MODEL RAILROADING TIPS AND TRICKS from Michaels Arts & Crafts Store

MODEL RAILROADING TIPS AND TRICKS from Michaels Arts & Crafts Store


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@manofthehour6856 - 04.04.2024 05:06

Fantastic job at using ingenuity for model dioramas! I haven't been in Michael's much after they essentially abandoned what few kits, tools, and paints that they carried, but as I have found in other craft stores, sometimes staring at the product shelves can be very inspiring!

@timmytarsh7713 - 04.04.2024 09:02


@user-mc4qr7nt4t - 04.04.2024 10:18

Been meaning to go to Michaels for yrs now always wondering what they would have i could i know..thanks...your ceiling in layout room is really cool too..never seen anything like it

@peterlerro5909 - 04.04.2024 18:22

OK! Looks like someone has the creative juices flowing. Nice job. See you in August in Monroeville!

@danshobbies13 - 04.04.2024 20:19

I use the foam sheets for roads. But I started using just black poster board for roads. Bigger sheet and it’s 99 cents.

@tazironworker6019 - 04.04.2024 22:19


@tonyanderson-ln9gl - 05.04.2024 03:37

The clear Stretch Magic beading cord works extremely well as a fiber optic light conductor, at a fraction of the price. Several diameters are available.

@Wilett614 - 05.04.2024 05:58

Fantastic Coverage and Ideas from "Michaels crafts" I have visited my local store , but have not found many of the items you show here in your video . Perhaps I need to make another visit ,Soon !
Thanks for posting this Video ! Very Helpful Indeed : )

@randycaulkins3644 - 05.04.2024 09:21

Thanks dude. Great possibilities and all in one place.

@Cowboy_Steve - 05.04.2024 17:48

Howdy! Man... what a perfect video on finding some affordable alternatives! We have a Hobby Lobby coming in this spring... looking forward to combing through there as well. This gives me some excellent suggestions on what to look for. Well done and thanks for sharing 🤠

@RealMrTrain - 05.04.2024 18:22

Those are some great tips for making your own model railroad accessories.

@marioramos1472 - 06.04.2024 14:35

i also look at jewelry section for chain necklaces to be used as chains for tie downs for train loads and other uses also the bags of sand in the kids bottle sand art section i get the black and gray

@jameswolf195 - 06.04.2024 18:15

Great post. Thank you. I never knew Michael's had some much stuff.

@robertsiebenrock3997 - 07.04.2024 13:14

Already been there, done that.😅

@Offthbadan - 07.04.2024 20:09

That’s exactly where I got my cork from. It works well. Foam board from Dollar Tree but Michaels looks better.

@markswiatly9613 - 07.04.2024 23:41

Fantastic video. I go to Michaels for some stuff but you've opened my eyes to so much more. Excellent job. Thank you.

@davebnsfnscale4433 - 08.04.2024 01:36

Lot of possibilities

@frankkie3849 - 08.04.2024 05:25

Use this store to get lots of items and make them work..grass is the best example,besides the trees..thanks for sharing,,I also use different types of aquarium plants, get the sale price only..😊

@w.rustylane5650 - 09.04.2024 09:43

I have a ton of lichen growing out back of my house on a hill. Enough to last a lifetime. Cheers from eastern TN

@jamesfitch6431 - 10.04.2024 15:50

Love the video. That's my go to place now that most hobby stores have closed around me

@AlanFricker-u8l - 11.04.2024 04:49

Nice video. Everything you mentioned in it is also very useful for miniature wargaming, suck as WWII Bolt Action scenery.

@alexmanne - 13.04.2024 17:05

Man, great ideas with those faux grass and moss that looks like static grass. I would have never thought about that. I didn't even really know they had some of this stuff there. I've bought wooden dowel rods, wood strips and beads to make G scale code line poles. I used fishing line but I'll look into the elastic wire. Your layout looks great, btw. Thanks.

@carverparrish - 24.04.2024 18:00

Wow thankyou so so much I went to this store in my Area of Ga,and brought the baseball case.and Am.going to put some of my Ho Engines. And some lights with some Road bed.thankyou for this had no idea.about this

@denebutube - 25.04.2024 05:03

You forgot the needlepoint plastic canvases can be cut into strips to simulate iron fencing - black for RR or industrial fencing, light blue or light green for highway guard rail, grey for commercial business, etc...

@stephenporter6005 - 14.05.2024 19:15

Dried tea from tea bags are good for scenery on a industrial layout

@toddpilcher3804 - 26.05.2024 09:19

Go anywhere but Michael's unless you have no other option as they are grossly overpriced! Hobbie Lobby is cheaper and Joann fabric and crafts is even better or Amazon. I was looking for chalk to do weathering and found them at Joanns for half the price Michael's wanted for the exact same set.

@Jared-91 - 13.01.2025 00:28

Great ideas. I'll need to visit mine again. I used those foam mats for my roads and parking lots.

@SDD3204 - 13.01.2025 01:09

Don't forget E6000 glue. Ideal for fixing glazing in rolling stock and fast assembly of card kits too.

@johnpadams8079 - 13.01.2025 05:59

From your video I can deduct that Michael’s in Canada sucks !

@morganfbilbo4659 - 13.01.2025 06:15

Almost all the craft stores can be useful. I must make one comment. It's O scale! O gauge is Lionel. ? Not everyone agrees though. As for most of what you showed though, is mostly O scale. The stuff looks to be too large for HO. And certainly not for N or TT or smaller. But yes, by all means, visit those stores for ideas.

@aj3751 - 13.01.2025 07:30

Wow, that place has everything!

If I could add something: Pastels! I've recently begun to weather my trains using pastel powders. You can sprinkle your cars with the powders and rub them in with paint brushes to give your locomotives or rolling stock a more used look without permanently changing the appearance of your trains. If you don't like something and want to change it, you can! If you do like something, you can buy krylon and seal it so it won't come off. Really fun and easy!

@joesask857 - 13.01.2025 23:06


@grumpy_ken - 15.01.2025 00:11

lots of good ideas! you could actually fit an n-gauge switching layout in the baseball display case. hmmm

@Jsb1967 - 15.01.2025 02:22

I use spray foam for hopper coal loads. If you use spray foam in a strip, let it grow, then mount it to a piece of black cardboard to fit your hopper, it will provide a natural looking load once painted black and the fake coal is glued in place. I'd also add that Dollar General and Dollar Tree have some very useful things: wooden cubes, etc., that can be used for scenery. In Joann fabrics, I've used sewing machine bobbins, to replicate steel/wire coils in gondola cars. I've explored Michaels's before, but this opened my eyes and mind to new possibilities.
Thank You.

@josephschuster1494 - 15.01.2025 16:06

Ideas like this ADD to my fun in building my S gauge layout!
Thank you! 👍

@StoopidFishRacing - 15.01.2025 16:38

temu has those grass mats for just a few dollars...

@rayisland23 - 15.01.2025 23:24

Great ideas, Thank you

@hardluckhenry - 16.01.2025 04:42

How do you keep the clouds clean?

@cpbethlehem6548 - 16.01.2025 21:44

I have been going to Michael's for model rr supplies. I even got a part time then turned into a full time job there.

@tropicalties3806 - 17.01.2025 04:17

This can be the fun oart of the hobby, I used to do this for my Ho layout with dad 😁

@maryjames5655 - 17.01.2025 19:15

We have used a lot of plastic flower pieces. Use modge podge to dull down the shine or use extra fine turf (sparingly). We have removed the fine flowers and place in window boxes, pots and yard decor. Always keep your eyes open for possible uses and share with other modelers.

@Drummerboy67 - 19.01.2025 23:30

Great ideas, thanks for sharing just came across your channel. I do slot cars, HO and 132 scale thinking of adding trains, not sure what size train would be equivalent to HO 164 scale may be N scale trains? and 132 scale slack cars might be close to Ho trains? not sure and scenery. Just subscribed.👍😁🏎️

@Curious_Skeptic - 27.01.2025 13:16

Hobby Lobby! Even dollar general. Omg. I have a giant 'in stock' supply from all these stores. Not giving away all secrets, but let's just say, you are overpaying for most scenery material. A certain major scenery brand has a good 300% markup. Lol. If u dig, u can find the exact items for stupid cheap. Lots of profit in train accessories and scenery if you have a little talent and time. Or a lot of savings. Hobby doesn't need to be stupid expensive.

@thomasryan9639 - 02.02.2025 07:53

A lot of neat stuff! Great videoo, I can see at least 20-25 items that I could use! Maybe I'll start by building a diorama. Thanks for the info.

@nja3224 - 04.02.2025 22:09

New to the hobby, actually returning after half a century, and found a layout that I finally liked enough to proceed with scenery. This video was perfect for me to see and came at the right time. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and ideas, it is just packed with information. I’m looking forward to watching more of your videos.

@kcsthebetterway - 05.02.2025 23:24

Always looking for armatures. I know the feeling 😊

@DonaldVandal - 16.02.2025 00:50

I wish I had a Michaels to go to. Can't believe all the products I could use on my O guage layout. What did you use for insulators on your telephone poles? I bought some a number of years ago that were actual scale insulators but can't find them anyplace.

@DonaldVandal - 16.02.2025 03:52

I find it really hard to vavigate your web site. After clicking on a product, I didn't see any way to go back to the list without going out of the web store then having to start back at the beginning. Did I miss something? How deep are the o scale flats?
