The Age of INDIA'S OLDEST BOOK: What They Won't Tell You

The Age of INDIA'S OLDEST BOOK: What They Won't Tell You

World of Antiquity

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@adityalfc - 18.01.2024 15:58

The rig Veda was not a book. It was passed on by means of oral recitation. They might be before writing was invented.

@adrianabutmalai2590 - 18.01.2024 12:27

Spoken languages ​​probably date back hundreds of millions of years, that means there have been civilizations upon civilizations, and that means the Darwinian theory is wrong.
It is not known how old the "human race" is, but it is clear that it was "human" from the beginning, it did not evolve from other animals.
The "human race" has been unchanged for millions of years, it has not evolved into anything else. We are the same as we were millions of years ago.
It doesn't even matter which was the primary place where the "human race" appeared because it is certain that it spread over wide areas of the globe for various reasons.
I believe that various stages of language development are due to various civilizations that succeeded one another over hundreds of millions of years.

@skulllord2128 - 18.01.2024 02:01

Doctor Miage enforcing all his truths inserting his corrections, sound like you were there back in the day

@_watawasaubilhaqq_9642 - 17.01.2024 23:56

Thank you so much... A lot of Pan-Indianists will discard you yet know that the people of knowledge shall admire your efforts 🙏 May Allah bless you, I am a great admirer of you ❤

@god-of-logic99 - 17.01.2024 22:35

I always wanted the truth about indian history so thank you for this, this means more than you know and please keep doing this. Could you also kindly do a video about the heritage of the indian dynasties of vedic era and later on as i belong to the kastriya caste i am interested in my own history.

@sushilselvarajan8942 - 17.01.2024 18:18

Can you please do a video on Tamil and its origins in history?

@penlight5289 - 16.01.2024 18:26

I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges, - astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis, etc... It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganges to learn geometry...But he would certainly not have undertaken such a strange journey had the reputation of the Brahmins' science not been long established in Europe..... François-Marie Arouet Voltaire  (1694-1778)

@penlight5289 - 16.01.2024 18:24

. It does not behove us, who were only savages and barbarians when these Indian and Chinese peoples were civilised and learned, to dispute their antiquity......François-Marie Arouet Voltaire  (1694-1778)

@anatomicallymodernhuman5175 - 16.01.2024 14:54

Thanks for providing links to citations! I’m not especially interested in the Vedas. But a couple of those papers may shed light on other puzzles.

@kishankumar-qg9mw - 16.01.2024 10:45

There is a chronological gap between dating of old Rigveda and new Rigveda

Book 6,3,7,4 and 2 are earlier books
While 5,8,9,1 and 10 are newer books

Old books are very much different linguistically than new books. There is lot of new words introduced in new books which is not present in the old books.

Mittani records matches with the newer books not with older books

New Rigveda can be dated around 2000 bc
While old books around 3000 bc

@kishankumar-qg9mw - 16.01.2024 10:02

I think you should also analyse Shrikant talageri works on internal chronology of Rigveda

He has done great study on this topic

@SaikatRoy99 - 15.01.2024 20:40

Excellent narrations based on the hard evidences available. Unfortunately, nothing much was dug up so hard evidences were hard to come by. Soft evidences like the existence of the main river mentioned in Rigveda, the positions of the stars mentioned in these books (which can be easily modelled in computers), etc. might show much ancient dates. But to refute biblical belief system, hard evidences are requied😊.

@richspring1 - 14.01.2024 23:45

This Veda is rigged..!

@sreenarayanram5194 - 14.01.2024 16:48

I don't believe in Aryan theory but There is a tribe in kerala called thiyya which shows a jentics and linguistics origin in the thian sha mountains of central asia indo sythrians came to cental asia and Indian subcontinent around 2 century BCE according to the linguistics the Iranian word deva is first mentioned in Sanskrit in 2 century BCE and it originated from proto indo European language 'dievo' many proto indo european language has this word with same meening which meens in english as 'shining' or divine this word changes in to thiya in central asia thiyan sha mountains that meens mountains of god/deva and one particular hindhu caste in kerala called thiya meens 'divyan' in native language malayalam wich meens in english shining or divine also practices theyyam/ daivam or god as their religious rituals and their centurys old oral folk storys and songs clearly mentions they came from somewhere else meening of the word thiyya is divine and the first place where genitics and linguistics both meet together is the beginning of the tian Sha mountains and indo-sythrians religion is an ancient greek religion and buddisam mixture and thiyyas shows an almost same mixture with hindhuism and thiyya have a rich marshel treditions in recorded history and their centurys old folk songs and fougrin records from 16th century onwards clearly shows they are the one who practiced and developed kalaripayattu to the world and thiyyar is the only hindhu warrior caste in entire india which formed 3 European colonial army regiments in their own caste name with Britishers they formed thiyya regiment and with french they formed french thiyya pattalam and with dutch they formed dutch chegons the chekars are a warrior section among thiyyas who's duty is to fight in wars and they are ethinically from Malabar north kerala and all this units are started to form in 1730s onwards and all these 3 regiments where started by colonial europen powers and all royal force in kerala before Indian indipendance had thiyya soldiers in their force and in entire south india there is no other hindhu caste ever had a caste based army regiment with any colonial European powers started by the europeans but in north India Britishers started few other warrior caste army regiments and historical records also shows they heavily participated in ayurveda also and latest gentical study from Indian government institutions like center for cellular science and molecular biology in Hyderabad also clearly shows thiyyas have central asian anciant Iranian ancestry and in sre lankan history srilankan people also consider thiya/Divya as indo sythrians and devas even german nazi seintists before Indian indipendance also came this area to study these groups photos are in net but indian government is now trying to eliminate this caste people from history now all their historical records are only getting from outside sources and trying to mix with a south kerala caste called ezhava a native caste which never even allowed to take a sword or never ever participated in a royal army or a war before Indian indipendance according to the recorded history and they blocked all thiyya Wikipedia pages from 2013 and blocked remaining thiyyar pages in 2022 even the smallest caste in india has their own wiki pages thiyyas are the biggest hindhu caste in Malabar kerala and with the support of government they are changing all thiyya warriors as ezhavas and because of thiyyas fougrin origin government also trying to eliminate thiyya community from all records to localise or indianise Indian history even more deeper

@sparklestudios2083 - 13.01.2024 19:11

Mahabharat has been dated to about 3500 BC and Vedas were preserved in oral tradition for over 10000 years before it was written down in 1500 BC. White people are always trying to down play Indian history because it shows their people history in poor light; ergo Aryan invasion theory that has been recently busted by finding of horse driven chariot in India.

@gopalkrishnamukerjea4319 - 13.01.2024 04:32

Very well researched and even better presented! Unbiased and great clarity! 🙏

@user-db6yj4sb8e - 11.01.2024 18:16

Tamil worlds oldest language.

@joymon8232 - 11.01.2024 05:19

many indians in waves went to europe and colonized it,,its in vedas battle of 10 kings and many other incidents which caused indians to migrate to europe thats why there is r1a gene found in europeans which was originated in india

@ajayamali3952 - 11.01.2024 02:48

A lengthy discussion but it ends without a definitive conclusion on the dating of the texts.

@normalhuman6260 - 11.01.2024 01:09

It's insane to think but even in my grandfather's generation, my family elders knew of the "clan" we belonged to ....having ancestral lands that have been with us atleast dating back to 1000AD. Fascinating that he learned most of the history through the village he lived in and the generations orally passing down knowledge of it. And they were part of a farming community in the Indo Gangetic plains. Got reminded of some old grandpa storied when I saw Atri and Family mentioned as the composer of the 5th mandala as that was the clan name he told most of his village belonged to. Mind Blowing to think that a rural illiterate farmer told something that can be corroborated with academic writing.

@pranabkirannath - 10.01.2024 12:36

Most of his asumptions are wrong. There was nothing like Indo-Aryan in those days. The aryan invasion thoery was proven wrong and this analysis depends on this false theory.

@rkyhyginus11 - 10.01.2024 07:56

Indus valley scriptures are not yet deciphered which is just 5000 years old and there are no sanskrit written evidence before pali language. Veda was written in devnagri which is not older that 16 century.

@DharmYogi - 10.01.2024 03:33

The aryan invasion theory is quite bogus. Aryans are local to Indian region not outside. Even dna studies show that people share similar gen pool within Indian area and not outside.

@gauravjoshi5382 - 10.01.2024 00:25

Great video bro❤

@user-vg7tu7hl8n - 09.01.2024 07:36

How did you ended up connecting rig veda and sanskrit to India?
Then what about Hittite and hurrian people of mittani dynasty which existed in ancient syria?

See there was no country called before British colonization. We indians are becoming more and more aware these facts these days,
BTW Sanskrit didn't even exist during 300 BCE - 400 AD. Then how did you end up calling Sanskrit texts to be oldest on earth.

All your researches may be need to be revisited one day. Kindly visit ASI or follow indian archeologist from south india to understand, discoveries are challenging your arguments.

@THINKER770 - 09.01.2024 01:58

What a fool
Indians are innocent to not to realise their history, but it's sad to see people like you to come down to this level.
King Ashoka only used Dhamma and Paali literature which was adopted from Armaic literature.
Lazer , only after 6th AD sankrit is adopted from Devnagari literature.
Until then there is no possibility of even wrong Sanskrit. It's only collocial.
Rig Veda is a stupid fantasy to create caste system and control the rest castes by Brahmins.

@amj.composer - 08.01.2024 22:21

I left hinduism a long time ago. But that ironically made me far more interested in the Vedas, sanskrit texts and the sanskrit language in general. I'm really enjoying how amazing sanskrit and vedic culture is without having the pressure of having to believe that Hinduism is the greatest religion of all and everything written in the Vedas is true.
Thanks for this incredible video

@mnjraman - 08.01.2024 07:18

Vedās are eternal by nature, for they contain knowledge which is beyond the scope of Science. The classification in to FOUR and further categorization had happened within the past several millenias before the dawn of Kaliyuga when Vyasa (literally the one who grouped & categorized the Vedās) had the opportunity! Only he could have done that, for he is none other than Vishnu (the protector). The externality of Vedās is explained by the fact that Knowledge cannot be created nor destroyed (by any means)! This is quite logical AND science can't do a thing to determine the Vedās age! Their medium of propagation was sound that is [eternally continues to be in unmanifest form] in the sky/space which are the aspects of the attribute-less Abstract Entity called Almighty Himself/Herself/Itself. Therefore any assignment of dates to Vedās is simply foolishness. The Vedās are not within the ken of space, time, location and man created science, which continues to be uncertain at the Quantum Mechanics level! Ordinary beings like the researchers, narrators, and commentators use their incredibly insignificant brains to talk about something that is beyond the human mind! This is foolish!

@sitarama2410 - 08.01.2024 01:30

My only objection is that I wouldn't suppose vedic-composers would fully to such extent praise a non-perennial river?

@sanskritclub5893 - 07.01.2024 15:40

The issue is every time the dating is done without the presence of the actual people that still follow the vedic traditions. Vedas are not an artefact from a lost civilisation, the people who has carried forward the civilisation still exists and flourishing after multiple waves of genocide. So, you want to know the dates of RigVeda...go to a brahmin in Southern India. They hold the adhikaras (final say) everything you need to know about Vedas.

@padyala - 07.01.2024 07:12

There was a language called Sandhya please research and date that is much more pre historic to anything that you have talked about in this video. This language was spoken in India long long back.

@AB-vx4hk - 06.01.2024 17:47

The most scholarly work on the Rigveda is by Shrikant Talegiri.

The 1000 BCE dating this gent makes is ludicrous. The existence of the Hindu Mitani kingdom in Syria at around 1700 BCE (at Minimum) is clearly established.

The digs at Rakhigadi, Lothal, et al prove established kingdoms at around 5999 BCE - and copper plates / Arte facts found at those sites make references to the sages of the Rigved (Bharadhwajj, Vishwanitea et al). So the Rigved was certainly BEFORE

@royal9063 - 06.01.2024 13:07

The whole generation structure you showed is built upon colonizar mindsets. And no evidence of that uropian aryan theory. New modern descovries of dholavira, rakhigadhi had prooved indus valley people and vedic people did not come from anywhere they were the same people living in indus valley civilization. So all western myths to show uropian and first had prooved myth

@royal9063 - 06.01.2024 13:04

stop propagating myth of erupian aryan myths. Scientits and research already deny this type of ideology, it all brits made up shits to tag them superior. No evidence of such europian indo myths.

@brocklandersx87 - 06.01.2024 00:29

Bro, when it is listed one of the reason, alexanders soldiers not supported the further conquest of india, cuz of might of ganga river. How, when people of that time thinking saraswati as fort and a massive river is just praise for a goddess.

@KAZVorpal - 05.01.2024 20:59

You think THE NEWS is literal, written in a style that's meant to convey facts?
I shudder to imagine your modern world-view.

@keshavfulbrook6698 - 04.01.2024 17:31

At what point do we draw the distinction between assuming figurative language (stuti, or praise) and actually referencing something concrete? If descriptions of the Saraswati river are meant to be interpreted as purely symbolic or hyperbolic, but other verses of the Rig Veda are given more weight when describing geological features and timelines…where do we come in to make that distinction?

@ogKrisht - 04.01.2024 14:27

Great analysis! Would love to get your take on the migrations of the Alina, Sirmyu, Bhrgu, Paktha, Parsava, Parthava tribes after the Dasarajnya war as mentioned in the Rg Veda.

@penlight5289 - 04.01.2024 13:57

The Gods had the Vedas for eons before they handed it down to mankind

@VAM56 - 04.01.2024 12:48

Thank you so much for your studies of the ancient world, this video in particular interesting for me as I am interested in ancient languages. Much appreciated, live long.

@FaisalMalik-A355 - 04.01.2024 08:34

Excellent commentary and arguments

@vishalroy983 - 03.01.2024 22:41

I have a doubt that word iron mentioned in the part”this stream sarasvathi with fostering current comes forth,our sure defence ,our fort of iron “this paragraph is a part in the rigvedha?

@omashankar8290 - 03.01.2024 12:47

Vedic people relied on Wheat??? It is wrong because even in the age of my Grandmother who lived 109 years she used to say that wheat was never in main diet in her times it was barley and other millets.

@hariomtatsat8677 - 03.01.2024 07:51

Recent research on astronoomical events specified in Ramayana ,puts it around 13000 BC. Vedas are much older than this period. Saraswati was flowing around 17000 years back. Due to geological upheavals it driedup by 5000 years B

@ganeshviswanathan4128 - 03.01.2024 07:29

Prof M Miano: Study of History, old extinct civilizations, origin of languages, their scripts, archeology and similar such studies are governed by solid pre-conceived notions created by the Europeans who came into the newly conquered lands since the 16th century CE. Several such Europeans (I scrupulously avoid calling them scholars - they are only scholars by their own declarations).
Your postulation is no different.
Firstly, there hundreds if not thousands of first things: Indian beliefs (not a "religion"; not a "faith"; not an "organized institution with a specific identified founder - Zoroaster, Jesus, Mohammed). Indian belief came into existence naturally along with the creation of this earth and the life on this planet - whenever the life started. So, shortly, Indian belief was never called "HINDU." This is what the 19th century Europeans who suddenly found themselves in the midst of Indian civilization named it - after they (the Europeans) subjugated the vast Indian territory by employing the modern weaponry.
Again Firstly, (one of the thousands of first things): The Indian race and Indian people have lived on the land mass not known as India but known as Bharat for millions of years. They never came from anywhere else. Yesterday , I was watching "continent-drift". India was once part of Pangea. South America, Africa, Antartica and (only) India (not the Asia) was part of one continent. Even today, inexplicably in South America, strikingly similar to South Indian temples and religious practices exist. Antartica was supposed to have had tropical climate and dense forests. All hundreds of millions years ago. (Here, modern , so-called historians, archeologists and linguists do not ever venture outside 4th or 5th millennium. For India, the same people, including Prof Miano, grudgingly credit the oldest time period of about 3rd or 2nd millennium as the beginning of civilization or languages. (As far as the antiquity of Indian languages, such Europeans, even today, only accept up to the middle of 2nd millennium as the starting period).
Again firstly, as Prof Miano said at the beginning of his talk, the Indian languages were spoken and never written. The people never ever realized the need to write down the language. However, mythology, Ramayana, the oldest and the Mahabharata, speak about teachings and writings. Everything was memorized - be it books or texts or poems. Art and culture were passed down in the families through generations.
Vedas, Itihasas and Puranas speak of advanced technological travel to various universes (not just galaxies), contacts with Gods, and constant space travel (in fact, there is some heavenly beings called as "yakshas" who constantly travel to and from the abode of Gods to all places.
The Brahmins study Vedas in Gurukuls (not Shaka's - Shaka means a branch of some organization or body).
I belong to Rigveda. I always have a feeling in my inner heart that Indian languages and culture go back to hundreds of millions of years. I feel a connect to such antiquity.
Again, firstly, the Europeans always make a connection or a distinction between the Indus Valley period (I would call it as a period not a civilization because it formed part of the larger Indian civilization) and the so-called advent of or antiquity of Sanskrit language. Indian civilization and Sanskrit were a larger picture and IVC or Harappan was a tiny dot in the former's picture.
Again, without connecting. the dots, the Europeans always say IVC/harappan were urban in nature. They were urban because they were industrial sites where cluster of factories existed, workers worked in massive numbers and the owners of such businesses (who almost exclusively exported such finished products - being ornaments, finished jewelry, polished precious stones - to Roman, Egypt, other European and Middle-East empires. IVC/Harappan that were established and existed upon the vagaries of natural resources like the proximity to the large river, faced a slow but complete extinction once such water resources changed course. Whereas the larger Indian society and Indian civilization lived in the rural setting, leading a permanent and continued life. And, such Indian culture continued to exist until now.
I can keep writing. In summary, the land that was known as Bharat and its languages and its cultures and civilization go back to unknown times. Sanskrit in its unwritten form existed from unknown times on the earth's history. IVC/harappan were industrial sites; Indian culture and civilization that prevailed through out India (Bharat) and beyond were of permanent nature and had a rural setting. India does not have any organized religion or faith. The beliefs were absolutely natural.
Europeans should completely stop looking at India from the prism of pre-conceived notions formed from the writings of 19th century Europeans who stumbled upon India and wrote about it, its religion and its culture from their own viewpoint and imagination.

@haroldmorris5901 - 03.01.2024 07:08

ARYAN/HINDUISM IS A RELATIVELY RECENT STAIN ON THE GREAT HISTORY OF INDIA - The oldest Vedic manuscript found in India, the Dasa Griba Rakshash Charitram Vadha, was found in Kolkata and is dated to 800 CE. The Bower Manuscript, one of the earliest treatises on Indian medicine (Ayurveda), was discovered near a ruined Buddhist Monastery near Kuchar in Chinese Turkestan and is carbon dated to 400-600 CE (Gupta Dynasty).
Before the Aryan invasions, INDUS KUSH thrived for 5500 YEARS (7300-1800 BCE) without WARS, KINGS, OR GODS. Mohenjo Daro, c. 2600 BCE is an astonishingly modern-looking city despite being 9000 years old. The city's engineers and masons built multistory homes (USING THE SAME SIZE BRICKS IN ALL THEIR CITIES). Each 'apartment' had hot and cold running water and a bathroom. They also built large public bath complexes. At the site, NO DIFFERENCES IN SOCIAL CLASSES COULD BE DISCERNED and there were NO WEAPONS, TEMPLES, OR RELIGIOUS BUILDINGS.

@buttegowda - 03.01.2024 06:49

Not accurate at all. You need to read proper historical evidence first . There is no mention of 'nishka' in rigveda. Pls do not propage nonsense.
