LennyLamb LennyHybrid Half-Buckle Carrier | Tragehilfe

LennyLamb LennyHybrid Half-Buckle Carrier | Tragehilfe

Nestwärme & Mama mal 3

54 года назад

890 Просмотров

Lennylamb LennyHybrid Half-Buckle test & review

I’ve been curious about testing the LennyHybrid as I’ve owning the LennyUp for several years now and really lover ist comfort. I’m about finding out that the Lenny Hybrid ist quite similar… Let’s have a closer look! (Full review with pictures: https://nestwaerme.li/en/lennyhybrid/)

Weight Recommendation: 3,2-20 kg approx
Size: Standard
Panel Base Width: 23-42 cm approx
Panel Height: 28-37 cm approx
Design: Lovka Mustard & Navy Blue
Density: 290 g/m²
Fibre: 100% cotton
Available in various designs

Lennylamb Hybrid Test – my first impression
LennyHybrid Half-Buckle WrapCon CarrierBesides the really beautiful design, I love how cushy the Lenny Hybrid feels out of the box – like a blanket. Like the LennyUp, the Hybrid also has a sewn on bag on the hip belt. And it’s easy opening and closing it with one hand only because it’s magnetic. Enough space for your smartphone and keys – love it!

The buckled waist belt is moderately padded and curved. I prefer curved belts. The shoulder straps are Wrap Con style – flat, wide and long. The hood is detachable and stretchy.

Leg and nack padding make it a comfy carrier for your baby as well. The material is rather thick and cushy.

How to adjust and use the LennyHybrid…
Both height and width of the Lenny Hybrid are easily adjustable. There’s a printed guidance on the inside of the belt that helps with the initial adjustment. The height adjustment ist o be find on top of baby’s leg paddings.

Just release the elastic strap from the button, gather the material as necessary and close the button at the hole position you need.

How does the LennyHybrid fit and wear?
LennyHybrid Half-Buckle WrapCon CarrierI really love the comfort and support of the Lenny Hybrid as well as the versatility of this Half-Buckle meets WrapCon compared with a Full-Buckle. You can build a reinforced seat with the wide shoulder straps while front carrying. And you can use different, fancy finishes for back carrying.

Have a look at my Instagram account, I’m showing some finishes in a Reel. I tried to use it with my 4 year old daughter but as you can see she’s of course a bit too big for this one as she’s already a preschooler sized wrappee… 😉

Conclusion of the LennyHybrid test: Beautiful, versatile and supportive carrier that offers great comfort. Have fun with my pictures & feel free to ask me questions or comment with your own experiences with this carrier!

Über Nestwärme & Mama mal 3 (engl. below)
Nestwärme will informieren und beraten – zu allen Themen der bindungsorientierten Elternschaft (engl. Attachment Parenting): Stillen, Tragen, Familienbett und windelfrei. Schwangerschaft, Geburt, Wochenbett, Erziehung, Familienleben, Langzeitstillen, Stoffwindeln, Nachhaltigkeit und Achtsamkeit im Leben mit Kindern. Tamara Beck ist Trageberaterin und Windelfrei-Coach (artgerecht).

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Tamara Beck is a baybwearing consultant and diaper free coach, writing about all things attachment parenting starting with babywearing, breastfeeding, co-sleeping and diaper-free but also talking about pregnancy, birth, childbed, childcare, living sustainability with kids, cloth diapers, long term breastfeeding, family life etc.
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