Jennie Garner Reveals How Ben Affleck Destroyed The Family After Jennifer Lopez

Jennie Garner Reveals How Ben Affleck Destroyed The Family After Jennifer Lopez

Hollywood Whisperer

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Diana DiMantova
Diana DiMantova - 24.10.2023 18:30

Sad story

Kylie Jenr
Kylie Jenr - 23.10.2023 19:12

jlo bought to drop a bomb on that man, i already feel it, she smart lady, she actually rescuing ben and spending money on him so he can relax as a father then she gonna turn around and drop him like a bad habit he is. and he will be back in rehab.

Kylie Jenr
Kylie Jenr - 23.10.2023 19:05

im sure she also did something to ben afflect.
Jlo dont just steal someones man like that.
i do believe that he really missed jlo and needed to really connect back with her again.
he was in love

Camille Urueta
Camille Urueta - 23.10.2023 09:52

This whole Jen & Ben relationship started off in 3rd gear. I’m curious to see if it lasts. I hope they do because happy parents are often good parents.

But I won’t be surprised to hear they don’t make it a year. 😑

Realist - 20.10.2023 15:29

There is something about him that scares me. He’s better off with JLO, it will not last anyway. Jennifer Garner will find someone deserving and life will be amazing, you watch.

Natashaw3 - 14.10.2023 11:17

Jennifer Lopez can’t seem to be alone has she ever been single for more them 5 minutes. I don’t think they are suited and the marriage won’t last.

Jennifer Garner was so much better for him not sure he was good for her though. She’s a class act who puts her kids first.

Milady De Winter
Milady De Winter - 13.10.2023 00:22

The devil sends ppl into good ppls lives to ruin their lives.

This was one of them

Romeo the Havanese
Romeo the Havanese - 12.10.2023 16:23

Jennifer Gardner wins on all counts here. What a class act she is.

King brent Hayes
King brent Hayes - 11.10.2023 19:05

Jennifer Lopez has better as as.

Alejandra Almendarez Soto
Alejandra Almendarez Soto - 11.10.2023 07:15

Jennifer Lopez has had a 100 boyfriend and doesn’t care to introduce her kids to each one of them. Garners kids come from a 2 parent house hold where they are not used to seeing either parent with someone els. She is in the right to not want her kids meeting her so soon specially when her relationships don’t tend to last

Angie Benedek
Angie Benedek - 08.10.2023 16:11

He definitely has a thing for the name Jennifer 🤔😬

Lynda Foster
Lynda Foster - 07.10.2023 18:36

Ben seems All about Ben .. he goes back and forth between these two women. And goes with others. 🤔

lagoon girl
lagoon girl - 07.10.2023 15:41

Lopez is sick she competes in dirty ways there are extemly beutiful nice girls why loook at lopez

Vincent Rizzi
Vincent Rizzi - 07.10.2023 05:06

Lopez is not wife material, she's the kind of woman you want for a weekend, Garner is for a lifetime!

Afleck choose a tramp over a lady

blondi - 30.09.2023 13:54

No one us to blame. This man is a true definition of a no brainer . A douche dag😮.

Sunnydreamer1470 - 29.09.2023 23:42

She should have stayed with Foley!!!

Sunnydreamer1470 - 29.09.2023 23:40

Jen and Ben are trashy and deserve each other!

ALC - 29.09.2023 21:51

Marry a cheater and you’ll get cheated on

Aletheia Stone
Aletheia Stone - 29.09.2023 06:02

Such a strong woman, such an embarrassing man. Garner can finally have what she truly deserves.

Erik Careswell
Erik Careswell - 28.09.2023 09:41

As someone who has spent most of his life in showbiz, I can summarize this with precision... do NOT feel bad for any of them.. they are ACTORS. Feel for the kids.. they are the true victims of these walking personifications of egos.

Coach Benz Balane, AFP
Coach Benz Balane, AFP - 28.09.2023 07:50

I love Jennifer Garner...I love her movies...❤❤❤

Jennifer M
Jennifer M - 27.09.2023 11:19

That’s so horrible Ben did that to her. I feel her pain.

Ms Pretty Kawaii
Ms Pretty Kawaii - 26.09.2023 09:16

Well, Jen is a fine lady she just married a boy in a man's body. J.Lo is a professional bride, Ben and her have narcissistic traits. It wouldn't get long until they divorce

Maureen Murphy
Maureen Murphy - 26.09.2023 07:10

JG is a lady in every way there is. A good mother protecting her kids.

JL on the other hand is a worn out piece of garbage.

Amy Levine-Klaus
Amy Levine-Klaus - 25.09.2023 16:04

You have to be in a situation to say. I don’t think this video was fairly titled. Nobody was ruined but appreciated seeing your perspective ❤

His Daughter
His Daughter - 24.09.2023 12:33

Considering what's going on now only 1 year later,I'd say yes, they moved to fast

Yasmin xoxo
Yasmin xoxo - 23.09.2023 12:32

He loves Jennifers😂 .. or he just dont wanna lesrn new girl names so ghe cheating is easyer 👍🏼

Adrian Pate
Adrian Pate - 23.09.2023 08:57

Can’t believe he left garner for Lopez 😂 garner such a better quality woman and mother to your kids ! First he’d offer a bullet found a diamond 💎 then threw away the diamond then went looking for the bullet and jumped in front of it again

Marion erbe
Marion erbe - 22.09.2023 01:14


Meike Peters
Meike Peters - 21.09.2023 17:12

Das Bessere war schon immer der Feind des Guten! Aber es ist noch nicht aller Tage Abend ...!

Jennifer Penley
Jennifer Penley - 20.09.2023 02:40

Everybody's a different parent

J1rst - 18.09.2023 07:50

Lol you left your great husband for that. You deserve what you get

Crystal Blue Butterfly
Crystal Blue Butterfly - 15.09.2023 11:19

Ben Affleck = narcissist personality disordered husband. Jennifer Gardner = narcissistically abused spouse.

hello.Hello.HELLO_U. - 15.09.2023 08:44

Ben Affleck always reminded me of being a Douchebag.

Kelly Pagano
Kelly Pagano - 11.09.2023 05:53

Lopez is the wrong choice for him. I am sure she is a lovely person. Garner was a saint to him though. She was great for him. She is such a good sincere person. I don’t engage in this celebrity drama stuff, but for some reason this one intrigues me

Prepare Ye 'The Way'
Prepare Ye 'The Way' - 11.09.2023 04:37

it is always so interesting to me to think he and matt grew up together, but matt must have had a decent childhood. But Ben, we know had a super traumatic, dysfunctional childhood. His alcoholism is pretty bad. I know b/c I have been sober by God's Grace since 1999. But we know Ben is not a believer as he is with someone who is demonic. It is sad, but everything happens for a reason.

Z K - 10.09.2023 12:12

Every time you get a new partner you don’t need to be making out in front of your kids. Let kids be kids.

Z K - 10.09.2023 12:11

I can’t believe anyone would choose to marry jlo 😂 hasn’t she been married like 5 times? Doesn’t that show what type of a person she is?

Z K - 10.09.2023 12:07

Ben and jlo are famous so of course the media worships them together. The public however, has heard enough horror stories about bens cheating and alcoholism, and jlos staff not being allowed to look her in the eyes.

Carol Whelan
Carol Whelan - 09.09.2023 18:23

It won’t last. There’s too much drama.

Moonstone Games
Moonstone Games - 07.09.2023 10:00

Never liked Ben Affleck now less...

Katerina Longoria
Katerina Longoria - 06.09.2023 08:41

Garner is so classy and lopez is so trashy. I wouldn’t want my kids around her either 🤷🏻‍♀️

orcida Orchiede
orcida Orchiede - 03.09.2023 23:21


NikyBee - 03.09.2023 09:49

Insecurities? Wanting to protect your children is called being rational and sane. I think Garner has shown great poise in the face of all the press. She has managed to balance that kind of career with her personal life always being pried at. She is not insecure simply for doing what she feels is right for her and her family.

The Oddest J
The Oddest J - 03.09.2023 01:56

If you clicked on this I’ll save you some time. This is CLICK BAIT BS

MGB - 02.09.2023 01:58

As soon as she got famous she dumped Scott Foley. She can stfu

karva jäkälä
karva jäkälä - 02.09.2023 00:30

I would have chosen jlo too

Lils Bourne
Lils Bourne - 01.09.2023 05:08

Well, Garner stole Affleck from Lopez but then Lopez stole him back) It seems fair:) Hollywood is such a crazy place😂

Brittany dw
Brittany dw - 30.08.2023 05:30

Garner is right. This whole thing is sad and will deeply affect the kids. It seems like Ben just bounces around. Would've been nice to see him stay with Garner but to go back to an ex that is the status of JLo would rattle any mama's heart not bc she's beautiful but powerful. I'm a fan of all of them but jlo has a diva rep. It's just a recipe for confusing and conflicting home. Especially if they raise their kids differently.
