How to CARRY when ALL LANES are LOSING - League of Legends

How to CARRY when ALL LANES are LOSING - League of Legends

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@markojovanovic5901 - 15.12.2023 00:32

Bro for 7 years this is every ranked games. I win my lane end the game with s+ but my team throws it every sibgle time. Today was the first time i cried caus ei went from gold 1 to gold 3 and again lost all progress i got cause i had too many people who afk or troll cause they are canped and dotn ward. Idk what to do its out of my control at this point i won my lane and did my job but my team jist plays so bad

@Daiceto - 23.09.2023 01:43

Hard winning lane, losing game cause every other lane ints, then surrenders. 4v1 ff vote HAS NO COUNTERPLAY or carry potential.

@nekoblackout - 05.07.2023 17:41

What if you are in a Lane and not the Jungler with the same szenario ? What if u win ur Lane but all other Lanes and Jung are losing ?. Can u still win or do you have to play Jung to win like this ?

@user-po8mi9st4n - 24.06.2023 05:26

Cant carry with zed

@dap3799 - 17.05.2023 22:20

Btw Orn has way better setup for a gank so path towards safer ganks and dont coinflip like recommended above

@RaionLoL - 19.01.2023 15:39

very good, just got double kill bot

@USERZ123XD - 27.12.2022 00:55

i would like to see them showcasing an actual stomp match and carry, like enemy top goes 10/0 in 9 minutes, mid goes 5/0 and jungle is 11/2 while bot lane is even or something. these losing games are still not that hard lose, i am talking obut absolutely stomped on teammates on mutiple different role.

@bmskyped7319 - 16.11.2022 19:35

Compared to games I’ve seen before, your team wasn’t flaming nearly hard enough. I had a yas top leave after one death at 4 minutes. Yes it was ranked. Yes it was bronze. No, it wasn’t my fault, I was sup.

@crtabelog9736 - 16.11.2022 00:30

5 min bot 0 5 mid 2 6 and top 2 4 how wold you carry that exsplain

@Illvzion - 26.10.2022 08:27

Ok now how do I stop botlane from dying 3 times before I have full cleared? Cuz at this point it feels like it happens every single game

@nikolygtx8848 - 23.10.2022 20:35

Never knw how much humanity its stupid before this game

@timairborne5813 - 15.10.2022 18:41

jokes on you this guide is trash. you go to gank bot and realize its an actual:"bot" support in bot lane and the game is over.

@akanetsuzura374 - 09.09.2022 12:10

I really don't know about this one chief. I understand that you're explaining your thought processes around the decisions you made but this just feels like a bit of a fiesta. I know most solo queue games are but you say you want to take advantage of your own respawning camps while you keep him busy, and you talk about keeping yours on cooldown as much as possible, but then you leave your buffs open and invade his gromp and wolves when he has access to your bot half again? You say you want to play around MF so you start to path bot but then you walk into lane, get a crab, and that's basically the end of that. I know you want fluid, dynamic decision making as a jungler but this video just doesn't feel like it's taught me anything at all. A lot of the guides I watch here enforce this idea of having a game plan and you don't seem to have one here at all. You're just relying on your massive knowledge base to exploit a low elo game.

@sileikalaimonas - 07.09.2022 18:18

Late comment - I'm somewhat bemused at the concept of an Azir losing lane to Pyke and being convinced that jng is to blame...

@roni480 - 24.08.2022 00:54

but what if on mid is kata that is 10/0 even when i was ganking my midlaner but still she end up one shoting me

@MrYoudie12 - 22.08.2022 08:51

tl dw split push or ff

@derbestimmer1148 - 21.08.2022 09:16

Thx for the guide.
The Decision for the Malphite Level 6 Gank taught me something. Also the later Decisions were all very interesting

My problem is, that you path to bot because of MF Carry Potential.
But that assumes that MF can actually play her Champion.
Which is already a problem in itself.

Also you going bot for giving them prio shows the disparity between low and high Elo.
In low Elo this move will sacrifice your bot lane to the enemy Jungler and / or Bot Lane more often than not while you get Scuttle.

Btw how is ganking Malphite against a teemo at lvl 3 a bad idea as Lillia?

And as always with these guides there is the Problem of Skill gap between you on a Smurf Account and an actual player of the shown Elo in this situation.
A lot of things work because of your Micro Advantage and inherent Game Knowledge which leads to a problem of actual validity.

@flawlessmsc - 18.07.2022 11:14

How is this even a proper example? If top laner and mid laner both got solo killed 2 times, bot died 3 times before 8 minutes, this is when ALL LANES losing actually means

@giannisxalkis1965 - 21.06.2022 17:22

how to solo carry every game pick a champion that counters their whole team

@jeremygl1569 - 19.06.2022 13:39

Every choice i made was wrong, sigh... Forever low elo...

@cassie8844 - 19.06.2022 09:31

Impossible when you're a support

@vietnamiscool2669 - 09.06.2022 07:37

Support 0-0-25 …….. lose

@nendileregion3500 - 31.05.2022 18:49

Sorry but if this is tutorial it is bad

@billmitchel7793 - 12.05.2022 05:31

or yuumi plus lillia is op

@dejanperic3830 - 10.05.2022 20:55

you can carry only agains beginer or intermediate bots such games ... agains even 1 cell brains its imposible

@Fabyskan - 02.05.2022 13:12

This is nice but what if you dont play jgl

@dmv99 - 29.04.2022 23:52

Does not work at all lmao. I did everything in this video, but could not bounce back from a 6-28 game. All three of my lanes fed like crazy.

@DaFunkz - 24.04.2022 19:41

Why do I feel like a different coach would give completely different answers? Even your own videos contradict this one.

Also this is hardly “losing lanes” they are not down 10 kills each at 10 minutes.

@elementkingaming1947 - 23.04.2022 00:27

Azir: jgler not in my lane when I want! He's afk! Report!

@peterkelemen8300 - 22.04.2022 20:36

Would this still work if top mid both 0/5 under 15 minutes, while bot loosing as well?

@dominik452221 - 20.04.2022 00:08

Its so funny how even challenger smurfs getting spam pinged and flamed for doing, well things right? xD

@shentianwen - 05.04.2022 20:18

Wow, your team is only down 3 kills at 11 minutes? You're lucky. I'd like to see how you carry when you're 3/0 and your team is down 15 kills to 3 at 11 min. I can carry when the enemy team has only one or two people who as fed as I am, but how do I win when I have 100% kill participation and there are 4 fed people on the enemy team?

@shatteredarrow501 - 04.04.2022 17:55

At this meta u cant solo carry,u have to give kills to carry thats the key ..dont do useless videos. Best way to climb is to quit the game

@dakara1129 - 28.03.2022 20:11

and now a guide pls where the lanes are rly losing. Played 3 Games today and my Lanes all already died once or twice before i got lvl 3

@bastionsqaremain6599 - 21.02.2022 22:07


@errorone937 - 04.02.2022 09:17

I AM READY TO BET I WILL NOT GET TO GOLD FROM A SEASON OF PLAYING NO MATTER HOW MANY OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS I PAY AND VIDEOS I WATCH. Hardstuck losers queue is impossible to get out of. Literally impossible. Enemy literally had a bought plat 1 Smurf account admitted to both. Faker couldn't get out of losers queue if he got stuck in bronze or silver.

@ShakerCheeseIsRite - 02.02.2022 10:39

wish i had watched this before i lost six games in a row today. bruv kek moment

@tuzvihar - 29.01.2022 17:15

That scoreboard is godly compared to what I used to see. 0/16/0 on multiple .... :D

@revivedsoul1099 - 27.01.2022 07:03

This is great, and one decision making the biggest part of to climb. i got 7-7 wich ait, i dont main jgl but mid. This is probably one of my fav types of vids since it intereactive. Decision making videos should come earlier since how good they are. Wish u could show games much worse where enemy dominating 5-10 kills. Would love if you did it for mid and other lanes. Hit Diamond last season, decison making is huge there. As mechanics and farm is ok, making right decisions can break or win game like this. Seeing lenses of better players is great. Good stuff :) !

@hyperqprime - 27.01.2022 06:24

Dude too many questions

@inkashi4226 - 25.01.2022 04:12

bruv cait is notmoving this does not work past plat

@coasterexplosion4428 - 24.01.2022 09:48

I like this format where we try to guess what to do. It’s satisfying when I’m right lmao

@shuzakku5740 - 23.01.2022 09:58

It's almost like this is exactly what I do, but when your top and mid go 0/10 each, everyone is too fed to do anything. Everyone says this is only 10 percent of your games, yet the last 8 games including both of my promos includes at least two or more laners going 0/7 + deaths. The beauty of silver.
