Advanced Technologies for Modern Airship

Advanced Technologies for Modern Airship

Electric Aviation

2 года назад

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@user-yu7ue5gz5d - 01.05.2024 05:29

who put out bordengines on that ?

@Human_01 - 12.04.2024 16:36


Conventional airship cargo-carriers experience instability issues when loading and offloading cargo. The instability in buoyancy (levels); created by the fluctuating mass of the cargo, as well as unstable air-currents (especially at higher altitude), makes conventional designs for airship cargo-carriers inefficient, unstable and potentially unsafe... when compared to alternative modes of cargo transportation vessels, e.g. conventional cargo-ships that travel via a body of water/sea.

When all is said and done... I have come to realize that the technology should be paired with 'vertical', cargo-transport carries, i.e. [droned] helicopters. Helicopter technology should be incorporated with Ai; so that the drones will be outfitted with cargo (of specific weight/mass). With their proven prowess in vertical takeoff, they will be utilized to safely mount cargo on a giant airship (said cargo will [obviously] need to be spaced/tired-down and stationed relative to each other. Inspiration from the hexagon shape should aid the intended 'fair and even [weight] distribution' of mass, across the storage site within the airship). Like an orchestra, when coordinated, the swarms of vertical [helicopter] drones (coordinated & assisted Ai; will take the shape and form of a 'helicopter', for its vertical functionality... they will double and function as integral, and additional transportation-carriers) will 'double and function' as 'construction-pulleys'; in their purpose in safely and relatively steadily mounting cargo onto the large storage site (that will be situated on top of the airship. I envision a small, but functional runway built on the surface of the airship. It is in this additional, supportive function that the airship will resemble an "aircraft carrier, battle ship"). New and emerging technologies will facilitate this mode if cargo transportation.

NOTE: When all is said and done... When we take a step back, and observe the construct in action, its coordinated functionalities and mechanisms will resemble the (relationship and transport mechanism) 'worker-bees and their beehive'. Through further research and development of the quantum mechanics; that is at play, and is responsible for buoyancy (its essence is [efficient] mass/weight-distribution within a [specified] medium volume)... It will be possible to reroute/engineer buoyancy (how lighter than air gas behave), i.e. how mass is distributed within a specified [enclosed] medium-volume/volume of a specified medium.

REMEMBER: that buoyancy takes the path with the least resistance. Point is, if you can manipulate/[quantum] engineer how lighter-than-air gases behave, you will have an easier time using Ai to coordinate their behaviour (with greater efficiency and precision, e.g. making lighter-than-air gases even lighter; manipulating their mass at the quantum scale). Were such endeavours researched, developed and refined to an art, then what we will be left with are the components to anti-gravity technology and [quantum] know-how.

NOTE: There was a successful scientific experiment; where Rubidium was used to give additional mass to the photon. This resulted in slowing down the photo. The experiment supported the feasibility of hard-light technology. The essence of the experiment was that the mass of subatomic particles could be altered/manipulated to bare desirable outcomes. That research should have been concocted with quantum mechanics in mind. Engineering at the quantum scale is exciting and bares monumental possibilities.

@antdavisonNZ - 06.04.2024 07:15

patent US11027816 describes how Los Alamos National Laboratory achieved an air-buoyant VLTAS ( Vacuum Lighter Than Air Structure ) from a very strong aerogel analog

@braveecologic2030 - 26.02.2024 00:07

I like the approach you take. I don't think that vacuum buoyancy envelopes are a step in the right direction, though. Air has a mass of about 1.2 grams per litre at sea level atmospheric pressure and room temperature, while helium is about 0.17g grams. If a helium airship buoyancy envelope gets a small rupture it will leak slowly, if a vacuum buoyancy envelope gets a pin hole it could quickly lead to catastrophic failure and a total crash, very quickly. It is a great example of how far is far enough and how far is too far and too stupid (forgive the phrase). Of course while designing my airship I considered the full range of parameters down to vacuum enclosure. Helium is the happy medium currently. While I do have some other interesting ideas they are beyond the scope of conventional thinking and are subject to a different treatment on the longer term but for now, let's just figure out helium based airships and make them super weather resilient, super safe and high performing. Well that's what I'm doing and hopefully at some point in the near future you will be interested to see what I've come up with. Great video, very interesting.

@malinoisamericanakita2022 - 25.02.2024 09:33

Will all planes be grounded ? as i suppose they may crash

@thespacecowboy420 - 10.02.2024 14:44

Nobody will ever deliver with drones. People will be netting them out of the sky and stealing the drops instantly. Not going to work in our world.

@keenefx321 - 05.02.2024 17:24

As much as I like airships, they are too vulnerable to wind, wind gusts and weather.

@atrumluminarium - 25.01.2024 09:53

A note regarding vacuum airships, it's good to mention that it doesn't have to be a full vacuum. If you take a normal airship filled by a lifting gas but at slightly lower pressure and slightly higher temperature you reduce the density of the gas further without needing as strong of a hull. The heating could in theory be a solarthermal system if operated in a hot enough climate like in the mediterranean, africa, central america or the middle east

@daveweiss5647 - 31.12.2023 11:52

I would like to thank you for this video. I am not an expert but have always had a fascination with Airships since I was a kid and always watch videos or read about them whenever I come across something on them... and I have to say this is the most informative short video I have ever seen on them, tons of info for a relatively short time span and though I have heard of most of the companies and concepts in the video some of the info you had on both "vacuum" airships, modern safe hydrogen tech and solar powered airships was new to me! Many thanks for the great video! I've subscribed to your channel!

@daveweiss5647 - 31.12.2023 11:46

Don't forget the US Navy had flying Aircraft carriers!

@stanmitchell3375 - 28.11.2023 04:59

Hot air would be easier than vacuum

@cluebin8398 - 03.10.2023 02:55

Every airship company is covered except the one that actually built a real rigid airship instead of just making computer graphics of them.

@Inpreesme - 11.09.2023 14:49

Just imagine perfect weather 24 hours a day just like in these propaganda videos 🤔

@douglasgutteridge4406 - 31.08.2023 04:58

I super heat great

@douglasgutteridge4406 - 31.08.2023 04:56


@johnburns1902 - 25.08.2023 05:37

There is something reassuring about traveling in a vehicle that when the engine stops for whatever reason the craft will not plummet to the Earth but will instead remain afloat.

@Human_01 - 29.07.2023 21:57


@johncharley9791 - 20.07.2023 21:42

If vacuum is the preferred option then the requirements would be for small spherical cells in multiples to fit the lift required. This would ensure the cells would easily be strong enough to resist external pressure.

@richardeagle2682 - 01.07.2023 14:13

An AIRSHIPS fleet to connect the most important cities of the world

@chikkipop - 28.06.2023 05:19

Superb presentation!! I want to learn more about these airships.

@groblerful - 22.05.2023 09:40

New Zealand ships frozen & chilled meat to the other side of the world. I am wondering if an air- ship loaded with meat could fly at such a hight, that thy meat would remain chilled without refrigeration. Using sattelite data to plot a course perhaps the airship could ride the super high winds which occour up there, and trim days/weeks off the the delivery time compared to shipping, with hardly any fuel requirement. Am I dreaming?

@norgeek - 11.05.2023 14:56

Few people would consider "always having to run away from inclement weather" a luxury today..

@davidroberts5602 - 03.05.2023 15:21

Hi guys thanks for your video of air travel would be amazing to have these flying around be a lot cleaner for the atmosphere thanks 👌🇬🇧❤️👍

@rileychadwell5635 - 23.04.2023 21:09

In order to conquer Venus, we must master airships here.

Advanced weather study makes it possible today

@antoniojosedejesus1233 - 21.04.2023 04:15


@Eiight8 - 15.04.2023 06:28

Pipe Dream - Can’t have the Kids fly to places they shouldn’t be 🧊

News that never seems to realize 🤔

@TbrtanT - 26.03.2023 14:53

19 seconds in and I already hit like. Love your voice <3

@susancorrie-franklin213 - 22.03.2023 04:29

They don’t want everyone up there all relaxed and looking all around and seeing flat earth for themselves.. 🥸

@matthewchang6263 - 05.03.2023 07:00

Can I transport my car on one of these airships

@martinwilliams9866 - 01.03.2023 11:00

Instead of a vacuum, you could use lasered air, or ionised air, or use the bond oscillation of Nitrogen diatoms, or even electron gas, to reduce its density.

@petestsck7774 - 28.02.2023 22:08

This is a future I can get behind

@mliittsc63 - 26.02.2023 03:09

Vacuum seems like a great idea...until you remember that the helium. or hydrogen, or vacuum is not what provides the buoyancy. The buoyancy comes from the air displaced by the "buoyant agents". Thus, the relative densities between air and buoyant agents is not relevant. The relative densities between the agents is relevant, but not as important as you may think. What is relevant is the difference in mass between the airship and the displaced air. This is an addition/subtraction calculation, not a multiplication/division thing.

@averagefpv9449 - 11.02.2023 13:12

Awesome video!
If give it 2 thumbs up if they'd let me! 😉

@agl1138 - 01.02.2023 20:56

Not this again. Airships have been around for over a hundred years, despite the fact they cannot do anything useful. People don't want a cruise on a slightly faster but massively less pleasurable vehicle. Outsize cargoes can already be moved by airplane and road. Airships are slow, inefficient and dangerous

@Guitar6ty - 22.01.2023 13:09

They should be built using a wing design and powered by hydrogen which is the fuel of the future.

@marcdepiolenc1880 - 16.01.2023 09:52

Lazzarini has revived the idiotic "catamaran" airship configuration.

@rdbchase - 09.01.2023 09:03

What a difference a single "d" can make! "Advance [sic] Airship Tech" looks so butt-ignorant, I don't want to watch.

@tylershrader962 - 29.12.2022 03:02

I have just wanted a airship yacht for the last 20 years. Almost 40 years old now, some of these designs are kind of getting there. The world around me continues to devolve in to a 1000 deck housing slave ship of old city layouts and highly wasteful compromises that only are benefiting big corporations and making massive footprints that go for hundreds of miles in all directions. This has detrimental effects to the Youth’s environment / world. We have the technology to heal the world. This can be the beginning of that and let the earth take back itself in 100 years.

@RonLWilson - 21.12.2022 03:16

This technology might work well when combined with another emerging technology that being E-VTOL.

Take for example a Jetson E-VTOL. It has a limited endurance of about 20 minutes. But if one used a lighter than air craft as a floating ferry then then the Jetson could fly up to the floating ferry, then hitch a ride and then fly off the ferry and land at its destination.

Thus say the flying ferry could connected a town say 50 miles from a big city so that the one could use the Jetson to fly to work in the city by hitch a ride on the flying ferry.

nd by this method the balloon could stay aloft and would not have to take off and land to have passengers come and go but rather they can fly up to the ferry on their own power and fly back down to the ground.

The flying ferry then could pick routes that go close to the locations of the Jetsons that want to board disembark form the flying ferry.

This would likely initially be a bit expensive but the rich could afford this and it might serve as a status symbol as well as a way they can live further from crowded cities and then over time the cost might come down to allow the not as rich to use this as well.

The idea here is that one technology does not make a practical and affordable capability (perhaps) several combined could.

And BTW, this idea is not all that different from what Amazon is considering, juts applied to a human payload.

@pietersiahaija4698 - 11.12.2022 18:37

"... "

@MusikCassette - 09.12.2022 17:35

Why did you not talk about H2O as a lifting gas? that would also solve the Helium problem.

@ianbruce6515 - 04.12.2022 02:05

Isn't there a scaling factor? The volume increases as a cube while the skin area increases as a square?

@peceed - 02.12.2022 08:39

There is no problem with hydrogenium, zeppelins were flying millions of kilometers without failure, being hit by lighting strikes many times during single storm! And there were also helium based airship fires!
Hydrogen-powered zeppelins were quite difficult to set on fire with incendiary ammunition.
With modern technology risk is minimal, comparable to using gasoline in cars.

@dimitrisolejak26 - 18.11.2022 05:18

Heliuum can be made anywhere as of now by distillation anyone has a differient info?

@nilesmouser6670 - 04.11.2022 06:14

Very Nice presentation. Well done.

@trevinormandy14520 - 03.11.2022 00:12

listened to your video and sorry I feel like I'm on the phone with the tech support !

@lemarquelemarque8495 - 02.11.2022 22:07

You would think they would incorporate anti gravity technology to maximize lift.

@braininavatnow9197 - 29.10.2022 00:57

This explains why the vacuum sealed bags in my freezer are all at the top.

@larrysorenson4789 - 23.10.2022 22:29

Wow, lets get one for the Miami home. Oh wait, there was a hurricane. How about the east coast? Nope. Texas coast? Nope. Mid west? Nope, tornados. I guess that until they can withstand constant weather events, this idea sucks.
