Karbala - Reality and Myths

Karbala - Reality and Myths

Sunnah Discourse

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Sunnah Discourse
Sunnah Discourse - 20.09.2018 19:12

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Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid
Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid - 16.10.2023 21:38

Husain AS never said he would give baiyah to yazid LA. Both muawiyah, and yazid could not take baiyah from Husain AS but Ibn Ziyad LA was able to? Ibn Ziyad would have celebrated for this and would have gotten more areas under his rule as governor.

Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid
Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid - 16.10.2023 21:25

They did guarantee Muslim bin Aqeel RA safety but killed him when he surrendered. Stop lying.

Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid
Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid - 16.10.2023 21:20

He left Makkah because yazid LA had sent people dressed as pilgrims to kill Husain AS and he did not want to shed blood in haram.

Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid
Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid - 16.10.2023 21:15

There was no peace or Islam in time of Muawiyah. The eid khutba was done before the Salat so they could curse Ali AS, people were whipped lashes is they did Haj tamattu, talbiya was stopped in Arafat was Muawiyah did not like to do stuff Ali AS did, Ziyad was made a son of Zina of Abu Sufyan against the hadith and on and on and on

Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid
Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid - 16.10.2023 21:10

Muawiyah broke the Sulh Hasan when he appointed Yazid LA as the Khalifa. It was a term of the treaty that Muawiyah would leave to Shura when he dies if Hasan AS is also dead.

Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid
Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid - 16.10.2023 21:07

Muawiyah killed Hujr bin Ady RA in a false case against him. How was there peace???

Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid
Mumammad Kaab Bin Abaid - 16.10.2023 21:04

There is no Qs mark that Hasan AS was poisoned. He claimed that he was poisoned many times, and then Muawiyah was cheerful at his death. Did u intentionally skip this part of history to protect a king.

Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'dikarib RA and a man of Banu Asad from the people of Qinnisrin went to Mu'awiyah ibn AbuSufyan. Mu'awiyah said to al-Miqdam: Do you know that al-Hasan ibn Ali has died? Al-Miqdam recited the Qur'anic verse "We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return."

Mu'awiyah (Abu Dawood has done tafleen but Ahmed has named Muawiyah) asked him: Do you think it a calamity? He replied: Why should I not consider it a calamity when it is a fact that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to take him on his lap, saying: "This belongs to me and Husayn belongs to Ali"?

The man of Banu Asad said: (He was) a live coal which Allah has extinguished. Al-Miqdam said: Today I shall continue to make you angry and make you hear what you dislike. He then said: Mu'awiyah, if I speak the truth, declare me true, and if I tell a lie, declare me false.

He said: Do so. He said: I adjure you by Allah, did you hear the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) forbidding use to wear gold?

He replied: Yes. He said: I adjure you by Allah, do you know that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) prohibited the wearing of silk?

He replied: Yes. He said: I adjure you by Allah, do you know that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) prohibited the wearing of the skins of beasts of prey and riding on them?

He said: Yes. He said: I swear by Allah, I saw all this in your house, O Mu'awiyah.

Mu'awiyah said: I know that I cannot be saved from you, O Miqdam.

Khalid said: Mu'awiyah then ordered to give him what he did not order to give to his two companions, and gave a stipend of two hundred (dirhams) to his son. Al-Miqdam then divided it among his companions, and the man of Banu Asad did not give anything to anyone from the property he received. When Mu'awiyah was informed about it, he said: Al-Miqdam is a generous man; he has an open hand (for generosity). The man of Banu Asad withholds his things in a good manner.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani)
Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 4131

Before someone goes on and rejects it by saying baqiyya is muddallis, Ahmed has written it with hadathna so no tadlis in this narration.

Mesum Ali
Mesum Ali - 15.10.2023 19:19

Realtay of karbala is only saqeefa batil gadeer Haq lan on enemies of ahlay bait tiil day of end

mnm - 19.09.2023 18:19

This dude his creating his stiry with his lies a falacies, ..Mawiya had an agreement and ulterior motives appointed his drunkard since Yazid ,...Nothing is closurecto usurping power because of greed and also claim spirituality on the shoulders of Islam. .Forget these dugar coated stories and Fard was challenged by Rafida channel , never took up, has no balls because he know he wiuld be stripoied ..the only thing I respect in Farid is his cool demeanor but he is a smooth fabricator ,..

Mohamed C
Mohamed C - 25.08.2023 21:34

Mr Farid, this is my analysis of your video. InshAllah you will take the time to read it.

Let us remove the fluff of the story and have the bare bone version. Imam hussayn and his family are going to kufa, they are intercepted by Yazeed army and are killed.

You took the time to point out some exageration that are fair, but none the less, these exageration does not change anything to the story as the end is the same.

1)Abu makhnaf having access to many secret letter could be far fetched, he might have had them in his possession or heard them from people. Just like hadiths were written down century after the prophet saws death and have survived it is a possibility that cannot be denied that he just might have access to them but again this point is worthy of consideration.

Some of the exageration

1) Army of 4 000 vs 18 000. Does not change anything to the story, fact remain that hussayn as family were 70 and were outnumbered
2) Amount of people killed by hussayn 1 vs 1000. Does not change anything to the end of the story
3) Abbas thinking about his brother, very fair point. This rendition is to take into account of the caracter of Abbas and his relation to al Hussayn and is indeed far fetched. Does not change the fact that he went to fetch water and was killed
4) Abbas had a sword between his teeth and kept fighting. Wrong, abbas gave his sword to imam hussayn. Allah u a3lam however on were you got your information from, the narrative is not that how ever. What he picked in is mouth was the water and ran toward the camp and was slain
5) Amount of people killed by Abbas. Does not change the fact he died while fetching water and does not change the end of the story.

Your account of Muawiya claiming ''who will take care of the family of the people that would die'' is not factual and far fetched to try to boost his morality. If he cared that much, he would not have declared war against al hassan for the khalifa in the first case, considering he first and foremost also delcared war against imam Ali to once again take the khalifa.

The gift given by Muawiya if they were factual, would not be because they had good relation. If you remeber, zakat is haram for the family of the prophet. Whoever was the khalif at the time always took care of the family of the prophet (wife and all). It wasn't for love or by good relation but because it was his duty to do so.

The fact that they prayed behind Marwan has no basis, the reason it was done is simply because when it was a time of prayer, never did 2 group of muslim prayed separatly but always prayed togheter whoever it is. This is as seen at karbala, in the first day the army of yazeed prayer behind imam al Hussayn who was leading the prayer. (i don't have to remind you the ending of that story but it goes to show that it wasn't customary to pray seperatly)

Imam Hassan was poisoned, I do not know why you are trying to deny this. How old was he when he died 43-44? Not a mention of any sickeness before hand or before the time of death. Poison is not only logical but factual anyway.

So you take the fact that Ibn Umar wanted to say that Ali and his son were more rightfull in having the khilafat but did not dare to do it as a sign of unity? You cannot be serious. The fact that he wanted to say it but did not was not a sign of unity at all but a sign of clear cut fear of Muawiya and what he would do to anyone claiming otherwise.
let me ask you if your boss asked you am I a good boss and you wanted to say hell no but did not do it to not loose your job, is that a sign of unity in the company or fear of the leadership?

The governor of madina was appointed by Muawiya not yazid

You claim that Hussayn wanted to pledge alliegance to Yazid, and Umar ibn saad did not accept that which is what Yazeed wanted all along and killed Hussayn just because he did not want to be judged by the ruler of Kufa at the time? So Umar ibn saad did not do what Yazid sent him to do, Hussayn accepted to give Bai'ah to Yazeed but see the ruler of kuffa was too much. According to you, Horr just went to the camp of Imam Hussayn and attacked the army of Umar bin Waqas without saying a single word? How is that even logical? The biggest problem I see with your explanation is that their is no separation of day, you are making it seems as all happened in a matter of day. Not to mention the fact that you are freeing yazeed of all wrongdoing according to your explanation, Yazeed did not have a clue about what was happening.

The fact that Umar bin saad is the son of Saad ibn waqas has not a single ounce of anything to do. First and foremost, this hadith about people being promised paradise is a sunni hadiths, second of all very simply put. So what? Even if his father was promised heaven so what? What does it have to do with him?

Not a mention of Shimr? Did he not exist in your narration ? (may have missed it)
Not a mention of the family of the prophet being dragged to Yazeed palaces?
Not a mention of what Zaynab as said to Yazeed?
Azzording to your narration, every body saw the head of al hussayn, but none of them have mentioned seeing the family of the prophet?

mnm - 24.08.2023 23:53

Farid the dude trying to prove the wrongs right !!what a falacy !! The fact remains that the regime if the day was against the Ahlulbayt , he cannot dispute that , may Allah help him and guide him to the right oath of the Ahlulbayt ,..

mnm - 24.08.2023 23:50

Farid is giving twisted naratives , tell him to debate Dr Moustafa of Islamic Education Centre of the Orange County or the AllahYari channel , if he has the balls .or other known islamic scholars of the Ahlulbayt channel , trying to give a false narative to support the userpers and the enemies of Ali

Xena Ramji
Xena Ramji - 21.08.2023 06:50

People may argue this way or that to feel comfortable in their own beliefs however no one would want to miss out on the shafaha of Rasul Allah saws on the day of Reckoning! He said: Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein! I had rather be in that side than of those who created rulership of corruption!

Ansari Fazil
Ansari Fazil - 09.08.2023 22:33

So what about story of harra yazed (mf) orderd to attack medina and they attacked isnt it?

A Sharp
A Sharp - 02.08.2023 13:59

Did Yazids army fast on Ashura? Were they all Kafir? Did they not know this Hadeeth?

Hafsa Baber
Hafsa Baber - 31.07.2023 22:51

I wanted to ask if its true that yazeed was sad about Al Hussains shahadah and that he honoured his family after his death? Ive heard this from saudi scholars alot

Tirandaz - 31.07.2023 10:22

No one really cares what you Sunnis believe, or do.

getting faster
getting faster - 30.07.2023 23:41

lovely way to belittle "sayidu shabab ahlul janna" and the Children of Sayideti Nisaa Al Alameen , and to whitewash the children of Abu Sufyan, may God guide you all to truth

Ali B
Ali B - 30.07.2023 23:29

No discussion regarding the treaty between Muawiya and Imam Hasan (as)? Kind of important and very well documented.

Every Sunni scholar ignores this when talking about Karbala, which is a huge omission.

Noah T
Noah T - 30.07.2023 09:12

The shia killed hussain and hassan we sunni will never ever forgive these shia cult even until judgment day they can hit themselves and cry for their mistake but we will never ever consider them as muslim, because they killed hussain now they cry and hit themselves like a donkeys to be forgiven but it will never ever happen.

T A - 29.07.2023 00:00

Correction - imam Hussain (as) did not stay in Mecca because he was concerned about bloodshed of Muslims and desecration of holy Kaaba. It is inaccurate to say that he left Mecca because he feared for his own life. All he had to do was accept Yazid as his caliph and his life would have been spared. Also, if he indeed fled Mecca to save his life, then why did he take women and children with him?. Lastly, if he cared about his life then why did he stand resolute in Karbala knowing he would be killed?

And the buck always stops with the president (caliph). It is absurd to say that we will never know if Yazid was responsible or not. In every other religion fingers would be pointed at him and he would be held fully accountable. Because he was.

It is your responsibility to question. It is very strange to hear this gentleman’s logic. All sis and Sunni scholars are reading exactly the same books that he has referenced and are certainly not coming to his conclusion.

T A - 28.07.2023 22:28

I know Imam Al- Hussain (as) offered to go to Syria to speak with Yazeed (Ammar Nakshwani lectures). He did everything to prevent war as is required of Muslims. He even told Umar bin Saad’s army they could have all of Iraq and Hijaz and he’ll go to outskirts (India or Rome). The enemy refused all his proposals. What is untrue is that he agreed to pledge allegiance to Yazeed. If that were the case, he would have done it in Medina. The battle of Karbala is proof that Al-Hussain was not going to ever pledge allegiance to a corrupt and arrogant Yazid who publicly said that there was no revelation and no prophet and this is just a lie invented by Hashemites

Rida Rasool
Rida Rasool - 28.07.2023 22:01

Kindly provide me with books links you mentioned and authentic references, jazakallah khayr

NMath - 28.07.2023 21:41

Although it was good, but at end of was rushed and I got cofused. Please be mindful of the viewer.

muhammad qasim
muhammad qasim - 28.07.2023 21:18

Long story short Mauviya R.A deviated from the virtuous path as predicted in hadith and converted Khilafah into a kingdom . Ali r.a fought him till he was martyred . Imam Hassan r.a made the pact which was violated by Mauviya R.A and Yazeed was ominated and his Bait was taken with Force Imam Hassan R.A Fought him so that Muslims who were too afraid to resist this operation would wake up ad they did infact. Soon after Martyrdom of Hussain A.S Yazeed Invaded Madiah violated Masjid E Nabvi and killed 10000 residents of Madiah who had gathered at Hara to Fight the Yazeedi Army after violating Madinah for three days and raping 1000+ girls in Madinah Yazeed Invaded Makkah Abdullah Bi Zubair R.A Fought them and defeated them during the battle Yazeed died of natural causes and his army went back for 9 years Abdullah Bin Zubair was Khalifah of Makkah . Yazidi forces even burned down a part of Kabbah during this .

No Wonder muslims are till today living in kingdoms or dictatorships that the Prophet P.B.U.H came to eradicate. Unless we dont wakeup and Rise like Imam Hussain R.A did we will always be slaves. I dont KNow who this Guy is but he is not making any sense my suggestion to him is to get back to authentic hadiths about Imam Hussain r.a , about Mauviya and how khilafah would end after 30 years and how Ali R.A would fight muslim armies for the sake of Islam . This is not a personal issue this issue is about the fall of islamic khilafah . May ALLAH guide this man and all of us to know and acknowledge the truth ad get back our khilafah by ending kingdoms and dictatorships

Mr Respect 360
Mr Respect 360 - 28.07.2023 14:27

What about battle of harara

Mr Respect 360
Mr Respect 360 - 28.07.2023 14:25

It was yazid who played with the head of Hazrate Hussain not ubaidullah bin zeyad

Hasan Alsarray
Hasan Alsarray - 27.07.2023 18:07

Bro pulled off a salselem after saying the word prophet

mnm - 25.07.2023 13:47

Yezid had a hand as he never punished the commander.

Kamal Asghar
Kamal Asghar - 24.07.2023 21:11

If we find the reasons of Karbala event, we need to dive into the muslim history from Uthman Caliphate. When the Banu ummaya got enough power to take decision about Islam.

Zakir Ali
Zakir Ali - 23.07.2023 19:38

As a muslim. Just one thought comes to my mind.
"(Imam) Hasan and (Imam) Hussain are Sayyid Shabab Ahl al Jannah. Who ever is responsible for killing them will see what Allah does to them on the day of judgment. JazakAllah khair.

عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه قال:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :
 «الحَسَن والحُسَيْن سَيِّدا شَباب أهْل الجنة».  
[صحيح] - [رواه الترمذي وأحمد]

Syed Anwar
Syed Anwar - 23.07.2023 15:27

Why every "sources" are rejected by towel headed?Is it that you guys are ashamed of yourselves what you did to the family of the Prophet?

Bahar mehmat
Bahar mehmat - 21.07.2023 13:06

I would like a list of references please I beg you 😭😭😭

Esmaeil Morshedi
Esmaeil Morshedi - 19.07.2023 07:35

Ibn Taymiyyah method. Good student! Brother, Are you kidding your audiences!?

Mukarram Ali
Mukarram Ali - 22.06.2023 22:45

Hussain AS stood up for the truth. No doubt. The Ummah had fallen asleep, become complacent and had become willing to let someone unjustly and forcefully sit on the seat of the Caliph without the approval of a Shura. This was not islam. This was monarchy, the way of Roman and Persian empires. Go and look at the words of the son of Abu Bakr AS, Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakar RA, when Marwan came to Medina to announce that Muawiya has appointed Yazid as his successor. I say the same thing which Abdur Rahman RA said at that point, for which he had to run out into the wilderness to save his life and he died out there. Islam came to free us from this type of a governmental system of oppression. The Prophet SAWW gave us a political system upon which Abu Bakr AS, Umer AS, Uthman AS, Ali AS and Hasan AS acted and followed. Hussain AS went out to campaign peacefully against Yazid whose caliphate was never established because the treaty of Hasan AS had been violated. Hussain AS understood what others did not understand until after Karbala. After Karbala, muslims from across Arabia broke their pledge of allegiance to Yazid. Makkah rebelled. Madina rebelled. Yazid attacked Medina, hundreds of Sahaba and Tabieen gave their lives fighting against the tyrants army. Then the tyrant attacked Makkah and damaged the kabah. Then the tyrant died and his army got called back.

The world saw the aftereffects of someone forcefully stealing the seat of the Khalifa. Hussain AS already saw the bloodbath coming, and decided to try to wake up the Ummah with his sacrifice and his blood.

Hussain AS is one of the two chiefs of the youths of paradise for a reason. It is because of what he and his brother achieved in this world. They were leaders, imams, warriors, defenders of islam, the beloved grandsons of the Prophet SAWW. They were the representatives of Islam during their times, they were from the house of the Prophet AS.

I am with Hussain AS and will always stand with him. May Allah raise the ranks of Hussain AS, and may Allah guide both Sunnis and Shias toward recognizing the Fikr, or thought or ideology of Hussain AS.

It is only through recognizing Hussain AS that we can go back to the Khilafah which will be on the way of Prophethood just like the Khulafa e Rashideen.

Scorpion Zex
Scorpion Zex - 10.06.2023 01:22

I pray for you my muslim brother at the next life you join to beloved moavie and yazid where ever they are :D

Mmul Batoora
Mmul Batoora - 31.05.2023 13:43

Taqqiya is essential part of Shiaism.

Sam Schwartz
Sam Schwartz - 26.05.2023 17:23

Glad you're doing this series Farid, your version has caught my interest! Much more to come from you I hope!

Zulfi Ahmad
Zulfi Ahmad - 16.05.2023 09:07

This is why this channel is not credible.

المعتز بالله
المعتز بالله - 12.05.2023 00:19

All the hadiths that the Al-Hakam was cursed are weak, and you find an explanation of this in the ills of Ibn Abi Hatim

Captain Azad
Captain Azad - 09.05.2023 15:53

Love your work bro ❤️

Afzal Rahman
Afzal Rahman - 01.05.2023 02:40

JazakAllahu Khairan for the beneficial lecture. Brother Farid, it would be of great benefit if you can publish a book/ or even a PDF file on the incident of Karbala compiling all the authentic sources only.

Shoaib Mohammad
Shoaib Mohammad - 26.04.2023 12:13

This is a strange video. Bro Farid is using a book to justify his narrative of the events at Karbala that he has already dis-regarded in the beginning of this lecture at coming from a lier. He poses like a scholar with a big thobe but most of what he is saying is incoherent. I think he should do more homework and come back with a better understanding of the events otherwise he is looking more like the Shia whom he's trying to refute.
