“I am as my servant thinks of Me” Manifestation? - Part 2/2

“I am as my servant thinks of Me” Manifestation? - Part 2/2

Belal Assaad

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@muhammadrafiqakhtar4566 - 18.09.2024 12:30

Excellent Video maa sha Allaah Honorable Son Belal Assaad !

@nizahussain4078 - 18.09.2024 14:27

May Allaha bless you
O, Lord pour forth on us patience

@saymasultana339 - 18.09.2024 22:45

I never liked the law of attraction. It made me feel that maybe I don’t want something enough. Alhamdulillah for Islam. ALLAH is enough for us.❤❤

@joeblack6807 - 19.09.2024 15:18

Thanks for bringing this topic up as it was making a lot of Muslim content creators making this nonsense about law of attraction and Islam and leading our brothers and sisters downed the wrong path ☪️🇿🇦🤲✊🏼

@BorisBergman-sb5dn - 20.09.2024 03:21

Amen & Amin. 🫂

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 04:17

Hey. About plants they feel there's not just science. Did you forget that palm tree that started crying and the Prophet consoled it

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 04:22

Will that make the plant grow. Like humans have energy an aspect in them, like they need spiritual nourishment of heart through dhikr, similarly they need food for physical growth same applies to plants. People are did research effect of words on water, we are water plants are water, to think words have no effect would be wrong. As you said in previous video say good words because good energy. In a world of negative and positive we're supposed to strive to live like in paradise. Don't get me wrong lest someone takes it to some other direction. Positive. Think positive. Husn al dhan. Think positive of Allah. Think positive of people, don't backbite. Doing negative disrupts harmony. And since this is part 2 of manifesting law of harmony is also part of manifesting.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 04:25

When we know for Allah nothing is impossible. The likelihood of getting that job is 100% because law of belief is law of mind. This is equivalent to faith in Allah. As israr Ahmed says for the cause one doesn't need to depend on circumstances.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 04:26

Remove the aspects of shirk see the verses of quran hadith. And mostly Allah's name al zaahir. Knowledge is from Allah. So is manifestation.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 04:28

For people who live in this small world and can't think bigger. Who don't know for Allah everything is possible. Yes tying the camel is given, but don't miracles happen. Who said they can't happen for normal people. But do they happen for people who want to stay in this 3d world maybe not idek

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 04:36

There's an aspect in meditation called think believe feel and act. What does it show that you can't just persist in thinking and it will come true.

Really we can take it from oh the non Muslims it's shirk but all knowledge is from Allah. If only we see it from how Allah tells it without shirk. In book the power of your subconscious mind say the affirmation morning evening night. Do we not do adhkars in those times. What is wrong if we say our desire then.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:16

I deleted two of my comments but listening to energy force.

Who is going to explain which 360 joints are these. Sahib hadis by albani.

Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 422
Ibn 'Abbas said, "There are 360 joints and each of them owes sadaqa every single day. Every good word is sadaqa. A man's helping his brother is sadaqa. A drink of water which he gives is sadaqa. Removing something harmful from the road is sadaqa."

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:20

Allah is al zaahir. The manifestor. Allah is al khaliq the creator. People create a building. Hence people can also manifest. Attributes of Allah are found in people.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:22

It means such people don't think of al zaahir. Zaahir and baatin these names are not for everyone.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:23

I can already feel gaslighting so high.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:38

Are all laws not by Allah?

7 Universal Laws:

1. *Law of Mentalism - Tawhid*: Recognizing Allah's Oneness and unity, acknowledging His power and control over all creation.

2. *Law of Correspondence - Munasabah*: Understanding the harmony and connection between Allah's creation and His divine plan.

3. *Law of Vibration - Taharah*: Purifying oneself through worship, good deeds, and seeking forgiveness to resonate with (Allah's energy. Now this part is making me doubtful)

4. *Law of Polarity - Ikhtilaf*: Embracing the duality and contrast in life as a means of growth, understanding, and appreciation.

5. *Law of Rhythm - Tawazun*: Finding balance and harmony within oneself and with Allah's creation.

6. *Law of Cause and Effect - Sababiyah*: Recognizing the causality and consequences of one's actions in this life and the hereafter.

7. *Law of Gender - Tazayuf*: Understanding the complementarity and interdependence of masculine and feminine energies in creation.

12 Laws of the Universe:

1. *Law of Divine Oneness - Tawhid*: Acknowledging Allah's unity and uniqueness.

2. *Law of Energy - Quwwah*: Tapping into Allah's power and potential within oneself. What could this mean.

Unity of existence (wahdat al-wujud): The interconnectedness of all being. This definition I'll deny it to. The question is do we not possess attributes of Allah in us, not with full capacity, but do we not posses it?

The Law of Energy in Islamic thought can be summarized as:

"Quwwah" (inner strength) + "Irada" (intention) + " Himma" (aspiration) = Actualization of Potential if this is how law of energy is taken, what aspect of it seems wrong?

3. *Law of Vibration - Taharah*: Aligning one's energy with Allah's through purification and cleansing. Ok since idk if such aligning energy is used anywhere but cleansing of our souls and hearts is a part of faith.

4. *Law of Attraction - Jadhba*: Attracting positivity and goodness through righteous actions and intentions.

5. *Law of Intention - Niyyah*: Aligning one's purpose and intention with Allah's will.

Remind me again when ibn e taymiyah said Allah only allows us to make dua because he wants to give us that thing. Allah says that nothing happens without his will. And if a dua is being repeated even after someone seems red flag. Allah knows why. Who are you to judge and tell people to give up when Allah has allowed it. If Allah wanted the dua to be stopped he would will it.

6. *Law of Gratitude - Shukr*: Cultivating gratitude and appreciation for Allah's blessings.

7. *Law of Detachment - Tawakkul*: Trusting and relying on Allah's plan and wisdom.

8. *Law of Allowing - Taslim*: Surrendering to Allah's will and accepting His decree.

9. *Law of Mindfulness - Taqwa*: Cultivating mindfulness and awareness of Allah's presence.

10. *Law of Abundance - Kifayah*: Trusting in Allah's abundance and sufficiency.

11. *Law of Karma - Sababiyah*: Understanding the consequences of one's actions.

12. *Law of Manifestation - Takwin*: Manifesting one's desires through Allah's power and permission.

21 Laws of Manifestation:

(Additional laws)

1. *Law of Clarity - Wuduh*: Seeking clarity and purity in thoughts, intentions, and actions.

2. *Law of Congruence - Munasabah*: Aligning oneself with Allah's harmony and connection.

3. *Law of Harmony - Tawazun*: Finding balance and harmony within and with Allah's creation.

4. *Law of Balance - Muwazanah*: Maintaining equilibrium and balance in all aspects of life.

5. *Law of Relativity - Nisbah*: Understanding the relativity and proportion of all things in relation to Allah's greatness.

What is wrong about all this? Aren't all laws created by Allah? Isn't all knowledge from Allah? I don't understand why. I understand it is the decree of Allah to make knowledge known to some people and not to others. Allah knows what is for who. It's ok. It really is.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:40

Why do I keep my mind. Because Allah says ponder over the signs. Energy is his creation. We are just utilising his creation. Pondering over a creation of his. Some people see the stars. Some look into the oceans. We're pondering. Who knows al zaahir knows energy. Affirmations all these are tools.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:43

Bad to parents. Child stays same his children see him like that. O did I see law of cause and effect there?

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:50

What is this. Think well of Allah. Think well of his creations. Where's husn al dhan? How can one have tawakkul if they're not even obeying. How are they even conscious of Allah if they're not even doing worship.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:56

When dua changes qadr then what's the issue here. There are types of qadr as omer suleiman said in why me.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 06:59

Hopelessness is what Satan wants people to feel so that he can misguide them and this is exactly what I feel this video is doing. Adding hopelessness. What propaganda is this.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 07:01

Maybe this video is putring me into law of detachment mode.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 07:05

When you say one prayed and it goes according to our plan but it didn't turn out well then we think negative of Allah. What you said is our plan was actually Allah's plan. Can one run away from qadr? How can you attribute this to the person.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 07:21

Now I understand. Like minds say things alike.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 07:24

This aspect of life being of seconds. It is. No doubt. It'll pass. To have people who are a cause for faith to decline. Live on autopilot. Same old brain that got run over as a child. This isn't a tiny aspect. One can't just say it's life of seconds so go around and choose to spend with whomever. Negative positive energy.

@meowsaymeow - 20.09.2024 07:53

Dua is accepting what Allah gives you doesn't make sense. Because if it is accepting then there is no need for morning evening adhkar. No need for making dua. Because if it's accepting what you're getting you don't even need to ask. If it's accepting what you're getting ibn al qayyim wouldn't say Allah allows for a dua to be made because he wants to give it. Allah wouldn't say he is shy to return a person empty handed. Dua wouldn't change qadr if it's accepting.

@naveedalmel668 - 20.09.2024 11:16

I wanted to know about this. Thank you Allah

@Patricia-i8t7e - 20.09.2024 14:54

Lovely words in that hadith. Very interesting and deep subject. I must listen to this again and again. But on another unexplainable observation, why do people wear jackets or jumpers with no arms ?? Warm body, (must keep the heart warm n snug) but cold arms ??

@Zainulabdeen-h4d - 21.09.2024 01:07

You are the best♥️

@entourage813 - 21.09.2024 07:38

Excellent. Chokran brother for the clear explanation. May Allah protect us all from the major and minor shirk.

@ibrahimadrammeh3237 - 21.09.2024 14:47

Masah'Allah beautiful lecture you are such a blessing for this umah May Allah the almighty reward you

@nusratpopy8724 - 21.09.2024 17:15

Subhan Allah!!!

@nusratpopy8724 - 21.09.2024 17:19

Ma sha Allah!!! Brother Belal Assaad, what a great discussion on Allah Taa’la’s qadar!!

@The-Zaynab - 22.09.2024 14:48

I am certain that this video will help lots of Muslims because…. These videos about manifesting Dua, manifesting my husband/marriage jargons from so called Muslim content creators like myself is alarming!!!

So those that are single can’t manifest?😅 some sister even said everything she wanted happened by doing some things
SubhanaLlah what is this?

@Fatoumamouddj - 23.09.2024 11:19


@reemareema2487 - 24.09.2024 00:45

بسم الله والحمدلله ولا إله إلا الله
يقول الله تعالى: من أراد الآخره وسعي لها سعيها
يقول الله تعالي : أن الله لايغير مابقومٍ حتي يغيرو مابأنفسهم.
وفي الحديث القدسي : أنا عند ظن عبدي بي فليظن بي ماشاء.
وفي حديثًا آخر: المرؤ علي دين خليله فلينظر احدكم من يخالل.
وفي مقوله مشهوره تقول : الطيور علي اشكالها تقع.
وأخيرًا شيخا الفاضل القانون هذا موجود وأعتقد هو من القوانين الإلهية. ، والله أعلم
ولكن أولا لا بد ان تكون لديك النيه الواضحة للشي الذي تريده
ثانياً السعي والحركه
ثالثا التوكل والثقة واليقين وحسن الظن بالله
رابعا الرضا بالنتائج اي كانت ( تعدل الخطأ وتصحح)
خامسا المثابره وعدم الاستسلام

@hawatoure1210 - 24.09.2024 16:29

Alhamdulillah, I am so thankful to Allah to have allowed those who convinced you to have your own channel and let us benefit from the blessings Allah has bless you with (beneficial knowledge of His Deen). Talking about relevant current issues is critical in these times. May Allah bless you and your family.

@fida6166 - 28.09.2024 19:03

Alhamdulillah. Glory be to Allah for He has saved me from continuosly falling with the law of attraction. My heart was constanty worry of shirk relying of this belief as part of my efforts.

Remember brothers and sisters, we are subjected to Allah, not the opposite. He is one and true God. Wallahualam.

@TheMuslimRobot - 30.09.2024 17:39

BarakAllahfeek Shaykh! I finally realized that I been totally misguided by this false theory since I was a child and it messed me up likely! May Allah grant me and the ummah healing from this and all falsehood!

@610MARYAM - 30.09.2024 18:25



@drenthaci7011 - 02.10.2024 22:16

Elhamdulilah,Elhamdulilah and again Elhamdulilah for this video !
If they say by applying the law of attraction,you can have as much money as you want and also get whatever you want !. Why then they are not wealthier than Elon Musk, and does not have everything that they want,if that is the case !
I personaly always had doubts about this so called "Law of Attraction".

@malinakinnarath1091 - 03.10.2024 19:40


@behnamsalagh8907 - 08.10.2024 08:44

