The Story of Chibi: The World's Saddest Speedrunner

The Story of Chibi: The World's Saddest Speedrunner


1 год назад

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MagicMush - 27.08.2023 13:43

So as I'm typing this, its been about 6 months since this video has been made, and it is now in my top most viewed videos, and it constantly pops up in my "Most watched in the past 48 hours" as well, so people are still finding this and watching it, and I believe its time I make a statement on this.

I did this video on Chibi because there wasn't really a nice compact video on his story, that's what I usually aim for, stories that haven't been told a thousand times. I did genuinely feel bad for him and his family getting doxxed and sent pizzas, while they argue on stream, I DESPISED the way he talked to his mother though. I knew about the fundraiser and the funeral, and you know I HAD to mention that funeral due to its infamy. (That fundraiser hijack is funny to me still, fight me) But the issue is, I tried to tow this line between being funny and being sympathetic, and it just didn't land for a lot of people. I am 100% hamming it up during that funeral scene to try and be haha funny, if you find it in bad taste I don't blame you. I still get comments all the time accusing me of picking on him and siding with the trolls (Some people legit accused me of being the guy who called his mom in the video)

And as multiple comments have pointed out, I left out a very important piece of info: Chibi has a history of being a sex pest. The only thing I knew about before making this vid was him being 19 and sending nudes to a 17 year old. However, weeks after I made this video, he got kicked from a convention for trying to solicit nudes from a girl, and then I started seeing people bring up his past crimes of that, only then did I learn of the laundry list of times he acted like that (Some of them are ALLEGED to be underage too). I had no clue about any of this until after the fact, if I had the ability to go back in time and include that in the video I 100% would. That was a huge research failure on my part.

Basically, I did my job with the sympathetic angle too well, now this video sort of exists in this weird limbo where I got hundreds of thousands to see the crap this man went through, but at the same time didn't really mention any of the bad stuff he did so people get this idea that he only cheated at a speedrun and nothing else, that alone lead to years of harassment, and therefore I'm making fun of him for that. The sex pest stuff was also a factor in the trolling, and no, being a sex pest does not make doxxing him and his mother suddenly ok. I just didn't like the way he treated her on stream, so that was sort of the thing that pushed me into the angle I went for.

TL; DR This video is very flawed and needed a lot of work. It was the first time I made a video like this so I guess its to be expected. This is pure cope I know.

Lil uzi verts nose bridge piercing
Lil uzi verts nose bridge piercing - 17.09.2023 05:13

y u gotta show me that mentally ill dude at the end

Chapterhouse86 - 16.09.2023 06:20

One of my favorite Mr Metokur moments was him watching the stream where Chibi's mom is yelling at him about being up all night playing Mario. "You're bing-bing wahooing all night long little Adam!" Too funny. It's also very sad that on his deathbed, Chibi's Dad made his Mom promise to get him to stop bing-bing wahooing all night, and clearly it didnt work.

Garcatch - 16.09.2023 04:37

My main take away from this video is that Santa’s #1 helper is a squirrel

nora <:3
nora <:3 - 15.09.2023 10:52

lee harvey oswald is epic, but he's actually not responsible it was the cia

Dio Brando
Dio Brando - 14.09.2023 13:07

The saddest speedrunner? I see you haven't heard of Cosmo.

Jlc Davenport
Jlc Davenport - 14.09.2023 09:28

Further proof that Americans just aren't ready for the internet: Pearl clutching and hand wringing over the idea of a 19year old being attracted to a 17yr old (legal in not only most of the world, but almost all of America)

Shawn/IO - 14.09.2023 08:55

the sound of mario playing in the middle of the night graphic LOL yea woo hoo yeah hoo woo hoo LOL that was funny

Man with a porpoise.
Man with a porpoise. - 14.09.2023 04:30

🤖Robot says

Charles Anthony
Charles Anthony - 14.09.2023 04:16

Chibi is an autistic loser

Teamgeist - 13.09.2023 18:47

Oh come on.
8 million Views + 10 million Views are NOT 18 million people

A lot of people will have watched the clip several times and a lot of people watched both videos which doesn't make them multiply.

StormOfMaat - 12.09.2023 10:10

Guys and gals, look: I don't give a hoot or two about what anybody's opinion of Chibi the Speedrunner is. I AM AUTISTIC. And more importantly, I WISH TO BEFRIEND Chibi the Speedrunner.
So, if anybody is willing to setup a meeting between the two of us or at least provide me with his contact info, I would seriously appreciate you for doing so.

...And for all you haters of Chibi the Speedrunner or me or Autistics in general, I am STILL going to be friends with Chibi the Speedrunner. And I don't care who tells me to off myself. <---- You will be sorely disappointed even if you TRY telling me to do such a morbid, abominable thing: It's not gonna happen; I am staying alive...Period! Whether I remain on Earth or not.

Med - 12.09.2023 09:49

I just watched the video, and with audentum’s video about chibi, these two are the most comprehensive. I just gotta remind that Chibi crashed his mom’s date cosplaying as Joker from persona and I still can’t get over this due to how stupid and funny this is

Oridan1 - 12.09.2023 07:21

fuck trolls, fuck doxers and fuck the people who ordered those pizzas. Of course it's wrong to cheat but those people are fucking bullies

Neo FromtheWarnerBrothersiconicfilmfranchiseTheMatr
Neo FromtheWarnerBrothersiconicfilmfranchiseTheMatr - 11.09.2023 06:51

lol his mom "We're gonna lose our phone number over this!" Like... I understand it's a bit of an inconvenience, but she says it like they're going to be homeless or something. If anything, it's probably nice to start over with a clean slate.

Alex social
Alex social - 11.09.2023 01:12

This is so cringe it actually made me realize that my biggest fear is to become this autistic
What if you were this cringe but you could not see it?
It is really terrifying if you think about it
Does he realize that the things he does are this cringe?
It is hard to watch really...
I am feeling really sorry for his mother as well
Imagine having a son and at 3:00 a.m. he keeps on playing paper mario... Loud noises... He doesn't even stop to talk to you...
But honestly the guy has some issues do not
Hope they will not harass him
Hope he gets the help he needs
Also it warms my heart to see in the comments many who understand what the situation is...

J C - 10.09.2023 12:13

It's hard to see this video as anything other than bullying on a grand scale.

LexiCONtra Artist
LexiCONtra Artist - 09.09.2023 19:39

Trolling is an art.

Iain Miller
Iain Miller - 09.09.2023 14:38

You are a moron and a bully! You have made a video picking on a mentally disabled person, It's not his fault, he's just different. I do not feel comfortable asking this but I think its necessary. Would you make a video persecuting someone with Downs Syndrome?

Santtu - 09.09.2023 04:55

But what I want to know is where's the caveman.

Optimus_Rhymes69 - 08.09.2023 21:50

This video made me sad.

Elyseon - 08.09.2023 21:06

Sometimes I really hate the internet. Bullying and doxxing and harassing an autistic kid over something so insignificant... Exposing his junk online was pretty dumb though.

TimoMajere - 08.09.2023 20:17

Chibi is the guy who would be the one *who let the dogs out*.
However, because of his dumpster gravy personality, just wondering WHO let them out was simply more interesting.

Tinkerbear - 08.09.2023 05:46

That last person looked like Cosmo, used to watch someone do Castlevania 64 speedrums I think back in the day. My memory isn't what it used to be, getting the old. Interesting video. A follow-up to this could be comfy speedrunners. A lot I enjoy putting on in the background back in the day, one I remember the most being Andy Perfect. Super chill and positive guy. There is a Dragon Quest randomizer runner named Corvin too. Lot of great ones used to enjoy.

ThomasCro - 08.09.2023 01:33

op. yta

Snopple Wopple
Snopple Wopple - 07.09.2023 09:43

Santas little helper is a squirrel

Dormouse Cat
Dormouse Cat - 05.09.2023 18:32

Should've walked away like Caveman and stay hidden for a while, but I guess his autism hindered such attempt.

Herpderp61 - 05.09.2023 04:06

Maaaaan you had to remind me of Cosmo, didn't you. T_T my favorite streamer is basically necking their whole career.

RaveNitro - 05.09.2023 02:11

autism does wild shit to people

Spielmann - 04.09.2023 21:25

Since Chibi doesn't strike me as the type who would just own a nice shirt and tie, do you think he bought those specifically for the funeral?

Super Dejan
Super Dejan - 04.09.2023 21:02

I can't even express how fucking digusting "iNtErNeT tRoLlS!!11!" are. I'm so sick of them ruining people's lives while they live in their mother's basement on top of a chair made out of their own piss and shit. Doxxing and Swatting is not funny, it's fucked up things like that are never considered crimes.

Davy Machinegun
Davy Machinegun - 04.09.2023 07:41

"So confirmed Santa's number one helper is a squirel."
"The sign is a subtle joke..."

manu - 04.09.2023 06:32

how is this hilarious u retard it's just someone being trolled for being an autist

manu - 04.09.2023 06:31

worst video of all time

Bloodninja019 - 03.09.2023 11:02

that "no way" brought me to tears

Rick Beare
Rick Beare - 03.09.2023 02:45

I feel: Pity

Joe Bloggs
Joe Bloggs - 02.09.2023 22:34

Chibi singing like a Disney princess

Brandon Kirk
Brandon Kirk - 02.09.2023 05:10

I felt bad for him at first, but the way he treats his Mom is unacceptable. I feel bad for her, she has a freeloading son who has zero respect for her. Idgaf if he's on the spectrum, nowadays damn near everyone is it seems. Its NOT an excuse to act like an a$$hole.

shiretsu - 01.09.2023 19:45

gamefaqs, or perhaps...a spinoff? what's your username mother fucker

Enneth - 01.09.2023 19:26

you sound like you're out of breath lifting ur d*ck to take a leak fatty
