Easy AI Clip Art Tutorial for You to Sell - Perfect for Beginners who want Passive Income!

Easy AI Clip Art Tutorial for You to Sell - Perfect for Beginners who want Passive Income!

AI Creatives Made Simple

9 месяцев назад

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@kswms2003 - 19.06.2024 08:50

Thank you for sharing this video. It is very helpful. I have been extremely overwhelmed with trying to prepare images to sell. My biggest frustration is making the images transparent, the best DPI for AI to ensure good quality images for printing (no pixelated images) as well as upscaling images. I removed the background from an image and then added 300 DPI and then upscaled the image. Once I upscaled the image, the image went back to a png file not transparent any longer. My questions for you are: Do you even convert your images to 300 DPI with a converter online software, as I found one online? I did see you make image transparent on Canva which is easier this way from looking at how you did it. Is it better to Upscale image first, then make transparent and then add 300DPI or the way you did it already will it do all 3? I apologize in advance if I missed something or asking you to repeat what is the way you are doing it, I am just trying to streamline the process for those who may not have Canva pro. I want to sell my images, but this part is driving me crazy and slowing down my process.

@printableandstuffs - 20.06.2024 01:17

Would you recommend chatgpt versus idiogram and midjourney?

@MrsLiegey - 21.06.2024 03:38

Thank you for sharing! I have a POD shop on Etsy but it’s a fail so I want to rebrand and do something digital and this maybe what I may need to do.

@ToniRogers-o6g - 21.06.2024 05:46

Your videos are so informative. Thank you! Did you know you can upscale to 300 DPI in Canva? When you hit the share button move the size button all the way to the right. When you complete your download you can check, it will be 300 DPI.

@itaribeiro1 - 21.06.2024 13:47

I watched the whole video thinking that you were going to show us how to upload them to your Etsy store, but you didn't so I need to see from begining to the end on how to do it. Thanks!

@staceylynnstacy8832 - 21.06.2024 18:45

Thank you! I learned something new and exciting today.

@AquaBloomStudio - 23.06.2024 19:36

DallE remember what you generate before and I tried your prompt and it was no where closed to your images but I tweak it and generate a couple times and I got it to look similar in style. I don't have too much luck with the full body. I'll have to tried again.

@alitared - 18.07.2024 19:38

She is the truth! Thanks for the inspo 🎉

@ashleyrosebery8963 - 18.08.2024 22:17

I am so happy I came across your page. I know have a better insight on AI clipart. I feel really comfortable doing this and generating passive income. Thank you so much for the great videos. You just gained another follower.

@memima_mamemie - 01.09.2024 08:48

This is very informative thank you! 😊

@Luxlimitedbrands - 30.09.2024 20:53

Love video can you do a step by step tutorial on after creating your clip art to sell
1. How to upload the images to google docs( do we upload all in one folder ) or upload separately.
2.) what’s done after they are uploaded
3.) how to link them to the pdf created in Canva
4.) how to put them on the platform for customers to purchase.
And answer weather we need to deliver directly to the customer manually or if once purchased will it do automatically.

@telethasmith3992 - 13.12.2024 10:57


@learningtruth7044 - 28.01.2025 09:21

🎉❤❤❤Thank you so much for this needed info. I was racking my brain trying to think out prompts.
