Ottawa's Unique Bus Rapid Transit System

Ottawa's Unique Bus Rapid Transit System

Eric D at Ecopath Planning

11 лет назад

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@MattJFisher - 04.07.2013 23:58

You didn't mention our LRT now under construction?

@EcopathPlan - 05.07.2013 00:52

I don't know that much about the LRT, so am not sure what to say other than it sounds like a fairly standard project. I hope it turns out well. I produced this video largely because the Ottawa BRT system is/was so unusual and misunderstood.

@theyoutuber1114 - 12.10.2013 02:26

Nowadays, the highfloor buses are all retired, luckily, Ottawa kept 3 historic buses in their collection!

@theyoutuber1114 - 12.10.2013 02:28

I'm guessing that the small part of the transitway in Between Laurier and Campus is going to be where the light rail will enter/exit into/out of the LRT tunnel.

@SteveBrandon - 29.07.2014 05:37

I'm still skeptical about the LRT. I can see some advantages to it but I rather like having a local bus (86 Baseline-Elmvale/Southvale) that can get me more or less door-to-door from my house (~100 metre walk to the closest bus stop) to downtown (or beyond). I'm not particularly relishing being forced to switch modes of transportation at Tunney's Pasture. I still wish Ottawa would have built a bus tunnel to connect the east and central/west parts of the Transitway.

@hansottawa - 06.05.2016 14:11

A small piece of history here. The path that poster rode on this video from downtown through Rideau - Hurdman - St.Laurent - Cyrville Road - Blair is now a history. The entire path has been tore down for LRT development. When it re-opened again in 2018, it will certainly has a different look. This video will serve as a piece of valuable memory for some of us who commuted daily using the buses through this Transitway.

@bararichter1732 - 04.05.2017 18:50

Despite some mild "BRT creep," this looks like one of the nicer North American systems I've seen. That makes me doubly curious about why they are apparently replacing it with a light rail system (or "light metro" system, if you like). Was LRT deemed to have better carrying capacity? Were the buses or road surface requiring too much maintenance and creating a budget drain? I would love to hear from someone who can give an informed comment on this.

@bikegypsy268 - 27.03.2018 13:24

Every time I go to Ottawa I'm shocked by the number of buses on the streets... Ottawa is literally chocking under buses. Good move by the city to finally built a subway.

@willho4540 - 04.06.2018 03:44

thanks for the footage!

@victorygirly2636 - 29.08.2018 00:30


@Sisima13 - 14.06.2020 00:10

Herdman station looked better 7 years ago, now you can’t even walk properly since LRT 😩 so many people

@deathrattle1000 - 09.03.2021 02:37


@newflyerindustriesfan2216 - 16.12.2023 04:55

I really miss the 95 man i really miss the 95.
