Origins of the Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia Divide | Tripartite Division of Oceania

Origins of the Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia Divide | Tripartite Division of Oceania


2 года назад

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Man named Sue
Man named Sue - 12.09.2023 19:30

Melanesians are primitive but Papua New Guinea was one of the first places in the world to start farming and agriculture. This was on the other side of the world away from the cradle of civilisation. 😂

Pacific Islanders evolved away from the cradle of civilisation. And we did a bloody good job. We had art, different languages, tribes, politics and our own form of democracy and regularly traded with each other.

If colonisation didn’t happen? We were at the door front of the mental age. This is away from the cradle of civilisation.

The cradle of civilisation made it easier for Europe to advance because of your trading routes. Where you could trade ideas, construction, tools and most importantly knowledge!

Call us savages. Savage Deeznuts lad. At least we didn’t shit where we ate and brought about the black plague. I know my history.

Tavioka - 04.09.2023 19:23

Im Micronesian with Melanesian & Polynesian ancestry.

Fasiapule kaufusi
Fasiapule kaufusi - 03.09.2023 23:15

I am Polynesian

BobbyBoyo - 03.09.2023 01:23

Don’t let this video fool you. This is how Europeans think. Nesians are really cool with each other

Steven Smith
Steven Smith - 01.09.2023 13:55

Torres Strait islanders looked down on australian Aborigines as inferior because they didn't plant crops or have any agriculture.

Kory Tideman
Kory Tideman - 01.09.2023 00:41

Ignorance fosters arrogance. There are no "primitive" humans, but there are humans that live in "primitive" circumstances. Humans make the situations work.. All humans have moral values, stories, and adaptability.

lv Hao
lv Hao - 28.08.2023 22:02 is this not de-monetized?

Simone Schultz
Simone Schultz - 27.08.2023 05:59

The history of immigration of Pacific Islanders has more to do with where the immigrants came from originally. For example Fiji snd Papuan New Guinea are Melanesian or dark skinned Pacific Islands. Whereas Places like Tahiti have oriental or Polynesian skinned peoples. Their traditions are similar from the Cook Islands to Tuvalu and even Hawaii. Some dialects have similar words. We’ve traveled extensively in Fiji over the last 2 decades. It’s rich traditions and intact village way of life is dramatically different than say Hawaii. The Ratu or Chiefs still head each village and represent their villages in parliament. Vastly different than the disgusting way Queen Liliuokalani was deposed jailed and every possession sold at auction. It was savage. A very sad history indeed. 😔

Levi - 26.08.2023 09:17

One Love from Aboriginal Australia we been down here for a long time and witnessed the changes over thousands of years, a lot of culture is lost due to colonisation but it is still practiced in a lot of areas. We are all Cousins

ELRAY - 25.08.2023 02:06


Mina the fiddler
Mina the fiddler - 23.08.2023 23:53

Maybe you could ask someone who speaks French to help you with pronounciations for your next video... ;)

Lord von Manor
Lord von Manor - 21.08.2023 22:39

Ummm, you are somewhat correct.
Negerji Tabahan was one region and one race of Nwords
Therefore indo-china were multiracials of color "Blacks" yet the Nword king of Mohren lived in Bali kr Java.
This royal family of Negroes also ruled over the entire Mohrlandt (East Indies, West Indies, indien Oceanic, as well as Abyssinia, Egypt, and Eastern Afrika.
Nwords come in all colors including Albinos "Whites".
Thats why there was once Indo-China, Indo-Europe, Indo-Afrika, and Indo-Amerikas.
There was no race until King Race demanded people be split up by colour.
Prior to that whites were called Witte Nword

Thomas Patrick
Thomas Patrick - 20.08.2023 06:49

Kai Viti ! 🇫🇯

Phillip Lyn
Phillip Lyn - 19.08.2023 20:00

Loving this one thanks for sharing very information blessed love to all knowledge is power hopefully everyone pays attention keep up the good work 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲

Mel Aroha
Mel Aroha - 19.08.2023 12:01

another video that says polynesians are from east Asia. it has been proven by modern historians that Polynesian came from south America, many groups from there traveled down to the pacific Islands, other groups later on traveled on to south east Asia.

Mel Aroha
Mel Aroha - 19.08.2023 11:55

Polynesians are dark to brownish color not yellow.

Paul Maoate
Paul Maoate - 18.08.2023 17:34

The festival of the Pacific Arts reminds us there are no boundaries boundaries in the Pacific Ocean, Kia Orana from the Islands

Albert Torot
Albert Torot - 18.08.2023 05:32

Papua New Guinean here. Proud Melanesian. 🙌🏾

Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes - 17.08.2023 00:48

Polynesians have good people and bad people, Micronesians have good people and bad people, Blacks have good people and bad people, Whites have good people and bad people. We all need to focus on the content of a person's character rather than the color of their skin.

Kahekilinuiʻahumanu - 16.08.2023 09:03

Kanaka Maoli🤙🏾🤎

Kahekilinuiʻahumanu - 16.08.2023 08:56

You are a very smart man we were all the same people but segregation by Europeans made us separate. But idk bout the yellow skin race. Hawaiians were dark skin like melanesians. Nothing yellow skin at all a lot of Polynesians were brown skin.

John Martin
John Martin - 15.08.2023 08:10

We are proud Pacific Islanders until some western racist popped up and start categorizing the islands based on what they believe... which is absolutely BS. Now they really make us come together to celebrate world's largest indigenous cultural unity ever. Great job PulanSpeaks, keep it coming Dangkulu na Si Yu'us Ma'asi.

Dustin Vinas
Dustin Vinas - 15.08.2023 02:09

Did Melanesian’s come from Africa?

Damian Marino
Damian Marino - 13.08.2023 23:54


Guaiya Xs
Guaiya Xs - 13.08.2023 19:45

Melanesia is the mother land of all pasifika.. that's where we first left our homes long ago for the open sky above the horizon! There's no 3 region but pasifika wave sailors that let home for the stars

Tom Rowe
Tom Rowe - 13.08.2023 11:53

Excellent video. So many ethnic/racial/cultural labels are imposed by outsiders (generally Europeans) and do not reflect how people on the ground understood themselves and their relationships to other groups at the time.

ted n
ted n - 12.08.2023 22:28

Micronesia is the area with very little written up online. Yet it has these fascinating traces of advanced ancient civilization like Nan madol. Wish there was more written on this area. Polynesia because of its remoteness and beauty gets a lot of publicity and as a result seems less remote to me ironically.

Semisi Sauqaqa
Semisi Sauqaqa - 09.08.2023 22:45

where did you get your info on yellow race being more civilised then the black (melanesia) and melanesians were unable to form nations ? why would you even promote that racial THEORY(not proven). Im Fijian, and a reason why whites had a hard time conquering us because we werent exactly friendly to outsiders other then other islanders. Your promoting the European theory and agenda , and you being not an authentic islander yourself only takes away more from your credibility. Let us islanders speak for our selves, because we wont tell you our story from the point of view from someone from some where else, cause that wouldnt make sense now would it. Your whole message here only showed how weird you are.

Felicie Lomas
Felicie Lomas - 09.08.2023 10:09

Melanisia is mother to Polynesian and Micronesia don't know where you are bringing your BS from.

Sethson Kari
Sethson Kari - 04.08.2023 07:18

New Zealand is not Polynesia

Loudque - 04.08.2023 06:47

I'm happy knowing my people are all close to each other and get along with each other ❤

François - 04.08.2023 05:49

The inferiority/superiority perception based on skin color was not based on skin color in reality, but by lifestyle. Melanesians seemed "inferior" to the europeans because they lived a free lifestyle where they are not ruled by a sovereign power and instead ruled by chiefs who are appointed by the tribe, and weren't as venturesome as the Polynesians which resulted in them only ever really staying where they are. Polynesians seemed "Superior" because they lived a lifestyle of order. They had hereditary roles rather than appointed roles like the melanesians. Warriors were only warriors by blood, and chiefs were only chiefs by blood. This system kept order in their societies, so they were able to become more organized due to a higher sense of unity. Polynesians are homogenous, and their languages are all very very similar while the melanesians had hundreds of languages where no one sounded like the other, so there was more chaos among melanesians and less unity. One thing melanesians lacked that the Polynesians possessed was a huge sense of pride, which drove them to become absolutely fearless of the ocean and able to navigate confidently through vast distances. Melanesians kept to their land, hence why melanesians dwelled on islands bigger than the polynesians and micronesians.

In conclusion, the superiority complex of the islanders were not due to genetics, or skin color, but more on the lifestyle and societal structure of certain islands. We are all human, we all have a brain and it only depends on how we used it.

Jason Brynn
Jason Brynn - 02.08.2023 23:37

The easter island heads looked Caucasian

jon jon
jon jon - 02.08.2023 14:06

But having Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia makes sense, as they are different yet share some similarities. Melanesian's and Polynesians even battled one another in ancient times.

Matthew - 31.07.2023 15:32

Based on the comments section in this video, I'd say the white man was successful in creating division amongst black and brown people thay have more in common than they have differences...

loolfactorie - 30.07.2023 19:56

Mixed Maori, Indian, Chinese and English here - racial/ethnic distinctions are not too incorrect, given modern DNA analysis has cemented the long held theory of Hawaiin's colonising Tonga, Samoa, the Cook Islands and Tahiti and eventually New Zealand (among a few others). I wouldn't say 'we are all the same' because Australian aborigines were isolated for some 40 thousand years almost.
This is a very charged video on the evils of European colonisation, but it ignores the modern found science with DNA and archaeological analysis. There is a new way to look at these things, without constant anger and aggression to the past.

Thormidth Agahast
Thormidth Agahast - 30.07.2023 00:59

Sure. The native Hawaiians are basically the same as the aborigines.

philalethistry - 30.07.2023 00:34

If the division of Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia is racist, is there another, nonracist term for these areas (or this area combined) that should be used instead? Or is the only term for them "the Pacific Islands?"

Thank you for making this video, very valuable information.

NGIA Gee - 30.07.2023 00:27

We are Pacific Islanders and that matters more to us.

Stephanie Martoccio
Stephanie Martoccio - 28.07.2023 08:06

Proud to be part Melanesian❤

J.R - 26.07.2023 01:02

There only ONE race in the World THE HUMAN RACE & we all go back to One Woman & One Man !!!!!

🙏 E Te Atua
Homai Kia Matou
Tou Maramatanga
Tou Rangimarie
Tou Kaha me Tou Aroha
Mo Tenei Ra

🙏 A M E N E 🙏

phee - 25.07.2023 21:31

Is Australian aboriginals Austronesian

Nunya Biznes
Nunya Biznes - 20.07.2023 16:42

I just call them all Austronesians LOL

John John
John John - 20.07.2023 05:35

It's crazy when they said they first discovered the islands but islanders are already on the islands😂 😂😅

Deep Verma
Deep Verma - 19.07.2023 20:13

Not black, negro, colored. I'm a Fijian how hard is that? Human beings are not crayons Sir. There is 1 race the Human race separated by nationalities Who R U?

MFBOOM888 - 18.07.2023 04:49

Samoans are the original navigators who taught all islands how to build canoes and navigate the seas using only the stars. They were nicknamed by early french settlers as "The Navigator Islands" for a reason.

MFBOOM888 - 18.07.2023 04:27

Samoans were known by early french settlers as "The Island of the Navigators" or "The Navigator Islands" for a reason. We gifted Fiji and the rest of Polynesia with the knowledge of canoes and naval navigation 💯💯💯

MFBOOM888 - 18.07.2023 04:25

New Zealand Māori were only recently considered polynesian like only a few years ago. The Polynesians of old were the cluster of islands in the north eastern region. Samoa was nicknamed by early french settlers as "the island of the Navigators" as they were the original navigators of Polynesia. Theyre also said to be the motherland of all neighbouring islands as it's right in the middle of Polynesia. Sāmoa literally translates to "the sacred centre" and has the oldest language in the Pacific. All this points to Samoans being the original master navigators this is all fact.
