My Parasite SEO Strategy for 2024 Revealed

My Parasite SEO Strategy for 2024 Revealed

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55 лет назад

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In this video, I am sharing my parasite SEO strategy for 2024. I have used this platform for my parasite SEO for the last 12 months. I've got 5 accounts, more than 200 stories, 300 visits/month, and almost $1000 in earnings.

Important videos:

This is the SEO part of my strategy, because I want to also reveal my Affiliate Marketing strategy with It's all about my earnings.

In this video, you will learn my tips, tricks, and SEO tactics that help me to rank my content on the TOP of Google, get free organic traffic, and turn it into affiliate sales. The main problem with is the enormous competition that prevents most SEOs from getting stable rankings for competitive keywords. Learn my video to get insider information on successful Medium SEO for affiliate marketing in 2024.

🔓 Buy Access to my course "Parasite SEO Scaling: Free Platforms" - for only $69

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@shock-t3768 - 24.12.2023 12:02

I am doing exactly the same thing.

@thegadsspecialist - 24.12.2023 16:20

When is the course available?

@dogoshedrack3905 - 24.12.2023 16:31

Hey , I noticed that LinkedIn keeps deleting my post 😢.. i tried to know why but can't figure out.

Anytime I publish any post after some hours, I copy the link and try to load it on a new tab . It says " Page not found , Redirecting to home page ".

Please 🙏 help me, how can I fix this !

@jasonlim4588 - 26.12.2023 04:56

I have multiple Medium accounts under different email addresses. Is it possible to link them all to a single Stripe account for payout?

@carimatony8408 - 27.12.2023 21:10

how can you index your medium profile on GSC google search console while it's not possible for non website owner ??

@whiteswordwarrior9995 - 21.01.2024 15:50

GSC for medium? Thats impossible? We need to control medium DNS to be able to index it in GSC.

@easytechguy2366 - 04.02.2024 21:51

Are free accounts created on medium are indexable in google or only the paid ones? I am facing insertion of this noindex,follow in meta as soon as i create a new account.

@afiefmuhammad4360 - 15.02.2024 10:37

Regarding the number of article posts on Medium, is it allowed if we post 5 articles per day routinely scheduled for the next year, so in a year we will have a total of 1,825. Is that permissible? Your answer is very valuable to me, my friend. Thank you very much!

@RobertOHaver - 31.03.2024 17:09

Prediction in the middle of May everyone using this technique will get penalized by Google.

@jasnijohari413 - 03.04.2024 09:44

do i need a vpn to create mulitiple profiles? or it can be done from single ip address?

@fitnessfreak132 - 26.04.2024 18:16

I have published 5 articles on Medium in the last few days, all of which immediately had a top position on Google. However, today all of these articles have been deindexed by Google. What did i do wrong? The posts are still there on Medium
