How It's Made: Leica M Camera by Surface Magazine

How It's Made: Leica M Camera by Surface Magazine

Leica Store Singapore

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Max Bashyrov
Max Bashyrov - 27.02.2023 15:35

still not clear why it has such a crazy price.

X D - 10.11.2022 10:04

라이카 딱지가 가끔 삐딱한게 저런이유였군

Jirka Dolezal
Jirka Dolezal - 09.10.2021 23:10


Y. C.
Y. C. - 11.08.2021 12:54

Amazing !!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Mike Floyd
Mike Floyd - 10.07.2021 17:30

I’m finally going to get one this year.

Shademan Irvanipour
Shademan Irvanipour - 30.05.2021 12:07


Shademan Irvanipour
Shademan Irvanipour - 02.05.2021 12:02


Gailan Haji
Gailan Haji - 29.01.2021 00:24

this is my dream camera

Cameras & Watches
Cameras & Watches - 05.10.2020 08:08

Although I will probaly never buy a Leica, I appreciate the fact, that great cameras are still being built in Europe, considering the rich European photographic culture...

Oldfogey - 04.10.2020 06:03

What an amazing’s like being onboard the Starship Enterprise...

NZ NordicZen
NZ NordicZen - 07.09.2020 17:14

This is art! Amazing!
Joyn my instagram ( js.foto87 ) and follow my jurney🙏🏻🙂

llr3zall - 13.08.2020 20:46

Yet the leica m9 had so many issues! I hope that the m10 series proves to be a better investment and not have its sensors ruined in the future...

Guy in the Eames Lounge Chair
Guy in the Eames Lounge Chair - 20.07.2020 18:27

is it not true that most of the time / labor spent making the camera is actually in Portugal;?

Cristian Marius Balaceanu
Cristian Marius Balaceanu - 08.06.2020 15:50

I'm Romanian pelicula photographer and I my desire is like Stefan Daniel to contact me :) He is a Romanian :)

Marc O. Loerke
Marc O. Loerke - 27.03.2020 15:05

That´s my Beach....

Andrew D Turton
Andrew D Turton - 27.02.2020 13:03

All these “how it’s made” videos wether it’s a car, camera or whatever, are really just showing how stuffs assembled rather than actually ‘made’ ?

احمد الكواز
احمد الكواز - 17.02.2020 15:19

Lieca. Mother.. Nakon sester..

Robin J.
Robin J. - 16.01.2020 01:06

This was only showing the stupid "digital image capture" version!
Not the REAL leica!

frankthespank - 31.12.2019 06:41

Yeahhhhh so much care into the bodies..... whoops, 5 years later and new technology is out that blows these dumb little piece of jewelry cameras away, LMAO This is why Germany doesn’t have a space program and just makes mechanical things instead of microchip things. Those camera bodies are very nice pieces of jewelry and 10 years from now they’ll look nice in a display case when everyone has 100 megapixels and 0.0 zoom lenses in their smart phones. Don’t think so? Check out the iPhone 11 Pro’s camera.

TJ Manou
TJ Manou - 21.12.2019 09:52

I used canon system for 10 years then switched to Fuji GFX mid format system for 5 years. Wanted a small travel camera but high quality. Couldn't justify the value for Fuji Xpro 3. Went to the store and got Leica M10-R instead. And must say im BLOWN AWAY. i always thought of Leica as an overpriced brand with results just like many good cameras produce which also can be achieved in post production. Boy was I wrong! The images are absolutely stunning. BUT you have to know what a good image is to appreciate it to be honest. Many think more megapixels = better image. That's how we are being sold to. You need to look at colors, tone transitions, micro-contrast, dimensional aspect etc. This is as close as you can get to film. No more pixelated harsh looking "dead" images for me. THANK YOU LEICA ;)

Gewglesux - 16.12.2019 07:18

I hope my Q2 is made like this.

Anders A
Anders A - 13.12.2019 14:13

Hi Leica! Very nice video, but you need some plants in your factory. It will help to clean the air too. Peace Lily is a good example.

emersonleon85 - 26.11.2019 10:34

Ha! One lens 🙄 that’s for wankers! My phone has 3 cameras!!!

Prasojo Wahyu
Prasojo Wahyu - 03.04.2019 15:08

Leica is Love

temporal0044 - 11.03.2019 21:41

Fujifilm X100F. 1300 euv.

2WD - 05.02.2019 18:49

Just bought an M6, so I say this unbiased.. a camera doesn’t make a photographer.. his or her ideas for the camera make a photographer. You can’t just be handed a Leica and expect to be the next famous artist... I can take photos just as good on my iPhone because I know LIGHT, COMPOSITION, DEPTH, AND HOW TO EDIT LIKE A MF... a camera didn’t teach me that. My brain did.

Still gonna use and flex my Leica tho

joy-joy 18
joy-joy 18 - 17.01.2019 13:04

I wish i have one

joy-joy 18
joy-joy 18 - 17.01.2019 13:03

Ohhh so in love😍

Jeremy Jo
Jeremy Jo - 17.12.2018 02:17

The M camera is a work of art in itself.

TrustInSezu - 14.12.2018 22:48

I just came here because its 420

Jaco van Lith
Jaco van Lith - 05.11.2018 19:33

The needs of the photographer.....
What kind of NEEDS ?

WHICH photographer ?

Where is the entrance to Leitz.
Who is the door keeper of Leitz.
Who at Leitz works will listen to me.
If necessary, kann ich auch deutsch sprechen
Since 1965 we are working with Leitz cameras, optics, enlargers and slideprojectors.
I have haver never met anybody of the Leitz works.
Waiting for over fifty years.

Onur Arslan
Onur Arslan - 23.10.2018 13:50


Erhan Erbelger
Erhan Erbelger - 15.10.2018 16:33

Touch screen on m10p ☹️ whole philosphy has gone..

Oliver Hilton
Oliver Hilton - 15.10.2018 01:03

Jokes on them now I know how to make a beautiful piece of German engineering in my shed see you all in 3 years

jim jam
jim jam - 10.10.2018 20:40

Leica is incredibly overrated

Pierre Blanchette
Pierre Blanchette - 07.10.2018 01:06

This video is as beautifull as the products they make.

Mad Mike
Mad Mike - 03.10.2018 15:47

best of the best.. nothing can beat a Leica

Horatiu Eduard
Horatiu Eduard - 29.09.2018 05:08

No gloves. Interesting.

atomikmaster1 - 24.09.2018 19:34

Only as good as the image maker.

George K.
George K. - 20.09.2018 00:24

Overpriced german product.

Ian Board
Ian Board - 26.08.2018 03:17

Have you noticed how much more you have to pay for real quality? Other things I've bought in the past - things that I just liked watches, fountain pens, etc....- have gone way up. I have a rolex watch that I can get 10x used what I paid for it new. Things are getting "crapified" - companies are trying to extract every last penny from you, while trying to drive costs down as far as they can. They're pretending that you are getting the same thing that you did in the past. Case in point: a 'little red wagon' I bought for one of my kids. Same thing my parents bought 35 years ago? Then: rubber wheels, steel construction. Now: blow molded polyethylene wheels, plastic construction. I got rid of a 1985 mercedes I owned last year - 360,000 miles on original engine and tranny. The mercedes's of the 2010's are not even close in durability. Manufacturers hope you won't notice this. They want to coast on their reputation.
Thing is folks, if you want real, honest-to-God quality, you're going to have to pay through the wazoo for it.

Nikhil Chandra
Nikhil Chandra - 10.08.2018 01:01

this is just beautiful.

GaryLinekersSpareRoom - 04.07.2018 13:51

Loveleh, simply loveleh!
