Nintendo used to be GOOD at N64 Emulation..what happened? | MVG

Nintendo used to be GOOD at N64 Emulation..what happened? | MVG

Modern Vintage Gamer

2 года назад

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Neo Eclipse
Neo Eclipse - 25.08.2023 01:56

its ocarina not ocariner

The Perfect Business
The Perfect Business - 17.08.2023 03:27

honestly, what I want more in emulation of the n64 as well as everything you said is a way to get the same crt effect without needing to just have a bunch of horizontal lines. like, i want there to be a way to recapture the beauty that the developers managed to pull off with the limitations.

AJJ NA - 09.05.2023 00:38

Dear MVG, what N64 emulator for Wii U would you recommend? I want to play Smash Bros Remix or Castlevania Legacy of Dorkness without visual glitches and all that sh1t tha usually happens

Sarge - 17.04.2023 08:55

i think nintendo have just stopped caring with the latest bugged on arrival pokemon game and the other issues the switch seems to be facing it appears the Nintendo seal of quality means nothing anymore its about the money and screw the fans as long as they can keep pumping souless games based on there characters and make money they don't care about anything else

there's even rumours the next switch successor will force online play whilst still being backwards compatible with switch but only for the online games no cart port

I cant say if nintendo will die out from this but in not too much time were going to watch Nintendo have to fight for its life to regain what it once had and its going to start with a console flopping in sales and putting nintendo on panic alert

King Starscream
King Starscream - 15.04.2023 12:37

So I should get a Wii instead of a Wii U for an emulation machine?

Sinx64 - 05.04.2023 23:32

Gamecube is my favroriit nintendo consulting & ocarina of time from n64 best old game, good video

Becky Ritter
Becky Ritter - 30.03.2023 04:26

My questions are:
1. Is the N64 emulator built into the GameCube itself, or is it on the Ocarina of Time game disc?
2. Why on earth did they include that dark overlay on the Wii U version? Gah, it makes the screen so hard to see!

Efrain Vazquez
Efrain Vazquez - 25.03.2023 23:04

Is the 3ds the best Version... both Zeldaz OoT and MM🤔

ReploidZero - 15.01.2023 00:36

Yeah… better off just modding your switch and installing android 10 mupen64 runs great on their

HelpTheWretched - 16.10.2022 07:56

I know it's an old video but you skipped over something that I thought was worth mentioning. In between the Master Quest on GameCube and the Wii VC, there was another GameCube Zelda emulation called Collector's Edition, which had Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and this one was infamous for graphical bugs in both games, but especially how poorly MM played. There was audio stuttering and wrong pitches, severe slowdown in some places, and it even CRASHED fairly often! I'm really curious how this happened, whether it was an experiment with a new emulator, or maybe something to do with emulating the RAM expansion pack that MM requires.

When Majora's Mask finally came to Virtual Console, I remember there was a big hesitation until the reviews came out and confirmed that it runs better than the Collector's Edition version.

Bingo Baz
Bingo Baz - 11.10.2022 00:43

Hated zelda just a frustrating game it wasn't clear what you were meant to do. Gave up after a few hours of aimlesslesly wandering around and no real point to the game. Can't understand why anyone would like it tbh.

thousandyoung - 05.10.2022 14:14

It's called wanting the biggest amount of Money for the least Investment/Effort.

Tyler McNamer
Tyler McNamer - 22.08.2022 21:28

Why not rerelease the N64?

ArjunTheGamer1 - 22.08.2022 16:23

Wii U is only console with all legend of Zelda games available

Shifty - 10.08.2022 01:26

The switch is better then the wii u viral consle' moving on

iDoGaming - 19.07.2022 16:57

Ocarinr of time

capitaloftexas - 11.07.2022 16:33

I got a pretty cool story, so around 7 years ago, my friend called up Nintendo to see if they could help him with his N64. And to our surprise, they actually helped him out and answered all the questions he had with his system. I don’t know if they still do it, but it was just something interesting I just thought I’d share. They probably don’t care about the N64 nowadays, though. Hence their recent emulation attempts. Shame.

Heath C
Heath C - 19.06.2022 22:03

Your bread is awesome bro!

boingoatpunkass - 08.05.2022 18:29

Does the Mario64 entry in the Mario 3D Allstars have the same problems?

empty_bliss 187
empty_bliss 187 - 23.04.2022 01:55

I wonder if Nintendo gets mad that we still wanna play their old games from previous consoles? I'm still over here playing SNES and N64 games and haven't bought a Switch yet.

KappaKappaKappaKappa - 21.04.2022 18:28

LMAO Nintendo

J - 02.04.2022 21:07

I knew I liked you. I see those headstocks.

RocketVet - 05.02.2022 21:22

I never really had any problems with the Wii, WiiU, or NSO versions.. shrug

Absurd Bird
Absurd Bird - 03.02.2022 18:01

The 3DS version was excellent, I guess that wasn't emulation?

Edit Zachariassen
Edit Zachariassen - 03.02.2022 12:43

I have the ocarina of time disc my mom got it for chrismas the special limited thingy

No Name
No Name - 01.02.2022 17:55


diddymouse - 01.02.2022 00:35

It's because Mr Iwata died. That's where you'll find all of your answers.

Shawn Sustrich
Shawn Sustrich - 31.01.2022 20:39

Having a generic emulator doesnt need to be a source of issues. Im using an emulator right now to finally finish Twilight Princess. The Dolphin emulator runs it fine and the only issues that it does have with lag in a certain situation is fixed on the fly with a config option to 'apply the hyrule valley patch'. Making an emulator for each game is in general poor software development. It adds loads of complexity and time. At the least you now you have to do CM for each emulator and which adds work hours and money. Anything done in hardware can be done in software and vice versa, so if you didn't need a different version of the n64 to play each game you shouldn't need a different version of the emulator.

Amfibios - 31.01.2022 07:17

we have the same displate! good choice mate :D

Ficehdulah - 30.01.2022 18:21

“Ocariner” of time

Matt S
Matt S - 30.01.2022 11:06

Here's an idea: Be thankful Nintendo have made the greatest game ever made accessible on every single one of it's consoles since 1998 and stop nitpicking minor performance issues.

Caleb B
Caleb B - 30.01.2022 00:12

Every generation Nintendo ends up charging MORE for less product. Not surprised in the least that it's a low effort cash grab.

Tulio Laanen
Tulio Laanen - 29.01.2022 18:10

who cares lol

James Wilson
James Wilson - 29.01.2022 06:07

They also used to have the best online shop. Everything has fallen apart at Nintendo.

Raffalius - 28.01.2022 16:54

Was i the only one who played through Ocarina of Time, without noticing any difference?

Becky Ritter
Becky Ritter - 28.01.2022 10:10

I wonder why they purposely put a black filter over all of the N64 games in the Wii U virtual console. Makes no sense, especially since it dulls the picture so much.

GOAT OF DUTY - 28.01.2022 08:13

Thankfully despite the poor development of nintendo.... fast CPUs solved the problem so we can use proper 3rd party emulators and downloaded free roms (in exchange to Nintendos anti-customer decisions)

Naturefreund - 28.01.2022 04:14

It was great as they released adapters or made consoles fully backwards compatible to play games on them from older generations
Wished they'd done that for N64 to play SNES and Gamecube for playing N64 cartridges
I'm not gonna buy a Switch because of buying retro games virtually I already own physically
There might be better solutions to play emulated games and given technical solutions are great nowadays to enjoy old consoles again on modern TVs
All it needs is a little affinity and money you only have to spend once for a solid equipment

Greetings from Germany

LestatTravesty - 28.01.2022 03:23

me and my 3 brothers. were the poorest in our school district. when we got the N64...we then felt the richest. I LOVED THE 64 AND MISS IT LIKE NO OTHER.

haven't been able to get into hardly any video games since. Halo on xbox was one. and befor sore, resident evil 2 on playstaion are about it really. some others but them two grabbed me good. like n64 games did. I HATE THAT I CANNOT JUST TURN ON A 64 AND DO EACH GAME OVER AGAIN NOW.....really sucks man. and being older now, all us brothers apart. its the 64 that makes me feel like we are still together and fighting over whos turn on the 64 is next lol... but i can not play them games any more :(

i literaly still taste bowser wipping a big ass spiked ball and chain at me lol and can still hear what happens when you ride over a banana peeling on mario cart. i still feel the warmth that Wave Race brought me, playing it in cold ass winters. gosh i loved that one too. and then there was that we had bought that none of us like at first. but months later i tired it myself alone and got the hang of what to do and how things worked and then i loved that game too and miss it just as much as Mario64 and was a game where shoose a vehicle to do demolition with. and each vehicle had its strangth and weakness. like a bulldozer. that would demolish building and stuff with ease. but was real slow. and then this black cargo kinda van. it was rather well rounded. that ended up being my favorite to use. you went to diffent maps do to these demotion objectives. it wasn't Demolishion durby or nothing like it so i know it wasn't that. i can not remember the dam name of that game. but i loved that one so much too.

this new age shit sucks. i can't get into it. too many options and there is no better graphics to look forward too. i don't know how all thses you tubers can get into this new stuff. nothing like starving for better. not gettting it all and from your very first gaming exsperience. you know? anyone born after the xbox hasn't a clue about that starving factor that really got you amped and addicted to a game like when your growing up threw the real revoltion of it.

you guys and of you remember the Atari?? lol that was yeah. i donno what to say abotu that. still grabbed me as a kid though none the less. square box with a big ass full hand joy stick and one red botton lmao .. im glad that was only short lived though. a few years of that and then suddenly we we able to barrow other peoples nintentos and sometimes buy a well used one (they only worked right for like 4 months. and then we would have to smack it or take the cartrage out and blow any dust off in the counsol and on the cartrage befor playing pretty anything everytime) gosh there was this one game too for that, that really got me and my brothers. it was like a 2d dongeons and dragon game. with to fast smaller players to use or two big ogger players to play as. one male and one female each. the big ogger women player, we always called her Hellga lol but she was abit faste than the ogger man but a little be less weak. but the other two, the smaller players to use, we bother fast as hell in comparison. but were real weak.

boy my bad. thats a dam book that i should just delete. but its just shtity not having any of them any more. and so im trying to relive it some i think by typing some of my own gamng history out.

now...pff.... its just all this new shit that sucks. only thing i can play that i liked alot was halo Reach. for xbox 360 and thats the only consol and game that i own now.

boy if i could only get my hands on Mario 64 and Turik. with some Wave Race and Mario Cart...phew... i would quit my fucking job!! lol

it was nice seeing some Zelda footage again. and seeing someone that still remember how great it use to be. like im not alone, wanting the old days back lol :)

gives you a big ass thumbs up!!

unk - 26.01.2022 22:22

ocariner of time

CoralCopperHead - 26.01.2022 20:07


Frank Coley
Frank Coley - 26.01.2022 12:02

I find it absurd that it's getting worse. Then, they STILL charge for these old ass games.

I don't care what anyone tells me. These Zelda games are OK at best... I think I enjoyed MegaMan Legends WAY more. I feel it was a very fun game.

To me The Zelda games only got more and more convoluted as they've gone on, yet people still by repackaged nostalgia and encouraging these companies to give subpar versions of the same game.


Adrian Borinsky
Adrian Borinsky - 26.01.2022 03:49

Good news at least there's a fan made PC PORT of ocarina of time coming soon

Alex Ivanovic
Alex Ivanovic - 25.01.2022 15:49


Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 25.01.2022 14:10

And this is the main reason why I still own a Nintendo 64 Lol 😂

Jose Pineda
Jose Pineda - 24.01.2022 20:25

Would OoT 3D at all be a decent video to make. Just how it all was created and what they got right/wrong? That version I enjoy quite a bit actually.

Riley K
Riley K - 24.01.2022 00:13

WW pre-order bonus is to this day the greatest pre-order bonus I've ever gotten. None of this 'a couple skins that you can pay for later'

Will Qin
Will Qin - 23.01.2022 12:34

As a sde who have just a little knowledge about emulate, the reason is obvious, developing options in the old days just so limited, game developers need some hack to make the game meet the design. That is why the tunings are required. And N64 game storage medium just make it more difficult to make a emu.
