YIKES: Woke Student Tries To School Michael Knowles On Abortion & It Completely Backfires

YIKES: Woke Student Tries To School Michael Knowles On Abortion & It Completely Backfires

Young America's Foundation

1 год назад

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@lawannacooper3709 - 30.01.2024 07:11

We don't have a gun problem we have a heart problem!!! And this individual asking this asinine question is a prime call example of that!

@jamesosborne1286 - 30.01.2024 06:32

She just flat out didn't listen to a word he said.

@mi81tkne47 - 30.01.2024 05:56

What she forgot to mention is that roughly 16,000 people are murdered each year in the US with handguns, but over 1,000,000 babies are murdered each year. Each year.

@msmd3295 - 30.01.2024 04:39

Even IF unborn babies are referred to by different terms, they still essentially represent Stages of Development. Even if a "zygote" has the Potential to be a fully formed human baby that potential still does not make a zygote a viable human child. A zygote would be more equivalent to a body part. Even an embryo is not a survivable being depending upon its stage of development. That is one reason the R v W decision and subsequent related rulings set a point of gestation that an unborn baby is survivable after [like] 23 weeks.
Besides, the choice to obtain an abortion is no one else's business because the decision is whether or not [and this is important in the abortion debate] that baby is WANTED. No one is forcing abortions upon women who Want their babies. And women who don't should have that choice. The abortion debate is not about "rights" and instead is a battle between beliefs. Unless christians are willing to support with their tax dollars all the unwanted babies, they should keep their self-righteous beliefs out of the discussion. That's one thing I've noticed about christians... they don't mind making women have babies but once they're born, for the most part, they want to contribute little to supporting the unwanted ones. Now THAT's hypocrisy.

@gregorycasey5486 - 30.01.2024 04:29

She's as articulate as a ten year old.

@bondoly66 - 30.01.2024 03:31

If Michael asked these girls how many sex partners they have had you will see why they are pro abortion. I have been stunned by the research.

@fredgrebner526 - 30.01.2024 01:57

It’s as simple as that. You can’t lead them any closer to facts than that. ✌🏼🇺🇸

@garyreneker6226 - 30.01.2024 01:52

There is an extreme minority that wants to take guns away from everyone, but that won't happen as criminals will still find a way to get guns.. What most people, on both sides of the aisle, are saying is make gun access more difficult.. There are many mentally deranged and incompetent people who now have guns that should not have such access.. Often one of their first reactions is to pull a weapon on someone, because they're angered by that person's words or actions; even though it is their own misunderstanding of what they individual actually said or did.. Fortunately, they are also a small minority, but they do exist.

@thomasteck6911 - 30.01.2024 00:34

Abstain or learn to swallow

@afriendorfoe - 30.01.2024 00:31

What he said totally went over head, she had no concept of what she is saying. Girl just needs to admit she wants to have sex without consequences. I would ask her what is a woman and she says someone who identifies as a woman be like well, a baby is a fetus.

@lilianmcguigan9240 - 29.01.2024 23:55

If you watch her face, she is listening for something she can object to or rebut, while she should be listening to the truth coming her way. We are losing our youth, and the future

@chiefsnarlsnortz1610 - 29.01.2024 23:32

She doesn’t look old enough to be out without adult supervision!? Lol 😂 very young lady!

@gbuffaloe1 - 29.01.2024 23:21

She wasn't even listening.

@robertjahelka8550 - 29.01.2024 20:39

I'll never understand abortion. Abortion exists because of irresponsible people. It's pretty damn easy
to NOT GET PREGNANT. Liberals whine about my body, my choice. If they care so much about their bodies,
why do they put themselves in a position where they need to have a dangerous operation?

@KingMrBigE - 29.01.2024 16:37

"well anyways"... she lost her argument right there

@Exaltation-heliacal - 29.01.2024 14:13

Then the child says “anyways “ 😂. Go back to bed.

@steelhurricane4041 - 29.01.2024 13:54

Put little miss can't be wrong in her place, with her dumbfounded look while twirling her hair. Go back to grade school.

@scottulbrich5376 - 29.01.2024 12:11

what a gash

@pendotco2011 - 29.01.2024 11:14

Smug and yet a mindless sheep parroting the guns when the topic is about abortion. lol

@jeffs9300 - 29.01.2024 08:37

How many decades have they used "clump of cells"? I thought they were the "believers in science". 😵‍💫 STFU.

@mmmail1969 - 29.01.2024 07:46

You got to wonder about a (I presume) healthy, young woman who's so anti-babies! 🤨

@kevinmcgiffin10 - 29.01.2024 06:14

Damn i knew our schools have changed but in my day students had more common sense then this.

@stephanieRae444 - 29.01.2024 05:37

Hair stroking is a self-soothing body language indicator. She was cornered and she knew it.

@bfettrules1239 - 29.01.2024 05:33

If abortions are a figment of our imagination and not killing a person, why don’t they show the entire process on the medical channel? We see heart transplants, hysterectomies, liver transplants, etc. we see all those procedures I just mentioned in great detail. For some reason they never show an abortion being performed. U wanna know why? Because it would make you sick to your stomach if you saw an abortion. Abortion is murder. End of story.

@davidkonyak9418 - 29.01.2024 05:04

Kudos to Michael for not just telling her to stfu and go learn something.

@CalicoShadowPlusCat - 29.01.2024 04:15

The difference between him and her is he listens to her arguments and then counters them with facts and logic. She only listens long enough to respond without actually thinking about what he said or what she is saying.

@pianomusic4church471 - 29.01.2024 03:21

She's actually more interested in playing with her hair.

@yvosmi - 29.01.2024 01:15

I get unsubscribed from you on a daily basis. I've noticed this on most of the conservative channels I subscribe to.

@sephardim4yeshua155 - 28.01.2024 23:25

This broken logic is used all the time. You didn't mention every bad thing that has ever happened, so how dare you be upset about this issue. It's as if these people have no ability to run anything that they think through a logic gate. This is what happens when you have 0 anchor points in how or what you think. They use hundreds of conflicting illogical thoughts to come up with very incoherent statements. The question, "Do you remember" being an unborn child, was supposed to be a logical argument for the lack of humanity that she imposes on an unborn child, but her logic would lead to the conclusion that anyone who has memory issues has no human value and thus it is ok to murder them. This would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

@Blessings88 - 28.01.2024 20:49

"can I ask my question?" sounds like every leftist, liberal and progressive whenever they get schooled on their already asked question. 😅😂

@MrDburt2 - 28.01.2024 20:17

More children are killed by abortion than guns.

@Robertl33trev - 28.01.2024 20:10

What a brainless ignorant child. Guns haves saved countless innocent lives.

@gigigennaro3303 - 28.01.2024 18:35

Children. They are so funny. Not a clue. But they think they know everything. :)

@jimchasten9514 - 28.01.2024 18:32

Murder is murder regardless of the location of the victim

@TheMomseloc - 28.01.2024 16:18

What's that old saying? "Young, Dumb, and full of......."

@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT - 28.01.2024 13:33

Bless her heart, she's not a good listener, and hasn't been taught 'how' to think. Only "what" to think.

@shniknej - 28.01.2024 11:55

She got wrecked.

@poopinator22 - 28.01.2024 10:14

TRUMP 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@user-zn2tj2kj5z - 28.01.2024 08:33

I don't have a memory of being 18 months old.

@michaelbabbitt3837 - 28.01.2024 08:05

Ignorance is not the only problem. Arrogance is rampant - which keeps the ignorance growing.

@jimbanister267 - 28.01.2024 07:58

Facts don’t care about your feelings

@jimbanister267 - 28.01.2024 07:57

Truth hurts sister

@realamericanintelligence7375 - 28.01.2024 07:41

She doesn't realize that her side has caused these problems that she speaks about. How sad.

@sliverfreak9 - 28.01.2024 07:20

I'm going to dumb it down for her.

I forget plants are alive...

@StephenZ827 - 28.01.2024 07:12

her mind is turned off.....she only hears the voices in her head.

@Joshua-ju5uc - 28.01.2024 05:49

1) You can't complain to someone about the way the people around him think! and say he agrees with them. If he says Abortion is bad, but someone he hangs out with says Abortion is good. That doesn't mean he somehow agrees with that guy, they simply have different view points.

2) someone fix those mikes they are terribly adjusted

@luischch4652 - 28.01.2024 05:09

This girl think that because Micheal is right wing he support gun right, and believe that fun is the one killing babies and people, and no criminals are the one making the killing. The moment you get a gun order to commit a murder then you are a criminal. The moment you use your lawfully owned gun to commit a Crime you are a criminal no lawful and law abiding citizen would use it's fun for an unlawful purpose and failing that so not make him or her a lawful citizen...

@mikyl-fo8rh - 28.01.2024 05:03

Is that the same troll that questioned DJT and put her hands on her hips?
