Easy Ascended and Exotic Gear in Guild Wars 2! Ultimate Gear Guide

Easy Ascended and Exotic Gear in Guild Wars 2! Ultimate Gear Guide


1 год назад

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josh steiner
josh steiner - 10.10.2023 14:59

How do you get Daily log ins? Only way I get laurels is wizards tower. But all the videos talk about daily log ins.. I've looked and looked and can't find it. Was it removed or am I just blind?

lone3lyy - 19.09.2023 16:39

im lost.. i guess i became boomer :')

Seal - 13.09.2023 22:07

"That is awesome".... That is why it has 5k players on steam.

JC - 05.09.2023 02:30

How up-to-date is this guide!? Wanting to get back in with secrets and my friend is starting from scratch. She needs Viper's.

Noel Tamura
Noel Tamura - 27.08.2023 21:56

Is there a way to get good weapons without having to craft? I absolutely loathe crafting in mmos

Sirsendu Ball
Sirsendu Ball - 18.08.2023 12:24

I am doing free to play. Can i get exotic armors?

oriongaming - 12.08.2023 20:31

if gear never gets better like in most mmos then what happens when a new expansion drops ? do we just get different gear with equal stat amounts or do new expansions just not bring any new gear ? that would seem a bit boring if i never have to level up and upgrade my gear on a new xpac

Michael - 11.08.2023 20:54

Awesome guide, thank you!

changshaaa wang
changshaaa wang - 22.07.2023 22:34

can u use pvp ascended armor in pve?

DerStille18 - 22.07.2023 11:17

You can Attune or Infuse Rings to make another version you can wear like: 1 Red Death and 1 Attuned Red Death, 1Red Death(Infused) and 1 Attuned Red Death(same goes for the season 3/4 rings) but not 2 Attuned Red Death

Laurent Trottier
Laurent Trottier - 10.07.2023 22:12

thx for the info

didoma73 - 07.07.2023 20:51

can't you also buy condition trinkets from fractal vendor?

meanmoose - 22.06.2023 01:14

Fantastic video, doing better than half the gw2 content creators in a far more cohesive, digestible manor. Please don't stop making content.

Jamie R (pres Wild Growth)
Jamie R (pres Wild Growth) - 15.06.2023 09:25

Really high quality guide :) Thanks! Really helpful

Randy Moffat
Randy Moffat - 14.06.2023 18:51

Some additional ways to get armor- WvW and PvP both allow you to buy stat selectable armor and the Reward tracks give additional armor. WvW Hero's reward track will give you an easy cheap path to Ascended weapons.

Bro - 04.06.2023 09:48

As the video started i was like "One of the reasons i dislike GW2 , its because gear is the same as 200000 years ago" :P

Vlad Rosu
Vlad Rosu - 30.05.2023 01:17

Some bonus tips from a new, but quick-learning player:
1. Trade the blue prophet shards for green prophet shards and buy the EoD ascended weapons instead of the IBS ones if you need an expansion-locked stat. They trade at 1:1 rate so you won't lose anything
2. Get the IBS episode with Bjora Marches and do the achievement Idolatry, it will unlock buying ascended accesory (Asgeir's Talisman) for 375 Eternal Ice Shards (you get them REALLY easy, I get 500-1000 each day) and like 60k karma, much cheaper than any other accesory in the game IMO
3. Don't craft any ascended backpacks, go towards the Ad: Infinitum legendary backpack, you will need to craft an ascended Fractal backpack as part of the achievements anyways, and you can use that one until you finish the legendary one
4. Try doing the dailies and recs fractals in t4 each day, they drop at least 1 ascended ring/day, saving yourself the pristines, and can come directly attuned or infused so you don't have to use money to attune or infuse it when you will have to
5. Do harder content from the get-go (and I don't mean strikes or raids, but stuff like Tequatl, Dragonstorm, Drakkar, Triple Trouble and other that have ascended drop rate), at like 0-50% magic find on new accounts you will have a higher drop-rate for ascendeds, like Anet trying to give you a small boost and encouraging you to play more and harder content
Thanks everyone for reading this and I wish you all a great day and all the best!

Huxilium - 28.05.2023 19:16

I'm loving these straight-forward yet comprehensive and actionable guide videos you've been pumping out! GW2 can be so daunting - even as a 6 year uber-casual veteran, I still don't know the most optimal ways to gear myself up for various end game content so this video is super helpful to keep me on track.

Max Ventunosei
Max Ventunosei - 22.05.2023 15:13

This is so good! I didn't know the laurel vendor had cele trinkets it's amazing

Gemini X
Gemini X - 18.05.2023 00:29

Thansk for a lot of good information in one video!

Nooblet - 17.05.2023 19:19

not me looking at how to gear like i have choosen a class to main xD all the classes are fun!

752RACING - 11.05.2023 13:34

after many years of wow i just started GW2 very recently and i am loving it so far, thank you for the videos this is very nice info!

Gengar - 08.05.2023 05:57

Such an awesome video, thank you for your time and effort!

SunInYour Eyes
SunInYour Eyes - 07.05.2023 13:38

Oh my god. Now let's figure what to play (class, build)

The Quaalude
The Quaalude - 01.05.2023 02:53

When i first got ascended trinkets i farmed LWS3, it was terrible 😂

N Brown
N Brown - 30.04.2023 08:19

The login awards drive me nuts clutter my bags and this video demonstrates why I quit this game.

NRWsFalscherJunkie - 25.04.2023 18:48

gw mommy

Aleksandar Matic
Aleksandar Matic - 22.04.2023 00:19

Gearing up characters is one of my fav pasttimes in MMO. I am not sure i'll like this but i am trying GW2 for the first time :)

Mark Oliver Gabutero
Mark Oliver Gabutero - 20.04.2023 20:41

You can also buy EXOTIC stat selectable armor for Helm and Shoulder from Trading Post - Shoulders of the Ebon Vanguard Choice Chest (shoulder) and Ice Golem's Maw Box (helm)

Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Brown - 13.04.2023 20:01

If my math is correct that's about 75 days to get all of the discounted Laurel accessories per spec per character... I'm guessing the other methods are much faster from a calendar days perspective, but take more in-game time.

Eirryn Light
Eirryn Light - 12.04.2023 23:55

;-; i understood everything this is the best guide i've seen so far (personally thinking) thank you so much ;-; on my way for the raid one

Jaime Cornejo
Jaime Cornejo - 11.04.2023 19:30

what a nice guide

Blackened - 10.04.2023 10:22

My problem is not gear 😅 it's making up the right stats for my build and/or role 😅

Wasamby - 09.04.2023 15:13

Had you made easy legendary gear guide yet?

Subaru_God - 08.04.2023 17:42

I'm all sorted now, Thx

kim rasmussen
kim rasmussen - 07.04.2023 10:36

no wonder that my gear sucked, i didnt do any of this. its a shame that i wasted so much time. and all the money of course
it is very poorly explained in game. it is also a lot of work.

Vebzzz - 07.04.2023 10:15

i use a combo of minstrel and harrier for healer as i find pure harrier very squishy

Mau Mau
Mau Mau - 06.04.2023 23:06

as a new player this is not the guide i wanted but it was the guide i needed. thanks

orkman198 - 06.04.2023 13:20

Feels like you need a phd to understand how to get max gear in gw2 and get the right stats :/ ... coming from other mmos it just feels alot easier to know that you have to get your current raid set and you are fine until next raid drops
Guess it takes longer to get best gear in gw2 but once acquired you are fine forever but yeah, bit of a bummer to see such a complicated way to get gear... miss the good old gw1 days :/

Armis Hart
Armis Hart - 06.04.2023 09:14

I wish more than just Verdant Brink existed... You get 1 chance per day since there's quite a few hours inbetween each Night cycle and you have to wait til people are actually active and getting it to T4. Chances are low. and I didnt get the chest the first time despite it being t4

Barak - 05.04.2023 12:01

Forgot to mention that blood rubi trinkets can be reset for small fee of volatile magic, and mist trinkets are not unique and can be reset too for memes of battle

Will Deit
Will Deit - 04.04.2023 23:25

A Great video Lara well done.

Will Deit
Will Deit - 04.04.2023 23:24

More info: You can get Temple Armour (exotic) For Karma at the temples in Orr if you have that area.

Will Deit
Will Deit - 04.04.2023 23:19

I would like to add that you can get an Ascended underwater Head piece in Bitterforest as well.

Will Deit
Will Deit - 04.04.2023 23:13

You can also get an ascended Back piece in Lake Doric again it's a farmable item.

Nasturo - 03.04.2023 13:17

Thx for all ! I up my new caracter (Futur Spell Breaker) and you give me a lot of answer ^^

Gregorrush - 03.04.2023 13:13

And where is easy part?

Rook - 03.04.2023 01:10

This is so helpful thank you
