Dobri w Ameryci - Carpatho-Rusyn Lemko song (NOT Ukrainian!)

Dobri w Ameryci - Carpatho-Rusyn Lemko song (NOT Ukrainian!)


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Ігор Васильківський
Ігор Васильківський - 31.07.2023 11:44

Рашисти любили цю тему мусолити: русини це типу не українці, а рузскіє...)) Коротка правда - українці це і є русини, а те що тепер називається росією - це просто московська імперія, Тартарія... Мене насторожує це ідіотичне - NOT Ukrainian!

Cat Nap
Cat Nap - 22.07.2023 02:22

I'm Lemko and Ukrainian. And very proud to call myself that.

andrew brennan
andrew brennan - 04.07.2023 20:44

Don't understand how this is a Lemko song but not Ukrainian my grandparents were Lemko and considered themselves Ukrainian.

Lubos Hamarcak
Lubos Hamarcak - 25.03.2023 10:32

Tak šumnu spivanku jem douho nečul,m rusine známe i keď taško žjeme sia nabitý!!!

Engleză pentru Сonstructori
Engleză pentru Сonstructori - 26.02.2023 03:56

Любимо лемків, руснаків, за їх культурну спадщину, пісні, і їх ідентичність. Американці кажуть: "Те що ходить як качка, плаває як качка, літає як качка, Та плАває як качка, то то воно і таки є Качка". Це щодо того що лемки і підкарпатські русини виображають себе як нарід страшенно відмінний від решти українських етносів, як то волиняни, гуцули, бойки, пдоляни, наддніпрянці (в минулому роси і поляни) і т.д.

p1234 - 25.02.2023 14:24


Kevinism - 07.01.2023 16:55

Thank you for this content from another grandchild of a Pennsylvania Lemko. My family did and do consider ourselves Ukrainian, but that just goes to show that you can't assume anything about anybody! Much love to my fellow Carpatho-Appalachians 💙💛💚

Griffin Pomeranian Heir
Griffin Pomeranian Heir - 30.12.2022 05:14

Piãknô piesniô! Pòzdrôvk s Pòmòři

Nicolae Peçescu
Nicolae Peçescu - 28.12.2022 11:33

Tak jak bojkovie w Bieszczadach w polsce. To jest nasza stracona kultura Karpat baskidow

Rusyn - 23.05.2022 13:37

My great grandmother and great grandfather from Odrzechowa (Odrechowa)

jakiw jakiwczuk
jakiw jakiwczuk - 03.05.2022 11:42

what an awesome western ukrainian song

Volunie Productions
Volunie Productions - 02.05.2022 10:24

Слава Україні! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Amy Lynn Slysz Johannes
Amy Lynn Slysz Johannes - 05.04.2022 04:55

I love this as my Grandpa Slysz would of loved it. We are in Pennsylvania but our Lemko Rusyn hearts are still in the mountains of Sanok.

Brandon Hethcox
Brandon Hethcox - 27.03.2022 17:15

Would anyone care to share the lyrics to this song with me?, (so that when I am able to obtain a new Balalaika), I will have the lyrics memorized beforehand. This way I can have a means of generating some additional income for myself and my Children, via Street Musicianing and performing at Bars and Festivals, (since my S.S.I. by itself is not sufficient enough for an Autistic Savant, like myself, who was cheated out of a better Education growing up). The Public School Administration in my Hometown was both Greedy and had a Eugenicistic Mindset towards Mental Disabilities that they were not able to understand. Trashmore CA. Union School District Board of Trustees you owe me Cash Reparation.

ben asek
ben asek - 20.02.2022 02:58

Pozdrawiam wszystkich Łemków. Słucham Waszej muzyki od lat ...

Olha Shpynda
Olha Shpynda - 21.12.2021 17:19

Перепрошую, але мої дідо і бабця були переселенцями з Лемківщини (село Карликів) і вони себе завжди називали лемками-українцями ;)

Pidval Records
Pidval Records - 09.10.2021 22:33

Русини - це українці та білоруси

ColleCter Euronymus
ColleCter Euronymus - 03.10.2021 19:44

Rusinom sława!

KharkivYanka - 30.06.2021 23:23

Один з українських варіантів емігрантської пісні «В Америці добре».

В Америці добре,
Як найдеш роботу,
Тоді ся прибереш
Вечером в суботу.

Руки у кишені,
Дзиґар коло боку,
Де ся не оглянеш,–
Гроші є, нівроку.

А що мені з того,
Що я гроші маю,
Коли жінка з дітьми
Бідують у краю.

Ой Боже мій, Боже,
Що робити маю,
Злетів би-м додому
Та крилець не маю.

Сумно мені, сумно
Як вечір, так рано:
На моїм серденьку
Веселості мало.

Веселосте моя,
Де ти ся поділа?
Там, у ріднім краю,
На камені сіла.

До полудня цвіла,
Від полудня в’яла,
Десь моя веселість,
Як роса, пропала.

На горі береза,
Вітрець ї колише,
Десь моя веселість
Дрібний листок пише.

Літери виводить
Гнучкими лозами,
Хто лист прочитає,
Вмиється сльозами.

Carol Miller
Carol Miller - 04.06.2021 05:42

Sounds very Russian. I have Russian & Serbian relatives.

Johanna Gaberova
Johanna Gaberova - 04.04.2021 03:25

Here are the lyrics again, but translated A LOT better this time:

Good in America when you have a job that´s going well
You put on beautiful clothes when Saturday comes
You put on beautiful clothes and you wash yourself into beauty
Because you are no longer afraid that your field is rotting away
That your field is rotting away and that it´s going to be flooded
Go back to your house, we will call the farmers
There are farmers who bring food to your door
They bring food to your door and don't even ask for money
That's what we’re told about the American land

mark mcpheters
mark mcpheters - 22.03.2021 22:30

we do sometimes identify as Ukrainian but we are as distinct as swedes are to norwegians

Milla Salakhova
Milla Salakhova - 02.01.2021 09:11

Красивая песня, но поняла только " гамерицкий краю". Можно попросить текст песни, желательно на кириллице, йо?

Martin - 19.12.2020 00:15

We are not ukrainians

Олег Маґдзяк Oleg Magdziak
Олег Маґдзяк Oleg Magdziak - 15.11.2020 19:34

It is Ukrainian!!

Omelyan 🇺🇦
Omelyan 🇺🇦 - 03.08.2020 15:36

I'm a native Ukrainian speaker and it sounds Ukrainian for me. 🇺🇦
Don't lie to yourself and remember your ancestors.

WMCR2001 - 06.05.2020 02:35

I am an American, 4th generation, and the descendant of Rusyns from southern Slovakia and northern Hungary (I'm guessing that makes me a Lemko? This is all still new to me...). Anyway, this is a beautiful song. Does the title say, "Good in America?" I've learned a little Polish in hopes of being able to understand Slavic languages better. Thank you for sharing!

Joycie JD
Joycie JD - 01.11.2017 02:58

My Grandpa’s folks. They were from Kammiana. Love hearing the music and seeing the photos!

Maciek Fezz
Maciek Fezz - 30.10.2017 00:10

And nothing else matters .....lemko 4ever!

SaintNicholasOrchestraTV - 13.04.2017 14:36

zapraszamy na nasz kanał! SaintNicholasOrchestraTV - for more videos! :)

john jaworski
john jaworski - 26.02.2017 04:26

Moja babcia pochodzi z Lemkowyni ze wsi Meżybrid (Międzybrodzie). Mieszkała w Pennsylvanii z mężem (Polak) który pracował tam jako górnik. Serce mi pęka też jak słucham tę piosenkę.

Todd Edelman
Todd Edelman - 08.08.2016 10:55

I'm Jewish, with ggg- and gggg-grandparents from Spisske Hrusov, Spisska Nova Ves, Harhaj and Mikova.... amongst other places. In the latter my family was friends with a non-Jewish, part-Rusyn family... in fact, my great uncle who later died in the Shoah saved the life of a little boy from that boy... his grandson wrote a book about Jews in the Medzilaborce District right before and during WWII, and mentioned my great-uncle.

It's a sad history, but my understanding is the murders happened against the wishes of many of our Rusyn neighbours -- it was more a programme of ethnic Slovaks (and of course Germans.)

This is not a reason to act negatively towards Slovaks. After all, now that a new version of the Hlinka party has people in Parliament - and they were most popular amongst first time voters in the most recent national election - it's time to working together, so that populist politicians don't get into power with talk of hate.

Janina Simons
Janina Simons - 01.03.2016 01:18

Love the music, Could you please explain what area you live please? so I can look on map... TU....

Janina Simons
Janina Simons - 01.03.2016 01:18

Love the music, Could you please explain what area you live please? so I can look on map... TU....

Timothy - 14.10.2015 09:40

Having just returned from the Lemko region I love the fact they love to call themselves "Carpatho~Russian" before Ukrainian. They most definitely reject Ukrainianism.

Александр Макаренко
Александр Макаренко - 09.07.2015 23:40

пісня гарна і дуже красива, і настрій , і мелодія, і слова - усе файно !

Peter C
Peter C - 25.06.2015 08:52

I am Slovak, Moravian AND Rusyn decent. My Father is a Rusyn. I was always so disappointed that the Rusyns never attempted to reunite with CzechoSlovakia or with Slovakia. culturally Slovaks and Rusyns are so close. I see so much more in common with Slovaks and Polish Gorals than with the Ukrainians. You cant draw a line in the sand and say THIS is where the people are different especially when the languages, music, history, dress, religion (for the most part), food and human geography is the same!

hopefully one day my Rusyn half will enjoy the full rights and protection the deserve instead of being assimilated into a foreign Ukrainian culture.

Benjamin Sroka
Benjamin Sroka - 14.02.2015 21:36

brate ,krasno pozdrav zo Slovenskoj Republiky

DOKREPORTER - 25.07.2014 00:59

Do evaki59: pieśni łemkowskich słucham od lat, ale wyłącznie przez internet. Ty masz niedaleko do Łemków. Skontaktuj się z LEMKO TOWER. Pozdrawiam

evaka59 - 11.07.2014 23:46

* Hej! * Serce mi pęka, kiedy tego słucham. Moja babcia z tamtąd pochodzi. Zawsze mówiła, że przodkowie mieszkali na Węgrzech. Pozdrawiam wszystkich. Tak bardzo bym chciała poznać kogoś, kto z tamtąd pochodzi. Mieszkam na zachodzie blisko granicy z Niemcami. W tej miejscowości nie ma nikogo z łemków. Pa :)

kayetanowicz - 03.05.2014 16:18

You have a good life in America when you have a job
You can put on beautiful clothes on the weekend
You can put on beautiful clothes and have a good bath
Because you are not afraid that your crops are being rotted
That your crops are being rotted and taken away by flood.
What's more there are farmers who bring food to your house
They bring food and don't ask for money
That's what we are told about America

Pavol Olejarník
Pavol Olejarník - 25.04.2014 22:41

Ďakujem, krásne! Mal by niekto k tomu noty? Ujo už je mŕtvy, spieval túto pieseň, je to spomienka na neho...

Rod Viquez
Rod Viquez - 18.04.2014 02:15

anyone have lyrics translated into English?

rusnak74 - 17.03.2014 02:34

Thank you for the very beautiful song:It really touched my heart deeply:))Greetings from Sweden(yes belieave it or not there a Rusyns living here also:)But unfortunately there are very,very few of us here...

As most of us Rusyns wich live here are Rusyns from Serbia(Vojvdyna)Anyway i send my best wishes to all of my fellow Rusyns wherever you might live in this world:)Dzekujem y zdravy budzce:)

Lvivska Citadel
Lvivska Citadel - 23.12.2013 08:56

I am Lemko and I am Ukrainian. So don`t speak about everyone from your misguided perspective. 

Владимир Пяст
Владимир Пяст - 07.11.2013 04:18

У мене дiдо бов у Америцi на зароботках

Карпаторусинська Нація
Карпаторусинська Нація - 27.10.2013 18:56


kayetanowicz - 26.09.2013 10:08

Дякую i здрaвлю
