5 Important tips to Improve your architecture drawing.

5 Important tips to Improve your architecture drawing.

Tyler Edlin

4 года назад

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@Shka_maru - 13.06.2020 07:12

Yes, more architecture please. Especially going from basic front view design to 3d. That's always so interesting and you really only see that in the FZD School of Design alumni pics.

@DSBpegasus - 14.06.2020 08:30

this video is so full of important information that I feel full every 30 seconds and I must stop to process hahaha
i love it <3
really a master class
You Sir got a new fan :3

@aesketches - 16.06.2020 10:32

Thank you! This is helpful. Subscribed!

@Arifu54 - 17.06.2020 08:57

Great! Thank you

@letmetranslate4249 - 20.06.2020 12:27

More of this

@jesseoleary9670 - 21.06.2020 23:35

Awesome video. Very informative and easy to watch. Thanks for your amazing input!

@juna8923 - 26.08.2020 23:31

Really good content. Thank you

@josephgamelin9739 - 05.10.2020 04:07

Just, .... WOW!!!!!! Thank you Mr. Edlin.

@carolso6009 - 30.10.2020 02:55

You break down these concepts in a way that’s super easy to grasp and makes the process less intimidating!

@jsteo9205 - 22.11.2020 12:39

Wao, amazing sir. Thanks a lot

@hypedbagkid962 - 22.12.2020 13:08

I've always been scared to even start backgrounds and structures but this has really inspired me! I hope to start my journey asap and thank you so much!!!!

@devvvdzinez568 - 15.01.2021 00:25

I love your art Tyler, you have made my day with your nuggets of wisdom.

@rudyadnan1445 - 19.01.2021 05:53

You are great artist 👍👍👍

@aSillywizard - 29.03.2021 19:34

thank you so much for the viedo

@charlesbanzai - 02.06.2021 00:33

Awesome content!

@DragmoraProductions - 24.12.2021 10:12

Great video.

@WAGYUUU_ - 02.03.2022 09:26

Im currently learning the drawing fundamentals and this is a topic I wanted to approach but didn't know how. Thank you so much!!!

@andrewagom3385 - 25.03.2022 13:30


@jrock5150 - 26.03.2022 03:34

I'm sorry but you didn't go over the one style for which I clicked on this video. The skinny bottom, stylized, fairy tale, witch house looking thing on the click tab.

@Gabriel-ServantOfAllah - 26.03.2022 23:37

Thanks for the vid, you talked of some concepts i already had in mind from some conferences i was in but now i have it refresehd in mind again whie working in a project

@Just_A_Simple_Time_Traveller - 27.03.2022 01:05


@selfiestick1589 - 28.03.2022 01:16

This is probably the best video on how to draw/study drawing arquitecture omg

@ConnorGrail - 28.03.2022 21:23

Im a simple man, I see Ni No Kuni collectables on the shelf, I know to pay attention

@Sally6861 - 29.03.2022 13:36

This was in suggested and I’m not an architect nor am I familiar with drawing buildings yet this is suuuper fascinating

@Designer-Makeeva - 29.03.2022 19:18

Ооо как это прекрасно архитектора 😋👍😻

@sleepysorceressnii - 29.03.2022 21:42

I always panic before I even start drawing a building. These tips help. I will try again :) Thank you

@droidigan - 30.03.2022 14:12

I have a question! Imagine you're composing a whole map layout, how would you go about it? How do you make a a city with buildings that stand out, but also blend in? How do you deal with the clutter, but also draw the eyes to certain points? How do you even begin with any of it?!

@TheVideoClubeTheBEST - 30.03.2022 23:02

What are some good resources to find inspiration for architeture?

@Devon_maloy - 01.04.2022 11:53

I fiend for architecture tips!

@Devon_maloy - 01.04.2022 12:04

I’d like to see you use analog sources and then execute all this on paper in a medium sketchbook, including some show pieces.

@goblinkingofpotatoes5823 - 01.04.2022 15:43

How did I only just now find your channel? It’s so helpful! I wish I found it YEARS ago!

@HadSomeTea - 01.04.2022 18:54

It will help me to improve my minecraft buildings

@ivankovwink1311 - 02.04.2022 01:16

I struggle with drawing backgrounds and it's hard to come by tutorials that really explain things in detail, so thank you a lot

@c97x - 04.04.2022 18:35

Litterally every picture in your preview is a terraria building, built in terraria, anyone who plays terraria knows this, because theyre the most popular builds. There is not a single previewed image that isnt a terraria building.

@melolontha3285 - 05.04.2022 15:16

Very little really straightforward advice. I would like to get more structured and useful information for practice. I was also disappointed by the absence in the video of exactly those buildings that were on the cover.

@johngrey5806 - 07.04.2022 08:26

This video was fantastic! Thanks, will share with my art student. [EDIT: liked and subscribed!]

@stoneshovel24 - 07.04.2022 15:06

Hi, i have no relation to the architecture world and dont plan to, but the video was really interesting and nice to watch

@mrCetus - 08.04.2022 01:58

I've always been scared to even start backgrounds and structures but this has really inspired me! I hope to start my journey asap and thank you so much!!!!

@ivovasquez134 - 08.04.2022 06:20

One of my weaker skills! Thank you very much for this Tyler! Simple yet quite helpful ! :)

@ladycalily - 20.05.2022 21:16

I've been in architecture school for 4 years and we never learn like this! We don't actually spend much time hand drawing and I'd like to learn, and this is so helpful. It's taking all my knowledge and reworking it to be more imaginative!

@lauravsthepage - 25.07.2022 09:11

I studied architectural tech and interior design and it’s honestly so hard to stop myself from drawing these very technical, stiff drawings when drawing architecture for art purposes.

@iokhufu - 17.08.2022 16:20

its been a very daunting task to dare drawing structure but you managed to motivate me. thanks so much!

@FullSmile100 - 04.11.2022 19:31

i just finished architecture school but i'm getting nervous that i'm still not good enough so these are great notes to revise

@LucasGonzalez-rj9bk - 14.01.2023 07:05

This is a great video! I love doing character designs but architecture has always given me challenges. I have a society in mind that has a lot of organic liking buildings based off Byzantine domes and art nouveau aesthetics, which poses challenges, since they lack straight lines, but I think this video will help me improve! Any tips are greatly appreciated!

@evenyvieira4134 - 09.02.2023 15:53

obrigado essas dicas vão me ajudar muito!!!

@robertao7564 - 14.08.2023 02:44

I love that photo of you and your father. Cute. Thanks for the lesson.

@ShiroCh_ID - 15.11.2023 05:55

this actually useful even for playing minecraft
