Dark Souls III... 6 Years Later

Dark Souls III... 6 Years Later

Downward Thrust

1 год назад

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@Vman_95 - 02.12.2023 20:15

Recently Played again, bought both DLCs. What a game 🔥

@marklethanarkle - 01.12.2023 04:20

DS3 is still my favorite game of all time. The reason I only have 1000 hrs in it, as opposed to the more than 3000+ hrs I spent in DS1, is the overwhelming number of hackers that destroyed the multiplayer.

@robertblair8146 - 22.11.2023 03:18

Is the term "Flawed Masterpiece" some kind of meme among reviewers or is it just a lack of imagination on the part of said reviewers?

@eligreg99 - 19.11.2023 22:16

My first fromsoft game was ER and I have 2 level 200 characters. I just started DS3 and just beat the abyss watchers on my first try. I did the same with the first two bosses. So far I haven’t had much trouble early compared to when I played DS1, ER and Sekiro

@AG45. - 14.11.2023 13:24

like wow its so great we got to be able to go to the catacombs from firelink shrine
I wonder how many players quit the game because thats were they thought they should go, thinking "everyone says this game is hard so this must be it im quiting".
I almost did, its really not that big a deal that in ds3 you teleport instead of take the elevetor you know im talking about
and everyone seems to ignore the second half of dark souls were you do teleport, and also alot of it just sucks ass

@DoublePlayReacts - 12.11.2023 05:02

I have over 3000 or so hours in Elden ring from my pc and my ps5 between like 80 characters truly the biggest of all masterpieces and that’s why it’s soooo hard to go back to Dark Souls the series because elden ring is so refined and perfect the formula is compared to the older games quality of life and mechanics the older games are amazing just not on the level of Elden ring I feel spoiled because I would die on the hill that ds3 was the best game ever back in the day but now it’s hard to open any of them and play

@adeptusmechanicus1029 - 11.11.2023 04:01

Miyazaki is a true genius.

@makia3 - 09.11.2023 06:18

I’ve played 400 hours of ER and I consider the bosses the best in the series and better than ds3.

@mainh.d7386 - 09.11.2023 00:25

U pronounce a lot of names differently

@gnielsen07 - 03.11.2023 21:27

Pontiff taught be to git gud. Died to him over 50 times, have loved souls games ever since beating him

@dj_koen1265 - 02.11.2023 22:28

What I didn’t like about ds3 and what made me drop the game was

That I didn’t like the first area, the linearity and how visually dull the game looked

I didn’t like how the tutorial boss looked and his sudden difficulty spike when I wasn’t even immersed into the game yet

and how user unfriendly bow and arrows were to use

I never gotten past the first area because i got bored and annoyed rather than intrigued

@DCode99 - 23.10.2023 05:43

Doing my first play through and the only thing I hate are mage bosses

@LordOfLightningSkies - 18.10.2023 11:53

Who da heck is OceirEEos?

@allanprodrigues - 16.10.2023 03:34

Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2 were slower-paced games. That's why when we played Elden Ring and Sekiro, we got better at DS3. We just started playing DS3 the way the developers intended (a more agressive, faster playstyle.)
I'll always remember the bosses that used to whoop my ass on the game, that's for sure. Now it's just a walk in the park.

@amiga4ever - 07.10.2023 20:20

Ive finished Elden Ring and now playing again DS3..and...I love it more than never before! Wow im soo hyped to beat it again (after 6 yrs I bateley remember anything)

@rogofos - 07.10.2023 09:35

dark souls 3 feels almost designed for an sl1 challenge
a suspicious amount of things can be barely wielded by an sl1 character (such as power within - a powerful late game spell that for some reason only requires 10 int and 10 faith)
and a suspicious amount of attacks will barely not oneshot an sl1 character (if you use Lloyds shield ring, the dancer will literally only have one attack that can oneshot you - the grapple)

@CharlieKellyEsq - 05.10.2023 20:22

Dark souls 3 is easily the most polished and best experience of any souls game; due to it's linearity. It isnt even close really. The upgrade materials are locked behind difficult challenges, and the guidance towards the player is so incredibly well done.
It's the only souls game that was neither too easy or too frustrating throughout the entire playthrough.

@benre - 03.10.2023 23:01

my favourite dark souls game!

@_yllw6155 - 03.10.2023 19:33

DS3 is the best in the series and imo, one of the best games of all time. Fight me. Who cares that it's linear? the game performance, story, items, fights, quest lines, and dlc all make up for it. I always feel like the criticisms of this game are unfairly specific to DS3. Gimmick fights? They're in every souls game. Poison swamps? Again, a souls tradition. This game is a masterpiece unlike any other

@roosyie7965 - 21.09.2023 08:30

Did you use a mod for the shading and colour? And if so, which mod? The colour of the footage is super crisp I love it.

@calvin624 - 10.09.2023 11:57

It's heavily implied that Farron Swamp is Oolacile, or the Dark Root Garden from the first game, so it makes sense for there to be an abundance of trees.

@AviationAvgeek132 - 01.09.2023 17:48

Only souls like game I've done new game plus on

@84rinne_moo - 31.08.2023 01:33

Having just finished playing this game only recently it’s absolutely WILD to hear how people dogged on it when it first came out! Can’t believe that man. Great video!!

@PutitinDaramen - 28.08.2023 11:44

im having a rough go of it with this game. chose to do a sorcerer run.

I feel horribly underpowered. Have not really been enjoying it. I just dont feel like the game was made for how im playing it; bosses dont have windows for spell casting, they have windows for a sword swipes. got the moonlight greatsword but i still cant get over how horribly the game played for a spellcaster.

@shawnmarcum8078 - 27.08.2023 08:09

Ds3 is balanced but has an issue with replayablity in terms of where you want to go. Ds1 and ER have the issue of weird difficulty spikes, but you have so many more routes to go towards. It's realky a preference and neither design choice is wrong.

@Count_Meowza - 24.08.2023 15:35

I happen to like every gimmick fight that I've played in the soul series. Including the bed of chaos. I feel like it's a breath of fresh air in between your usual boss and it's definitely nice to have to use your brain a little bit.

@gusiguess2974 - 20.08.2023 15:12

I think dark souls 1 is the same in that you have to do most areas, you can just somewhat decide when. A couple are optional, but that's it. It`s really not so different than DS3 and I think with DS3's way better difficulty curve, slightly less picking and choosing when to do what is worth it

Also linking the flame is only one ending and I think extinguishing it is better and is what this tired world points you towards, so the painted and "real" world are parallels, not foils

@jonesygrets6029 - 19.08.2023 16:03

I like all fromsoft games
I like them all for different reasons

@dillonbflexn - 11.08.2023 18:24

Man waited for patches and build guides to align 😂😂😂😂

@Jackacake-rs5jz - 08.08.2023 20:59

I personally found DS3 more challenging than DS1. I did almost all bosses on my first go in DS1 and that generally wasn't the case for me in DS3, and there is some cheap gank moments that you'd expect to see in DS2 that make an appearance as well

@RaulBetancourtC - 08.08.2023 13:36

You critique stamina and weight load being tied to different stats and claim fashion souls is dead because of it, which it is not, yet you said the opposite in your Dark Souls 2 review. There you complimented it and critiqued Dark Souls for uniting the stats into one.

@joshuacoomer4955 - 06.08.2023 06:35

so I own all of them but the third one at least the og editions like i just replayed demons souls on the ps3 and was wanting the third dark souls because honestly it looks fucking amazing honestly and being able to move while using a flask def has advantages to me and playstyle. however just bought elden ring on pc and am hoping i like that as well idk i have heard that multiplayer aspects can be toxic but idk yet lol. thanks for your take on DS3

@randomnobody9229 - 04.08.2023 18:19

Can you idiots stop comparing Elden Ring to DS3. They arent even in the same category, stop circle jerking yourselves on having the better subjective opinion. Youre just a bunch of nerds and it shows, chill.

@aliscripture9334 - 04.08.2023 12:24

Dark Souls 3 definitely has the best overall boss quality, but the world could use a bit more colour. These games offer more than good bosses. Good bosses shouldn’t define the game. The world and combat should because that’s where most time is spent 🤷🏽‍♂️

@aliscripture9334 - 04.08.2023 12:17

Dark Souls 3 is a spectacular linear experience but I always prefer vast and open worlds. I feel dark souls always should have been more open because it’s a “world. BloodBorne focuses on the city of Yharnam and its outskirts so it suits the linear structure more in my opinion. DS3 is my favourite after after Elden ring and BloodBorne, and the world is definitely realised but I can’t help but feel like the world could have been connected better. I mean how is Irithyl right below anor londo when there is no sight of Irithyl in DS1??? Also, why can’t we see Sen’s fortress in DS3??…

@jonathanpretty5031 - 02.08.2023 09:34

Eh, all the Souls games are great.

@captainbeefster - 01.08.2023 07:45

One of my biggest problems with Elden Ring is the bosses aren’t that fun to fight anymore. Dark Souls 3 achieved perfection in my eyes with that style of combat. The attacks are well telegraphed and have ample recovery time for you to attack or heal, and if you make a mistake they generally aren’t terribly damaging. All the bosses in DS3 (apart from the bad 3) feel like fun back-and-forth duels that are intensely rewarding. Compare that with Elden Ring’s bosses that seem to have endless combos, very little recovery time, can jump away or instantly start another attack based on animation reading, and by the end of the game will kill you in one or two hits if you don’t obsessively level vigor.

@dr.athariqbal5487 - 30.07.2023 12:04

Good lord the graphics are so much better on the PC

@DesusChristus - 28.07.2023 14:01

6 years later and its still 60 bucks on steam

@OnePolishMoFo - 13.07.2023 21:31

The linearity of this game is probably it's greatest asset. The progression feels so damn good. Because the developers generally knew how powerful you'd be upon entering a new level the challenge/rewards always felt appropriate. DS3 is just awesome. There's not a whole lot I can point out that's wrong with it. Probably the worst thing is it's color pallet. Yuck! Immediately upon seeing your footage I was wondering why it looked so damn good. Lol

@jb1169 - 04.07.2023 18:01

Coming back to ds3 and Bloodborne I can say with confidence they’re much better than Elden ring.

@thedarkbrotherhood.7248 - 24.06.2023 20:35

i think ds2 better

@meqdadfn - 18.06.2023 17:22

Good points. What’s the reshade preset you’re using in video?

@thacryinggame - 12.06.2023 13:06

You dont understand what elden ring was attempting to do. It was attempting to be better than skyrim. From what I hear, it succeeded. Just saying thats all.

@BookieBrewster - 10.06.2023 02:58

This game is perfect. Just as good as dark souls 1 if not better in some ways

@stevelaskey4300 - 06.06.2023 07:12

Elden ring is fair ds3 is git gud

@adamsummers8735 - 29.05.2023 04:31

This mofo is the dark souls professor
