Tiktok's Worst Podcast

Tiktok's Worst Podcast

Jarvis Johnson

1 год назад

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Mati - 28.09.2023 20:05

At this point why don'y they date each other, if they hate women so much? It would make more sense as they have the same "values"💀

Rachel Johnson
Rachel Johnson - 27.09.2023 03:11

He so rarely brings actual conservative traditional women on who can mediate the bullshit coming from both sides. Understanding the perspectives of the other women while calling the trashy "conservative" men out on their stupidity.

Darth Bane
Darth Bane - 27.09.2023 03:06

Dating podcast are full of shit it's theater not truth it's just another lazy way to make money

Rachel Johnson
Rachel Johnson - 27.09.2023 02:57

If you want a truly traditional woman (a virgin, wants to have kids, to cook and tend the home and start a home business, etc) she's going to have high standards in return. It's simple, really.

Mary G
Mary G - 26.09.2023 21:12

The question I was waiting to be answered is whether these guys were willing to live by these rules they are trying to force their gfs with. Are they gonna stop going to bars? I gave def hit on a guy in a bar & club.

A Place
A Place - 26.09.2023 20:25

What is a woman?

F1r-f1sT - 25.09.2023 21:01

Being rude=diversity what a nice way to get out of an uneasy argument
Also love how all "diversity defenders" NEVER defend men from bodyshaming
This whole video is a try to denigrate people u don't agree with isntead of providing proof of why ur right
Like dude i wanted some different opinion and all i got u licking asses of women who totally all have realistic excpectations from mens apperance and will be acting very good towards them in relationship
Their show clearly humbles disrespectful women and the fact that this is what men want to see must be investigated-maybe there is a reason why this type of content has become so popular alongside tinders rise?
U could show how they exploit their audience but u chose to do the same thing just bc u don't really care and its easier

Adam Stormer
Adam Stormer - 25.09.2023 05:18

The choice of words on the whatever podcast is really alarming yet hilarious that it exists as content for people to watch in the first place 😂😵‍💫

Slickolas - 25.09.2023 02:37

Love Jarvis and the video although I will say that personally I wouldn't want my partner to go out to clubs or get hammered at bars without me there. That being said, I make that clear when getting into a relationship with someone and I don't try to make them do that. Me and my girlfriend are both very much on the same page when it comes to things like this and it's great.

jas - 24.09.2023 07:27

nah him kicking the woman off for saying "okay" was just fucking hilarious LMFAOOO 💀

club33 - 23.09.2023 20:21

We have a male feminist here.

Nut even
Nut even - 23.09.2023 04:44

Why are them men acting like women and the women like men 👀 that’s how u know the devil winning

Eric Miller
Eric Miller - 23.09.2023 00:07

Some of these guys need a good fucking hiding from a real alpha male that respects woman

Wajn Ulrix
Wajn Ulrix - 22.09.2023 15:37

🤣 thought i was the only male laughing at these podcasts the other way around
this is perfect - subscribed

Thomas Degroat
Thomas Degroat - 21.09.2023 14:58

The kicked off compilation is so embarrassing. Little baby couldn’t handle some disagreement on his debate podcast and had to kick of his talent? And he’s done it frequently enough to have a “best of” compilation? Does mommy also need to change your diaper after every recording?

ThinkThank28 - 20.09.2023 21:36

My favorite meme about the podcast stuff is these videos where it’s one guy talking to the other but he literally does not respond and just stares

Mariah Bridgeman2.0
Mariah Bridgeman2.0 - 20.09.2023 18:44

I love how I see these interviews on shorts often captioned “women is left speechless by sigma male”
When the video is obviously a women left completely flabbergasted by the stupidity that she can’t even respond

Kennedy Mason
Kennedy Mason - 20.09.2023 17:07

Them's fightin' words posers! 🤨

Cortex Auth
Cortex Auth - 20.09.2023 16:58

my only, probably completely wrong viewpoint, would be against the comment on them not going for women clubbing too hard and shit. I think it's fair, for a person to be in fact insecure. He may have had some super bad experience, or just needs figuring out of realities.

Where it may go overboard is trying to change someone you know does not live their life like that, or shaming and attacking someone for it. If it does not work out, you have some thinking to do about the decisions and life you're leading, and figure it all out

nnr - 20.09.2023 14:31

Many of these lovely ladies end up sleeping with fresh and fit. So it’s all good.. don’t worry.

Prof_Parahelix - 19.09.2023 16:54

That sort of toxic masculinity's insidious in the same way as conservatism-- it doesn't question your worldview if you grew up raised that way (which all of us do to an extent), it tells you you're already right and so smart for thinking it.

Your insecurity and jealousy aren't weakness, you're not being a weird little controlling freak, it's okay, because [insert argument that boils down to women being inherently duplicitous and awful]"

I don't think it convinces people, I think it reassures them

Kaitlyn Morgan
Kaitlyn Morgan - 19.09.2023 05:59

the magical part of the faithful guy is that you 100% know he wont cheat. not that he seems so trustworthy that youre sure about it. BUT, i would say no to that question regardless if the "no parties" thing means i cant go to birthday parties, get togethers with friends that may be considered parties (aka,, just hanging out), baby showers, weddings, then no. im okay never going to bars or clubs because it isnt my scene. also, i assume the conditions werent set by the guy and were instead made by some god-like figure. but if it wasnt, then thats controlling and i wouldnt stay for the principle of not being with abusers ???

and as for the body count thing,, it doesnt matter. but women arent gonna tell that to men because they put virginity on a pedestal, or at least as close as they can get to that (like if the girl had few partners). men value virginity and how many partners a woman had because they see women as less than if theyve had multiple partners, and yet men are allowed to be with multiple women and are actually congratulated by the fact. thats why women arent gonna tell you even if they think it doesnt matter. but even if that wasnt the case, it truly is no one elses business except your own because it is private. sex isnt something people will tell to strangers, and sometimes not even partners. if someones only wondering because of the probabilities of stds (this only works if the two are planning on sleeping together), testing is available for that

-faithful guy scenario is magic because you know he'll be faithful for a fact
-body count doesnt matter to anyone but those who value virginity because they make it perverse or see people as less than for having multiple partners, so thats why people dont wanna share it

Kay Osipoff
Kay Osipoff - 19.09.2023 02:05

My two acquaintances went to that podcast 😭😭😭

Kingdae 20
Kingdae 20 - 18.09.2023 23:52

honestly i feel like its kinda complicated like one size doesnt fit all. at the same time i think guys like myron and andrew tate and that other guy brian make some good points in regard to what a guy may look for in a girl when it comes to marriage or how to level up by focusing on ones self and maintaining peace ,cuz i myself did alot of growing and gained alot of reward over the last year when i applied certain things that i heard from some of them to my life as well as other things i realized such as who to hang with and who i can learn from and what not and and i do feel that they may have somewhat of a point also on topics of infidelity cuz back when i used to club every weekend alot of the girls ive hooked up with i found out after happened to have boyfriends that weren't there with them on those nights not to say thats all women because its not but stuff like that and vice versa does happen unfortunately its just world we live in tbh. now despite me agreeing with certain things i can say that perhaps they can go a better way about conveying their veiws but then again some of the girls there do get kinda rude so its not all black and white from my pov. Now for mind i dont hate women, i like and respect women and honestly anyone as long as they treat me good tbh but tbh i dont see myself dating or marrying a girl with an OF and i dont see myself becoming a step father anytime soon, not to bash or anything its just a path i see myself following, but yall can do whatever yall want. now i do feel like too much of this red pill content is kinda toxic cuz it can affect ones mental health, too much of any social media can, but i think the best thing a man can do is to live life get successful focus on what hes doing maintain peace and if he meets a girl with a good vibe give it a try and see what happens but obviously dont let anyone take advantage of you and if shes the one then go for it. but i logged off of tik tok months ago cuz of how toxic it seems to be especially with all the negative podcasts talking about gender and ethnicity and other stuff that seems to just spread more division than unity . I just wish more people would just live life and get along honestly. any perspectives ?

D Wells
D Wells - 18.09.2023 15:55

This podcast is dope thanks for showing me it

Mandles💛 - 18.09.2023 15:21

Ok sooo, a girl goes out and gets hit on by a lot of guys but then again, guys sit in the corner alone.. So which guys are approaching the women? The studs😢I'm confused

johnnytr0uble - 17.09.2023 18:08

Why are "alpha" males always so insecure?

Andy Dal
Andy Dal - 17.09.2023 12:12

I see know... that there are 2 Bubbles that only want to look at the Drama and why the other Site is stupid. Me too.

teapotlizard - 17.09.2023 11:18

the woman was too stunned to speak. it's me, i am the woman.

Rose Clearwater
Rose Clearwater - 17.09.2023 01:51

It honestly blows my mind how men will use the excuse that they are the only ones who suffer in war. Like maybe not in America in the last 100 years because we haven’t had a war on US soil, but in most places where there is war there is a lot of civilian casualties and woman are especially brutalized by the horrors of war and armies that will roll in. Like yes women haven’t been allowed to fight in wars but every one is effected by the horrible nature of war wtf are they talking about 😅

Also reminds me of that quote that women are born with suffering as a part of them so men have to make up their own suffering

Epic 7000
Epic 7000 - 16.09.2023 22:56

I can’t listen to these people I have to skip past I’m sorry

Epic 7000
Epic 7000 - 16.09.2023 22:55

I feel so uncomfortable listening to these people

Felted north
Felted north - 16.09.2023 19:42

Bryan Looks Like Star_'s Evil Clone

Jane sebasti
Jane sebasti - 16.09.2023 18:09

Finally someone says those podcasts are the reality of and gathering of the worst of the society a bunch of trash people they are the water that drips from the rotten trash

evangelinee - 15.09.2023 17:45

they should just be gay atp

lithivia oblivia
lithivia oblivia - 15.09.2023 13:00

nah that $500 dude has a humiliation and possibly findom kink

Madz_e - 14.09.2023 05:37

Ok; the problem is we’re trying to make it a competition of which gender has it worse; I’m here to settle this; LIFE SUCKS FOR EVERYONE

Tawa Majik
Tawa Majik - 14.09.2023 01:04

So confused right now,who's a simp here?😊

trent williams
trent williams - 13.09.2023 22:38

Funny that unlike those guys from the podcast that actually invite the girls and discuss their points,giving an actual opportunity to reply and defend themselves

This complete asshat clown dont go square up at their show

Do it coward,dont be a coward and attack someone in absence

no name
no name - 13.09.2023 20:34

Im glad i only had to click one video of this jarvis character to know that he has a backwards take on life and hates society and a healthy way for society to run. Hes the type of libtard who thinks we should all run around in the streets contracting diseases and living lifeike burning man hippies. This is soooo wack. Youll lose in the end.

Jafooly Porchers
Jafooly Porchers - 13.09.2023 16:19

if the subject wasnt so cringe to begin with, this would be a 10/10 sadly the trash u used is sooooo bad its unrateable! bit like grading a poo in a swimming pool! avoid poo is the only take from this! NA/10

왜왜 - 13.09.2023 11:14

i wanted to watch this but the negative energy in this comment section is not it

Metalheadjake - 13.09.2023 09:51

Anyone who watches these dating podcasts which brings on the worst kinds of men and women and uses them as the judgement towards all women and men are worse than the actual guests.

These podcasts are meant to make both sides angry and divided. Its how they get clicks and its worked here. People whining about who has it worse.

Its called rage bait. The men and women on these podcasts end up saying the most ridiculous crap for clicks and reactions


The Elephant In The Room
The Elephant In The Room - 13.09.2023 01:52

the insecurities are palpable

Natalie - 12.09.2023 22:13

Honestly I’ve come to just hate men if I’m honest 😅 ( not generalising) as clearly this dude is not the same way but it’s scary to think what the younger generations are going to be like. I don’t even wanna date anymore
