Talk to Jesus // teachable tuesday

Talk to Jesus // teachable tuesday

Blessed is She

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@jeniferepkey3426 - 15.01.2020 03:02

No joke, my word for 2020 is "abide" and this hit it out of the park. Thank you - as always!

@beag.b4894 - 15.01.2020 03:31

My word for 2020 is "tell"! This totally goes with it!! Thank you Beth, hope your Cold/Cough goes away soon! I will pray for you to continue to share what the Lord shares with you!

@kookaburraoct64 - 15.01.2020 07:17

I am on the journey to becoming Catholic. I find great joy in my heart when I pray and I love the thought of talking to Jesus. Thank you for sharing.

@budgetingforfinancialfreed5227 - 15.01.2020 10:56

Thank you so much Beth! I love teachable Tuesdays!! And I was literally at the sink doing dishes listening to this. 💛

@WordsPictures997 - 15.01.2020 11:18

Beth!!! Well come back!
Yet another great teachable Tuesday. Maybe a bit too great. I kid you not, the moment you said ' light change ' the light bulb in my room burst 😅.

@alciraproenza-collazo - 16.01.2020 02:38

You are soooooo likekeable. Like I wanna be friends with you and not just virtually. God bless you and your gifts and for walking with us.

@LadyK007 - 24.01.2020 05:18

God bless you Beth! Your faith is so inspiring!! Thank you for your ministry and saying YES to the Lord!!

@dianedraveski6485 - 06.02.2020 06:31

You are such a wonderful person and at 53 all the way in Michigan I sure wish I had someone like you to guide me in person. Do we have BIS local leaders? HUGS.... Diane

@camomiletea7798 - 04.09.2020 23:05

Jesus wanted me watch this. Thank you Beth ☺️, my mind was full of negative thoughts over something that happened in my childhood, so I clicked the Teachable Tuesday playlist closed my eyes, and randomly clicked on a a video. I couldn’t have picked a better one. I can’t fathom how at one point I barely thought of Jesus, and I’m a cradle catholic. You guys have helped me grow in my religion. God Bless all of you at Blessed is She 🕊
