Bosnians in Kosovo!?? | A day with Kosovo's Bosniaks

Bosnians in Kosovo!?? | A day with Kosovo's Bosniaks

Ben the Rules

1 год назад

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@maksimdjordjevic3585 - 11.02.2024 01:25

Kosovo Will always stay serbian. 🇷🇸🇲🇪⚜️

@silkndpearls8538 - 27.01.2024 22:36

Kingdom of Bosnia was the only free kingdom in medieval balkans, the line between austrohungarian and otoman empire. We had our own church called Bosnian church/home/hiza and was a refuge for many groups like katars, bogumils, paterans who were prosecuted for their believes. Before the fall to ottoman empire that whole regions was under Bosnian crown. But this is history that you need to dig for, cause they are trying to burry it to this day.

@naskutak - 06.01.2024 08:15

They have no competition to Bosnian because they not Bosnian. BOSNIAN IS POLITICAL

@sal78sal - 01.01.2024 13:29

Ben speaks with such a typical Bosnian accent. But he looks like a Hungarian. Very much Hungarian.

@arneb.9475 - 28.12.2023 04:51

Ben you are my Hero. I Am Bosnian from Ljubizda near Prizren. You are welcome in Kosovo! Fantastic Journey. Where are you from USA? I Live i Germany, Best Greets!

@markwarne5049 - 20.12.2023 10:23

Still dunno wat a bosniak is and why there was a war

@llolla - 19.12.2023 03:06

historically serbs in kosova! wrong my friend! its oposite

@antonpikadilli8771 - 17.12.2023 03:34

Dardanian Epirots & Slavic =thats it very easy

@winup28mx25 - 15.12.2023 09:00

Bosnian Turkey Serbian they have better life in Kosovo than in Serbia or Bosnia, they have lots of rights in Kosovo, They not many like 5% rest 95% are Albanians

@toniv4903 - 15.12.2023 03:22

Dokaz da gdje god ideš, gdje god ih nađeš, bošnjaci su uvijek dobri gostoprimljivih ljudi sa velikim srcama :) Pozdrav od hrvata iz Tuzle 🇧🇦🇭🇷🫱🏻‍🫲🏼⚜️🇽🇰

Odlićan si ćovjek što širiš umjesto mržnja Benjamine 👍🏻

Love the last meating where a serb, bosniak, albanian and turk are playing cards haha

@albionrovers6018 - 11.12.2023 10:05

If you are there without a camera all of them will accept that they are Albanians

@Smaijil.Akovljanin - 10.12.2023 10:51

Selam Bošnjaci, svaka čast Benjamine 👌

@rokiikor9270 - 08.12.2023 02:51

Full of false information
..oldest language is Bosnian..serbian and croatian are overwritten from Bosnian.

@ToxicVaccines_HivHoax - 02.12.2023 13:04

The subtitles in this video are very good. Great work, Benjamin.
Big letters easy to read. Different colours to indicate who's speaking. 👍👍

@pericaivanoski9027 - 01.12.2023 01:43

Inace oko cistog sprskog/bosnjackog/hrvatskog/crnogorskog/... jezika na kojem ovi ljudi odgovaraju ako ih pitate na tom jeziku ne treba da vas potsecujem da iako su u bivsu Jugoslaviju oficijalni jezici bili sprsko-hrvatski, makedonski i slovenecki, svi smo znali srpsko-hrvatski jer je to bio univerzalni jezik razumljevanja za 22 miliona ljudi razlicitih nacioanlnosti. I za mene to kao Makedonac nije nikakav problem, ali je problem ako to sto Goranci znaju da odgovore na sprskom (jer su ucili ili radili po Jugi ili gledali RTB) je dokaz da su srbi ili bosnjaci ili marsovci. Nema logike. Poslusajte kako pricaju izmedju njih. Ako vam to deluje razlicnije od vasih jezika to je jednostavno zasto je to zasebni Makedonski jazik.
Pozdrav svima saljem iz Makedonije.

@pericaivanoski9027 - 01.12.2023 01:24

They converted the religion to Muslims to avoid terror from the Turks and Albanians (who converted even earlier and were putting terrible pressure on the Christian Slav population). The Turks were using the services of Albanians and supported their spread to new territories.
Historically Shar planina is a border between 2 Slavic populations - Serbian and Macedonian. The difference is in the language, religiously both are believers in the Orthodox Church. Historically the northern side of Shar Mountain, Kosovo side, was a Serbian ethnic area, while the opposite, southern side, was and still is Macedоnian (the Republic Of Macedonia).
It is very simple to judge the ethnicity of these people, just check the language they speak - pure Macedonian. I am from the Macedonian side of Shar Planina and there is no single word in our Macedonian language that is different from the language spoken by these people. Take the analogy for example of the Albanians, the fact that they have 3 different religions does not make them different nations - all are simply Albanians and that is very logical. So, how come, these Macedonians speaking pure Macedonian language are something else than Macedonians only because have turned to the Muslim religion just 150, 200 years ago?
I do not deny that some may feel differently than Macedonians because living in an extremely complex environment of extreme nationalism around them forced them to balance their identity, but that does not change the general and historical facts.
Топли поздрави до браќата од Гора од вашата Македонија. Македонија ве сака! Единствено искрено за разлика од сите други кои се само трговци на човечки души.

@mihaliprefti2507 - 22.11.2023 20:37

The three languages they speak are Albanian, Bulgarian, Serbian. Nobody speaks Macedonian.

@sunnymorgan4028 - 21.11.2023 21:27

Very good people, big heart

@ostroilosvevladovic3860 - 17.11.2023 19:54

Mislim da ce dobro znas da prevedes ovaj Moj komentar

Ti si tajni agent Iz amerike a i imas dosta simpatije prema siptarskog naroda to kaze Mnogo o tvoje namere

I u planjane nisu bosnjaci nego Torbeshi

@BHRoadStoriesBH - 16.11.2023 22:42

Best regards from Bosnia 🇧🇦

@RobLow-hh6bb - 15.11.2023 14:35

You just can't beat , mixing with the locals . The Balkan people invite you in for a coffee . Would you get the same treatment in the USA .

@justachannel2379 - 10.11.2023 01:44

Bosniaks in Kosovo are minority 1% of population

@DASSTADT - 05.11.2023 04:01

White flag with blue coat of arms with lillies is not the 'flag of bosniak people' but flag of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under that flag Bosnia was internationally recognized in 1992.

So it's an old flag of Bosnia and not bosniak peopl. Just a sidenote; video and your channel is amazing 🙏🙏

@chrishanzek8930 - 31.10.2023 04:15

To present the area as a generic Slavic group that was divided by religion would be false. Croats and Serbs were seperate tribes that came from the north. Croats, having settled more to the west, became Catholic and Serbs having settled more to the east became Orthodox. Bosnian Muslims or Bosniaks were not a seperate Slavic tribe but differentiated themselves by having converted to Islam during Ottoman rule. It is disputed whether they were Croats, Serbs or the indiginous population pre-Slavic migration.

@farukb.4400 - 29.10.2023 20:20

U Kosovo bošnjaci imaju više prava nego u Bosnu ❤

@nikolamiletic3221 - 29.10.2023 13:09

Kosovo and Metohija is Serbian Yerusalem!!!!see old monasterirs and curches *serbian*some older than usa!!!

@svevladovtriglav - 28.10.2023 10:43

Dude, you've got the ethnicity thing completely figured out. For a foreigner that's impressive.

To make things more complicated, most of the ethnicities here identified with their peoplehood until the 19th century, after which various political projects grouped the idiots into "nations" by religion. Bonkers, I know.

@patro9555 - 28.10.2023 09:58

Kosovo welcomes all. And minority groups live the best! If you ask Serbs they collect one salary from Kosovo, one from Serbia and another one from EU. Yet they are always complaining and whining like little babies…

@y40ll - 28.10.2023 00:45

Eh da samo nije bilo tih ratova, drugačije bi se živelo na ovim prostorima! Ali, nismo imali baš pameti, a nemamo ni sada.

@dbdbdb862 - 27.10.2023 16:11

Reality of the most percentage of Kosovo Bosniaks it's different..... Most of them where forced to spek Serbian After first and second world war.... Most of them do have Albanian Origin and they're great parents where Albanian speaker's this is very Common in the region of Prizren (Zhupa and Dragash).
Also in Sanjak Region you find the same story all this Bosnians whre forced and pushed to become Serbians by Serbian regime during last ceuntry.

@lukatore123 - 27.10.2023 00:22

There is a village called Planjane in Dalmatia as well! This says a lot about continuity of toponyms across ex Jugoslavija

@sydneysbrucewillis - 26.10.2023 22:01

Kosovo was and will always be Serbia!

@mlrd2687 - 26.10.2023 14:21

The Serbian Church did not recognize as members of the Serbian people those people who changed their religion and that is why there are so many different nations in the former Yugoslavia. Because of that stupid church policy, people felt rejected and in addition to their religion, they also changed their nation. Macedonians with surnames on SKI are Serbs, and on OV they are Bulgarians. All the peoples of the former Yugoslavia except the Slovenes have almost identical DNA. Religions are the main reason for wars and hatred in the world.

@mihovililakovac6199 - 26.10.2023 00:10

Bold and bankrupt vibes

@marinpope1729 - 24.10.2023 16:49

Balkanci su zakon

@albanianblood0148 - 24.10.2023 05:37

Nobody likes the serbs all other nationalties only love. ❤️🇦🇱

@fischeranda - 23.10.2023 13:20

This guy spreads ignorance. He made of a term "Bosniak" some mix of albanian religion and serbian language. Bosniak is a pre ottoman term and it has nothing to do with islam. Only nowadays since a great majority of Bosniaks is muslim is it being connected to islam.

@zikaperic2133 - 22.10.2023 22:56

This is just show what an idiot Milosevic was. I cannot name a worst leader in the history of Serbia. I think Germany after WW2 had start recovering faster than Serbia after Milosevic.

@modricaninmodricki7559 - 21.10.2023 18:31

Ben I like to to say to you thank you very much. Our corrupted Bosnian politician don't care about these great Bosnian community in Kosovo and you make as American great video abaut it.Thank you very much from a Bosnian American.If you ever visit northern California be my guest.

@LjubicaP - 20.10.2023 15:33

Benjamin izvini ja engleski znam onako skolski ali ti pisem na mom jeziku a nadam se da ce Google uspeti prevesti kako treba.
Pogledala sam tvoj video iz Italije o Moliskum Hrvatima i sada ovaj video.
Nadam se da ti je bilo prijatno kod ovih divnih ljudi koji su te prvi put videli ali i domacinski primili u svoju kucu. To u Ameriku ili u Evropi nikada neces doziveti. Na Balkanu ljudi zele pomoci na svaki nacin a pogotovu pocastiti kafom i jelom ako si mu ispred kuce kao ova braca Rapit i Hafit....
Nadam se da ti je bilo prijatno.
Pozdrav iz Crne Gore 🖐

@rising3805 - 20.10.2023 11:33

There is no country called "Kosovo".... You have been missinformed.
Kosovo i Metohija, WAS, IS and always WILL be a heart of Serbia.

@deejagers716 - 20.10.2023 09:20

Svi idu na Zapad a ovde raj na zemlji kao i mom kraju. Pozdrav Bosnjacima Kosova od Sandzaklije. Hvala Benjaminu sto je ovo uradio, hrabar decko koji voli svoje poreklo a to je Jugoslovensko. Krv nije voda. Very interesting video. I study in Kosovo but i never meet Bosnjak people from Kosovo so this is very interesting for me.

@deejagers716 - 20.10.2023 09:01

actualy Bosnjak and Bosnian is not a same, Bosnian is guy from Bosnia and Bosnjak is Slavic Muslim from Yugoslavia who don't belongs to Albanian or Gorani people. So in Bosnjaks (word) belongs this people: Bosnian Muslims, Sandzak people (Serbia), Sandzak people (Montenegro), Slavic Muslim people of Kosovo (Gorani people don't want to belong there but actually they are also Bosnjaks). Gorani people are also Slavic and they speak language who is mix of Serbian, Macedonian and own local words. Albanians are not Slavs. Just give the info.That are the biggest groups I think but you have Bosnjak people also in Croatia, Macedonia and whole world. Biggest group is afcorse in Bosnia so the name Bosnjak derived from there. We look similar but still are differences. Regards

@marcovalentini5741 - 18.10.2023 22:00

Juga igra karte.

@krunoslavkovacec1842 - 18.10.2023 19:24

You should go to Janjevo and Letnica to ttalk with the local Croats

@SoulArtSound - 18.10.2023 16:37

Косово и Метохија is Srbija!!
