WHAT is the RAPTURE exactly? What, How, When & Why?

WHAT is the RAPTURE exactly? What, How, When & Why?

DLM Christian Lifestyle

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@daniellelevine9638 - 21.01.2024 22:16

yayyy !!!

@marygray1266 - 21.01.2024 00:07

John 😍😇

@ereynatetasgrafas9933 - 19.01.2024 04:00

Unfortunately this teaching of pre-tribulation comes from 19th century became known by a man named John Nelson Darby. The rapture of the church is the same event with the coming of the Lord as Paul the apostle states at 2nd Thessalonians 2nd chapter.

@rockyrobinson553 - 18.01.2024 07:02

For lost people that want to turn to Christ, and are seeking salvation, start here:

1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 (The Gospel of Salvation) from the Apostle Paul

1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Remember we are saved by grace through faith and not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Jesus did all the work and rose again.
All you have to do is believe and have (faith in the blood) that he shed for you on the cross…to pay for your sins….and sins of the whole world. The moment you believe and trust in Christ finished work. You are saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13) and washed in the Blood of Jesus.

You wont be perfect, but you will belong to him

@JaimeCunanan-vn1eh - 17.01.2024 01:56

DLM Christian Lifestyle, Daniel, there is no rapture. How do you reconcile John 17:15 Revelation 3:10 these two passages Jesus Christ never taught rapture, versus the false teachings of false apostle Paul AKA Saul of Tarsus 1 Corinthians 15:51,52,53,54, 1 thessalonians 4:13,14,15,16,17,18. all these passages that the false apostle Paul written and teaches nowadays mostly pastors, preachers, teachers, etc. are against the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever you teaches against his teachings, his word...you are absolutely false prophet. DLM Christian Lifestyle, Daniel you must only stick on his teachings. Saul of Tarsus AKA false apostle Paul is an apostle of Satan. Examine thoroughly the scripture, every passage must be aligned or in harmony whatever it conveyed. God never contradicting his words. He ordained the prophets to penned the Holy scripture so that the humanity has moral and spiritual discernment, guidance or instructions to follow and obey in his Devine purposes of our lives...so that no one excuse for his eternal judgment. These scripture principles apply also to the appointed true apostles of Jesus Christ when he taught them, his preachings, teachings and spreading the GOSPEL with no changes of his original intent and purpose but for the kingdom of God. Unfortunately the man so called Saul of Tarsus AKA false apostle Paul contradicting the teachings of Jesus Christ the Son of God. And mostly pastors, preachers, priests ect. are embedded with his false teachings. These are false prophets. And you DLM Christian Lifestyle and Daniel if you keep teaching false apostle Paul false teachings rather than Jesus Christ then you are absolutely false prophet...then you made yourself false prophet.

@tom6225 - 15.01.2024 06:00

I’m growing more and more disturb by the teaching of many high positioned pastors that are teaching a False narrative, of a pre-TRIB rapture.
Jesus himself said in John 17 I do not ask you take them out of the world, but keep them from the evil one.
Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2 Now we request you brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together to him, that you would not be quickly shaken from your composure, or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message, or a letter, as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one in any way deceive you,for it will not come, unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called God, or object of worship, so he takes a seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. This was a message to the church at that time for them, and for the church in the end times as which has not been rapture and is still present on the earth, as a sign.
Rapture preachers say that these Christians are the ones left behind, it’s amazing that they are so strong in the Lord in so much tribulation.
knowledgeable. In the world without the Holy Spirit and in such a short time, it’s a fallacy. These are the believers now on the earth that don’t fall away, we will be there, the rapture only weakens people into a false hope. Such a great opportunity of witness that we have in these days ahead, instead of whining about being here, we need to put on the armor of God, and be ready to fight the good fight and spread the word to a dying world. Radiant and ready, not raptured and removed.
There is a gathering together of the saints when Jesus returns at the end, at the last trumpet, he will gather his elect from the four corners of the Earth.
The rapture apart from The second coming of the Lord is a crippling message to the body of Christ, weakening it, I hear all the time Christians, whining and complaining, and wondering why the Lord has not come back to remove them from the Earth, they are not being prepared for anything but despair and failure, I believe this could be the reason for the apostasy, and the great falling away of so many Christian’s in the tribulation

@wesleyschlecht9156 - 14.01.2024 13:34

i think you might want to reconsider , where in the bible does it say a rature happens as a seperate event than the coming of Jesus?

@user-vd7qm3bc2y - 12.01.2024 17:22

Daniel my name is Ben I love what u talking about Jesus please don't stop you change everybody life.please pray for me and my family

@D4v_71 - 12.01.2024 05:27

im just wondering, do we just like randomly respawn naked or something, father, amen

@crunchybobaasmr2130 - 11.01.2024 11:07

I pray the Father will come take me. I am in so much pain

@user-wr8hh1hb3t - 11.01.2024 01:47

There is no rapture 666 coming first 777 is Christ

@BastiliniNails - 10.01.2024 21:51

Do you worship on Saturday or Sunday and do you believe that SDA are in fact a Cult??

@AWTimcanpy - 10.01.2024 20:08

I had a very long dream years back where I saw God at a bridge, he is reaching for my hand, I was about to hold his hand but when I look at his hand it has some kind of like blue marks in it.. like the veins are blue, then his skin was cracking into blue, I got scared so I pulled my hands back then I saw his face , his eyes are scary, the skin on his face started cracking to blue. I was so scared so I step back. Then I heard him say something like feel my wrath, I don't remember the exact word but it's something like that. Then I open my eyes I was standing outside and it is raining fire. Trees are burning everywhere, then I saw people around me crying for help. I saw my little brother and mother injured. I carry my little brother with me and assisted my mother to go to a safe place. The fire rain stopped and the ground started to shake, I lost consciousness then I saw myself sitting in a dark tunnel, water is running , I'm soaking wet, My mother and brother is unconscious beside me. It was dark but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I carried both of them, it felt real, they were heavy but It seemed like the light is getting away further the more I walk forward, then I was about to give up when I saw a handicapped woman who's injured her legs so she couldn't walk so she was just pulling herself with her hands so hard, she doesn't seem like she has intention to stop so I kept moving too, until we got to the light, there was a big door that opened, inside is very bright. As soon as we stepped inside, there was this blanket that floats and wrapped itself around my wounded mother and my brother.I felt safe somehow, i think that it's helping them heal. then same thing happened to the girl who lost her legs. She was able to walk after that blanket healed her, then I see myself sitting in a long dining table. I was trying to see the face of the person at the opposite side of the table, and slowly it;'s like the long table became short and the other person is just in front of me. he was god (don't remember his face when I woke up, but I'm pretty sure it's not like how the people in church describe him) He asked me what is it that I truly want?, or what is the wish I have that I sincerely want. Then I told him, I just want to go home with them(my family). then he smirked and asked "Are you sure?" , I was too traumatized with all the things I've been though that long day, and I said "Yes" while crying. then he sarcastically said "You sure you're not wishing to get married to **** (my crush that time lol) . Then it kind of lighten my emotions that time it made me laugh lol. then slowly his face change to my boss, and I was sitting at my office.(still inside the dream).. then from there I woke up from my bed at home..

I dont even know what it meant but I just want to share. the details and what I experienced felt too real and scary.

@user-lt2ze3bs7u - 10.01.2024 14:06

The contractions are at 7.0 on the Richter scale

@darkangelwing7 - 09.01.2024 16:37

Please pray for my family. Im 14, but I can't tell my family that the only way to heaven is Jesus because my dad is atheist and drunkard, very controlling and strict. I dont want the people I care for to end up in hell. Please pray for them so they might be saved. May God bless you. Thank you for every help.

@zachclifton4015 - 08.01.2024 13:18

I had a dream I was under demonic attack and I started Singing I need You Lord Jesus over and over again until I awoke. Then I went back to sleep and he told me it’s time for us to Align our spirits to him by learning the heart of the Heavenly Father through him Thank you Lord Jesus Amen

@bluepianist2497 - 08.01.2024 11:38

Yes but why in 1 Cor 15:51-52

Its say that will happend after the 7 e trump

I think the text that say we should be alarm by the wrath of god is like we maybe be strong with the spirit of god or no to much touched

But its strange to know that mystery because of : apocalypse 10:7

@919jordano - 07.01.2024 04:31

Thank you Lord

@dantealexander57 - 05.01.2024 22:51

There will be a rapture but I don't believe it will be pre trib. It will be after the tribulation and prior to God's wrath. Thessalonians 1-4 also plainly says that the gathering of us to the Lord will not happen until the falling away happens and the man of sin (antichrist) is revealed which doesn't happen until the tribulation begins. I personally think the falling away might include people who thought they will be raptured away by Jesus but instead will either be disappointed when they're not and/or fall victim to the antichrist deceptions that he is god. Additionally the wrath of God isn't until the end of the Tribulation during the pouring of the seven bowls of wrath.

Furthermore in all the examples of the past, be it Noah, Lot or the enslaved Isrealites, they all were still on earth during and through tribulation and ultimately taken out of that tribulation before God's Wrath destroyed the evil non believers. Just think about it. Noah and his family were there as everyone was practicing wickedness until God sealed them up in the arc that was built and saved them from the flood (His wrath). Lot and his family lived in sodom while all the wickedness was going on until they were told by the Angels to flee sodom before it was to experience the wrath of God and was destroyed. Lastly, the Isrealites were still in Egypt when all the plagues rained down on Pharaoh and the Egyptians before Moses parted the red sea so the Isrealites could finally escape them. Then as the Egyptians were pursuing the Isrealites the Egyptians began to get bogged down and tried to go back but were unable to and the sea returned to normal and drowned them all (again God's wrath).

In my opinion these are All past examples of God's righteous being delivered from evil and I can't see why it would be any different for the generation, be it ours or after that God ultimately delivers from evil once and for all.

@patriciaandjudgey1442 - 04.01.2024 08:32

I want to run up to my Saviour, and hug him, I want to bow before my Lord and wash his feet with my hair!!! GLORY TO ELOHIM IN THE HIGHEST ❤❤❤❤❤

@nocturnal_vampirewolfcreat4475 - 03.01.2024 09:46

Please lord I beg for your forgiveness of all the sins I've committed. Also forgive my husband for he does not know what he does. Please forgive my husband for his ignorance.
Please allow me and my husband to be back with my mom when the rapture comes. In your name I pray amen 🙏

@lilibethpalmero2060 - 01.01.2024 05:05

Hallelujah praise the Lord bro. Daniel for reminding us again our blessed hope in the midst of this hopeless n chaotic world we live in. I was d 1st born again frm our family who was full of heartaches n hatred to d people who killed ny father in front of me when I was 5 yrs old. At that time I want to take revenge but when I was 13 there were American crusaders who came in Gensan n that was d turning point of my life when I heard them preach to forgive and love your enemies as Christ had forgiven us and reached us feom all our unrighteousness. That moment I realized His undeserved favor n grace for me and all of us that calls me to accept Him right there and then with sencerity in my heart. From moment I felt relief n joy overflows from my heart. I'm 4ever grateful those people who knock heaven's door 4 me. And from then on 30 yrs ago since I started praying for my loved ones n to all people I met. Many of them are now born again by d grace n mercy of God. Many of us are now ready for that blessed hope. Praise God. May I request to make a video of what exactly we feel n remember in heaven? Thank u so much.

@talkradiobuilder - 30.12.2023 05:26

You need to study harder on the rapture theory as you only have partial understanding.

@crissymorris5290 - 30.12.2023 03:44

Jesus come get me

@georgianadarcy9072 - 28.12.2023 19:36

What a manipulation and wishful thinking! Where in the Bible does it say that the faithful ones will be raptured before Jesus 2nd coming or that you will escape tribulations?? "We will be with Jesus forever"! How come the church will be in heaven and Jesus will establish an earthly kingdom with cemeteries everywhere and people being sick? Jesus the living God will reign over people who do not believe in Him?? What kind of stupidities and heresies are these?
" I will keep you from the hour of trial" was for the church of Philadelphia and I have never seen Jews coming to worship at your feet. Speak about the whole context. If you are the last generation church, what about the church of Laodicea?

@sharonetter.shelton-taylor9886 - 28.12.2023 05:06

Raptures Happenings @ Death ... The Spirit Returns To Christ and Your' Soul's Awaits IN ( MIDST ) Judgement ... Let The Flesh Die. ! 😊

@georgianadarcy9072 - 26.12.2023 21:04

Jesus will return VISIBLY, not in secret. These are devil's lies!
You would like to escape tribulations, but you will not. Tribulations will be the final test for Christians.

@sleric3 - 24.12.2023 22:15

Revelation 6: The sixth seal

12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red,
13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.
14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

The order in which the events unfold makes me think that this is a massive volcano erupting. It starts with a great earthquake and the sun is covered by a thick coat of ashes. The dust makes the moon look red. Lots of burning hot rocks (stars) are spewed from the volcano and fell to the ground. The ashes progress quickly in the skies (heavens receding like a scroll being rolled up).

This volcano could be the pit referred to in the fifth trumpet later on. The eruption clears the way to the ‘door’ of the pit.

Revelation 7

Some of Israel’s tribes are sealed (and salvaged) and a lot from every nation, tribe, people and language. They are dressed in white robes and came from the great tribulation (Rev 7:14). This might indicate that there is no rapture.
Rev 7:15 we are reminded “... to serve God day and night in His temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence.”

Revelation 11 - the seventh trumpet

Earth becomes the kingdom (dominion) of the Lord God and His Messiah. This seems to set the scene for Revelation 12. This is the event that will cause the satan/adversary to rebel in heaven as he refuses to accept God’s will.

Revelation 12
A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
[Astrology to describe the timing of the event. This is not a rare occurrence though.]

2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.
[There could be an ongoing war (the pain) as “Earth becomes the kingdom of the Lord God and His Messiah” (the birth or new era). This verse does not seem to be referring to an actual birth.]

There is a war in heaven and the dragon along with his angels are cast down to earth. On earth the dragon tries to prevent the new era by exalting himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. Jesus by the power of his words destroys the lawless one.

@user-tl3hb3ff8p - 23.12.2023 01:50

I also can’t wait I saw a add for the rapture and I got so scared cuz I’m 9 and I have a lot of anxiety so obviously will be scared but when you said don’t let fear control you I felt better cuz when you said those five words I felt stronger instantly so thank you I was scared on if my family would not see me again and my friends would not see me again but my best friends go to church and so do I and since you said he will take his children I am one of his children cause I believe in God and my family and friends are to so again thank you.”Edit” I used to go to church but I can’t so I’m convincing my mom to go to church but I think I am going😊

@sislt777 - 20.12.2023 17:18

Rapture is our blessed hope and how we are to comfort each other in the evil day

@faydan4696 - 20.12.2023 12:16

I can't wait too to be with my lord Jesus Christ

@maryseddon4782 - 19.12.2023 13:15

Homo sapien.

@AK-mk5vz - 19.12.2023 07:03

Wouldnt it be great to be playing hide and seek prior to the rapture?? Hilarious! 🤣🤣🤡

@velvetvideo - 18.12.2023 11:06

Rev. 12:12, 12:17 Believers are not appointed to God's wrath, but the tribulation is Satan's wrath. Matthew 24:29-31 The elect will be gathered AFTER the tribulation of those days. 2 Thessalonians 2-3 Jesus will not return until the man of lawlessness is revealed. Do not expect to skip the tribulation.

@eowyngraceellison2801 - 17.12.2023 08:14

This seams like Fellowship to me, cause started learning about God’s New Words that is outside the Bible and we’re talking about Christ already on the but in secret. He comes as a thief, to judge people, to help them become purified to be saved. There’s more and I am still practicing.

@Philippines888 - 16.12.2023 08:26

We are almost near tribulation… third temple was being discussed now in jerusalem… the red heifers were there in jerusalem, that will serve as a sacrifice for the third temple/anti-Christ.. so it is nearer the anti-Christ to rule the whole world. Jesus will come when the anti-Christ rise.

@SergioHernandez-vh6xo - 16.12.2023 07:56

great input into the message you presented. God Bless you always brother.

@garytotherow1627 - 16.12.2023 04:50

There is a woman spreading a different gospel that states resurrection happens (dead in Christ) then 8 days later rapture happens. Question is why would God allow us even 8 days of tribulation. She also said that the dead bodies stay in the ground that is flesh but I told her The body of Jesus was not in the tomb that is the flesh.she said that there would be a lot of dirt in heaven if dead bodies came up out of the ground. At this point I stopped listening to Brenda Walters

@praneephumia4492 - 14.12.2023 07:57

You don't have to fear the future.❤❤❤

Very powerful words that not much people can't be still on it.

But I'm so thankful God that Jesus Christ has blessed me with trust and help in God that's is why i never fear about my future because I know God holds me and every moment of my life under God's blessings.
Thanks for your video this video helped me a lot to confirm that I am right to be God's daughter ❤️❤️🤗 blessed the Lord 💖

@hudejoe7426 - 11.12.2023 04:37

Mr.Daniel, are you keeping the Sabbath?

@user-po5lb7dp3d - 10.12.2023 19:06

Thanks for teaching it correctly. A lot of people get the Rapture and Second Coming mixed up. Imagine, if anyone happens to be standing next to a grave when it bursts open! If they don't know God's Word, they won't know what has happened. Also, when living people from all over the world will disappear instantly, leaving their clothes and possessions behind. I'M READY! Can't wait to meet you, Brother!!❤✝️❤️

@petsaonline - 07.12.2023 22:59

Daniel if you are serious about the subject. Please open your Bible without the help of commentaries and go through the verses you quoted, you will not find rapture before the tribulation.

@rrubio3608 - 03.12.2023 22:10

There is no rapture sir. There is only the 2nd coming. You are saying there are 3 returns
