Ashley Smith restrained by correctional officers and nurses at Joliette Institution

Ashley Smith restrained by correctional officers and nurses at Joliette Institution

National Post

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@katielps3773 - 31.07.2018 00:35


@ishtar8725 - 11.08.2018 12:39

Wtf????????????????? Why???

@glendawesley4918 - 30.09.2018 09:12

No wonder dirty Frenchies us ojibways and Sioux indian hate French

@BlueBlade05 - 01.11.2018 21:18

Use hole unit for her LMAO.

@JillianNoelle - 22.11.2018 19:55

I was jail and taken off all my psych meds and put in a cell 23 1/2 hours a day while detoxing from opiods as well. They put me in the chair for 5 hours, pepper sprayed & tazed me as there way of dealing with me. No one cared. I didnt see a psychiatrist for 28 days after being bought in. I feel so bad for this girl. She died in there care because the justice system dosent know how to properly deal with mentally ill people.

@murderhornets1166 - 27.03.2019 07:04


@doncheeto4569 - 25.05.2019 06:49


@altscaryrblxarchive7956 - 26.05.2019 14:54


@freddysoozing7786 - 12.06.2019 23:27

My sister heard her say it and she thought I was watching a girl get raped

@livinglikeashley6754 - 05.07.2019 23:13

Y’all know nothing. She said she had to change her tampon because she wanted to punch someone or cause harm. She said it for attention. You can tell by the voice she says it in.

@settledownbeavis4445 - 01.08.2019 09:32

Poor girl 😰

@katelyncannon5850 - 03.08.2019 03:05

“If you sleep I can go home” what a jerk

@natalia-zp8of - 13.10.2019 21:41

She died in 2007 because she strangled herself in that prison

@mavenhillery555 - 13.10.2019 21:50

She only lasted 15 seconds without doing the tampon stuff

@lil_zangod713 - 05.12.2019 00:37


@ajwaring448 - 11.12.2019 21:36

People in sic wards prison should be given birth control so they cant have periods its vile to deal with and its so humiliating fior the person

@amyr6331 - 03.01.2020 17:44

Ashley don't belong in that place

@ordinarynonplayercharacter2142 - 11.01.2020 02:41

Show this to your kids when they aren’t behaving. This is the end of the line for people who refuse to behave. And yes, you will end up dead at the hands of the state.

@EBR1 - 06.03.2020 11:03

Not to trivialize this by any means, but this is typical psychiatric abuse. I have witnessed this myself in person when a patient complained about chest pains and asked for medical attention and was refused. Naturally he got upset and began arguing with the psych in charge. Not hitting her. Not threatening. Not fighting. Just arguing or rather continuing to plead his case, so to speak, or to have the psych lose her patience and order the rather large and intimidating security guards to grab him, strap him down in a stretcher type bed, and forcefully inject him with some substance. All because he was begging, literally with tears in his eyes, for medical attention for his chest pains. The man was 54 years old at the time. Does any of this sound therapeutic to you, the reader? Or does it sound more traumatic and abusive than anything? I was there, and I can tell you that merely observing this filled me with a sense of dread. Any "hospital" where such things take place is NOT a safe, therapeutic environment conducive to healing or any kind of helpful therapy. This is just common sense. I realized that many people have found help within psychiatry, and I cheer for their gains, but that is no excuse to turn a blind eye to some very real problems within the "mental health" system as a whole.

@itsbrittnaybittchh666 - 02.09.2020 02:43

I been in restraints at the psych ward several times unfortunately but damn at least they weren't prison restraints! I imagine in the hospital a nurse would remove your tampon and put one of those pee pads beneath your butt this is way scarier the psych ward its usually like four maybe 5 people its quick but why do they keep crowding her? she's strapped down! where she going to go? ridiculous! you have my sympathy for sure from personal experience. Restraints suck!

@bipolarchick8011 - 16.09.2020 08:44

Shes dead now... She killed herself while the officers basically watched

@codyanderson2495 - 24.09.2020 02:32

If she would mind, they won't restrain her

@Mat83276 - 04.10.2020 09:20

Hospitals are meant to heal not harm. Psychiatric survivors need to stand up to systemic discrimination and fight for human rights. I was also abused in Ontario with forced injections 5 years after her. It's sickening that it still happens legally. My experience has inspired me to become a mental health care worker. But I want provide humane treatment for psychotic patients & prisoners with the hope of changing Canada's laws that promote systemic abelism/mentalism. For some reason the law states that if you are psychotic, you lose the human right of determining what goes in your body. Consent is no longer necessary just like when someone is unconscious and can't physically give consent. Any injection for medication or sedation purposes can legally be administered despite any protest otherwise. It's a form of punishment rather than self defense as shown here. I was never a threat. They injected me for non-compliance and "bad behavior" which is usually reasonable protest. She is tied up and no threat but because of "bad behavior" she gets the injection treatment. This is essentially biological rape (having a drug that you don't want in your body forced in painfully) and then going in and out of consciousness. It is a factor that drives one to suicide. I propose we use tasers since they don't violate one's bodily rights and only use the taser when the person is a threat to themselves or others (not as a form of punishment). Patients and prisoners deserve to be treated the same way a good cop treats citizens on the streets (tased only when necessary). A threat to others would imply that the patient is trying to or has tried to use either lethal force or non-lethal force on someone else. But a threat to themselves would only imply when lethal forced is being used against one's self. Non-lethal self harm would not require a taser. Also using threatening language would be grounds to draw a taser but try to de-escalate before using it.

@jordansquad5622 - 26.10.2020 23:41

You fucken heard her tell the nurse yes

@jordansquad5622 - 04.11.2020 02:04

She think she look cool with that bandanna

@Jonathan900S - 05.01.2021 07:30

another reason i wonder if they deserve my forearm in their face

@omfgitspyrogirl - 05.02.2021 23:00

ashley was right, "just because i have bad behavior doesn't mean i'm not allowed to have a tampon". this teenager was tortured.

@carolynwertelecki698 - 05.04.2021 07:59

I will never judge the Nazi's again

@stonesatglasshouses3477 - 09.05.2021 05:34

I don't know what this says about me, but I wonder why they wouldn't put people on birth control if they are going to treat her this way. If you aren't going to allow her to change her tampon- which is inhumane- then give her medicine that will stop it altogether.

@Elly3121 - 27.07.2021 12:53

Why do they speak to her in French?!!
Doesn’t look like she knows French 😳

@astilp_lbs2226 - 28.07.2021 11:55

Changing a tampon or at least takeing it out, is very very important guys. Just think about the fact, that you can get a blood infection, when you leave the tampon in for too long in your body.

@kyleeshue6417 - 05.08.2021 01:06

Did the nurse have the fucking nerve to say you sleep I can go home that is fucked up to say

@laurieberry4814 - 06.09.2021 08:47

This is ridiculous that several people need to be used to restrain one kid. It takes away her dignity. Is this what they call therapy?

@tommarsee6319 - 10.10.2021 02:56

Why was she even restrained in the first place? And what the fuck are they laughing about? Are they not worried about her getting TSS?

@missgregory5491 - 26.11.2021 20:28

she should not do that

@missgregory5491 - 28.11.2021 22:47

this is not fair on ashley

@missgregory5491 - 29.11.2021 23:12

thats bad

@jordiadr - 07.07.2022 07:08

There is a god above and these people are going to suffer the consequences of doing evil and believing there will be no repercussions .

@christine3941 - 06.09.2022 04:14

This makes me angry!! She needed mental help for someone her age and they don’t let her change her tampon which can cause infection if not changed and it’s leaking. Those people I heard were fired and of course it was too late bc she already killed herself a long time ago while imprisoned by them!!

@ammysreality162 - 15.10.2022 10:34

I broke out of my restraints 3 times.

@matt-nz3739 - 26.12.2022 12:36

Yeah, I find this kind of video should be shown worldwide, so that others who might be taken to such services like this worldwide, should understand and know what is happening behind these places in the background. Yes, it is ABUSE, and sure this place wherever is is taken worldwide, this place could get FINED or even taken to court for mistreating this young lady with not getting the proper care she is needed. Who in any position in any place not want to change her TAMPON?? These people should be doing this for her, not making her SUFFER, AND KEEPING THE TAMPON IN HER??? Has anybody filed any complaints with the Institution or made any Police reports???


@Jonathan900S - 23.08.2023 01:49

Inbred police

@Jonathan900S - 23.08.2023 01:58

And she dead later on
Being assaulted and Hurt
Causes mental health get worse

@Summer-b9d - 18.09.2023 21:13

Oh she's on her period and she needs to change her tampon and yeah theye don't let her tie her up and restrain her and inject her how dare theye

@Summer-b9d - 18.09.2023 21:16

Poor old ashley smith 😢😢😢😢rip Ashley Smith 😢😢😢😢😢😢

@Summer-b9d - 18.09.2023 21:17

Should have no right to treat poor old ashley smith 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

@Crisshair9904 - 10.01.2024 08:49

For the kids watching this video, I have been in a mental hospital, it is not fun and you are not respected the way you think

@anniegao9105 - 30.06.2024 03:24

I need to change my tampon

Not now

Yeah. Melanie, I need to change my tampon
