Paul talks about various practical ways to get at the beautiful focusing on its necessarily music-like abstract character.
QUESTION: From video number 3, “music applies in color and values and light effects. It applies in shape, in curves and straight lines. (And it applies in terms of human hands in relation to each other.)” So does the personality of the artist make for music too?
From the comments of video number 4, about imagining what the finished painting will look like, you reply – “Although I find it a mental thing held in the mind by feeling. Curious combination.” Does this mean feeling refers to emotional sensation? Mood? Or consciousness? Or all of these.
Can a painter make a good painting by slowly finding the beauty as they paint, or should they always decide what the beauty is before applying any paint?
As you spoke you touched upon 'abstraction' and the 'the greater whole' of the painting. Assuming you get the measuring correct, how does one interpret what they see and create an abstraction out of it. In other words, just copying a photo or real life isn't 'art' until you create the beauty of the abstraction