Menopause Belly Fat is REAL But Not Your REALITY With These 3 Things

Menopause Belly Fat is REAL But Not Your REALITY With These 3 Things

Dr. Becky Gillaspy

2 года назад

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Jacqueline P
Jacqueline P - 27.09.2023 03:51

I like your comments but as a diabetic it's hard to wait 14 hours, my blood sugar would drop too low.

The Remnant Thread
The Remnant Thread - 26.09.2023 20:33

What do vegan/vegetarians do? I tried to eat meat as described (salmon, fish, deer meat). With salads etc...and ended up gaining 20 lbs. I feel better vegan ( yes, I take B12 etc).. is there any hope for us? What would a dinner/breakfast look like for us?

Galaxy The Barn Owl
Galaxy The Barn Owl - 24.09.2023 03:53

I snack before bed like crazy until 10pm sometimes and I got to stop doing it😢

Lisa Faser
Lisa Faser - 21.09.2023 02:05

Thank you for the practical tips.🙏🏻

Tammie Cowart
Tammie Cowart - 20.09.2023 04:20

I am a hot mess. I don’t know what to do. Low carb or keto? I did keto 2 months in ketoses and no weight loss 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tammie Cowart
Tammie Cowart - 20.09.2023 04:18

Do you do keto or low carb?

Diana Smith
Diana Smith - 18.09.2023 10:12

I am post menopausal and in my 70 s. It is so hard for me to lose anything and i have quite the belly. I hate it so. The keto diet and intermitten fasting helps reduce the bloating a bit, but the pounds are not dropping much. It makes me feel old and saggy.😢

P Evans
P Evans - 18.09.2023 03:52

Dr Gillaspy, do you recommend keto gummies. I am on ADF trying to breakthrough what seems to be a plateau. I use to use the intermittent fasting but stopped loosing weight.

Anna Maria
Anna Maria - 12.09.2023 22:46

I have add spirulina and flaxseeds oil to my daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

Ann Pringle
Ann Pringle - 28.08.2023 17:49

I Fast 18 to 22 hours a day. I am also a herbalist and vegetarian over 30yrs.
Great video!@

Andrea Stetsko Kinsey
Andrea Stetsko Kinsey - 31.07.2023 15:17

what about a bad microbiome?

Dianne - 20.07.2023 02:44

I have 25% body fat and it’s all in my muffin tops & below belly button. It’s been two years and I’ve had it. I’ll do whatever I need to do. Since I am already extremely low carb which is salad & steak or zucchini & steak for example already…I’ll just quit eating. I look like I drink a case of beer daily. Was smaller when I was 6 mos pregnant.

Taoster - 08.07.2023 17:37

I have been intermittent fasting skipping breakfast or having breakfast for lunch and dinner before 7 pm and started gaining weight. This does not work for me.

gillart99 - 25.06.2023 22:12

Starting to think this channel is for women only? Confirm? (Just want to be sure I’m getting the right advice.)

AvsFan - 22.06.2023 23:24

Welcome to hell

anja - 12.06.2023 03:44

Why is it always thin people and doctors who say that you can lose belly fat. But you were never fat so I would like to hear it from people who were really fat and lost weight during menopause. So do you have a patient who was really fat and lost weight?. Then I thank you for a posting a reality story and not reproduce information everybody can produce and find on the internet.

Nox Twilight
Nox Twilight - 09.06.2023 22:31

Thank you so much for your no nonsense simple actions I know are going to work cause I've decided they will!

Aby H
Aby H - 08.06.2023 17:54

I am 54 years old I never had belly fat but a few months ago I gained weight about 15 bound even though I still have my period I’m so upset

A A - 07.06.2023 09:10

What about complex carbs?

Zoe Phillips
Zoe Phillips - 27.05.2023 19:20

Tired intermittent fasting and it didn't work for me...

PABWECG - 25.05.2023 17:29

Boy, that "why" thing is so important! Thanks for this video.

margaret benhamu
margaret benhamu - 16.05.2023 23:05

I have heard that you should only do intermittent fasting from day one of your menstrual cycle till a week before the next period bec it’s not good to fast that week. Is that true?

alcyone - 14.05.2023 21:51

Wow, practical and straight to the point. Subscribed.

Julie Moore
Julie Moore - 01.05.2023 04:43

Great ideas. My hubby and I have already started your 0, 1,2,3 plan!

Carmel M
Carmel M - 19.04.2023 06:15

"I want to be comfortable having my picture take" brought tears to my eyes. It's been a very long time since I've felt comfortable. My children stopped pressuring me into being in pictures.

M McK - 12.04.2023 05:50

Besides being so lovely to listen to, I really appreciate your advice and knowledge.

Innes Frey
Innes Frey - 05.04.2023 02:51

Excellent thank you

Donna Joiner
Donna Joiner - 24.03.2023 17:05

Ive been paleo/keto for years! I haven’t 😅eaten carbs in years & still can’t lose belly fat. I’ll occasionally eat blue berries or broccoli but mostly eat quality protein: salmon, grass fed beef, and eggs from home raised chicken. I’ve done intermittent fasting-but not for 12 weeks. I usually do a week on a week off.
I tried a veggie only diet about 5 years ago & I did lose weight but also muscle….not ideal. Im trying more resistance training
I’ll try it for 12 weeks-but starting it slightly discouraged

Lady Hawk
Lady Hawk - 21.03.2023 03:14

Yeah, my friend hormones!
It is hopeless.
Girls enjoy you looks while you got them.

Debbie Terry
Debbie Terry - 08.03.2023 23:04


Haydan James
Haydan James - 02.03.2023 16:40

So fasting does thT include drinking ? Or you mean complete fasting? Thank u so much x

Hgoldsmt Gold
Hgoldsmt Gold - 01.02.2023 09:24

Best video so far on post menopausal belly fat... I finally feel inspired 😅

fatima umar
fatima umar - 03.12.2022 18:12

Thanks for sharing!
Bless you Dr. Becky!!

SouthernRebel - 17.10.2022 07:48

Not sure where you got that graph on insulin spikes, but eating fat does not cause any insulin to be released. Also, eating protein without carbs has minimal effect on insulin.

Yanesia Downing
Yanesia Downing - 27.06.2022 17:21

Thank you - I am sad that all of the sudden I look pregnant - I am 49 and the hot flashes are killing me

Habibe Boyraz
Habibe Boyraz - 25.05.2022 22:31

Although I have insulin resistance,but don't have diabetes yet, l started motivating myself with first only two meals a day than one meal and recently have managed fasting for 46 hrs. It took me a year but gradually learned how to get the habit.

Justine Walters
Justine Walters - 20.05.2022 21:03

Dr Becky, I do 14/10 intermittent fasting daily, rarely eat carbs and I focus mainly on eating vegetables and protein, no sauces, no butter, I've cut way back on wine and alcohol, I work-out 4-5 days a week, I walk 2-3 miles a day and I still look like I'm pregnant at almost 60! I'm so frustrated! I asked my OBGYN & my primary care physician and they both just said do what you're doing. My health is spectacular otherwise! What can I do? Where can I go for real help?

Florida girl
Florida girl - 30.04.2022 22:51

They said on the news intermittent fasting does not make a difference.

Cecile - 29.04.2022 23:30

Gain 30 pounds on menopause

Sally White
Sally White - 20.04.2022 03:19

Thanks for sharing this great video

Karin Traut
Karin Traut - 25.03.2022 08:08

Your voice let me loose weight Dr thanks for the informative videos 🙏🇿🇦 my body is shifting around

Wilma Williams
Wilma Williams - 21.03.2022 21:46

Thank you so much for all the videos. I purchased your diet plan and lost 10 pounds the first week. You are my motivation. Love.

Sharon Bruneau
Sharon Bruneau - 28.01.2022 16:41

Becky, I’m very active. Some mornings I wake up hungry. I train at night with weights. My evening meal is low carb. However every morning I walk 5.5 miles. Some days a cup of coffee and water is good but some mornings low carb bread with natural peanut butter is needed. This makes intermittent fasting hard. Suggestions please. Thx u!

Dima Chakra
Dima Chakra - 15.01.2022 18:38

Thanks Dr Becky for this video as well as for all the other ones. I’m learning a lot through them.
I have a question regarding my morning coffee during my fasting period. I’ve been following a 18:6 IF but still having my 2 morning coffees with a little bit of milk. (1% fat or completely skim milk here in Canada)
So my question: Does this tiny amount of milk spike my insulin level and cancel all the benefits of my IF?

Pam Tibbett
Pam Tibbett - 13.01.2022 16:37

Healthy and to lose the weight.

KasiaBasia - 24.11.2021 21:56

Thank you Dr. Becky!
Very good information, and your videos are refreshing!👍
Since I’ve hit menopause, I almost gave up on losing weight, and of course the results is that I am at heaviest weight in my life 😞😖
I NEED to do something NOW, and your videos are informative and inspiring.
I will try the 14-10 plan.

Lucianne DeMarco
Lucianne DeMarco - 11.11.2021 23:28

Hello Dr Becky - I'm new to your channel and considering IF. I'm 56 in peri menopause (still!). Does a bullet proof coffee (MCT oil, butter, collagen) in the morning break the fast?

Spiritsnow - 11.11.2021 19:55

Thank you, Dr. Becky for this great information. I have a question if you would answer?
I’ve been doing the intermittent fasting for over two weeks now. I got myself to the 14-16 hour to 8 level. I’ve struggled with a menu to follow that’s the right choice without eating the same foods. I lost a couple of pounds but I’m stuck on a weight that want budge. I am post menopausal. I’ve recently had a struggle with the symptoms of very low estrogen even after using natural compounded estrogen everyday. A miserable time. After three attempts my doctor has finally stopped the misery.
My question is where can I get a menu print out to follow and perhaps recipes and why will my body fat and weight not budge?

* I lost 15 lbs this past Spring by doing a combination of quick weight loss diets just to restart my body. Heavy intake of grapefruit caused me some digestive issues and therefore the weight returned from limited food choices.
**I did the old fashion airline stewardess diet, military fad diet, and the mayo clinic grapefruit diet.
I alternated them every 10 days. I lost between 15 and 17 pounds in about three months. I was on a good level eating well afterwards and then got digestive issues from the grapefruit. I love grapefruit but he doesn’t like me now.

Regina S. ,
