fake Allegations

@filozica867 - 26.06.2020 11:18

Whtt a jerk.

@ismailissa5327 - 17.05.2020 07:03

I have feeling that he is a Lair but no one actually knows the truth soo no one can accus Kevin without a proof
