Venice, Italy Evening Walk - 4K 60fps - with Captions

Venice, Italy Evening Walk - 4K 60fps - with Captions

Prowalk Tours

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Mauro Larise
Mauro Larise - 27.09.2023 19:38

le canzoni napoletane suonate a venezia vanno bene solo per i turisti stranieri ah ah ah

Dolores Johnson
Dolores Johnson - 15.09.2023 05:25

I love Italy 🇮🇹

Olavo Hulk da Silva
Olavo Hulk da Silva - 10.09.2023 22:32

Beautifiul Venice italy 👍👍👍🟢🔴⚪

NOEL MAHER - 04.09.2023 00:31

My idea of hell, way too many tourists!

Chor Lau Heung
Chor Lau Heung - 03.09.2023 03:37

Love listening to "Time to Say Goodbye" by the musicians on the stage. Also, George Michael's "Careless Whisper."

damon feidias
damon feidias - 20.08.2023 05:45


rbecerra321 - 14.08.2023 07:16

How do the locals live w so many ppl and so much noise every day?? Amazing 😮

Nora - 09.08.2023 20:32

the most beautiful city everrr

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 08.08.2023 23:17

現実を操作し拡張する、姿を変えるトカゲや虫、害虫、「アレクサンドラ」や「アリ」(橋の上の青い服を着た女の子)などと呼ばれる悪魔のような憑依者はいません。彼女は文字通り、ハーレー・クインのキャラクターの「現実」バージョンです。おそらく、彼女が最後に私をそこで人身売買したとき、地元住民が「マフィアお断り」という大きな看板を掲げたのは、おそらく、彼女が私と同じ年齢であることを装い、軍事基地であるUCSBから偽装して私に割り当てられた人物であると偽って私を人身売買したときのことでしょう。世界中どこに行っても同じような奴らだ…この惑わされた至上主義者は今でも私をストーカーして憑依しようとしてるのに、私は何年も前に彼らと別れたの。どこに行っても同じ人ばかりのようです。本当の多様性はありません。精神異常な出来事や「私的」社会による迫害を生み出し、捏造し続ける大学卒業生全員に付きまとわれ続けている。彼らは世界中で集中キャンプやマインドフルネスキャンプを開催するビジネスを行っています。悪夢を作り、人々をコントロールしようとしている。本質的に、彼らはあなたが生きていると感じるためにあなたをコントロールするためにあなたを怖がらせる必要がある単なるつまらない悪魔であり、彼らはあなたの痛みとエネルギーで繁栄しており、残りのあなたはこのコメントに腹を立て、それを手段として使用すると確信しています今私を所有するために。これが何回ループしたか知っている人はいますか? OK Google、なぜ私のコメントを削除し続けるのですか?それはあなたが知っている真実です。

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 08.08.2023 23:16

Nessuna lucertola mutaforma, verme, parassita, che manipola e aumenta la realtà, possessori demoniaci che vanno da "alexandra" o "ali" (la ragazza vestita di blu sul ponte) lei è letteralmente la versione "vita reale" del personaggio di harley quinn , probabilmente perché la gente del posto ha appeso un grande cartello che diceva "no mafia" quando mi ha trafficato lì l'ultima volta quando fingeva di avere la mia età, una persona che mi era stata assegnata dall'UCSB, una base militare sotto mentite spoglie. le stesse dannate persone ovunque tu vada nel mondo ... questo suprematista illuso continua a inseguirmi e tenta di possedermi fino ad oggi e li ho lasciati anni fa. sembra che siano tutte le stesse persone ovunque tu vada. nessuna vera diversità. continuamente perseguitati da tutte le persone che vivono l'esperienza universitaria che continuano a creare e fabbricare eventi psicotici o persecuzioni da parte della loro società 'privata'. Si occupano di organizzare campi di concentrazione o di consapevolezza in tutto il mondo. Cercando di creare un incubo, di controllare le persone. Nella sua essenza, sono solo demoni meschini che hanno bisogno di spaventarti per controllarti per sentirti vivo, prosperano grazie al tuo dolore e alla tua energia e sono sicuro che il resto di voi apprezzerà questo commento e lo userà come mezzo per possedermi ora. qualcuno sa quante volte è andata in loop? Hey google, perché continui a rimuovere il mio commento? è la verità sai

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 08.08.2023 23:16

No hay cosa de lagarto que cambia de forma, gusano, alimañas, que manipula y aumenta la realidad, poseedores demoníacos que pasan por "alexandra" o "ali" (chica de azul en el puente) ella es literalmente la versión de la 'vida real' del personaje de harley quinn , probablemente por qué los lugareños colgaron un gran cartel que decía "no mafia" cuando ella me traficó allí por última vez cuando fingía tener mi edad, una persona que me asignó UCSB, una base militar disfrazada. Las mismas malditas personas dondequiera que vayas en el mundo ... este supremacista engañado todavía acecha e intenta poseerme hasta el día de hoy y los dejé hace años. parece que es la misma gente donde quiera que vayas. sin verdadera diversidad. acosado continuamente por todas las personas que se ponen la experiencia universitaria que continúan creando y fabricando eventos psicóticos o persecución por parte de su sociedad 'privada'. Están en el negocio de organizar campos de concentración o atención plena en todo el mundo. Tratando de hacer una pesadilla, de controlar a la gente. En esencia, son solo demonios insignificantes que necesitan asustarte para controlarte y sentirte vivo, prosperan con tu dolor y energía y estoy seguro de que el resto de ustedes se emocionará con este comentario y lo usará como un medio. poseerme ahora. ¿Alguien sabe cuántas veces ha repetido esto? Ok Google, ¿por qué sigues eliminando mi comentario? es la verdad que sabes.

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 08.08.2023 23:15

Никаких изменяющих форму ящериц, червей, паразитов, которые манипулируют реальностью и дополняют ее, демонических обладателей, которых называют «александра» или «али» (девушка в голубом на мосту), она буквально «реальная» версия персонажа Харли Квинн. , наверное, поэтому местные жители повесили большую табличку с надписью «нет мафии», когда она продала меня туда в последний раз, когда притворялась моим ровесником, человеком, который был назначен мне UCSB, замаскированной военной базой. одни и те же чертовы люди, куда бы вы ни пошли в мире ... этот заблуждающийся сторонник превосходства все еще преследует и пытается завладеть мной по сей день, и я оставил их много лет назад. Кажется, везде одни и те же люди. никакого реального разнообразия. постоянно преследовались всеми людьми, получившими опыт колледжа, которые продолжают создавать и производить психотические события или преследования со стороны своего «частного» общества. Они занимаются организацией концентрационных лагерей или лагерей осознанности по всему миру. Пытается устроить кошмар, управлять людьми. По своей сути, они просто мелкие демоны, которым нужно напугать вас, чтобы контролировать вас, чтобы чувствовать себя живыми, они процветают за счет вашей боли и энергии, и я уверен, что остальные из вас сойдут с ума от этого комментария и будут использовать его как средство. обладать мной сейчас. Кто-нибудь знает, сколько раз это повторялось? Эй, гугл, почему ты продолжаешь удалять мой комментарий? это правда, которую вы знаете.

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 08.08.2023 23:12

No shapeshifting lizard thing, worm, vermin, that manipulates and augments reality, demonic possessors that goes by "alexandra" or "ali" (girl in the blue on the bridge) she is literally the 'real life' version of the harley quinn character, probably why the locals hung up a big sign saying "no mafia" when she trafficked me there last when she was pretending to be my age, a person who was assigned to me by UCSB, a military base in disguise. same damn people everywhere you go in the world..this deluded supremacist still stalks and attempts to possess me to this day and i left them years ago. seems like its all the same people everywhere you go. no real diversity. continuously stalked by all the people who put on the college experience who continue to create and manufacture psychotic events or persecution by their 'private' society. They are in the business of putting on concentration or mindfulness camps all around the world. Trying to make a nightmare, to control people. At its essence, they are just petty demons who need to scare you to control you to feel alive, they thrive off of your pain and energy and I'm sure the rest of you will get off on this comment and use it as a means to possess me now. anybody know how many times this has looped ?

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 08.08.2023 23:10

No shapeshifting lizard thing, worm, vermin, that manipulates and augments reality, demonic possessors that go by "alexandra" or "ali" (girl in the blue on the bridge) she is literally the 'real life' version of the harley quinn character, probably why the locals hung up a big sign saying "no mafia" when she trafficked me there last when she was pretending to be my age, a person who was assigned to me by UCSB, a military base in disguise. same damn people everywhere you go in the world..this deluded supremacist still stalks and attempts to possess me to this day and i left them years ago. seems like its all the same people everywhere you go. no real diversity. continuously stalked by all the people who put on the college experience who continue to create and manufacture psychotic events or persecution by their 'private' society. They are in the business of putting on concentration or mindfulness camps all around the world. Trying to make a nightmare, to control people. At its essence, they are just petty demons who need to scare you to control you to feel alive, they thrive off of your pain and energy and I'm sure the rest of you will get off on this comment and use it as a means to possess me now. anybody know how many times this has looped ?

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 08.08.2023 23:09

No shapeshifting lizard thing, worm, vermin, that manipulates and augments reality, demonic possessors that goes by "alexandra" or "ali" (girl in the blue on the bridge) she is literally the 'real life' version of the harley quinn character, probably why the locals hung up a big sign saying "no mafia" when she trafficked me there last when she was pretending to be my age, a person who was assigned to me by UCSB, a military base in disguise. same damn people everywhere you go in the world..this deluded supremacist still stalks and attempts to possess me to this day and i left them years ago. seems like its all the same people everywhere you go. no real diversity. continuously stalked by all the people who put on the college experience who continue to create and manufacture psychotic events or persecution by their 'private' society. They are in the business of putting on concentration or mindfulness camps all around the world. Trying to make a nightmare, to control people. At its essence, they are just petty demons who need to scare you to control you to feel alive, they thrive off of your pain and energy and I'm sure the rest of you will get off on this comment and use it as a means to possess me now. anybody know how many times this has looped ?

Daniel Cervantes
Daniel Cervantes - 02.08.2023 00:11

No shapeshifting lizard thing, worm, vermin, that manipulates and augments reality, demonic possessors that goes by "alexandra" or "ali" (girl in the blue on the bridge) she is literally the 'real life' version of the harley quinn character, probably why the locals hung up a big sign saying "no mafia" when she trafficked me there last when she was pretending to be my age, a person who was assigned to me by UCSB, a military base in disguise. same damn people everywhere you go in the world..this supremacist still stalks and trys to possess me to this day and i left them years ago. seems like its all the same people everywhere you go. no real diversity. continuously stalked by all the people who put on the college experience who continue to create and manufacture psychotic events or persecution by their 'private' society. They are in the business of putting on concentration or mindfulness camps all around the world. Trying to make a nightmare, to control people. At its essence, they are just petty demons who need to scare you to control you to feel alive, they thrive off of your pain and energy and I'm sure the rest of you will get off on this comment and use it as a means to possess me now. anybody know how many times this has looped ?

Fabrício Ferreira
Fabrício Ferreira - 28.07.2023 19:00

Tomb Raider 2

barma jutta
barma jutta - 16.07.2023 22:34

Serbian concentration camp for children:
Rakovica manastir near belgrade

During the yugoslav wars in the 1990s serbian soliders rpd over 50.000 underaged bosniak and croatian girls from 10-16 years in camps aswell as 20.000 albanian girls in kosovo...year thats serbian culture as its best...

Neko Imeni
Neko Imeni - 15.07.2023 11:35

All nations have dark moments......
.....but only Croats had children concentration camps.

Elena Ned
Elena Ned - 05.07.2023 15:44

Venezia ,mai vista così...sempre splendida , misteriosa ,affascinante...ed ancor segreta, pur avendola vista molte volte...hà il fascino di una bellissima donna che mai invecchia ...ti prende il core e lo lega a sè...ti sento mia,per l'eternità innamorato...

Robert Edwards
Robert Edwards - 25.05.2023 00:33

Beautiful piazzas etc. but very little or no public seating - as with a lot of Italy, what a pity...

Karin Wildauer
Karin Wildauer - 15.05.2023 06:15

C'est magnifique!

El Caminante Bilbaíno
El Caminante Bilbaíno - 11.05.2023 17:48

Qué bonito Venecia de noche. Eso me lo perdí cuando estuve allí.

Storm Jacobs
Storm Jacobs - 29.04.2023 16:06

Absolutely beautiful country. I love your videos. You do an excellent job. You work the camera in a way it gives the illusion you are actually there in person.☀️❤️
Thank you.

Pure Door of Light
Pure Door of Light - 16.04.2023 08:27

So the violinist just happen to start playing when you walked by?

Fiere Fox
Fiere Fox - 27.03.2023 20:09

TRAVEL TO KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN BY GULFAIR 🇧🇭 ❤️ 🇧🇭 💗 🇧🇭 ⚓ 🇧🇭 🛶 🇧🇭 🍾 🇧🇭 🍷 🇧🇭 🍴 🇧🇭 🛫 🇧🇭 ✈️ 🇧🇭 🛥️ 🇧🇭 🚢 🇧🇭 🏍️ 🏎️ 🏁 🇧🇭 🌞 🇧🇭 ⛱️ 🇧🇭 🛸 🇧🇭 🏖️ 🇧🇭 🌴 🇧🇭 🏺 🇧🇭 🍽️ 🇧🇭 🍻 🇧🇭 ⛳ 🇧🇭 🌄 🇧🇭 🥃 🇧🇭 🥂 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 🇧🇭 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Mimi - 20.03.2023 11:18

great to see restaurant and attractions on the way it helps before coming

Sharon Hunter
Sharon Hunter - 12.03.2023 04:32

I’d like to see your setup. You sure gets the looks! I love this channel. Than you very much for sharing!!! I’ll never be able to get there unless I hit the big one. Thank you 🙏

레몬 - 05.03.2023 18:38

영상 감사합니다
선생님 덕분에 베니스 여행 잘했습니다
한국어로 번역해서 자막이 나오니 역사를 쉽게 이해하게되어 더욱더 좋았습니다
수고 하셨습니다

Rossana Pagano
Rossana Pagano - 23.02.2023 17:51

Buon pomeriggio...infatti...i colori dei fiori specialmente...mi rasserenano..e non a caso..stanno radendo i vari parchi....non si trova un fiore manco a pagarlo un miliardo di euro. I fiori che piu' mi rasserenano sono i glicini...i quali mi riportano all'infanzia meravigliosa e spensierata.🌷

ginger harris
ginger harris - 18.02.2023 06:57

I was there September. Loved the views. We stayed near the bridge.

vladimir kogan
vladimir kogan - 15.02.2023 19:42

Спасибо за видео, никогда не был в венеции, но после просмотра этого видео, побывал!!

Muhammad Rizwan
Muhammad Rizwan - 13.02.2023 16:40


fbontube - 12.02.2023 23:01

The camera focus fluctuates slightly at various times

Benedito Carlos Benedito
Benedito Carlos Benedito - 12.02.2023 02:30

Belo video

Alexander Black
Alexander Black - 05.02.2023 05:39

No more fucking ads!!!

Veronica Lima
Veronica Lima - 04.02.2023 16:33

Andre, assisto todos os seus videos e com certeza prefiro você conversando conosco. Muitas vezes uso suas caminhadas sem cortes para fazer esteira, mas é muito mais agradável caminhar ouvindo você falar, porque fico mais entretida e nem sinto o tempo passar. Espero que em breve eu me meu marido possamos fazer um foto tur com vc 🙏

Jorge Eduardo Nieto Bonilla
Jorge Eduardo Nieto Bonilla - 03.02.2023 11:38

Hotel Continental, in front of the start point of your video, WAS UNFORGEDABLE!! Love Venice!

SAN Phearak
SAN Phearak - 26.01.2023 07:04

I love night life at Venice

Howard Stern
Howard Stern - 25.01.2023 13:12

I saw another video with another fellow with the same as mine asking if there are any freeways in the country?? Are there any 18 wheelers over there?? I'm from California and there are big Freeways in the state. It looks like I can walk or ride a bike from one major city to another without having to get behind the wheel.

Sari Sunrise
Sari Sunrise - 21.01.2023 08:41

hut,s favorite. Chao.🚴🦩🥇🌪️

跩跩貓看世界 Smug Cat sees the world
跩跩貓看世界 Smug Cat sees the world - 19.01.2023 13:34

What an amazing places

Frits De Bruijn
Frits De Bruijn - 15.01.2023 17:51

Thank you for the wonderful experience. The binaural sound really does help. Yes, I am a sound engineer. The changing acoustics and presence makes me feel like being there. Too bad about the americanisation of so many shop fronts.

Людмила Кривенко
Людмила Кривенко - 14.01.2023 19:35

Найкраще місто світу. Двічі відвідувала, мрію приїхати третій раз. Київ.

Uranus Mundus
Uranus Mundus - 14.01.2023 00:41

I have watched all 3 videos of this series, and I feel amazed by your commitmen of your work!!!

japanken - 11.01.2023 02:42

trattorias are alive and well
