Starbucks Utopia Vacuum Coffeemaker Brewing Coffee
See my other videos of this coffeemaker:
This video begins at 3 1/2 minutes into the brew cycle.
At 1:20, the water in the carafe boils up into the top chamber,
where it brews the coffee, then begins draining back into the carafe.
At 4:20, the brewed coffee in the top chamber bubbles down into the
carafe, where it is kept at just the right serving temperature for up to
two hours.
This unit is one of the first produced by Bodum for Starbucks.
It heats the water somewhat slower than the current Bodum models,
which have been known to heat too quickly and get too hot.
The older Starbucks' Utopia models are of a higher quality
than the newer Bodum models.
The complete brewing cycle takes about 8 minutes.
#Starbucks_Utopia #Coffeemaker #Coffee_Brewing #Vacuum_coffeemaker #Bodum_Santos