Fire Emblem Engage Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?

Fire Emblem Engage Nintendo Switch Review - Is It Worth It?

Nintendo Life

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@matthewzaragoza1197 - 03.02.2024 23:58

cool more combat focused nice reminds of older games.

@pear-zq1uj - 31.01.2024 17:10

fire emblem is a combat game not a dating sim

@Thedennati - 23.01.2024 13:58

One thing that deterred me from trying Three Houses was all the fluff, now that I know that Engage has disposed with most of that, I'm actually a lot more inclined to give this a try! I love turn-based combat that has many aspects and elements to it, last game I really enjoyed that offered this was probably the XCOM reboot. Thanks for the video.

@TheMRGuessguy - 12.01.2024 09:30

Why do all of the characters look young and girly? Really a turn off compared to radiant dawn/path of radiance

@joshogden1081 - 05.01.2024 02:22

Got started with Awakening. Three Houses turned me off with the huge emphasis on the social sim. So this one looks like it'll click easier with me.

@marcusbelay750 - 21.12.2023 07:43

I am definitely buying it, this reminds of all the fire emblem in past. Just not the last 2 made.

@MilkTankz - 30.11.2023 21:18

Fire emblem is for casuals now

@fgjsdfgjkl - 14.11.2023 22:59

This game is fantastic if you enjoy anime (specifically shounen and shoujo, not seinen) and fanfiction, and if you don't care about the story. The characters are prettybad.jpg, their design feels like a doujin writer made them and their personalities are incredibly flat and grating (and we've seen these character archetypes before in EVERY. SINGLE. FE. Like literally, if you just played one of the previous games, you will literally go "Oh that's this game's Gaius/Nino/Jakob" etc etc)

It's mediocre as a Fire Emblem title - it removes many features from previous games and it doesn't readjust the balance very well. The game slightly balances out the further you get but especially the early game is wonky as HELL and there's nothing positive to keep your attention while trudging through the early chapters.

This game is very bad if you enjoy deep storylines, well written characters, and characters that speak like adults. I honestly think I'd have enjoyed it as a kid but if you've read even a single book written for anybody over 10 you will be annoyed by how awful the quality is.

all in all a miss. nintendo seems to think their average player is someone who has spent every day of the past decade on deviantart and ao3 lmao

@Raul_27 - 29.10.2023 18:16

I love this game. Period.

@thedwarf4121 - 06.10.2023 22:43

I super enjoy this game. Enough that I repurchased a hard copy of it so it wasn't just digital. Second only to Warriors, it's my favorite in the series.

@EXchoco - 25.09.2023 23:06

Do not play this game if you value your time it’s a waste of 60 dollars shilling for gacha players and anime prawn addictions. Uninspired and feels like AI made it. Some people like the gameplay but there are games in the series with better gameplay as well as stories and art thoughtfully crafted that were actually made by writers and artists and will make you feel something lmao

@josuearesav - 22.09.2023 17:34

This review sounds more like a rant than a review.

@dzhonnikihirin4006 - 10.09.2023 22:45

I want another warriors game

@SwedePotato314 - 29.07.2023 10:57

So is the most like Fire Emblem warriors or like three houses? It’s more combat driven versus like rpg social sim right?

@rimiko86 - 25.07.2023 05:18

3houses story and feature are better, engage has better supermoves and combat imo

@chrisbyerly - 19.07.2023 08:32

I can understand a game taking a step back from story purposes to focus on more, erm.. engaging gameplay. And this game definitely has a lot of fun battles. But what makes this game not sit right for me is just how aggressively dumb the story, characters and voice acting choices are. I don’t remember there ever being this many cringey moments in any game that came before it, which is a shame because the game looks and plays amazing. If they put an iota more of effort into making the characters at the very least likable this would probably be one of my favorites in the franchise. But yeah, between annoying characters and 50% of the new Supports being characters staring inappropriately at each other it casts a huge shadow over what the game actually has to offer. Now that I’m thinking back to it, the interesting characters in past games was one of the cornerstones that actually made me care about the series in the first place. Such a shame.

@skyvolt2566 - 18.07.2023 05:41

It surprises me they went from something great like Fire Emblem 3 houses to something mid af like this

@Ti0Luch0 - 11.07.2023 14:02

This more like old fun Fire Emblem rather than the new thing, i like it.

@robertmoyer1106 - 06.07.2023 21:25

The story is absolutely terrible but I don’t care that much because the gameplay is fantastic. All FE games have lots of replay value for me and this one is no different.

@syrollesse - 17.06.2023 12:28

I'm glad that they're focusing more on the combat. This is what I loved about fire emblem and I couldn't get through three houses because it put me to sleep. (I hate social sims lol) so I'll be getting this game for sure haha

@DanaTheNintendoLoverGirl2011 - 13.06.2023 16:11

I Would Now Love To Play Fire Emblem Engage! ;)

@koshakuguides9863 - 13.06.2023 06:44

I did not like Three Houses. Wayy to much side crap, I just wanted to play a tactical RPG not a fetch quest farming simulator

@kingbahamut7086 - 08.06.2023 00:02

I hope they bring back the dread fighter and yasha class in one of there dlc’s

@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique - 04.06.2023 04:44

Fates had the best game mechanics l. My Castle - the abilities you can learn are endless 👏 Tales Of Valentia, Three Houses, and Engage got nothing on Fates! And not to mention 2 hit ability combined with 5 hit ability, then brave weapons included. A total of 14 hits 👏 And the dodging and blocking looks badarse! 🤩

@JSchlo401 - 28.05.2023 06:47

I’m a fan of the older Fire Emblem games for Nintendo DS/3DS. I found three houses really boring. I just want to move around the field and use strategy to win battles. I don’t care about running around a world and having conversations. 😅

@88Spint - 21.05.2023 08:42

God damn it looks so good tho :D

@gc1087 - 15.05.2023 00:07

Not gonna lie the character design looks like it's elementary school 7 year olds...after slightly more mature Three Houses I was expecting better style/art. Three houses was too much sim though.

@lordcommissar7813 - 14.05.2023 22:51

I prefer more dialog with the players it makes it easier to care about them.
I like 3 houses becuase it was a good mix of social and combat.

@sirfrancisdrake6956 - 14.05.2023 02:45

im glad they got rid of the extra stuff in this one

@PaulRoneClarke - 08.05.2023 01:02

Much prefer this sort of game. After 80 hours in 3 houses I stopped playing because of the amount of relation stuff. I just wanted to get on with the combat. This is much better IMO

@gas481 - 05.05.2023 14:56

First 5 minutes of this video KILLED any chance of me getting this game

@90kalos1 - 05.05.2023 06:13

Wait do people not just restart a level of a character dies in fire emblem?

@nucleardog6675 - 02.05.2023 12:18

3 houses actually turned me off with all the talking tbh.

@andresfontanez3016 - 27.04.2023 14:19

So in other words the game gifted us Horse Manure in place of the social sim aspect found in Three Houses.

@jaydee758 - 23.04.2023 23:17

Never played a Fire Emblem game in my life...might try this

@SebastionMinaj - 17.04.2023 21:12

My first game for any Fire Emblem was Three houses and while playing Engage missed the differences yet still like it for what it is. Wanted to see what other thought about it so looking up review videos and it seems I’m the only one that really liked the heavy story base and character development 😭

@BMW-sd6nn - 15.04.2023 22:37

I love fire emblem but didn't want to get three houses because I don't care about the life sim stuff in my fire emblems. Naturally I'm beyond addicted to this game. It's incredible.

@metalwillneverdie4101 - 09.04.2023 02:09

I just beat the game it’s great except there is no replay value and I think the magic in this game is lacking but there are plenty of weapons though

@lRedBaronl - 01.04.2023 02:32

Looks good but 3H is more in my alkey

@90shandheldgamer - 31.03.2023 02:23

This is one of my top Nintendo switch games! A must play!

@felixtetrex7571 - 30.03.2023 07:15

I just watched this and the Bayonetta 3 review back to back. It's such a difficult choice between the two because I love FE but I also really enjoyed Bayo 2 when I played it.

@Red_Pill_things - 29.03.2023 08:20

Three houses is better

@AiminE2512 - 26.03.2023 12:37

I still like the old Fire Emblem The Sacred Stone style no matter how long it is 😁

@tritonh5683 - 24.03.2023 07:00

I skept classes, finding and return8ng crap to peo0le. Ewww

@tritonh5683 - 24.03.2023 06:58

Fk romance and relationship. Having kids was so bsaaaaaaaad

@takarahayashi4124 - 07.03.2023 04:03

the + button is your ebst friend in this game, the story, character and jsut overall writing quality is so vomit inducing that you'll just want to spam it every time dialogue is about to happen.

@nicholasnorwood8495 - 05.03.2023 02:24

Way too gamey, it lacks immersion

@starface2178 - 01.03.2023 23:02

Looks like a game I could play BUT it was ruined by overused cliches such as personal eye for an eye. :(
And one of the places in that game has a title that I really despise. (I watched someone else play this game(
Also 2 of the characters that looked like they could be good playable characters died! Spoilers are below!

Spoilers: It was the protagonist's mother and a female antagonist named "Marni". What a waste of potentially good characters to play as. And I HATE Mauvier for trying to commit personal eye for an eye after Marni died. It should have been Mauvier who dies instead of Marni!
My opinions by the way.

@ryancrozier7941 - 28.02.2023 15:30

Hearing that it won't be three houses the sequel honestly makes me really disappointed. Thats my opinion though. I just loved the social aspects of these houses and then the classic FE gameplay made it a 10/10. For me. Hearing that engage won't be the same lost out on my purchase of it.

@azaleaneon5369 - 28.02.2023 07:30

If not for the combat this game would've been snooze fest
