What CAN you eat?! Starch and sugar free diet explained! [CC]

What CAN you eat?! Starch and sugar free diet explained! [CC]

Jessica Kellgren-Fozard

7 лет назад

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@amyhamilton92 - 27.07.2019 02:24

Did they ever test you for sucrase isomaltase deficiency? My daughter has it, it's rare, but she can't have sugar or starch because she doesn't make the enzymes to digest it

@martynkal.1248 - 03.08.2019 00:29

Good luck Jessica! 🌺💕

@heidihenggeler5128 - 05.08.2019 19:07

Clicked because you’re so beautiful, stayed because the content was interesting.

@Brynwyn123 - 07.08.2019 02:14

Every person who visits a holistic nutritionist is diagnosed with candida. It's almost definitely something else, theyre sued all the time for this stuff.

@AimeeColeman - 08.08.2019 03:16

I'm sorry to say that candida is a sort of catch-all diagnosis from hollistic therapists, and there's no scientific backing to the claims that candida cause all these things, nor is there any that eating a certain diet will kill candida which is the direct cause of these symptoms.
I'm sorry you've had some poor experiences with doctors, but unqualified hollistic practitioners are not a suitable alternative.

@ameliel8792 - 11.08.2019 06:34

Omg I thought my diet was extreme but this is a new level! It can be tough talking to people about it and making new friends cos some people just think you're being stupid but as it makes us ill, they should be more understanding. I cant eat grains either but I basically live on root vegetables to compensate as otherwise I'd die of hunger! I've never heard of the starch issue, that must be so hard and restrictive❤️

@carolynmerritt7100 - 12.08.2019 17:17

OMG I think you doing sign language is great. Although u am not deaf. Your hair is lovely.

@amberhyde240 - 14.08.2019 05:55

Lol I’m allergic to all of that and a bit more. Like wheat , soy, other certain fruits and veg etc. I tried vegan but literally everything was wheat and soy. Now I take 5 different meds before I eat so affects are not as bad.

@ameliaxgarland - 25.08.2019 16:22

I have this too :)

@angietyndall7337 - 22.09.2019 02:03

C.albicans is the type of yeast in the body, especially in the Female reproductive organ. It is also known by another name: Baker's Yeast. And yes when the balance of of the bodu is disrupted the bacteria normally symbiotic in nature with the human body can actually become too much, like with a yeast infection: C.albicans growing too much in the female reproductive organs.[Microbiology]

@Kikilang60 - 05.10.2019 01:58

Oh, you are going to live a long time eating like that.

@barbarahemming3841 - 16.10.2019 17:15

Medical Medium - His books are incredibly helpful ❤

@barbarahemming3841 - 16.10.2019 17:15


@lindseys4886 - 19.10.2019 23:08

Oh my goodness! I couldn’t imagine have that many restrictions! I can not have gluten and large amounts of any protein, and I have to eat consistently throughout the day. I get the what do you eat question and you’re always eating questions and comments all the time.

You handle things with so much grace! Haha That’s why I love watching your videos!

@LexyFromBikiniBottom - 18.11.2019 18:52

I’m sure someone has asked this before, so I’m sorry for being redundant, but did your family consider/try to sue the hospital you were at when your LP went wrong? From what you’ve explained from the videos I have seen, it doesn’t seem your entire disability has stemmed from that LP mishap, but it definitely caused you some delay in healing and other issues. Just curious! I’m not sure how “suing a health system” works where you live, but it definitely happens here in the US frequently.

@chicx2099 - 17.02.2020 04:47

Her: Sick
Me: Grandma?

Only asl-ers will get it

@doricoldwell29 - 22.02.2020 03:07

Did the leak seal on its own..or did they patch your dura

@suziweboaz2331 - 22.04.2020 18:55

I love you to death. I'm 62 years old also a lesbian. You and claudia are so good to each other , she's very sweet. I really have to respect your outlook on life. But damn girl you're a 1 car pile up! Lol stay amazing, unique, and beautiful

@youmeandi100 - 28.04.2020 07:40

I have candida too! Never seen a video about this before!! Tysm! I have the exact same diet and I FEEL SEEN !!!

@cathycat4989 - 04.07.2020 07:02

I know that this is an old video, but as someone from Louisiana, I have to ask about alligator, turtle, and frog meat. Those are not red meats and are so good.

@macgirl1234 - 14.08.2020 16:15

I also have a VERY restrictive diet. It hasn't fixed me, but I'm better than I was... So...I guess that's something! And I'm the same. I am so scared to start eating foods and getting worse again. Like, I'm barely getting by as it is 😂. So I'll stay here, thank you very much

@vaeaschweig7296 - 16.08.2020 12:23

Yeah I’m sure a holistic lady is the best person to give advice about the drugs the doctor gave you... of course antibiotics kill bacteria, all of them. it does not choose to kill the good and not the bad ... and fungus isn’t a bacteria... so... yeah good advice from an non professional. God I hate alternative therapy. Holistic homeopathy naturopathy etc. They killed 2 people I loved so...

@trojanette8345 - 19.08.2020 07:06

Lovely eye make-up, blouse and necklace. It's nice to (for once) see you not wearing 'retro clothing'. That's not to say you don't look nice wearing such. Just that it's OK to change up sometime.

All comments aside. This is a very informative and helpful video. I am older than you and have gradually developed over the last decade certain sensitivities that I didn't have before.

@LowStarchLife - 05.10.2020 14:23

Great video Jessica, I am starch and sugar free too.

@twist7799 - 07.10.2020 19:12

Who did your Lumbar Puncture? The Three Stooges?

@SDChick - 01.11.2020 06:47

A lot of these foods are IBS triggers as well: beef, alcohol, corn, dairy.

@emmagreenhalgh8635 - 15.01.2021 07:28

Wow, I’m experiencing the same thing. I’ve found eliminating all those things has helped me. I don’t really like vegetables though so I find I’m eating a narrow scope of food.

@deelore8714 - 25.01.2021 15:21

Shes funny lol, and pretty and this was nice

@maggieholland8202 - 03.02.2021 09:55

I like seeing Walter's head as my own snuggly boy is giving me good cuddles. He isn't the brightest but when I'm not feeling the best he gets the cuddliest

@pumpjackpiddlewick - 12.02.2021 21:21

Not sure if you will see this after all this time, but can you recommend a cookbook or website for recipes? I have recently discovered I can't eat starches (turns out it's genetic). I am looking for more ideas, etc. There is next to nothing out there (and idea for you, for your channel, a book...?)!

@alias_peanut - 19.03.2021 11:01

i actually found ur diet yeah. it took 3 months.....

@draganastankovski2264 - 15.04.2021 21:54

I understand what you go through and the moment you said Candida it clicked in my mind. I was diagmosed with it as a young teen. And now as an adult everything just gets harder. They did not prepare me for what I went and still go through.

@Jelleybean18 - 04.05.2021 15:31

Thank you for sharing!

@Jelleybean18 - 04.05.2021 15:40

I don’t think fixing the candida will fix all the problems you have - like the joint pain, brain fog, memory issues and all that since it’s due to a different condition, correct?

@rebeccarivas420 - 16.06.2021 02:05

Ran across this as I was looking for yeast free foods for my daughter. She has overgrowth candida from taking antibiotics when she was little. She’s 38.

@michaelprocopis129 - 24.10.2021 06:31

Fantastic character.

@jay-leevanderberg8174 - 16.11.2021 21:18


@mcomeslast - 22.12.2021 01:13

Yes! I’m a retired naturopathic doc here in the states. So glad you found someone to take a look at things. Also glad you found someone that you feel comfortable with and worked with your other protocols. We had to treat my son for this and he was able to tolerate pasta occasionally afterwards. I’m hopeful it helps with some of your issues.

@taylorgayhart9497 - 03.02.2022 14:47

I have the exact same sort of issues with my stomach and food, and my doctors have always just given me different diets to follow. I am on the autoimmune protocol diet now (which is basically no starch) and it helps but they still can’t explain why I still have issues.

Okay so all the symptoms you mentioned, joint Bain, brain fog, fatigue, are all issues I have too. Think I’m gonna find a holistic doctor.

@dianapovero7319 - 10.02.2022 02:21

It's 2022 & you & Claudia have a baking series called "baking bad" & things trully are better. <3

@lbee8247 - 24.02.2022 07:36

I get severe inflammation if I eat any starch. I was once diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. But the doctors change their minds on what is wrong with me.
The older I get the more restricted my diet gets. Went on London no starch diet about 13 years ago. I mess up and I have tested it and went off to see what happens. Hospital stays happen. I developed stomach issues about 8 years ago. They said it was Ulcerative Colitis. And the most recent doctor said Crohn's. I'm just leaving dairy and sugar.

@samanthabee1916 - 28.05.2022 09:03

Did you ever work out what you can eat?

@AnrupB - 26.09.2022 04:54

I was on the same diet for 10 years! I’m now recovering from ME/CFS (long covid pushed it over the edge) and am now getting better with Ayurveda, which also deals with gut health. I know I have candida issues, but even naturopathic doctors could only take me so far over ten years ago after a bad stomach virus. I’m having certain grains daily now!! I’m excited for full recovery...and yes, the first thing I want again is also a croissant! 😅

@tigeress699 - 28.10.2022 03:32

I have the opposite of your problem, I had bariatric surgery because my body had become addicted to eating and I was almost 300 pounds!! I can eat anything now, but because my stomach is a lot smaller then it used to be, if I over eat too much I toss my cookies 🤢

@tigeress699 - 28.10.2022 03:33

Also really fatty foods can sometimes make me sick, but I don't regret the surgery at all because I've been fat for most of my life and I've lost the weight! I'm 5'2 so I have little bones and my weight fluctuates between 105-112

@katarifalls7794 - 30.03.2023 02:56

I really appreciate that I have no known allergies. That way I can be picky with food and not eat anything that comes from the sea.

@adriana-ross - 29.05.2023 02:49


@kristyandcowreact - 17.03.2024 04:18

Ugh, I thought having the blinding headache post lumbar puncture bc it wasn't healing and I was leaking SF was bad, and the blood patch had for it even worse! But damn, your story is waaay worse. Sorry!! It took me 19yrs to finally be diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, and Mast Cell Activation Disorder. I also deal with peripheral neuropathy, chronic migraines, and a bizarre atypical facial pain affecting my supraorbital nerves (it's like when you having something cold to fast, get that pain in eyebrows, brainfreeze/ice cream headache...yeah I have that 24/7, both sides, though pain levels vary on each side). Before that I was mostly seen by most doctors (and some family, friends, etc) as either it all being psychological, or faking, or drug seeking, or some combo. Bc even though tests they'd do in office, like reflexes etc all showed there was something definitely F'd up with my body, every single test (blood, CT MRI, lumbar puncture, emg, etc etc) all were normal. It took me seeing a new pain doctor who saw the whole picture and immediately dxd me. It's a relief in many ways, but depressing in others as there are no real cures and my body is just gonna keep deteriorating (tbh, my body has worsened a lot more in last few years which I think did aid the dx). Basically my joints are screwed bc I'm Hypermobile, I have connective tissue issues as well, my body over reacts and triggers allergic reaction when shouldn't, and my autonomic nervous system is outta whack (that's the technical term 😉). 🥳🥳🥳 As I comment I have one arm in a sling to ice it, heat pad warming up to use on my legs and hips (on rotations), and voice to text has become a good friend lately. Plus, trying to do normal typical daily things, like, oh I dunno, making dinner, exhaust me and leave every joint that took part in the food prep feeling like they are gonna explore. Le sigh I'm on so many meds it's crazy, but they do help. Unfortunately, they have side effects. One id never expected to be as problematic as it is, is dry mouth! Seriously. Like, I didn't even realize it. Until went to dentist had was told I had NINE cavities! Wtf! (I'm 45, I got first I mid-late 20s, this isn't normal dental stuff for me). Dentist said bc of dry mouth, any sugar I consume is damaging my teeth faster. So, I'm supposed to drop sugar. Which I had reduced a lot, and I've been trying to eat better and follow anti-inflammatory diet guidelines. I bow to you being able to do no starch/sugar. You're an iron maiden, darling. Tough, bad ass, and beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story. Sorry I wrote so much of mine. Invisible illnesses blow. Especially when you feel like, if people could see how you felt, like if body appeared to others how it feels, they'd just gasp in horror! 😂. My brother, a doctor btw, still doesn't fully believe me, at least that's my impression. Super hurtful. Thank you for your vids. ❤

@jeffbeamer9882 - 17.03.2024 16:43

Ha! Reply after 6 years! I need to catch up on your videos! SUBSCRIBE!
