Use WordPress, or just a Vanilla HTML5 site with CSS3?

Use WordPress, or just a Vanilla HTML5 site with CSS3?

Stefan Mischook

2 года назад

18,770 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


James Ruport
James Ruport - 07.09.2023 19:36

I would be interested in hearing more pros and cons to html vs Wordpress. If they want to blog or optimize for local SEO is Wordpress best? My web developer built my PT business on Wordpress. I’m currently rebuilding it with html css as a way to better learn

robert Butcher
robert Butcher - 24.06.2023 00:07

I want to be a front-end developer and it would be nice to make some sites for some clients, not as a freelance developer, but to get some experience. Do I need to know Wordpress or something similar to make sites for clients? Do I need to make them editable? If not, what could I do? I do know html, css, javascript, and some React. I know I could do a landing page, promotional page, informational page, and static sites that don't need to be edited by clients. Some people may not know what those types of sites are. So in general, what kind of sites would be good to make for clients to get my hands dirty, and how could I explain it to them, without saying I can't make it editable by you, store usernames/passwords, or make a login?

Roland Soós
Roland Soós - 02.04.2023 02:10

I thought I was watching the wrong video when I saw Stefan's face. Looking so sad 😂

nolan collet
nolan collet - 27.02.2023 11:49

Thanks. Great tipps.

eugene ruthven
eugene ruthven - 19.01.2023 17:56

just caught this video - short and sweet - been following you for a while - generally like what you say - however when you say "100 yrs' old - back in the 90s - you are a baby - i've been coding since 1980 - does that make me your granddaddy? keep up the good work - i'm in TO while you're in montreal

Phoenix Software
Phoenix Software - 18.10.2022 06:51

Thanks Stefan. One thing I hear quite a bit is that from an SEO perspective a wordpress site is easier due to the plugins etc - is that correct or is it easy to make a vanilla site SEO just as good as a wordpress site seo ?

Aneesah TheQueen
Aneesah TheQueen - 21.05.2022 21:23


Gizmo - 14.05.2022 03:07

Is WordPress just a template theme-builder type situation and do people pay to have you build them a site with just templates

Carlos Santos
Carlos Santos - 06.04.2022 15:22

I am planning to build a five-page site to show off my skills and my topic is RC cars. Should I do it?

kaffeetasse - 29.03.2022 19:15

vanilla rules, frameworks suck.

Chester Lee Spencer
Chester Lee Spencer - 28.03.2022 01:52

Thanks Uncle Mischook, Uncle Stefan for guiding us and all of your efforts on enlightening.

Oh Wow!
Oh Wow! - 27.03.2022 02:34

Ruby, the best and most efficient programming language in the milky way galaxy... 😙

nattsurfaren - 26.03.2022 19:36

I don't agree with many of you. First, figure out what the purpose is. Do you want to learn web development to create websites for clients or do you want to build a service for yourself? If you want to create websites for clients then you need to speak with a couple of web bureaus and see how they do it. Ask them what they use because you want to work for them for example. Chances are that they use WordPress tools/plugins like Divi or Elementor to fast through something online. You don't want to spend a lot of time tweaking/fiddling with bootstrap or other frameworks? I don't think your clients would appreciate the amount of time you spend doing it that way.

rahim einollahi
rahim einollahi - 25.03.2022 19:31

It was good tips

Ric Vourn
Ric Vourn - 25.03.2022 15:15

Hey, thanks Uncle Stef. I'm only on Python in your mentoring program, but learning a lot. This is a great addition to the going live course.

Silver Solver
Silver Solver - 25.03.2022 10:36

I'm not in that game anymore, but when I was in 00s it was strongly advised to get domains and hosting from separate companies—so that a bad host couldn't hold your site hostage. Is that still the recommended best practice?

taariqq - 25.03.2022 01:40

So, what if one wanted to start out with building WordPress sites only. Would one still learn HTML and CSS first and thoroughly, or does a basic knowledge of these two is sufficient?

HCforLife1 - 24.03.2022 19:54

For simple site I would go with html and CSS if no Cms tequired. But as I know that most clients want to manage their content - NextJS - you can make very good "templating" system based on tailwind CSS or react libraries. You can make your own backend and CMS system, or you can use headless CMS - even the WordPress one lol. NextJS can be used for simple websites or anything you need including e-commerce platform. Tbh doing wordpress in 2022 is huge waste of your time. You will not learn a lot and you end up just using some templates and customizing colours, content and photos. If this is your career path than fell free to do it.

the NeverWas
the NeverWas - 24.03.2022 18:35

Great stuff, Sir.

David X
David X - 24.03.2022 18:31

I wonder what a newbie lizard’s résumé looks like?

Visualmodo - 24.03.2022 18:23

Excellent content!

Jaro K
Jaro K - 24.03.2022 17:28

Affiliates for hosting is short sighted and bad for the client. Why? Because you won't pick quality over amount hosting pays you. If you stick to one hosting because of affiliates and you find out they trash, with the time became bad or there is a new, very good player on the hosting market, first you won't search for better solution for your clients and second, you won't be encouraging clients to switch to better provider. In my experience, the worse hostings pays the best affiliate fees because it's their only way to get new clients. Btw my favourite I use and recommend now has no affiliates and thriving. And I thrive too because my clients know that I always recommend the best for them. Just think about that.

Abeti Praise
Abeti Praise - 24.03.2022 17:23

Great advise, can't stop getting more from you, your words are words from experience💓

Much love from Africa🙌🙌

King Nick
King Nick - 24.03.2022 17:05

Just use Macromedia Flash!

...I kid, I kid 😆
