How to Eat Like a Non-Gamer

How to Eat Like a Non-Gamer


1 год назад

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@BDSomewhat - 10.06.2023 02:34

Oh yeah baby, another ITOI vid

@bitzero000 - 10.06.2023 03:01

i recommend a garlic stir fry. start with chicken strips or chunks with whatever seasoning and remove from pan. add butter and garlic, then deglaze. once reduced, throw the broc stems in slightly before the florets. finally, stir it all together with extra veges or a sauce

@chrismanguno3467 - 10.06.2023 04:50

i love this channel!! the quality is insane. i love the underscoring you always pick for videos :)

@Glitch-Artist - 10.06.2023 06:45

Big fan of green tea in the morning. Nice boost and a 2 pint pitcher lasts until lunch

@avery0508 - 10.06.2023 07:04

Hell yeah ITOI. I always knew you would be a certified water enjoyer !! Keep up the good work fr 🤩

@lenargilmanov7893 - 10.06.2023 09:51

AFAIK, eating snacks throughout the day is a bad idea, humans evolved to go many hours without food.

@darkelwin02 - 10.06.2023 10:19

Lol. No links?

@ElonMuskIsSerbian - 10.06.2023 10:54

You are absolutely right about the drinks. It's probably the easiest thing that still does a pretty big change. Just drink water, black coffee and if you like alcohol stick to strong drinks (absinthe for me :) ).
Also what are those recipe titles?

@TheLitteralBest - 10.06.2023 11:19

Appreciate the Kingdom Hearts reference!

@Socioromanticism - 10.06.2023 15:18

I'm a naturally thin, 35-year old ectomorph who can eat donuts whenever but kinda has to swim 2 miles a week else he gets cranky from the excess energy.

But I do have really fit friends who are naturally (and wonderfully) endomorphs. One is a certified trainer now. Tips I got from her echo this video some:

1. Don't give up food you love. But do reconsider if you really love all of the food you do eat. For her, she loves to eat good, hearty foods. But she didn't actually like most fast foods. So in place of those, she substituted healthier things and kept the stuff she really liked.

2. For exercise, find stuff you really like doing. Sure, cardio is good and burns fat. But she's a powerlifter. She loves pushing really heavy weight. And she loves going to the gym to do it.

And then from me, make the stuff that will make you feel better and healthier easier to do. Sleep really is important. Invest in a good mattress and pillows if you get the money for it. You're there potentially every day. I hate water too. But I got 3 widemouth water bottles (easier to drink for me.) I use a filter just to make the water taste as good as possible. I keep a glass container with a faucet to keep multiple glasses of filtered water in so I don't run out of filtered water when I get busy. Find easier meals you like to eat at home and invest a little to make those meals easy to make and stuff you look forward to eating (like a rice cooker, or, in my case, a good pan for making omelets.)

All else, there are definitely really discouraging opinions out there on health and our bodies. But please know I'm cheering for anyone who wants to feel healthier and feel better! Like, truly. If I see someone lifting just the bar at a gym or is going intermittent running and walking despite having a bit of a gut, I'm thrilled for them. And I don't get thrilled all that often.

It's just that we only get one body, and I want everyone to find joy in theirs however they can.

@bilskibrandon - 10.06.2023 18:08

I adore the conversations here. I did a similar change in my life and things are great

@weetso2568 - 10.06.2023 18:39

You make me want to play Ring Fit

@ZerodragYT - 11.06.2023 14:52

This video hit really hard - my diet and sleep schedule have not been the best lately so its definitely been a wake up call to sort things out. Great video!

@2ori1012 - 25.07.2023 17:50

great video

@kuboskube - 27.07.2023 05:26

A'ight, I'm sold.

It's time to take notes, eat with purpose, sleep with determination, and listen to this video again.

@JETPLASTIC - 01.08.2023 20:28

I love this video. For me I drink a lot of lime flavored la croix as a water replacement. That carbonation and tasty hint of lime scratches that itch for me

@powersurge_beast - 10.08.2023 09:32

GREAT VIDEO! Welcome to the wonderful world of fitness

@Cuhriss - 24.09.2023 18:58

I am so interested in the exercise video you mentioned, hope it happens at some point!
