"Why Did You Copy Our Flag?!" Indonesian Meets Polish For the First Time!

"Why Did You Copy Our Flag?!" Indonesian Meets Polish For the First Time!


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@endangoktaviani4461 - 11.01.2024 14:18

Why Loudi was so handsome in these video 😍

@isnanafridi3185 - 11.01.2024 13:41

he looks like as if hes from a kpop group

@leszekski8150 - 11.01.2024 12:53

I have to say that I m really disapointed about polish girl. It is typical example of modern society that hates roots and they own identity. She could keep cool and just inform like Loudi about religion not put so much hate as Poland is Christian over 1000 years. Its hard to listen also when she is so excited and has geography knowledge on primary school level in a program where you talk about cointries! You can see the diffrence when he just say about his county when she is feeded by hate to her own.

@wejangan9160 - 11.01.2024 11:25

Indonesia and Monaco have the same flag, red and white....but its on different scale...

@marianodrobinski584 - 11.01.2024 11:22

Kiedys Indonezja byla kolonia Holandii, jezeli popatrzycie na flage Holandii ta flaga ma kolory bialy czerwony i niebieski,Indonezja odrzucila z tej fagi kolor niebieski no i tak sie to stalo

@perla5465 - 11.01.2024 00:57

Let them have kids 😏

@weronika4579 - 10.01.2024 21:07

As a polish citizen, the Hello Kitty was news for me too 😆

@adamd6926 - 10.01.2024 15:59

Indonesian flag was adopted officially in 1950 however Polish flag in 1919 or 1831, moreover Indonesian flag is pretty much similar to flag of Monaco

@supeskrim - 10.01.2024 05:17

Indonesian red colour is RGB 0xFF0000 while Polland is RGB 0xDC143F, tough both are using 0xFFFFFF for the whites, And for common human red blood is usually 0x880808.Digitized your mind to live in this millelinal era. Most technical designer/creative graphic designer must know this.,

@Skynissa - 09.01.2024 23:10

its not 2 billion .. its only 270 million

@bartsky1945 - 09.01.2024 02:54

So basically typical Polish trait - bad one - she just criticizes other Polish people for the views she doesn't share with them. So the video turned into some kind of a crooked mirror. I'd say she showed her own face criticizing what majority of people believes in, not actually those people. Shame.

@rosak315 - 08.01.2024 17:09

I'm Polish and I can agree with more things what she said ,but first you haven't to participate to religion lesson if you wouldn't like to. Teacher doesn't check ,than we are going to church (exception if you are going to have confirmation ,but not always). Second topic which I cannot agree is gdb. Maybe we are not as rich as germans ,but we are stil reacher ,than more countrys and regions f.e. basic Polish is reacher than basic Italian which lives in southern Italy.

@gieroj5661 - 08.01.2024 14:28

nie wiem, w życiu bym nie zamienił życia w polsce na życie w indonez

@Palooch88 - 08.01.2024 13:43

This dude has maths problems ;D 270mln is not 2 billions

@THEwolfAnimations101 - 08.01.2024 09:58

Poland even has a desert- xD

@galy0 - 07.01.2024 20:33

Szkoda że zapomniano dodać napisy po polsku.

@Arezo17 - 07.01.2024 20:25

The red color symbolizes courage, bravery, and determination, as well as the struggle for independence and freedom in Poland. It is also associated with a spirit of patriotism and love for the homeland.
The white color represents purity, innocence, peace, and moral values. It signifies the pursuit of truth and is rooted in Christian values and religious traditions in Poland. :)

@RPGPlayerPL - 07.01.2024 19:25

GDP is the most stupid way of comparing wealth of citizens, people in Poland live much better than in Indonesia, lol. Also fake info in the video, according to Polish census in 2021 only 71% of Poles are catholic, do your research...

@qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq54 - 06.01.2024 03:23

doa 69 i guess correct

@tomcioraj1464 - 05.01.2024 04:53

Poland has an area of over 313 thousands square kilometers (31 393 136 hectares [ha]).

@hory-portier - 04.01.2024 02:20

Hello from Poland.
Nice material, very informational.

I also thought that closing shops on Sundays was religion-related, only later I learned that it has nothing to do with it, and it's actually an idea from more atheist, western countries to prevent overwork or something and Poland simply followed their lead in this as it aligned with religious thoughts.
But at the end, saying that it was made because Sunday is for god or something is a lie. Many anti-Catholic countries had that rule long before Poland.

@mskiptr - 02.01.2024 09:57

Pretty cool video. Just the 'religion' part was cringe af

@Krzysztof_Jeske - 02.01.2024 04:23

Actually somebody made video about this topic - very nice 😄

For me as Polish Indonesia and Monaco flag always catched my view and interest - they are the same, just upside down ^^

@seeon6688 - 02.01.2024 02:58

Indonesia, Merah Darah mu... Putih Tulang mu menyatu dalam semangat mu.

@iyeol - 01.01.2024 19:35

Indonesian flag same with monaco

@iammelona7975 - 30.12.2023 10:20

2-3?! im the 4th kid from 6 kids

@LordPaijo - 29.12.2023 13:22

no that's not an Indonesian, it's a guy with a cancer

@Rizi3N - 29.12.2023 10:12

Come on, don't make Poland a country that hates Muslims because it's not true. This is a small group of people, mostly extreme nationalists. Extreme nationalists in any country hate everyone because they are mentally limited. More often you will encounter negative opinion about illegal immigrants or Jews than about Muslims. The only hate I've encountered toward Muslims in this country is when a Muslim was praying in the street and I'm ok with that because a public road is not a place where you should pray.

@darwinjap - 29.12.2023 00:20

based poland!!!!!

@robertkukuczka9469 - 28.12.2023 10:36

You have to have a knowledge of religion it is not enough to sing for the glory of God while at the same time you live like somoone who is a pogan. My views changed as well with time.

@robertkukuczka9469 - 28.12.2023 10:34

It is good Poland is still Catholic. It belongs to Jesus and Mary. May all the world be Christian.

@robertkukuczka9469 - 28.12.2023 10:32

In Poland we drive on the right while in Indonisia they drive on the left.

@robertkukuczka9469 - 28.12.2023 10:25

Indonesian language one of the easiest languages in the world. Polish on the contrary out language is considered on the most difficult.

@ayurinafebri8031 - 26.12.2023 18:03

Toleransi memang termasuk hal yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan tapi respect untuk Indonesia karena sudah berusaha melakukannya 🔥 lanjutkan teman-teman ❤

@DSK1511 - 26.12.2023 08:47

sipaham ni slayboy😂

@Anuniu - 26.12.2023 00:58

In Poland, shops are closed almost every Sunday. In 2023, shops could be opened only on 7 Sundays, etc. The Sunday on which shopping could be done was determined by the government.

@smiectrash5377 - 25.12.2023 23:39

One thousand years of Polish History. Yes, we copy. 🤦‍♂️

@LIA-52 - 25.12.2023 15:53

Indonesia V Monaco

@bodymuezik - 25.12.2023 06:56

They have great chemistry

@Shaddoo7 - 25.12.2023 06:20

I don’t think he meant 270B I think he meant 270m people there’s only about 8B on the earth

@user-cb1wl9qw4m - 25.12.2023 03:11

Orang Indonesia tapi malah Korea makin bikin bingung internasional, indo itu korea apa india tenggara

@hanskant8665 - 24.12.2023 00:27

why does he say bilion when its milion?

@yucelfabiano866 - 22.12.2023 15:34

Thats netherland flag, without the blue part .

@adamw1225 - 21.12.2023 02:06

Niemcy po wpuszczeniu imigrantów w większości muslimów zwiększyli statystki przestępstw gwałtów i ataków terorystycznych o kilkaset procent!!! Może przesadna wiara w kościół nie jest dobra ale to nasza wiara, nikt w Polsce Cie nie zmusza możesz być nawet Ateistką jak mój Tato, ale wole żyć w naszym kraju - bezpiecznym gdzie w nocy spaceruję po mieście bez obaw o własne życie, niż w kraju gdzie wybuchają samochody - zapytaj kolegi z Indonezji ile razy mieli tam takie sytuacje. Natomiast aborcja nie jest kwestią kościoła zakaz aborcji wprowadził rząd. Ponadto nie wiem jaki jest sens porównywania PKB do kraju tak dużego. Produkt krajowy brutto jest wyznacznikiem wielkości gospodarki – jednak jest nie najlepszą miarą zamożności społeczeństwa, ponieważ nie uwzględnia liczby ludności. Z tego powodu jako miarę dobrobytu powszechnie używa się innego wskaźnika, którym jest produkt krajowy brutto per capita.

@truskawkowa54321xd - 20.12.2023 23:29

So she is like "Lewica" .....
When Ania starts to talk about religion ,she is start getting on my nerves ,she isn't talk with sense,our country TECHNICALY IS open to other religion,because of "konfederacja warszawska" in 1573,but some politics (for example Braun) not respect,same with people that know what happening in europe.... Islamization.who needs now a frickin abortion if our ecomony is bad ,our GPT is bad ,our country is falling down economicaly ,but no, the option to stop child growing up in future mother stomach,and delete them (in the same time when is start to be more elder than young) is now more important 😂😂

@dorotabarbowska2184 - 20.12.2023 21:22

Girl, you are very nice , but ... you make a lot of untrue statements about Poland. I'm embarrassed. Starting from the description of the standard of living, through religion to customs nad politics... I cannot believe my ears. Since you don't live here and you are too young to look from a perspective, it would be better to refrain from so explicit assessments and/or statements.
