How to optimize your metabolism: Metabolic scientist Ben Bikman, Ph.D. | mbg Podcast

How to optimize your metabolism: Metabolic scientist Ben Bikman, Ph.D. | mbg Podcast

the mindbodygreen podcast

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Tanja - 20.09.2023 08:33

Information about the protein when it is vegan it is correct

Tanja - 20.09.2023 08:32

Animal fats are dangerous studies showed it make alzheimer dementia disease..vegan keto is the best if it should be keto and NOT to much fat....I agree less sugar as possible...

Tanja - 20.09.2023 08:31

Not everyone love avocado. I do not. And meat is very bad for the body and the animals. You can eat keto vegan and too much fat is bad as well. It is written all in moderation. But for sure it is written as well not eat much very less and for sure no prophet spoke about sugar as it is a human made not natural thing except sugar pipe naturally and we have lot of vegan perfect fat sources as tahina cream from sesame and coconut oil which is very healthy ..there are studies who show that animal fat bring alzheimer disease as well. I agree to reduce the sugar but fat should not beeing taken too much if people like to loose weight and it is written that bread is good the natural bread without this 1000 chemicals for sure. I am lucky to live in Egypt we have fresh bread see the different cause the next day it is not eatable. It has no chemicals at all. For sure reduce it ...I agree further to reduce the juices and eat natural fruits but for weight loss it is not so good if you eat too much and not fast. And sometimes you should to eat carbs as pasta and pizza not to crash your metabolism. This is what I learned and see at my body. The best weight loss results I have with reducing the carbs and fasting.thank you for the interesting informations

Cliff McLarnon
Cliff McLarnon - 12.09.2023 02:09

I've been doing intermittent fasting/OMAD (One meal a day)for 3 years now,I'm in great metabolic health..

Sharon Benjelloun
Sharon Benjelloun - 10.09.2023 16:45

Did you read the China Study regarding protein and cancer. This was a ten year study.

Milena Shubas
Milena Shubas - 10.09.2023 04:20

Absolutely love Dr.Bikman! I never get tired of listening to his lectures, what a wealth of knowledge!

Willa Frith
Willa Frith - 07.09.2023 00:13

Ketones are products of fat burning - Ben Bikman Easy to remember that methinks.

norman bell
norman bell - 06.09.2023 11:58

Makes things clear

jahja adan
jahja adan - 03.09.2023 21:29

Anybody els notice how polite Dr. Bikman is everytime is he asked a question?

BB DO - 03.09.2023 15:11

If one is pleagued with MCAS, then keto (<5gr Carb net- not cheese, no nuts, not much) and carnivore are "death" ; I have been 4 years in very strict keto as described above, due to a lot of cortisol. low thyroid (not from a medical perspective), hypoglycemia, well made the things worse (inflammation- MCAS cannot process cadaverine and other such things in the meat or fish or cheese) and made me even more insuline resistant. To adopt these diets one has to be pretty healthy to start with. Otherwise..well it is not a panacea...avocado is very triggering MCAS and also coconut if too much as well..

Brit2282 - 31.08.2023 21:57

In the late 1950's they introduced polymers, carpet, linoleum, soles on our shoes etc. People started having major inflammation which leads to all sorts of diseases. These polymers are blocking us from being grounded to the earth. I would suggest everyone reading this to look into what grounding does for the cells in our bodies and go from there..

Gabi Gabriela
Gabi Gabriela - 28.08.2023 18:47

Thank you 🙏❤️

Stefan Mischook
Stefan Mischook - 26.08.2023 17:29

If you have to come up with scientific methods to extract protein from plants … this is a no go. Nutrients need to be consumed in a natural form.

Sandra Carter
Sandra Carter - 25.08.2023 14:57

So true. Go to bed hungry and you will sleep SOOOO good!

To The Point UPSC PSC SSC complete General Studies
To The Point UPSC PSC SSC complete General Studies - 24.08.2023 18:57

Kudos to interviewer and Dr👍

Permabull - 24.08.2023 15:26

You look quite sick 😮

PardieDiem - 24.08.2023 00:01

Makes you wonder why they take fat off chicken, the skin.

PardieDiem - 23.08.2023 23:52

I do like what he has to say. Makes sense.

Elzbieta O22
Elzbieta O22 - 19.08.2023 17:43

Brilliant !😊👍but how do you gain weight?
I am going to gym 3 times a week eating 3-5 .. healthy meals a day and I can't gain weight 🤔

omrit2 - 19.08.2023 11:27

Hearing what Dr. Bickman himself eats for breakfast, lunch and esp. dinner is totally disheartening and negates much of his own advice. Strange.

Jay Tweedie
Jay Tweedie - 17.08.2023 18:39

Eat meat and be healthy. We aren’t vegans or vegetarians. We are omnivores who eat meat.

Shevawn Prather
Shevawn Prather - 13.08.2023 18:27

Dr. Bikman is so articulate in the research he has been guided to do, accomplished and presents to us. Blessings to you and always very much appreciated. 🙏❤️

24 Bellers
24 Bellers - 06.08.2023 13:56

I followed the Usain Bolt feeding regime with my kids for snacks. Microwaved chicken nuggets. Good enough for the fastest man in the world, good enough for them.

Gabriel Pena
Gabriel Pena - 03.08.2023 14:49

When you’re burning fat from the body or dietary this triggers insulin resistance. This is why bears become insulin resistant when living off their fat stores. When they come out of hibernation and they start eating sugar, stress aka cortisol comes down and insulin resistance is reversed

Melissa Farrugia
Melissa Farrugia - 01.08.2023 03:40

Nails with ridges and cracks can indicate thyroid dysfunction and iodine also can help with this, I never knew collagen could help, thanks again 😍😍😍

Melissa Farrugia
Melissa Farrugia - 01.08.2023 02:55

Thanks very much.
I'm/ have become allergic to a lot of high protein foods, casein, eggs.
I passed these allergies on to my children either because I had leaky gut, or because of the way we pass antibodies through breast milk etc.
I already have heavy metal, small cyst on thyroid, extremely underweight and I eat fine..

nejatyalin - 30.07.2023 11:55

I dislike the way the interviewer speaks. I wish he spoke in a more real voice

Keto Fit
Keto Fit - 28.07.2023 15:48


Keto Fit
Keto Fit - 28.07.2023 15:47

Why don’t you teach him alternatives young instead of getting in?

Gila Serreau
Gila Serreau - 26.07.2023 16:01

Tous ce qu'il dit es absolument vrai il décrit ce que je ressens c'est lumineux. Merci beaucoup 😅❤

Nathan Penner
Nathan Penner - 26.07.2023 01:46

spare me.

MIKE RUDD - 24.07.2023 14:50

I'm 5 weeks in on a carnivore/keto. And the traditional snack after dinner is the HARDEST to resist. I'm not hungry..just addicted

Badiya Adamu
Badiya Adamu - 19.07.2023 21:31

Is very in retesting topic

Alfred Tayong
Alfred Tayong - 19.07.2023 11:11

Very good advice indeed

Salma Khatun
Salma Khatun - 18.07.2023 09:36


Robert Chavira
Robert Chavira - 18.07.2023 08:13

I was taught that sugars digest in the small intestine as do proteins, but if we eat sugars from fruits or carbs, different enzymes are released that interfere with the way the protein breaks down. How does the entire digestive system function in concern with what time to eat sugars/carbs an proteins?

Sooth Sayer
Sooth Sayer - 17.07.2023 18:23

Skip breakfast and dinner...problem solved. Eat a reasonable lunch.

theskyehiker - 17.07.2023 02:30

While I always want to listen to smart people like this guy, if I can’t go to sleep at night, eating an ounce of cheese will make me get sleepy and off I go to sleepy land. Who should I believe? Why would my experience be so different than what is discussed here? At least in theory.

Bright Future
Bright Future - 16.07.2023 18:31

Why do they give diabetics so much insulin!

Edmundo Dante
Edmundo Dante - 16.07.2023 03:17

Dude the sounds track you use makes de videos unbearable to watch

G Apat
G Apat - 15.07.2023 15:26

When I had burnout and tried to sleep on empty stomach I couldnt sleep until 2am

alex george
alex george - 08.07.2023 10:16

Life changing content.

mary pohja
mary pohja - 03.07.2023 20:50

Wondering which low carb protein meal replacement he uses or puts together.

Lucky Lisp
Lucky Lisp - 01.07.2023 19:37

I'm so glad he described his own diet with such honesty & realism.

G. L.
G. L. - 28.06.2023 18:55

Binkman my be well meaning, but many things he espouses run counter to the latest, best science. Oddly, he looks worse, every video I see him in. He looks sickly, so what he practices doesn’t seem to be working for him.

Cori - 27.06.2023 07:59

He doesn’t mentioned the well known and documented hormones, antibiotics, carcinogens, bacteria, dioxins and other toxins in all industrial produced animal products.

Weeliebin - 22.06.2023 13:10

I don't agree with his don't eat before bed advice. I eat my OMAD at night and sleep like a log. Every carnivore on the planet sleeps after a large meat meal. Plants? Now that's another matter 😂.

Lakefront - 20.06.2023 23:45

God feeds me. I eat pizza and cake everyday. God wants us home for other projects. Don’t fall for this low IQ bs

Tpry - 20.06.2023 19:33

When you exercise or have physical activity, - muscles uses glucose , and helps insulin to come down , then metabolic rate goes up , and the body converts into fat- burning.

When insulin goes down , the metabolic rate goes up, and vice versa.

The body has 2 primary fuels to get enrgy :
Glucose( sugar) burning or fat burning .

Insulin determines which fuel will be used.

When insulin is elevated , - the body is in sugar burning mode, it is difficult to lose weight if the body is in constant burning mode with sugar as fuel.

When insulin is low, the body will use body fat to burn as fuel.

Weight loss has 2 processes ( low insulin and low calorie approaches) .

One should precede the other.
Start with reducing insulin :
- eat when hungry and don't eat when not hungry.

- ( control carbs, prioritize protein don't fear fat)
Insulin will come down , metabolic rate will go up and body will go into fat burning mode( state of meiosis with ketones) .

In some this is enough;in some of is not enough, Then go into low calorie step : fasting

Can use fats like olive oil, butter with protein , with fasting ( alternate day or intermittent fasting ) .

So now, combine low insulin and low calorie approaches

The 3 top to care for metabolic health:
1. Lower your insulin thru dietary intervention
Insulin activate MTOR

2. Stop eating at dinner to sleep well .
- Should not go to bed with elevated glucose level. Don't spike glucose because it activates the
Sympathetic nervous system- the " fight or flight " nervous system ( symptoms of fast heart rates and anxiety and higher body temperature )

Don't eat within a 3 hour window minimum, before bedtime or eat dinner 3 hours before bedtime .

Big lunch, smaller or modest dinner.

Good sleep is essential to proper immunity and will help in better aging

Have a life philosophy to help your priorities in relationship. Make sure you have strong bonds with family.
