Persona 25th Anniversary Discussion & Theories (Persona 6, P5 Arena, and MORE!)

Persona 25th Anniversary Discussion & Theories (Persona 6, P5 Arena, and MORE!)


3 года назад

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@phantomaigis2291 - 17.07.2021 09:57

Strikers 2 is going to be copy paste of og Strikers but with Darkechi and Kasumi. I'm getting really tired of hearing the same exact characters being dummer than a brick over and over again despite encountering so many situations.

@ThatCrazyGuy39 - 17.07.2021 10:01

Is there a URL for the website?

@thejrpgguy1835 - 17.07.2021 14:13

Anyone want persona poo 2

@adambuckley2270 - 17.07.2021 18:27

I admire Atlus' desire to one-up P5 but I also understand people's worries of Atlus soaring too close to the sun. I just hope P6 takes all the right lessons from P5's design and story and does its own thing, at the very least, it should be able to stand beside the other games.

@ScenicFire97 - 17.07.2021 20:36

If that first announcement is a p4 one like you guys are guessing it is, I hope it’s a Golden port to consoles, I REALLY want to play it on my PS5

@bravetree - 17.07.2021 23:45

You guys are joking but a persona trinity soul game/rewrite would be sick

@khalillosborne8416 - 18.07.2021 00:36

Can we get Persona 1 and both 2s (PSP) on modern consoles and PC

@khalillosborne8416 - 18.07.2021 00:42

4 Golden and some version of 3 on switch and PS4

@ChiefMedicPururu - 18.07.2021 02:17

Naoya, Tatsuya and Maya were in the picture, I got SUPER happy!

@chibs1235 - 18.07.2021 07:37

I'm scared

@marklouiegarcia2588 - 18.07.2021 07:39

Everyone here in this Comment Section are like believing P5 Arena may happen...

Not that it's bad to believe but it's not best to really hope so becuz you guys have to know that as of right now the Company that did P4 Arena, Arcsystem Works, are Super Busy with their own Projects and Projects with Other Gaming Companies...

Also, back in 2017, AsW said that may do a Sequel to Arena but it depended on the Development with Blazblue Cross Tag Battle (BBTag) which as we know, had a mix Reception within the FGC, but for some reason, apparently mostly bad to the Persona Fandom.

In the End, Toshimichi Mori said it all depends on Atlus if they want to do a Collab again.

Again, not bad to hope but don't overhype yourself, especially if you're hoping that P5 Arena will in the Graphics & Art Style of Guilty Gear...

@Cloud-dt6xb - 18.07.2021 14:40

Atlus needs to stop doing the release the japan only version first and then the english one a year later. That is extremely stupid and disrespectful to the western fanbase. Covid wasn’t an issue until march last year. If they had planned for both releases when working on strikers they could’ve had it out last year. This is a problem that shouldn’t be ignored and they really need to fix it.

@xkxkjohn - 18.07.2021 17:00

I will be in the minority, but I would prefer a royal sequel to a P6. I just feel like The phantom thieves still have stories to tell and I dont want them to disappear yet.

@aarondx3764 - 18.07.2021 21:01

Is P1 good? I want to try itnone day but it looks like it may be a long slog.

@lulu_TheWitchBoy - 19.07.2021 05:43

Hope persona 6 is good looking as SMT V, think again, they’ll probably re use the models.

@zeropointgravity9051 - 19.07.2021 07:24

More things to look forward to that I can't even afford!

Also nice vid

@brandonmeadows7972 - 19.07.2021 12:23

We need Persona 1 and the Persona 2 Duology remastered

@fagitocumaeda - 20.07.2021 00:23

Dont give the p5r anime to a-1 pictures pls.

or whatever studio handled p5 the animation

@blaz1ent786 - 20.07.2021 02:58

What if they made a P3 remake but in the strikers playstyle? Imagine going up and down on Tartarus beating up shadows hash and slash style

@ZellyTheFangirl - 20.07.2021 08:55

hey i liked shuffle time. i like demon negotiations in theory but in practice i find it difficult at times to figure out what choices are going to be successful. shuffle time i saw as a fun and profitable minigame

@ShycoWar - 20.07.2021 20:15

I would honestly be all over a Persona 5 racing game, so long as it doesn't involve stuffing everyone into go-go karts.
Literally have them dashing around in Palace-like tracks, doing acrobatics and using grappling hooks for shortcuts and stuff. That would be WAY dope.

Oh, but have Jose as a secret unlockable, and he can have his car.

@MinexGDT - 21.07.2021 11:32

Just give me Persona:Revelations and Persona 2(Innocent Sins,Eternal Punishment) remake.

@baconsky_akako - 21.07.2021 19:51

Where is the persona trinity soul protagonist? He exists I think

@abno_arch - 22.07.2021 01:45

My theory is that the September one is more than likely going to be either a p4 vanilla remake or a port of p4g to things like ps4/5, or maybe even Switch. I would think that the steam release of p4g was to see if there would be interest in the games today, and with how well it was received, it could've shown Atlus that the fans are still into the games.

@princecharming8125 - 22.07.2021 07:25

Why does Joker have yellow behind him in thumbnail? Joker is somewhat related somehow to stuff in Persona 4 this time around

@ooofthedegenerate - 22.07.2021 09:45

I really want a P1 remake for the musics alone.

@RoyalSorceress - 22.07.2021 11:16

Wouldn't it be amazing if the made a new version of 4 and 5 where they gave you the option to play a girl, like in P3P. But that will most likely never happen.
On another note I was recently planning to buy the first Persona and the duology for vita, but maybe I should wait to see if they do a re-release.

@awesomeadi2 - 23.07.2021 19:59

Whats up Ozi and Senorish, glad yall back

@ryno_8848 - 24.07.2021 17:22

I wish they would just remake or port persona 3 fes and persona 4 golden on ps4&5

@boywithanearring - 27.07.2021 12:05

a persona 1 remake with 3d models and voice acting would be awesome

@rustyroast24 - 27.07.2021 18:02

You should do a Persona 4 dungeons ranked video

@Michael-yf6bl - 30.07.2021 04:17

I just realized that in the logo they used for the 25 anniversary on the 25 there is all the colors of all the persona games but at the bottom edge there is a blank white space. I don't want to be that guy but maybe hinting at persona 6 there just maybe?

@IconicShadows - 30.07.2021 07:19

P5 Golden Royal Edition

@IconicShadows - 30.07.2021 07:21

I'd like p4 p3 remakes and p6

@gold5069 - 31.07.2021 07:55

No talk of persona 5 royal sequel I confuse

@lordgaynondorf - 04.08.2021 19:17

I just hope the series overall quality won't drop now it's become popular. Because that's what usually happens.

@clevertrevor1309 - 06.08.2021 01:52

I want p5r on switch and P5Arena

@delete7316 - 10.08.2021 01:23

Idk why but I want more p5 games like strikers. I absolutely love the characters in p5 and I want to see more adventures with them.

@abbygiroux9097 - 10.08.2021 22:44

my dream wishes;
- persona dancing remix pack, a big ol rerelease of p4dan, p3dim, and p5dis to hold ppl over while they work on the other stuff, would contain characters not included in the original releases, [except 4 p4DAN, srry!] p3 would have metis, p3 female mc, while p5 would have kasumi/sumire, and maybe as a nice nod to p5s, sophia and zenkichi,
-p3remake, i really want this to happen, maybe cross platform?
- a new persona fighting game, either a remaster of p4a and p4au with rollback,. or a new game,
-a p2 anime, [would not happen, but would be cool to see p2 finally get the anime it deserved, after the animated teaser]
- som prob new merch stuff,
- a persona 3 movie dub,

@spydersoup8447 - 12.08.2021 07:17

Another thing that they teased last year is that P-Studio is working on a new Persona game which uses Unreal Engine 4, a pretty powerful and multi-usage game engine which a lot of companies started using this engine and it helped them out a lot. Square Enix started using it for Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy VII Remake. Toys for Bob started using this engine for the remakes of the orignal trilogies of Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon. It seems that Shin Megami Tensei V was actually made using Unreal Engine 4, and it seems that they're starting to use it for the Persona series as well, which would mean that the game can no longer be just a PlayStation exclusive since the previous engine used for Persona 5 and Royal was specifically build for the PlayStation consoles, by switching to use Unreal Engine 4, they can actually use it to release the games on multiple consoles and systems because the engine itself has that capability.

@Ender11037 - 25.08.2021 01:09

Every time he calls Akira "Ren", I die a little inside.

@genocidegames8423 - 28.08.2021 06:40

Persona 5R port to pc/switch, Persona 6 teaser, and some sort of port of P4G to Switch/PS4.

@dilbert719 - 15.09.2021 23:24

We've had Dancing, you just mentioned roguelikes.... the phrase "Crypt of the NecroJoker" comes to mind...

@goroakechi2216 - 20.09.2021 08:11

All I want is persona 5 on switch and my existing will be gone
