Are Electric Planes Possible?

Are Electric Planes Possible?

Real Engineering

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Beautiful Music
Beautiful Music - 16.09.2023 19:24

Basically , we cannot get big full size airliners running on electricity , not for a few years yet!

Zohar Sverdlov
Zohar Sverdlov - 08.09.2023 08:24

I understand what you are saying but I don't think you are factoring in the fact that electric motors are significantly more efficient then Ice. so although the battery is heavier, the motors require less power for similar performance not to mention electric powered motors are significantly smaller and lighter, cheaper and simpler then jet engines. regardless I know the amount of energy the battery can hold is still less then the fossil fuel but it does make it seem more realistic when putting it into perspective.

Someoneelse - 07.09.2023 20:48

The answe is still NO, 5 years later, all "promising projects" is now cancelled, including one of NASA's-
You cant base your projects on future improvements of batterys and motors, if they fail, your project fails too.

Nicholas Nerios
Nicholas Nerios - 05.09.2023 16:42

Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Towers, powers electric cars and airplanes.

Kylo Bran
Kylo Bran - 04.08.2023 17:59


13minutestomidnight - 03.08.2023 03:59

Why does the cross-sectional Area that the plane sweeps out include an entire circle instead of only the half below the wings? This is the area of air the wings displaces downwards, so why the full circle, and how do you determine the area of air affected by this displacement?

Well, in any case, it's easy to see why batteries have limited viability in airplanes atm. But that's why the airplane industry should be focusing on R and D to create hydrocarbons for fuel electrically, with captured CO2. If they can manage to improve the efficiency of this process they can create fuel... and this would allow countries around the world to manufacture petrol for cars, meaning they don't need to invest in infrastructure for electric cars or require their populations to buy them (a problem in poor countries where people rely on old vehicles).

Amarilio Alencar
Amarilio Alencar - 20.07.2023 22:21

Depending on how long the electrical wire is, yes.

poopy pants
poopy pants - 17.07.2023 17:21

If solid state batteries become a thing maybe? Toyota's been talking a lot of shit about them but we haven't actually seen anyting mass-produced yet. Hydrogen seems like a genuinely good option for airplanes, though it still has the problem of not coming from Green sources. Very little hydrogen is produced without carbon emissions.

yami39 - 19.06.2023 04:49

imagine charging the batteries as well lol. Planes are always in the sky and not on the ground.

Mohammed Aslam
Mohammed Aslam - 18.06.2023 21:58

The only challenge according to me is electric motor can’t produce that much power or thrust or you can say force to push the flight like engine will do it with its powerful nozzle like rocket

Toxik Ruskov
Toxik Ruskov - 16.06.2023 00:20

Another thing worth pointing out is that the amount/weight of the kerosene decreases as it is being used while a battery pack weighs the same wether it's at 100% or 5 %

Ryan B
Ryan B - 11.06.2023 10:40

Would it be possible for you to do a short update these figures with new battery systems that have been developed in the last 4 years since you produce this video

Bidav211 - 01.06.2023 17:59

What are all these equations? It's not even rocket science but I'm lost

Booty juice
Booty juice - 17.05.2023 21:28

Anything is possible but electric planes will never ever be reliable and efficient enough without fossil fuel plane takes off it weighs less as it burns fuel as we know some planes have to dump fuel if they have an emergency after takeoff so we’ll have to have an electric plane it’s very very light and won’t be able to carry much it rains will not be good electric planes will be in novelty

Hayden Moulds
Hayden Moulds - 30.04.2023 14:13

100kg for passengers and luggage? is there a child piloting?

Wolf - 23.04.2023 02:48

Why don’t they put turbines on the plane? so as the plane flys, the wind will spin the turbines and charge the second battery, while the plane uses the first one.

Dyne's Lair
Dyne's Lair - 20.04.2023 15:49

278WH/KG was cutting edge tech. It's crazy to think 5 years later and CATL has plans to release a 500WH battery specifically targeting the commercial aviation market.

Ronan henderson
Ronan henderson - 09.04.2023 10:56

I am 13 and your vidios are the only way I can understand these complex equations keep up the good work! Thank you!

Syed Nadeemahmed
Syed Nadeemahmed - 06.04.2023 18:09

why electric generators ( once started with electric power can run by their own generated electricity universal shaft and motor running by produced electric ) are not used inside planes instead of heavy weight battery

Yunior Prades
Yunior Prades - 03.04.2023 00:11

There is no more tec than electricity.talking about efficient safety.still need invent tge best way

Samir Raut
Samir Raut - 26.03.2023 08:48

Need to install DC battery plant in the planes !

leexabyz - 20.03.2023 17:06

Saying power increases 8 fold because of that '2' when mass is doubled is incorrect... That 2 is as good as a constant (such as g²)
The mass is multiplied by that 2 before doubling as well.
Doubling mass only increases power required 4 fold.
Surprised to see someone in your shoes make this rather silly mistake

KING KENNY AUDIO - 19.03.2023 20:24

This video is to confusing.... Have you ever heard about layman terms... Stupssssssse

Kamunday Yamba
Kamunday Yamba - 03.03.2023 03:05

Waw as an accountant I really don't understand these equation..hahahaha

Jamil Mustafazade
Jamil Mustafazade - 21.02.2023 15:24

Malicious EMP noises.

spencer thoroughman
spencer thoroughman - 15.02.2023 13:59

Please explain why you use the term fossil fuel.

We drill for oil at 38000 feet
The deepest any fossil has been discovered is at 16000 feet.
Petroleum is not from organic matter.

BunkerBroadcasting - 12.02.2023 19:00


El Ectric
El Ectric - 08.02.2023 00:40

Possible? Yes.
Practical? Not likely for most commercial applications.

Dino Dude
Dino Dude - 06.02.2023 08:41

here’s a short answer
probably yea

Martina Vaslovik
Martina Vaslovik - 01.02.2023 20:08

So batteries are just to heavy to power planes. Got it.

Happy Hands
Happy Hands - 28.01.2023 10:37

Possible.. YES
Practical... Not yet.

Ed-The-Salty-Dog - 27.01.2023 09:09

After reading the title of this video, "Are Electric Planes Possible?" The one thing I could think of to answer that question is yes. If the extension cord is long enough!!!!

Doug Tilley
Doug Tilley - 20.01.2023 23:52

I'm a Tesla fan, no I don't own one, can't afford one, but I can't see an electric plane flying from Sydney to LA .

Menti Capti
Menti Capti - 19.01.2023 21:18

Commenting from the future here, not only are they possible but in the year 2023 we have them. Electric planes are a thing now and many airline companies are buying them for their short haul flights.

Alex Zimmermann
Alex Zimmermann - 16.01.2023 23:48

Yup, batteries won't be powering commercial airliners, long-range semi-trucks, or locomotives any time soon. It'll be hydrogen instead.

peter jort
peter jort - 01.01.2023 17:20

Why are you wasting time with batteries, the mere fact that a Tesla has 1200 lb of batteries, that is six 200 lb people, that itself eliminates batteries for the likes of cars. As of right now, the only realistic replacement for fossil fuel is Hydrogen, seeing as though time is of the essence regarding climate change, we need to stop beating around the bush and get real about H2.

lazynow1 - 30.12.2022 03:44


OURv - 27.12.2022 21:36

I hate flying. Look how many people are stuck on the ground during this great xmas storm 2022.
The trains however, rolled thru that storm no problem at all. How big & heavy will a battery pack
for an airliner need to be? Remember they will have to have 2 for redundancy. How big will e
motors need to be to lift an airliner full of people off the ground? I'm betting HUGE. My dream
come true is that it will not be possible to do & that will re invigorate passenger rail. Maybe then,
we will get high speed rail like all the other civilized counties of the world have. We would ditch
the current diesel loco dragging a bunch of deadweight passenger cars for no loco at all. With all
passenger cars be self e propelled like Bay Area Rapid Transit trains are in the San Francisco Bay
Area. Just think of the time we would save not having to go thru airport security. And think how
enjoyable a train ride would be where we could actually do some sightseeing. Well, at 300 or 500
mph maybe not. Hope - hope - hope...


Mike Klinger
Mike Klinger - 23.12.2022 02:46

Or in a short u could explain that an electric car is 3X the weight of an ICE car. Now imagine that kind of weight comparison that would be in any airliner and the destruction to a runway dealing with that kinda weight jump! Not to mention the extra time on the tarmac waiting to charge! Simple math

Frances vincent
Frances vincent - 04.12.2022 22:07

I do not think electric planes are going to work; because you are putting on passengers and other items like bags of mail and packages; making the plane very heavy

Sara.C - 23.11.2022 10:53

I think a hybrid version would be safer if electrical engine fails there's gas to keep afloat.

Turboy - 20.11.2022 09:43

The answer is nuclear-electric. A small nuclear power plant providing power directly to the electric engines. Crash site cleanup has unique challenges, though, so don't crash it!

Currently, no battery technology even comes close to the energy density of aviation fuels per unit mass.

Saco Cheio
Saco Cheio - 15.11.2022 15:07

Because carbon free aviation is still just a scam

Pat H
Pat H - 13.11.2022 23:54

It doesn’t produce any exhausts, but it took lots of emissions generated by coal or gas to charge its battery. There is nothing even close to the energy density of a gallon of AvGas. And as you fly an aircraft powered by petrol, over time it’s performance gets better because it has burned off the weight of X amount of gallons of AvGas and can now fly higher, to drop its fuel consumption and extend its range. Or catch a better tailwind and increase its groundspeed. With a battery powered aircraft, the performance you took off with is what you get until you land. The altitude you initially climbed to is all you’re going to get. The TAS (true airspeed) you took off with is all you’re going to get for the duration of the flight. Battery’s are performance limiting and utterly inefficient for powering airplanes.

M K - 12.11.2022 18:34

Nope. Physics Energy density says no

Paul Kieran
Paul Kieran - 11.11.2022 12:40

You didn't even mention that an electric propeller plane can't make an equal thrust to a commercial jet. Simply put, there are no electric planes that can travel 500 mph.
