Antediluvian Civilizations: The World Before the Great Flood

Antediluvian Civilizations: The World Before the Great Flood

Universe Inside You

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@alexhajnal107 - 31.03.2024 11:29

There was no global flood. Ever. Full-stop.
Studying pretty much any branch of science makes it crystal clear that a global flood did not and could not have happened.
There have, however, been many local floods around the world, some of them quite sizeable. Record of some of these has been passed down through mythology, albeit in highly-embellished form.

@hoofarted4529 - 30.03.2024 10:32

What if someone were to collect flood stories, specifically the devastation events(fire, flood, earthquakes, etc) and through that data deduce what and possibly even where the cause of the great flood was. We’ve been left a lot of clues of the effects, should be able to find the cause.

@hoofarted4529 - 30.03.2024 10:24

Personally I always liked uncle deluvian better

@davidfisher12865 - 30.03.2024 04:17

New meaning of the term "stone age".

@markaldwin6981 - 29.03.2024 09:22

So when beetle the Plante expose our world will go through the same cosmos change it only time for humanity to be wipe out. How ,uch time do we have be b4 the big bang .

@bobeden5027 - 28.03.2024 11:59

Australian aborigines have been here for 80,000 years plus!

@donscheid97 - 26.03.2024 18:58

This is the concept I prefer, aliens may be possible but that still assumes humans were not intelligent enough to build the sites. Human, galactic, and even universal evolution do not have to be linear and once we accept that, we can start to learn. Not enough time in a single life to know everything. I am still trying to wrap my mind around the concept that time is not linear everywhere.

@BingGeaux - 26.03.2024 04:46

so when they break off into speculation and present it like 'discovery' I tune out.

@thebuff7271 - 26.03.2024 04:36

Turn to science for answers...which means, we throw out God automatically. Everything is seen thru a lense of secularism

@davidbenyahuda5190 - 25.03.2024 10:00

As an historian who has had the privilege to study history from primary sources available to serious academics I am waiting for the documentary where socalled nonblack people tell us where they came from and how they came into being and why they created racism. As a Black man ie original indigenous person ie rightful ruler of the planet I can't get over the fact that nonblack people seem incapable of living in peace with others. We don't need socalled nonblack people explaining anything but the who what and where of themselves. Shalawam

@danhill710 - 25.03.2024 00:51

zero evidence for a world flood

@hippomancy - 24.03.2024 16:02

the asteroid belt being a destroyed planet is feasible, but the time period to settle into a non-chaotic ring is in millions of years, not a few thousand... including this lends an easily dismissed sense of fabrication, of ridiculousness, to your story.

@pernielsen9812 - 24.03.2024 02:03

Gobekly tepe 12. 000 13.000 years old. And now homo sapiens more than 200.000 years older than preveiusly told, belived

@johnwehunt4305 - 23.03.2024 07:49

This is whey God Flooded the earth. To eliminate the offspring of the fallen angles.

@user-ql4fz4ir9s - 22.03.2024 23:21

If you watch matt Lacroix billy carson plus paul anthony wallis and mario biglino videos the earth aas original a third planet known as timate there was a cosmic war if you read the indian sandskrit know as the mahabharata it actually have a feath star and anunnaki known as marduk used this device its now parked as a moon of saturn it spilt the planet tiamat inhalf 1 part the asteroid belt and the other earth a anunnaki known Enki used a space ship as the ruach where its mistranslation its the spirit of God mario biglino argued its a spacecraft as a Ruach this shipvits not only chaging waters but its literally teraforming this planet and its name earth literally means earth namedafter Enki

@thecommentor1064 - 21.03.2024 04:05

The primary skeletal structure of original religious chronology is binary in its conflicts of preFlood and postFlood; or as a start with Adam to End of world. For example the 6000-year world comes as 1656 +4344; and 1556 +4444; and 1307 +4693; and then high-end preFlood as 2256 +3744; and 2242 +3758; and 2262 +3738; as well as Hindu 2400 +3600; and 1662 +4738. Mexicatl Toltec uses 1716 (+292 to Abram), and Hindu also uses 1680 of 360-day in 1656 Julian. Though narcissism zeal looks at this in gaslighting allegations of confusing reality by presenting too many false options; their choosing shunning cognitive dissonance or wage-war zeal ignores that it all disproves Neanderthal ape-human evolution.

@chronicmelancholic - 19.03.2024 14:00

It's absolutely truly criminal how few people have watched and liked this video! This ought to be showed in schools! Huge thank you for your work, love from Russia ❤

@johnhennery8820 - 19.03.2024 11:03

Well if thay went back 2 million years ago thay can check the carbon content and prove that the government bs. about global warming by man

@Kinso0o0 - 17.03.2024 23:07

What if the ancient civilizations people's are not human at all. Maybe they are Neanderthal.

@chrispicquet733 - 14.03.2024 10:28

Also,the Earth is 99% Molten Magma,and Metal. The Crust is basically just a Skin that formed over the molten mass. Like a Skin that forms over hot pudding that is cooling! So, The Lord's Ability to Alter The Liquid Earth is fairly easy for him. Most people think the Earth is Solid! Seriously!

@chrispicquet733 - 14.03.2024 10:20

Funny thing to consider::: If we take the population growth graphs,and reverse them,we have almost no population at the time of Noah! That in and of itself, is proof of a Global Extinction Event.

@Atljav - 14.03.2024 00:03

The Bible said before the flood satan and fallen angels ruled. SATAN was the king of commerce then. Now hes called the prince so many judgments have happened his rule and the earth are weak now

@davidhodges1699 - 12.03.2024 08:30

The oldest human discovered is one million yrs old what bs about six thousand years

@adameve2647 - 11.03.2024 08:12

I love this topic it helps me grow

@Mandy-cn8sq - 11.03.2024 00:32

Remember the pre flood civilization cities were built with the help of fallen angels and giants who where half man half angel

@DonMav7 - 09.03.2024 06:56

Did you delete the previous comment? Hit me up, if it works we can sell it to either WB or Universal.

@brucewayneissupermanquinn601 - 08.03.2024 05:13

I’m a history teacher. I’ve taught “Classics” as well as “US History since 1600” I have a Master’s in Historical Interpretation from a “Big 10” school. I say this not to brag, but to show that with my training comes an open-mindedness. I really believe there are prehistoric civilizations we haven't discovered yet.

@Emmanuel101. - 06.03.2024 05:24

The earth isn't billions of years old. Civilization about 6000 years ago makes sense

@diamondlife-gi7hg - 04.03.2024 03:13

An older earth makes the bible and science more compatible but believing in a young earth throws it all out of whack. For instance an older earth would allow us to believe that noah didn't need dinosaurs like T-rex on the ark because most dinosaurs would already be extinct. They reached a young earth theory by dating the human genealogies of the patriarchs. So, with an old earth you eliminate and make room for other animals on the ark.

@JTCBoss1 - 03.03.2024 02:24

Biblical truths being exposed. Jesus is returning. Repent.

@adsartdiary2877 - 02.03.2024 21:08


@jiasenghe471 - 01.03.2024 23:03

These researchers hate the idea that the technology used for these mega structures were known to human beings with an advanced science of sound, frequency and vibration.

@jiasenghe471 - 01.03.2024 22:49

Aliens were having target practice on the earth. Boom!! A direct hit.

@VasiliosBakagias - 28.02.2024 23:35

Long Live the Ancient Dreams!

@Marco_980 - 28.02.2024 14:18

Are the people who created this documentary theistic evolutionists?

@MarzWhite - 27.02.2024 20:34

By Fire...

@seiya-27 - 26.02.2024 08:44

Hi, background music is so good. Could you please mention the name of background music?

@belledetector - 25.02.2024 15:11

Masquerading as science! Particularly evident as you start referencing David Talbott, a self taught mythologist and proponent of unscientific neo-Velikovskian delusions, including his electric universe nonsense, only surpassed in utter stupidity by the resurgence of the flat-earth movement. As a channel with 1.85mm subscribers, don´t you feel any responsibility to educate your viewers rather than dumbing them down???

@tomkus333 - 25.02.2024 10:10

Evidence! Evidence! We who are at least elementary school can do without evidence. Fairy tales and essential beliefs are not enough. In addition, I have reasonable suspicions, the pre -Columbian relief, which you present at 25 ', that it is a mixed fake or straight market work for a falsifier and still awkward. Tom

@user-im1om9fd2x - 24.02.2024 21:25

I enjoyed watching this programme with the lady narrator's flow. Loved this programme for that presentation

@vergilito1 - 18.02.2024 21:41

So after the flood the creator vanished, assume we were dead! Yay 🎉in your face...

@KingArtexerxes - 15.02.2024 05:03

As usual, I heard a lot of words, and experienced no proof. Once some scientists directed me to some white pages as proof used for long ages past the biblical 6000 years. So, I read these white pages. There was no proof there either. Just a lot of words that utilized a massive amount of vague language.

@michaelperri3919 - 13.02.2024 04:43

God flooded the earth.

@otakarkuby3926 - 12.02.2024 02:28

Ice core dating is ridiculously innacurate. as science is admiting in recent years even months. but so much is financed into a wrong narrative that errors are ignored and the false narrative financed solely. dosnt stop the truth getting out.

@otakarkuby3926 - 12.02.2024 02:22

You talk in double meanings. Humans have been on this planet for 100,000's of Thousands of years with a capable functioning brain for most of that time. (history and science have and are constrained by modern religious/and now political narrative)
Civilisations rise and fall not always with the cycle of natural "disasters" 12000 years cyclical the main one with a half harmonic (ie 6000 years ago note worthy world wide disaster not on same scale as 12000 one).
Humans civilisations rise and fall as does the nature of the technologies we develope and employ. Depending on what resources we focus on, places the limits we can excel to.
Its plainly evident that the civilisation before the flood, was highly technical in duo polymors amonst other things, after the half harmonic flood 6000 years ago civilisation has efectively gone down hill. much knowledge has been lost in past 2000 years due to the parasite system we live under which bottleknecks all knowlege and technology. This same parasite system which has genocided most of the cultures and empires that thrived. Look at your western history and reverse who the savage is and youve got a truer past and outlook.
Aliens and other excuses for Human endevour cloud the truth and keep humans in their docile place, all reinforced with religous political dogma.
Well dosnt really matter what technology Humans excel to if they are not Being true to themselves within the Being of being a True Human Being with empathy and compassion (symptoms of Love which is unconditional (an aspect I should not have to include with regards to the outlook of Love)).
The Parasite system wants fear and hate to promote the worst in humananities conditioned narcisism and self loathing.
The past has its messages, but what matters is the Here and Now. Whats all the wealth in the world be it knowledge or material , compared to a Good heart (for want of a better analogy.)
There is genuine scientific study. but you have to ignore parasitic overtones to appreciate it.

@fidiak - 12.02.2024 00:34

Great vido and work, thank you

@jchrg2336 - 11.02.2024 07:57

what happened in the past stays in the past

@lovingkat5 - 10.02.2024 17:34

at that time, the human body was the technology, and they knew that.

@lovingkat5 - 10.02.2024 17:20

towards the end of Atlantis or the younger dryads the earth was hit with meteorites twice a year for 20 years, just thought you all should know

@edwardalfing6760 - 08.02.2024 11:41

Tantalizing, but some discussion of the evidence would lend credibility, NOT just repeating the Phrase, "there is evidence." (Saying there is evidence is NOT evidence to support a hypothesis.)
