Real life of 17 year old girl - picking eggplants to sell, attacked by stranger - husband rescues.

Real life of 17 year old girl - picking eggplants to sell, attacked by stranger - husband rescues.

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@oliveteguerino9925 - 28.01.2025 16:01

Mas isso eu já vi 😮

@mariosamouco7901 - 28.01.2025 16:04

❤ beijinhos grandes de Portugal 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹

@kaliman1604 - 28.01.2025 16:21

Почему заявление ненапишите полицию что вас беспокоит этот парень сколько можно терпеть или вам нравиться меры прмите чтобы он отстал от вас

@nurija5649 - 28.01.2025 16:24

Halo wanita pekerja keras dan tangguh semangat menjalani kehidupanmu ❤❤❤❤

@이을승-z8q - 28.01.2025 16:27


@МиланаАндреева-й8ц - 28.01.2025 16:43

Что за мужики пошли, только могут издеваться над женщиной а сами ничего не могут??? Работать не любят, только командовать могут. В этой Стране надо быть женщинам быть сильной и себя защищать от этой гнили.

@JuliaTorres-d1o - 28.01.2025 16:56

Buen dia desen a respetar y si el quire dinro que valla a trabajar y no sea mantenido cuida mucho tu bebe Muchas bendiciones❤❤❤ que viban felisez

@WilmaCastillo-u5g - 28.01.2025 17:08

Porque no hacen caso,con su dinero guardenlo bien compre aparte una cangurera de cintura y para su dinero,llegan a su casa y en una bolsa de plástico en vuelvanlo bien y entierrenlo

@Soghra-p4x - 28.01.2025 17:14

آفرین به این زن که قیرت دارد❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

@user-rn7rs9qj8p - 28.01.2025 17:30

Куйон м н жараш болбосо жанындагы келиндин жигити тынчтык бербейт

@ΑλμαΦσατη - 28.01.2025 17:35


@edredennie8029 - 28.01.2025 17:53

Now that you and young girl is getting to know each other problem dealing with family members it seem to be about the same the young girl who help you in tome of your crisis has a big problem with her weak broke brother and you young girl with a child have a problem with and evil mother-in-law and a some what weak husband but he is getting to realize what mistakes he made in not trusting you and believing in what his evil mom had told him and seeing for himself on different days when he is out finishing a job and comeing back home to see in evil mom in town doing and talking to strangers to do body harm to his wife and child and at least he is there to try to help out and also you get help from another stanger a ceo from town so the is some good feeling that your weak husband is still loving you and protecting you 24/7 the best way he can in time of danger

@ВераМалянова-с7й - 28.01.2025 18:26

Вот нечего непонятно почему этот парень постоянно нападает на них.❤дорогая девочка с ребенком оно тебе надо иди домой и спокойно живи со своей семьей. Ну как ты думаешь они нужны тебе чужие проблемы. У тебя своих хватает. Россия

@anaedelmiraportillonolasco8023 - 28.01.2025 18:33

Megustan mucho tus bideos peronoentiendo nose comotradusirlos aespañol soy de el salbador bendisiones

@edredennie8029 - 28.01.2025 18:37

And when it about the time you go pick up your daughter from school and pay the money for her care at least your husband know his responsibility toward her so he should at least get to hold her and tell her that i will always be there for you and that i still love you so much and that a bond no one should take away from a father and daughter love for each other and as the child grow up she is going to ask her mom why haven't dad come around and do he still live me as his daughter then you have to give a explanation what happens and be trueful about the matter and no matter what the problem was between you both did my dad ask you for givenness toward what mistakes he made and guve him a chance to make it up to u and me or did you just didn't give him a chance and continue to blame him for his mom my grandma evil doing and all parents a child will find out the truth of it all and fine her find her father and ask him then its will still be a strong relationship between father and daughter but things should not be hide from any child they have there of getting the Truth out and since he is still keeping his word of protection and love for you both and now the respect of another person helping you and you helping her of her crisis there should be a better relationship with you and your husband and since the young girl has no family members she can trust she is seeing that your husband really love you and your daughter and the bond is still there and since she never experienced true love from her family members she always gotten a distrusted from them and its abkut money and money not careing about my feelings and how i should be care for and give back some love and respect so now the young girl might be understanding the truth of a strong carekng family members and husband who not given up on his family and will always try to be there to protect everyone

@edredennie8029 - 28.01.2025 19:00

I know the young wife is badly hurt by her husband but he has pay back in so many ways and to ask forgiveness 24/7 and he trying his best to be there when dangerous time come upon you both young lady but it best to not hold bad feelings for someone who really care and love his family and that hatefulness will break up your true love and you cant control a man u have to work it out between the both of you and not let another person get involved in your problems its always say to many people in the kitchen spoil the food so at least give your husband some respect from how many time he help u both out of danger and it not always he will be there but at least he love to come a check on you all and try to see his baby girl is well taken care of and give a helping hand and buying her some milk and paying money on her daycare if you dont get a chance to do it yourself

@MargarettaKohlbrenner-uo6ve - 28.01.2025 20:10

Hide money in your bra or shoes

@Maria-bt9ll - 28.01.2025 20:13

Mujeres , no comprendo ustedes son las víctimas, del familiar ladrón abusivo, 😢y cuando Les ayudan poniendo un poco de temor al ladrón , lo defienden , Alguien tiene que hacer cambios en esos babosos, Que están acostumbrados a lo fácil robar chantajear, amenazar, y entonces chica que fuisteis robada por tu suegra Estabas de acuerdo al robo ., de ella😊 Piensen antes de Actuar , si están en lo correcto,

@Maria-bt9ll - 28.01.2025 20:28

El hermano está sano para robar, para trabajar está enfermo 😂 Él está acostumbrado, a obtener lo que quiere Robando, Y con la hermana es mas fácil y asta la amiga en cuenta le ponen fácil la vida al mal educado , Y adulto de paso sabe lo que hace,

@magdalenamarquez7983 - 28.01.2025 20:47

Hola chicas yo tengo una forma diferente de pensar puedes tener una buena relación con el padre de tu hija y permitir que te ayude con los gastos después de todo tiene obligación pero yo no regresaba con él ahora está cambiando pero pasados los años regresarán a lo mismo y en cuanto al tipo que amenaza y quiere dinero denuncien con la policia sin miedo sean fuertes aunque lo mejor sería irse lejos. Y también permite que este hombre tenga lazos con su hija que no se la llevé porque no sabes que pasé con la mala suegra la puede dañar.

@myriambecerra7866 - 28.01.2025 21:33

Felicidades a las dos jóvenes lindas trabajadoras. Gracias al señor may por hacer que las respete el muchacho que siempre las busca para robar el dinero de sus trabajos. Dios los bendiga y los proteja siempre a todos en familia.

@kimchinguyen6252 - 28.01.2025 21:47

tet khong ve voi chong o voi ban co thang anh nghien xi ke qua la nguy hiem vay ma noi la thoai mai ha nen suy nghi lai

@omayratorres5536 - 28.01.2025 21:49

Porfa traducir en Español gracias

@JarmilaMlkva-ve5uj - 28.01.2025 21:53

Prosím titulky😢

@jacquelinemaubian7899 - 28.01.2025 21:54

Allez dénoncé a la police de cet homme harceleur vous attendiez quoi exactement pour réagir vous êtes des faibles

@emilianaseverino5736 - 28.01.2025 22:09

Ei cara vc e um gigolou ladrão de mulher indefesachama a polícia pra este gigolou

@Puravida345 - 28.01.2025 23:23

No vuelvas con tu esposo porque la madre te va a hacer otra vez la vida imposible y estás mejor con tu amiga,
si regresarías con tu esposo pero que te lleve a vivir a otra ciudad lejos de la malvada de tu suegra, te deseo a tu a tu amiga y a la niña un feliz año muy bendecido y a todos los vietnamitas❤❤🎉

@MariaChávez-e2s - 28.01.2025 23:30

No te bayas con el es mentirosos le aguántate tanto busca el hoto hombre no más con ése hombre no más los Dos están locos no te creía nada pero nada nomás te abrasaba

@elviramartins8862 - 28.01.2025 23:50

Entrega esse Vagabundo
Para pulicia
Se não vai para de pegar teu

@mariechantalmboutchom3002 - 29.01.2025 00:05

Les filles pourquoi ne pas dénoncer ce voyous à la police ??

@melaniebalet8694 - 29.01.2025 00:08

Cred ca totul e o mincina in tote filmele astea ca numai rau arata si nui nimic educativ.

@mariechantalmboutchom3002 - 29.01.2025 00:09

Ma chérie ton mari t'aime bien avec son bébé, dis lui de chercher un autre local dans un autre quartier d'où tu pourrais pas voir sa maman à tes côtés là tu serais tranquille

@Minerva-vr5xn - 29.01.2025 01:41

Hola kerida como esta

@menabrandao142 - 29.01.2025 01:43

Sempre com a mesma roupa

@MariaChávez-e2s - 29.01.2025 03:37

Be y buscá a ése hombre qué te ayudo cuando la loca te golpeó búscalo es Bueno

@MariaLucia-kx3ce - 29.01.2025 04:37


@elviramartins8862 - 29.01.2025 05:47

Coitadinho do teu marido
Tá sofrendo muito.
VC tem que Volta pra casa ❤❤❤❤

@mariaalicebarroso5344 - 29.01.2025 05:50

Vá para sua casa, tome um banho, troque de roupa, pelo amor de Deus. Fique cheirosa e limpa, ame o seu marido, o resto que se exploda. Cuide da filha, mantenha ela limpa. De um ano novo lunar, tome atitude, crie uma personalidade forte, enfrente a sogra de cabeça erguida, se for preciso tacar o pau, taque o pau. Pare com sua covardia se fazendo de coitada, que você mesma arrumou para sua cabeça. Agora não está certo vc com essa menina, não são casal. Volte pra casa e comece o ano novo lunar em sua casa e com seu marido.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Você é tão atrevida, linguaruda, forte com bandido, porque não faz assim vom tua sogra? Me poupe garota. 😮

@chieuthuy5596 - 29.01.2025 08:32

Tết rồi không về nhà ăn tết với chồng. Còn làm mấy trò này thật là nhảm nhí

@trannhungoc8300 - 29.01.2025 16:10

Tet den roi ha khong dua con ve an tet cung Chong neu ha khong ve thi tra con cho Bo no de bo con so an tet cho vui con ha cu o voi o ay co ban di cho

@trannhungoc8300 - 29.01.2025 16:13

Ha khong phai dang vua dau ba gia so mot ha so hai

@MercyDelaCruz-g8m - 29.01.2025 16:39

Wishing you to go back to your home, your in danger. Your husband already know his mistake and he can protect you ang your daughter. Watching from Philippines ❣️❣️❣️

@soniabenitez74 - 29.01.2025 18:47


@PhùngXiênsinglemom - 29.01.2025 19:41


@aidablacioblacio8869 - 04.02.2025 01:52

Mujer de dios vuelve a casa ya esta bien, q le ayas dado una lección a tu pareja , pero es un poco complicado , pero es la madre ,y el hijo y tú cómo tal d berias en tenderete, con ella o a su vez irse mucho más lejos d ella a ver si se le dio un escarmiento a esta mujer , , mejor x lo sano ir se mas lejos d ella , si es q, quieres a tu marido y tú bebé, para q seáis felices , x q el las adora es muy trabajador como tú....!! Se q es difícil pero si queremos ser feliz hay q, luchar y dios nos da esa bendición y te da a ti y a tú pareja y bebé recibe la bendición con umildad un fuerte abrazo te deseo lo mejor de lo mejor ❤😊😊

@edredennie8029 - 05.02.2025 21:43

Now before all the time the wife was going to get vegetables and sale at the farmers market and when she got hurt comeing back home and hurt her ankle and got a ride from the a good police officer in his motorcycle to bring her home the evil mother saw it and and stop her husband from working at home to show him and lie that she was cheating on him and when the husband was in the army and away from home the wife did her everyday getting vegetables to sell and walking a long way to get back home she run to the CEO and he gave her a ride in his car and for her to show her thank you she cook for him and he gave her a gift for the child but the evil mother-in-law saw if different in her mind to tell her son she was cheating on him but everyone always has a different story but the husband didn't ask his wife why there was a person helping her and and by the CEO and his crew gave her a new porch instead of putting dirt in the house and keeping it on there shoes 24/7 this was away to say thank you and for when the CEO protect his friends from her evil mother-in-law to stay she was cheating and wasn't but the evil mother-in-law always got something different to tell her son to break up there relationship and marriage

@ציוןקלימי-ג1ק - 07.02.2025 12:39

מדוע אתן עם מטפחות ראש המסתירות את שעריכן היפה

@ציוןקלימי-ג1ק - 07.02.2025 13:12

את כל כך יפה יכולת להיות מלכת היופי של וויטנאם
בחרת דרך חיים של צניעות ועבודה קשה
מאחלת לך הצלחה בדרכך

@EdreDennie-gi3zc - 07.02.2025 16:15

Karma will never stop as long as you keep given your hard earn cash to a stranger sister bad mad brother and you both don't have any protection and when your husband come you want justice but you still refuse to except his forgiveness but what happened I'd he never turn that corner to come your way and so thar you too were in danger and it could of gotten worse and just think your child in your arms could of fell to the ground and got badly hurt by the sister bad mad brother and how far is the hospital to take care of your child from the pushing back and forward what then will you do beside cry and cry and who fault would that be you can't blame it on your husband he wasn't there yet and to after here you make some noise and for him to come to your rescue but just think if he wasn't there at all who would of help u and you guys and child is in danger??
