Do Droid Lives Matter? The DARK Truth About Droid Sentience

Do Droid Lives Matter? The DARK Truth About Droid Sentience

Vader's Fortress 2

1 год назад

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Monty Buccola
Monty Buccola - 04.07.2023 07:42

I think it would be funny to see order 99 in a movie

Ethan Wallace
Ethan Wallace - 31.05.2023 03:28

Please please please I love the dooku saber

B1 19-75
B1 19-75 - 05.04.2023 11:32

Droid lives matter droid lives matter

Damon Pono
Damon Pono - 17.03.2023 15:17

One good example is the protocol droid in the canon darth maul comic series which is tortured and begs to survive and shows fear

JonathanB00K3R - 05.03.2023 05:18

I fuck with this channel so much!

Fliktz - 07.01.2023 02:22

Droid lives matter!

Space Cadet
Space Cadet - 13.11.2022 21:59

I would say C3PO has a pretty strong personality, even after memory wipes

sean 7541
sean 7541 - 13.11.2022 14:02


Jacob G
Jacob G - 11.11.2022 05:44

No one thinks that maybe droids should just not be sentient?
No one else is worried about an IRobot reality?

Dampe17 - 11.11.2022 03:09

Clankas sounds like a racial slur 😂

Kori Kasai
Kori Kasai - 11.11.2022 01:38

I think the droids aren't sentient to start but the longer they're left to actually think and learn, the more sentient they become

Ben-Ken - 11.11.2022 00:30

Droids were programmed to mimic human or animal behaviors to keep sentient beings from going crazy on long space travels with no one to talk to. If they were truly sentient, it would be crazy to keep building and programming droids to do dangerous jobs or work non-stop against their will.

Drakence - 10.11.2022 23:48

In regard to your quandary about pain without nerve endings. We have to define "pain" first. Pain is our body telling us that it's been damaged and we clearly see them squeal and try and get away from damage so if we thinking of pain as our "programing" telling us to get away from said damage then I think it's proven and obvious that they feel pain. Ships give out damage reports right? What if instead of a percentage of hull left it just screamed.

Miniature Jayhawk
Miniature Jayhawk - 10.11.2022 19:43

No lives matter. Unless you convince others that yours does.

BlueVortex01 - 10.11.2022 11:33


Id OFX8 - 10.11.2022 11:27

I believe that simple machines with no capacity for personality, such as a drill or fridge should be treated as tools. However, anything with a capacity for change, for improvement, and desire to live should as such, be treated as though it is alive. For what is life if not that which avoids death?

Ethan Hasson
Ethan Hasson - 10.11.2022 10:58

Droid lives matter, as they can all develop & strive to be indepedant & feel, to anyone that disagrees your a terrible person & I will personally give out your IP & full name to the machine hoard when the IRL Robot Uprising begins

PolishScribe - 10.11.2022 10:20

(Roleplaying down here)

I'm an old droid. I've served in the CIS army and got lucky with getting rebooted soon after the shutdown.
For over 10 years I hid my appearance and worked as a bounty hunter, then joined rebellion to avoid being scrapped by the Empire.
Met people there, changed my viev over organics and got full Republican citizenship after the Battle of Endor, became militia officer on one of the systems in Outer Rim, and comanded a corvette on Exegol, signed off from military and started solar power pland business. After almost 60 years of functioning, I can tell being a droid amongst organics isn't that bad if you choose friends wisely.

PolishScribe - 10.11.2022 10:20

(Roleplaying down here)

I'm an old droid. I've served in the CIS army and got lucky with getting rebooted soon after the shutdown.
For over 10 years I hid my appearance and worked as a bounty hunter, then joined rebellion to avoid being scrapped by the Empire.
Met people there, changed my viev over organics and got full Republican citizenship after the Battle of Endor, became militia officer on one of the systems in Outer Rim, and comanded a corvette on Exegol, signed off from military and started solar power pland business. After almost 60 years of functioning, I can tell being a droid amongst organics isn't that bad if you choose friends wisely.

PolishScribe - 10.11.2022 10:20

(Roleplaying down here)

I'm an old droid. I've served in the CIS army and got lucky with getting rebooted soon after the shutdown.
For over 10 years I hid my appearance and worked as a bounty hunter, then joined rebellion to avoid being scrapped by the Empire.
Met people there, changed my viev over organics and got full Republican citizenship after the Battle of Endor, became militia officer on one of the systems in Outer Rim, and comanded a corvette on Exegol, signed off from military and started solar power pland business. After almost 60 years of functioning, I can tell being a droid amongst organics isn't that bad if you choose friends wisely.

Chris Snyder
Chris Snyder - 10.11.2022 08:58

What lives? They aren't living.

Timothy Vera
Timothy Vera - 10.11.2022 08:44

If they built, then they must function as they are designed to. Anything else is madness and chaos

Chao chao Cool
Chao chao Cool - 10.11.2022 04:53

Reminds me of samurai jack most of the bounty hunters and other creatures there are droids or mechanical beings with individualities

hunterkiller1440 - 10.11.2022 02:44

When they are given consciousness, then droid lives matter.

DMBLaan99 - 10.11.2022 00:34

If you're like me and consider the Old Republic games and mmo to be canonical in Legends, there was the whole thing with Directive 7 bringing up the idea of droids enslaving other droids, like what Mentor was basically doing, and the fact the the Shroud, one of the greatest manipulators in Star Wars, was a droid called Z0-0M.

Minicle - 10.11.2022 00:23

Be worth bringing up, Droids do have their own rights movement in the form of the Gotra. Be nice to see more of them.

Aiden Gray
Aiden Gray - 10.11.2022 00:02

You proved droids are fully sapient, there's no excuse for enslaving them.
"Oh, but we made them." so your parents get to mind wipe you when you get uppity?

Star_Wars_Editz - 10.11.2022 00:02

DRM (Droids Lives Matter!)

Isaac Watanabe
Isaac Watanabe - 09.11.2022 23:48

Its literally stated that they can develop a personality. They cant think. Just give the illusion that they can

Tim McClymont
Tim McClymont - 09.11.2022 23:48

I think the answer is this, two things can be true at once;
The droids are sentient like humans are, and the droids should be in servitude to their makers just like humans should be in servitude to their Creator.

Go run and tell Googles AI that, I'd be curious to know it's thoughts.

Hunters - 09.11.2022 23:32

Third, and nice video about droids

The Chicken Is Not Amused 🔫 🐔
The Chicken Is Not Amused 🔫 🐔 - 09.11.2022 23:29

They can develop their own personalities and some can feel pain like the Sepratist Battle Droid.


Marshall Latta
Marshall Latta - 09.11.2022 23:25

Droids definitely deserve better let hope we see a droid story series
