John Waters on Hitchhiking Across America - Miami Book Fair International Session

John Waters on Hitchhiking Across America - Miami Book Fair International Session

Detroit PBS

10 лет назад

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Комментарии: - 07.02.2015 23:26

This was a great interview!

@Bhakti-Tereza - 26.09.2019 14:51

Great spoken word and that Golden gate park punk music fest! He's tre chic!

@cristerowarrior1450 - 03.10.2019 13:59

“I’m a whore and it’s Christmas “

@newyorkcat - 04.12.2019 03:02

This was funny but audio is horrible. I'm in FLA now and every time AC comes on I can't hear a thing

@jakobeisenstein4886 - 20.04.2021 23:47

great interview, but oh boy whoever the guy is doing that introduction has no charisma at all, public speaking is certainly not his thing

@josephmarknatuzzi6356 - 23.06.2022 02:32

Hitch hiked 8 times across the US once across Australia during my honeymoon once across Canada 30 times from San Diego to San Francisco. Spiritually on the On Ramp. Excellent training for profiling. Did singing telegrams to catch a ride across the Nullabor it goes on and on. I only wished I did not buy a Santa Claus outfit.

@jmqcbizzle - 29.06.2022 04:19

fantastic interview
