This Threat to Free Software is Worse than I Thought...

This Threat to Free Software is Worse than I Thought...

Nicco Loves Linux

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- 08.05.2024 23:28

Child porn is subjective in the case of a child sharing pictures with another child or an adult in close range age of the child e.g. 16 old and an 18 old adult.

@TheLegitAlpha - 29.03.2024 04:14

The same people pushing this are also trying to manufacture consent to break down privacy in the US too.

@thumper84 - 26.01.2024 01:26

Cheaters hide the pics in other files anyway so this does nothing to solve the problem

@anon-yw4wd - 31.12.2023 03:49

Laughs in Signal and Element. 🖕🖕🖕

@dustysoodak - 27.12.2023 23:29

I bet there is a department somewhere that publishes and/or spreads illegal content specifically for “think of the children” appeals.

@czteryS - 23.12.2023 18:34

if content itself was not the thing sought after by the authorities, then it would be easier to find actual criminals who produce this shit. but it wouldnt allow governments to abuse its citizens so obviously fight is only symptomatic, and thus counterproductive, just like the 'war on drugs'.

@user-mt4zr5kp7h - 21.12.2023 18:34

Hmmm... I want hash now lol

@babisral - 20.12.2023 22:06

whatsapp claims to use ende to end encryption but its closed source so will have to take their word for it. or use signal or session instead.

@IntelectuallySuperior - 20.12.2023 20:11

Remember this is always not about sexual content. This is always about complete invigilation. Sexual contents are always starting point because is socially unacceptable.

@spoonikle - 18.12.2023 18:13

? Where do you think this stuff comes from? The economy is in shambles around the world.

Taking our privacy away forever because the social fabric is breaking down is fundamentally stupid.

@ljsmooth69 - 17.12.2023 20:40

You guys think that you had privacy messaging before you're stupid if you believe that

@jocimocilo - 14.12.2023 14:48

Thank you...we will not allow the nazi governments (all governments) to spy on us...great work !!!!

@corwyncorey3703 - 14.12.2023 13:48

You do realize that income taxation was once a temporary thing too, hmm? Taxes used to only apply to owned land.
How temporary do you think income taxes will prove to be?

Privacy has been an illusion for a long time. And the truest form of privacy is that, in general, no one gives a shit about you in any way. Are you famous? Then your privacy is abused often. Are you just a normal person? Then being one of 8 billion makes you not worth violating, as a general rule.
I am not saying privacy should be given away lightly, but believing you actually have any now is naive at best.

@Alice_Fumo - 13.12.2023 18:02

Oh yeah, btw I'm pretty sure if I was getting hashes of all messages, I could be able to reverse engineer the messages just on statistical frequency of hashes I've seen and putting them in the context of other hashes which I've already reverse engineered.
Maybe not everything, but all common phrases. Then, I could also make guesses as to the contents of a message inbetween a bunch of already known messages regarding their contents, so I'd know roughly what was said and AI-generate a bunch of ways to phrase the inbetween until I get a matching hash.
I mean if a single modern gpu cracks 12 character somewhat high entropy password hashes in a few hours, giving hashes for anything which isn't a wall of text is entirely unsecure.
If the implementation is such that it sends hashes on a per-sentence basis, you might as well just send plaintext at that point.

@Alice_Fumo - 13.12.2023 17:45

So, did all the victims whose data is getting hashed consent to it being used this way?
No? Ah, so consent doesn't matter to anyone who is voting for this. That makes sense. Only people with rapist mentality would come up with this shit.
Any more of this and people are gonna start specifically discriminating against sexual abuse victims because their existence keeps infringing on everyone elses basic human rights.

@christianmartin8751 - 13.12.2023 12:19

All these complex regulations and technologies but they introduce such a simple loophole !
With hash checks on your own device you just have to use a private encryption system to encrypt images and text and then send the encrypted data through the app. Et voilà !
And your system, the app provider and the governement will think that you are only doing legal things as the hash of your encrypted data will never be recognised.
Once again regulators do not understand anything to what they are doing, only clean people will be spied and real criminals will go away with it. What a failure.

@michaelroberts1120 - 11.12.2023 18:33

The fascist neoliberal authoritarian regimes in the west use the same old canard whenever they want to restrict people's freedoms. It is always something to do with preventing CSAM, or something done in response to them finding an increase in CSAM online. This is getting old now, and more and more people are starting to see through this BS.

@m4rt_ - 11.12.2023 17:24

wait, pirate party

@m4rt_ - 11.12.2023 17:20

Technically you could avoid some of the age verification if it was directly in Play Store by using a 3rd party app store.

@m4rt_ - 11.12.2023 14:43

Also, if the hash is not checked on your device, they could just arbitrarily just tell you to send over the unencrypted messages, and we wouldn't know for sure if it was a false positive or them abusing it. (since they would need to have some way of telling the client to send it for manual review)
Also, if hackers modify where to send the hash they could abuse this to get all your messages instead of just random ones that by chance matches their modified database.

@Zyphera - 10.12.2023 15:47

All evil laws are pushed in by: "Think of the children"!

@michaelutech4786 - 10.12.2023 03:27

Children grow up fast. I'm a parent. I rather accept my responsibility to watch over my kids and have them grown into a world in which they will not experience an orwellian distopia than to entrust the safety of my kids to Apple, Microsoft or Facebook.

@technomad9071 - 09.12.2023 17:51

privacy isn't safe they want to have a trojan on my phone

@taukakao - 09.12.2023 16:50

The idea to make a hash that had both visual proximity and can not recreate the original image is absurd.
You could easily train a Neural Network on a million pictures with their hashes and get back the original with that.
Because, if you have two pictures that are close, you can just take a mix of two of them and get back the original of the hashed image. Probably in a horrible resolution, but still.

@MarkAntony01 - 08.12.2023 14:56

Why isn't war unlawful? Think of the children and all those death machines produced in the country shouting out about "think of the children"

I don't really care as you the know the cliche "nothing to hide" but it's the story behind this legislation and the reasoning and the more pushing into the lives that pay their wages so as not for their cult narrative to lose weight.

@rudde7251 - 08.12.2023 03:02

You do know you can extract the idea of the original picture from a perceptual hash? It's not the full quality of course. But what a perceptual hash is is a tiny tiny thumbnail of the pictures. often cropped and in grayscale. So no, it's not possible to do a scan of pictures where E2EE is kept intact.

@LViruz - 07.12.2023 21:47

Imagine if you could just pack files in one compressed file and slap a password there.. Oh dear. Luckily we cannot do it.

@dontmindme8709 - 07.12.2023 11:54

Thanks for this video! I've been following these developments closely and have reached out to politicians. It's tough though because decisions and proposals have been delayed which has made it difficult to know to whom and when to contact.

Also, I'm happy to see you talking about the election. This comes at the perfect time to deal with this and get lasting change! I hope the Pirate Parties will do well.

@CatMeowMeow - 07.12.2023 11:04

If you where to have the hash of a text message, I imagine it would be quite easy to crack. Text messages usually only contain a very small set of words in predictable combinations. Combine that with a gpu hash cracker + a few hours + government access to huge amounts of compute resources & most text messages would likely not stand a chance imo

@richardspillers6282 - 07.12.2023 02:07

Nah... They're looking for the beginnings of revolutions all over the world.

@undefined879 - 06.12.2023 13:35

I don't care two damns about children.

@ronaldcoleman9370 - 06.12.2023 06:25

This is the soul reason Apple has put Niro-engines and machine learnt into their computers!!! It will also end end-to-end end inscription!!!!

@krozareq - 06.12.2023 03:13

If you want real privacy, you and your recipient should control your own keys. Don't depend on a platform. OpenSSL is probably easiest method since it's already installed on most of our systems. Create an alias or shell function to automate the redundant syntax for RSA pub and private keygens, messages decrypt, and message encrypt (or use one of the many FOSS CLI applications). Exchange public keys over the platform of your choice. Alternatively, use good ol' SSH with a login to a user home directory with some type of shell chat client (make your own easily) or a place to dump txt messages and or files.

Child abusers deserve to be caught and dealt with. They're too smooth brain to do any of this privacy stuff.

@SuperPupperDoggo - 06.12.2023 00:31

These people underestimate the internet. All it takes is a couple trolls generating “a few” false positives and either spreading them around or just flooding the report servers and LE will be begging them to make it stop.

@gargleblasta - 05.12.2023 00:14

You really believe this is about CP?

@genstian - 04.12.2023 23:20

Also, according to secret algorithms on client devices, "everything is open source if you read assembly".

@genstian - 04.12.2023 23:15

But according to the government, you should trust the government! 😅

@dddux - 03.12.2023 17:58

Internet during the 90s was so different, true paradise, free and entertaining, fun. Then big money makers, politicians, bored SJWs, and "AI" - Average Intelligence users ruined it for everybody. Great work humanity. Let's find something else to butcher cause Internet is finished. They're coming for your computer now. You will own nothing. So just keep using your Windows and Apples "AI"... I went the Linux way more than a decade ago and will never look back. The kind of freedom of choice that comes with Linux is addictive. Interestingly, just the stuff that a lot of people criticise about Linux. That's what happens to you when you have no choice for years upon years - you lose the sense of freedom, become a willing prisoner - "Stockholm syndrome". 98% of AI computer users suffer from it.

@liquidsnake6879 - 02.12.2023 22:11

As the Gestapo would've said "if you did nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about >:)"
Sadly a whole new generation of fools doesn't understand that political dissent of any sort in of itself is only really protected fundamentally by your right to privacy and that undoing it exposes anyone who speaks against the government to various forms of retaliation from it

@sirflimflam - 02.12.2023 21:44

Holy shit. Look I am all for protecting children, but...holy shit.

@alexisandersen1392 - 01.12.2023 14:10

"It should be impossible to produce the same hash value entering different input."

Actually, If a hash function produces a hash values that is smaller in size than the data being hashed, there will inevitably be overlap. It is impractical to use a hash as a unique identifier. This is something that I've seen misunderstood all over the place and it's alarming. The politicians do not comprehend how encryption and hashing works. This fundamental misconception will lead to ALL of these arrests based on hash values to be called into question... a hash function is similar to a checksum... it's actually really easy to make a false positive. If you know the hash function, and you know the hash you're trying to match to.... you can trivially generate junk data to fit... this is why encryption hashvalues still need to be secured secrets.

@jmr - 01.12.2023 00:29

China will be using this to stop pictures of Winnie the Pooh(if you don't know why look it up). That's just one of the ways this will be abused. There is no good way for a company to verify the "fingerprint" is child porn and not a protest sign.

@gurupartapkhalsa6565 - 30.11.2023 11:19

as much as I dislike pedophiles, I also refuse to lose my freedom to controlling autocrats creating a new reich

@ehvway - 29.11.2023 13:49

Always the same story: using safety to #### over as many people in general. That's why they never place speed traps where children play, but especially right before or right after the zone where there is a change in legal speed. And the vast majority of people who grape/ exploit children now want to scan us for it? Get lost stupid ######$&#@** ! You only follow orders by scary elite like Klaus Schwab and the cults like World Economic Forum. The same people who "debunk" conspiracies like pizzagate. Wait a minute.... Wasn't the guy - the "real" journalist - who debunked pizzagate arrested for bad things involving children?? 🤔

The only thing we can do is non compliance and it starts with paying with cash and banning all electronic payment only businesses. We give power to the unchosen few who wants to control us more and more.

Thank God even this platform is loosing censorship of "fake" news more and more. The people are waking up and hurry to pass more and more laws. We the people are fed up with endless wars, manipulation, pushing propaganda harming our future.

😎 Guess the group of Roddy Piper and Judy Piper is growing rapidly, seeing the world what it truly is like in They Live!

@basspig - 29.11.2023 06:23

Crime is the result of a corrupt government. The more corrupt the government the more crime.

@annadoranni_gamedev - 29.11.2023 00:46

How is it possible together with doing nothing against domestic violence? So they don't give af when children are tortured, but still pretend that they care about children

@TaekUsNet - 28.11.2023 18:27

Facebook and privacy+security don't go in the same sentence, unless you're talking bulls*** about it. Also, Microsoft's hash function still requires that they have the original images to check the hash against. How else do you get the hash to check against?

How to by pass chat laws in EU, use messaging software that allows you to use GPG Keys to encrypt communications.

@elder_guardian - 28.11.2023 13:13

This was an extremely insightful video. In a nutshell they want to install malware on the phones of everyone in Europe, and have everyone who's device security they're supposed to be protecting pay for it. They will of course use this to spy on everyone while telling the customer "trust me bro". At that point they're turning privately owned computers into government property. If that comes to pass, all devices should be free, since the person using it doesn't own it.

@fritt_wastaken - 28.11.2023 07:44

How could that "child" content rise by x10 in one year? Maybe they just included cartoons in that category or something stupid like this? 😂

@tomapc - 27.11.2023 17:02

Wait, you have a girlfriend??? 😃
