Why Is Everyone Moving to Utah?

Why Is Everyone Moving to Utah?

World According To Briggs

1 год назад

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World According To Briggs
World According To Briggs - 29.05.2023 22:37

Hey, I made a mistake. I was thinking of Nevada when I said Utah didn't have a STATE INCOME TAX. Sorry. Utah has a flat 4.85 percent individual income tax rate.

More - 16.11.2023 03:39

Are we sure this isn't military relocation? Most of Utah is base.

han pham
han pham - 09.11.2023 20:19

Utah has state income tax

immanuel kamau
immanuel kamau - 08.11.2023 20:13

The best state 👍

RawCyberHub - 03.11.2023 21:23

CALI people are moving to every state lol. especially TX. Cali is way too expensive so i understand why. i aint mad at them at all. its brutal in CALI.

Joseph Underwears Smith
Joseph Underwears Smith - 30.10.2023 04:14

Udah = great mormoner polygamists🥳🥳🥳

Jaden Tripp
Jaden Tripp - 29.10.2023 18:28

Great national and state parks. Food is ok. Not much of a night life. Rent is rising, but definitely not California levels. Definitely very Mormon, which is meh when you used to be Mormon. Safe for sure. Good schools. Pretty good live music occasionally. Dating scene is abysmal. Can't purchase more than 5% abv drinks outside of a state owned liquor store(which means the world's largest Costco doesn't sell their liquor). Skiing is world class(get the IKON pass). Sundance film festival is cool. Decent cheese. Tech jobs are good(very sales focused). Right wing state(SLC is blueish).

Kolton Maes
Kolton Maes - 25.10.2023 14:39

There is state income tax in Utah.. that’s one of the reasons why I left. Plus the religion influence on the government of the state.

Stone - 23.10.2023 19:34

I just moved to Utah from Florida and absolutely love it. Way happier here in Utah than fl

SolidStream13 - 23.10.2023 00:16

Far less gun laws and safer communities 🤔

L Hall
L Hall - 15.10.2023 08:33

Also…the housing prices you mentioned as the “median” being $350k…you can’t find a house for that little. Maybe a condo or a townhouse, but not a single family dwelling. You $500k figure was more accurate.

And rent for $1200? Maybe a studio apartment. But anything bigger you’re looking at $1500-$1800 for a 1-2 bedroom. Renting a house? $2000-$2500/mo easy. Just renting a bedroom in an existing house is $700 with roommates or more.

L Hall
L Hall - 15.10.2023 08:21

It would be fine if Californians moved here to Utah to EMBRACE our Utah lifestyle and culture…and LEFT BEHIND the California culture and lifestyle. But so many of them bring their left wing liberal attitudes and choices and try to turn Utah in what they supposedly left California for! It’s so frustrating having our state invaded by these ideologies of people who left California for supposedly a better life here…only to try and ruin it here.

So many Californians moving here is also driving up housing costs….they are skyrocketing. We are among the very highest in the nation for housing costs…affordable housing is non-existent, and it’s very much due to the Californians moving here and being able to pay cash for homes and paying more than asking price without even blinking. It’s undercutting lifelong Utahns from being able to buy a house…and our young people just starting out on their own can’t ever hope to own a home here. They can barely afford to rent here…if they even can. I’ve got adult kids who’ve boomeranged back to living with me several times because they can’t afford to live on their own here.

We have a joke around here that “Utah is closed. Go home.” It’s only sort of a joke.

Mountain Gurkha 14
Mountain Gurkha 14 - 14.10.2023 16:31

Very Beautiful Video Utah

Jackie De Ferrari
Jackie De Ferrari - 11.10.2023 22:59

so thueh Ut. Is it so Awesome. I love It's

Corbyn Alvey
Corbyn Alvey - 09.10.2023 10:44

Folk getting mad about the "woke" element forget that the tech sector growing here is great for our local economy.

ESCAPE OASIS - 05.10.2023 21:42

The people arent nice. They are fake a nieve. Plus I dont like the snow

ESCAPE OASIS - 05.10.2023 21:40

Low wage job utah.

ESCAPE OASIS - 05.10.2023 21:36

Utah is a messed up place. Not a fan

Cody Paine
Cody Paine - 30.09.2023 18:33

Everyone is not moving to Utah. I've been traveling here and there for 22 years. Utah is the #1 suckiest place in the whole U.S. to go to.

Ezoangelofdeath - 30.09.2023 02:44

we dont want californians because we know why they are leaving, and they just bring it with them

Ezoangelofdeath - 30.09.2023 02:40

i was gonna say, ive been getting ripped off for 45 years

V1-Vr-Rotate V2-VY_VX
V1-Vr-Rotate V2-VY_VX - 29.09.2023 05:09

They're moving to Nevada also and ruining our property prices, and they're infiltrating our governments in ruining that too

Red Teamer
Red Teamer - 20.09.2023 22:07

I agree. People in Utah are really nice people.

Chandler Edwards
Chandler Edwards - 17.09.2023 19:23

Take anything and it's ruined if you add enough people.

Chris - 16.09.2023 22:59

Utah sounds cooler than Arizona, I mean as in literally COOLER. I’m sickened tired of Arizona heat. Sure I could move to the northern parts of Arizona to cool off but at the sacrifice of job opportunities. Someone young like me wants more job opportunities, not less. I’m glad to see Utah is growing their tech industry.

Utah just seems to have a better quality of life all around.

Outsider522 - 16.09.2023 07:25

All the good stuff in the video will just be ran in to the ground by the Californians just like they did California before they abandoned ship

DJ Trump
DJ Trump - 15.09.2023 23:42

Wrong. Utah does have income tax.

Marilyn Sue
Marilyn Sue - 11.09.2023 05:08

UT has state income tax and taxes part of Social Security benefits.

Chip Mcg
Chip Mcg - 10.09.2023 01:03

ah,, white people live there?

Patricia Mays
Patricia Mays - 09.09.2023 17:45

As many people leave Utah as arrive. Net gain population zero! According to Utah government.😅

Susan Swapp
Susan Swapp - 07.09.2023 02:37

Going! Going! Gone! Victim of our own success......This place has been overpopulated.

Curtis Long
Curtis Long - 05.09.2023 23:51

If i lived on n California,i would have hung myself before staying put.

ThatGuy - 05.09.2023 03:43

Also UT puts v little into schools

Hack Media
Hack Media - 31.08.2023 08:34

There's also Valley of the Gods and Monument Valley. So I would count even more nature to see. Plus I've looked at photos of hiking in the mountains and valleys that look amazing.

huncho - 30.08.2023 21:24

No more, Utah's full. No more transplants.

imds123 - 29.08.2023 23:53

Definitely not moving to a state where the Govt is run or influenced by the LDS church. Hell no!

redskinjim me
redskinjim me - 29.08.2023 02:49

They need to ruin it

Bobby Rod
Bobby Rod - 22.08.2023 04:33

Nobody hates Californians, people just hate progressives and liberals from anywhere. We don't want their communist/socialist views in our state.

Esquire Dan
Esquire Dan - 21.08.2023 01:35

Wow, this channel has become a cesspool for white, undereducated, QAnon Fox News watchers. Congratulations.

Travis Garrett
Travis Garrett - 19.08.2023 20:56

I have a customer that has had 6 families move in her neighborhood from California within the last couple of years.

Cameron Perry
Cameron Perry - 19.08.2023 16:35

I've lived in Utah pretty much my whole life. When I had just graduated high school I hated Utah, but after traveling around to many other places around the country, I'm realizing how good I've got it here. The only place I'd rather live is in Norway, Austria, or Switzerland. Definately a pipe dream. With all that said, the popularity of Utah is becoming a huge problem. The road congestion has skyrocketed in the last 10 years. The traffic still isn't anywhere near LA status, but there are definately pockets that are just as bad as LA. I'd know because I've spent a lot of time in LA traffic and even more time in Wasatch Front traffic. Probably the biggest concern is the skyrocketing cost of living. Yeah it's cheaper than California, but the gap is closing. I don't know where the median home cost of 350k is coming from in this video. That stat is just not true. My guess is that condos and townhomes are lumped into that number. The median cost of a single family home across the wasatch front is probably more like 450k and really more like 525k if you don't want to live way out in the outskirts of town. I've spent far too long looking at home prices across the valley. Luckily I already own one or i'd probably be screwed. The cost of food, gas and activities is also out of control. I'm not kidding when I say the price of food has more than doubled since I graduated high school 10 years ago. Inflation is part of that, but costs have far outpaced inflation here and that's a verifyable fact if you look at the data. I remember 10 years ago I was looking for an apartment so I could move out of my parents house. Where I lived at the time in Bountiful I found several options for around $550/mo. I remember thinking that was too expensive. Now I'm sure no one believes me because the cost of that same apartment is easily upwards of $1200/mo just 10 years later. I think the most concerning of all is the fact that the wasatch front is almost "full". We're kinda land locked here between mountain ranges and all the empty space has almost been filled up. Yeah we can build on the other side of the mountains, but that's not going to be realistic for commuters and that sort of thing. That just means ever skyrocketing land values and scarcity. I love Utah, but I'm worried about what's happening.

vic slick
vic slick - 18.08.2023 03:27

What about minimum wage? Utah the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

Justin 311
Justin 311 - 17.08.2023 07:22

Title should be "California vs Utah"

Fabulous Frenchies
Fabulous Frenchies - 15.08.2023 05:27

Californians really do mess up a state not because they are bad people but because they bring their culture with them which is what ruined California, and the Governor could help with the situation if he and all the other democrats weren't such controlling, lying, power hungry leaders.

ktsempai - 14.08.2023 17:06

If you are going to move to Utah from states such as Colorado, Oregon, Washington, California, etc. please do not bring your state's politics with you.

wafflesnfalafel1 - 14.08.2023 04:58

Just spent a week in SLC and honestly, it was a lot nicer than I thought it would be. Scrappy and up and coming, lots of potential - sure, it's busier and more expensive than it used but be, but I'll bet in 5 years you wish you'd have gotten something there now rather than waiting. And how can a state significantly influenced by a religious organization have so much good beer and Mexican food? The recent Sugar House district changes are pretty incredible.

carl rosenbaum
carl rosenbaum - 12.08.2023 13:41

They come to Arizona and die from our heat and water drought and learn how pricey it is here and realize crime and drugs is just as bad here like in California lol

Doug Sheldon
Doug Sheldon - 10.08.2023 17:16

These people just don't know. Utah sucks don't move here

Matt Hawksworth
Matt Hawksworth - 05.08.2023 00:58

Mormons are friendly until you enter into any kind of contract with them, like employment. Then they think youre their slave. Slavery was still in their constitution in 2020, it was on the ballot asking if people still wanted it.
