George R.R. Martin's Official Announcement About The Ending Of His Books! (ASOIAF)

George R.R. Martin's Official Announcement About The Ending Of His Books! (ASOIAF)

Talking Thrones

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Havvlen Star
Havvlen Star - 07.06.2023 20:58

Was this tittle a joke 😂😂😂😂

Mr Halloween
Mr Halloween - 16.04.2023 00:41

All I want is for John and Danny to end up together to feed into the fantasy genre. Martin said it is a bitter sweet ending for his books, I want the John and Danny together being the sweet side of that. As much as I love Tyrian, Sansa, Arya, Jamie, and others I understand that they could all be the “bitter” side of the ending. But please Martin…John and Danny can’t end the way they did in the show…I’m still not emotionally recovered from what they did to my Queen and King.

Theresa UzhcaP
Theresa UzhcaP - 22.03.2023 20:33

I don’t like when authors write updates like this. GRRM isn’t the first and I doubt he’ll be the last. I’ve had a few “favorite” authors do this and it’s just ridiculous. Diana Gabaldon also did this and her new book has been out for awhile and I haven’t read it. I don’t know why I just got tired of the whole thing.I’m not at that point with GOT but whenever I see merch or watch a clip I think about how annoying it is. Just once I wish these writers would think about the fans. Keep up the great work on your channel and loved your ending to GOT thanks!

Aaron B
Aaron B - 15.03.2023 23:09

If there’s gonna be a huge debate about which ending is better i’ll cry

Craig Schulze
Craig Schulze - 03.03.2023 19:45

I'm so envious of George RR Martin because I've always wanted to produce a work of art, a publication that was as perfect as Songs of Ice and Fire! It's simply brilliant but has raised the bar so high, making it almost impossible to produce something that is as great as that! I used to think that Lord of the Rings was The GOAT until he created this magnificent piece of work!! What a guy! What a great, imaginative writer he is. He's now definitely my favourite author of all time. Name one author that you think is better? 🤔

Rick Riffel
Rick Riffel - 16.02.2023 04:38

Dear George RR Martin, as a fan of both the books and the TV series, I accepted them the way they are and would not conclude that the series ending is a disaster but a masterpiece instead, some of TV's most powerful and memorable moments. As for the remaining books yet to be published, I have to say this: Don't give me what I want. Give me what you want. True creativity requires a reader's maturity to fully appreciate it.

Real American Negro
Real American Negro - 27.01.2023 03:26

I dont read the books and probably never will but the tv ending annoys me. Puzzles me why he is taking so long. I waa hoping they would one day redo th ending or make a triple a video game with the actora from the show that gives a better ending.

Hardcastle Industries
Hardcastle Industries - 18.01.2023 01:15

I think that the ending that we got could work in the books if all these various fates are built towards properly and telegraphed logically instead of rushed as was the case of the TV show. Except for Arya killing the Night king. No amount of finessing will make that an acceptable outcome.

Laura Gonzalez
Laura Gonzalez - 03.01.2023 19:11

I just wanted him to finish the two last books instead of him making others

Dave - 01.01.2023 09:37

Most likely part of his extended time finishing book 6 is probably due to re-writes from parts of the show being true to the books that he realized really made fans upset and disappointed. Just speculating of course.

No Category
No Category - 21.11.2022 01:24

The best thing he's said about this whole books being delayed is in an interview where he says something like "10 years from now, everyone will talk about how good the books were, not how late they released.

No Category
No Category - 21.11.2022 01:22

I like the fact that george is humble enough to say "some will like the ending of the show".

No Category
No Category - 21.11.2022 01:19

This has to be the best update I've had so far and to be honest, I saw that coming.
What I'm confused about is whether future sequels(not formal yet), take place after the ending of got or asoiaf.
That could be a whole debate knowing that the show will put the future writers so many inevitable rabbit holes.

Mr. Equity
Mr. Equity - 05.11.2022 02:29

I liked the ending of GOT but thats because I corrected it with my own head canon. In my head basically Bran warged to the past and Became Bran the Builder so he could help save humanity from the first long night. Then manipulated all of the events leading up to his coronation, so he could sit the Throne as a Champion for the old gods so that he could protect the last remaining children of the forest. He and John Snow would forge a new pact with the remaining children ushering a new magical era for Westeros. He searches for Droggon so he could warg into the Dragon and enforce this new pact. John becomes the King of the freefolk and preserves the culture of the first men north of the wall.

shellfish355 - 04.11.2022 13:13

To the Garden!

luv musl
luv musl - 02.11.2022 21:57

Imagine a world where authors can interact with fans and mold their stories with input from those fans. GRRM is the first to experience and use this. He saw first hand how fans reacted to his ideas on the show

Luke ET
Luke ET - 02.11.2022 01:07

I'm just just going to say it I've never seen an 8o year old man that fat... He doesn't have long to finish these books

Sommerville - 01.11.2022 16:37

He has a contingency plan incase he dies before its made. He has people that will finish it based on his ideas so we are safe there! We will get this book at some point

David Catherall
David Catherall - 01.11.2022 08:09

hes a man but not the other two things

Benz :p
Benz :p - 31.10.2022 15:51


gloisnog - 21.10.2022 19:19

Just read exactly what he said. You're interpreting. I should've read it myself instead. Useless, misleading video.

A L - 21.10.2022 03:13

I plant a small tree
In hopes that one day it will
See winds of winter

Hdyff Hufyfug
Hdyff Hufyfug - 17.10.2022 04:40

كلشي ما افتهم بالانكليزي ممكن اخد يوضحلي شجاي يحجي باختصار ؟

L T - 15.10.2022 22:11

I don't think the books will have a great ending either. The books are kind of a mess and have to many half fleshed out threads and the story would need more than 2 books imho. I mean in the books Jon snow for example is barley even developed at this point. Plus its clearly not his priority anymore. The show fell apart but in some ways the first seasons were better than the books.

tangeng - 15.10.2022 08:22

He's never going to finish the books.

ArionJoramAeneas - 14.10.2022 08:13

Season 6 - 8 have so bad writing… I’m so excited for the book 😂

Lee Ward
Lee Ward - 12.10.2022 21:51

Just finish the books George.

JihadJow - 12.10.2022 00:33

That lazy f*ck....

Bee BooBop
Bee BooBop - 08.10.2022 12:06

Imagine having such an uncreative brain that you ask “where do you get your ideas”.

The Viking Bear
The Viking Bear - 08.10.2022 01:26

"The book is coming along" is the same response we've had for years now , so this update is a big load of nothingness.

Joe Ferris
Joe Ferris - 07.10.2022 20:22

The I.D.

Fernando Freire
Fernando Freire - 07.10.2022 20:21

I doubt he'll ever finish it

Greenlion781 - 07.10.2022 09:48

Most likely he's at least referring to Barristan Selmay not dying.

Rich B
Rich B - 07.10.2022 05:42

Wait 11 years for Winds of Winter, wait another 11 years for a promise of spring. I think not. Martin is just too full of himself to complete his work in a timely manner.

Wiseguy82 Comics & Cards
Wiseguy82 Comics & Cards - 05.10.2022 08:26

I can't imagine how many people have died waiting for him to finish this.

Tantalus - 05.10.2022 01:26

It's been 11 years, I've forgotten a lot of it by now and I'm not reading 5000+ pages again to read the conclusion without having to go "who? what? where was he at last time? what's going on with this one again?".
I'm done with ASOIAF and I deeply regret wasting my time the first 5 books.

comet kev
comet kev - 02.10.2022 16:13

y'all gotta let the man work. we can't give him more reasons to put time into these explanations. he's 74 years old.

Asher M
Asher M - 01.10.2022 11:17

Some fans will auto-hate??? How dare they? This is Lord of the Pen

Koolikoo - 29.09.2022 19:00

I think the TV-show ruined a lot of twists and turns, and developments that could have worked really well in the books, simply because it spoiled the end result. having a plot or a character evolve naturally towards one of the endings in the show could be really exciting if you don't know where the story is heading, but if you know where it's going I think a lot of the story will just feel like it's trying to justify why it's ending in a certian way. Or at least, the books will feel more like an explanation that an actual story.

Andrew Nealon
Andrew Nealon - 29.09.2022 17:13

Id, like idd. Not I.D.

Palmer Drake
Palmer Drake - 29.09.2022 07:12

Cersei aligns and marries with Young Griff, they have a dragon

LH - 28.09.2022 18:42

Most encouraging update I've heard in years.

JVVAYNE - 28.09.2022 10:20

Glad to see very positive comments here🙌❤️. I get so sick of people bad mouthing George just cause they’re pissed about the next book taking forever. Kinda understandable ig but no need to hate on the man. I only hope he lives many healthy years to come & get his great work finished.

hinney827 - 28.09.2022 03:54

Bro why are you changing words that are right up on the screen? If you're gonna just show screenshots and read the text, read it verbatim. Why are you paraphrasing and restructuring sentences? Changing "but" to "however," and "you all" to "all of you," etc.

Why? Not only are you changing his words, but it's annoying as hell to be reading along and have words/phrases changed by the narrator. It's like you're trying to put your own take on his words. There's no need. Just read what you're presenting. The obvious exception being the typo that you fixed (if to is, iirc).

Daniel Kunkle
Daniel Kunkle - 27.09.2022 19:35

It's been so darmn long. I barely remember half the characters mentioned in the letter. I'm not rereading the books. I'm not even sure I'll read the 6th book at this point. Maybe eventually but I'm in no hurry.

Mark Mauk
Mark Mauk - 27.09.2022 12:24

One fear I have (and it might be morbid) is that GRRM dies before releasing WoW and/or DoS.
George is 74 years old, morbidly obese and I am pretty sure he has gathered a lot of health issues along the way.
I know it sounds pretty selfish to be concerned about someone's health primarily because I want that person to write books I wanna read, but I am just honest.

Jim Ivey
Jim Ivey - 27.09.2022 10:56

The only positive comments I heard about Season 8 came from some of the sycophantic actors.

Alex Stewart
Alex Stewart - 27.09.2022 09:36

Words are wind George. Stop dreaming up mystery boxes and Give us Winds of Winter.
