Father. Photographer. Child Pornographer?

Father. Photographer. Child Pornographer?


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Hamza Hassan
Hamza Hassan - 23.07.2023 01:24

You shouldn’t be publically posting nude photos of your children - PERIOD!

roy bollo
roy bollo - 12.02.2023 13:43

typical america .

pennywise dancing clown
pennywise dancing clown - 04.12.2022 09:27

there is literally a lot of child prostitution and this social justice warriors don't care about that, or even make an effort to track a real child porn. but if there is a father taking photo of his daughter sweet moment, they got enraged

John Drain
John Drain - 16.05.2022 02:50

this is messed up

phcnh - 06.12.2021 04:01


conk shell
conk shell - 25.08.2021 11:48

They said the same thing abut Sally Mann's work ....

Zeb Avila
Zeb Avila - 20.08.2021 05:58

That sad how these sick people think

David Turnbole
David Turnbole - 02.08.2021 21:57

EVERY child, at the same age, act exactly the same way. This is a father celebrating his child's childhood, just as she is celebrating it.

David Van Wyk
David Van Wyk - 18.07.2021 18:49

The funny thing is that the Christian Religion claims we are created in the image of God, yet Christians are most ashamed of that image.

Hank - 16.06.2021 22:34

She's doing what children her age do, and it so happens, that her father took pictures.

John Taylor
John Taylor - 08.06.2021 02:08

Sally Mann had the same problem, yet public child nudity is the norm in Europe.

Kevin Van Hook
Kevin Van Hook - 19.03.2021 03:53

I see nothing wrong with the photos.
It's the sick fucks that see something wrong.
Tell them to get their minds out of the gutter.
Your photos are so unique and beautiful.
Keep on doing what your doing.

George - 18.12.2020 16:55

been a keen photogrpher .you have to be carefull with kids ?

Brandy - 16.12.2020 08:39

Lead with love and innocence ? How about lead with stats on how many children are molested and exploited.

Jeffrey Richardson
Jeffrey Richardson - 19.10.2020 17:22

rich dads invention
mahlerts know cruel intention
the flex ill mention

Jeffrey Richardson
Jeffrey Richardson - 19.10.2020 17:19

weimeraner blue
sharon richardson and lou
williams one point two

Lk Mcle
Lk Mcle - 19.08.2020 19:04

If you don't have KIDS or a wife or girlfriend then your comment should be flagged cause having kids is all about this. Having kids is a blessing and unless your single and not married with no kids then mind your own business!!

Nelia Ironwood
Nelia Ironwood - 24.08.2019 02:49

To all of you stating that Europe or whatever is relaxed at this and this is just American stuff; it isn't. Bill Henson from Australia faced issues as well, and so did Jock Sturges & Sally Mann in Russia/UK as well. I think all of these photos except for the one with the child up in the air is safe. (because isn't throwing a child in the air child endangerment?)

His Majesty ERIC CARTMAN The Second
His Majesty ERIC CARTMAN The Second - 08.02.2019 17:05

The photo when the daughter is putting her hands down her pants THAT IS WRONG SICK. The photo of the daughter underwear was down THAT IS WRONG SICK. Why would you want to take photo of your child naked? This father is sick in the head. 30 years ago it would have been a different story but today parents must be careful. For example when I was 2 my mom took a photo of me in the bath tub however today I would NEVER EVER do that to my 3 year old daughter.

jdlech - 05.12.2018 20:11

His naivete is astounding. Everyone knows not to put naked pics of your children online. Even taking pictures of you nude children is really skirting the line... Imagine the police finding those pictures in your home. Rule of thumb is - never ever ever ever EVER put pictures of your children on the internet. Even if they're bundled up in snowmobile suits, there's guaranteed someone out there who would see that picture and fondle himself thinking about having sex with your child.
The internet NEVER forgets. So your child will someday be looking for a job and his potential employer will find pictures of him naked. How do you think that will go over? Do you even think about that?
He's the adult. He's the one who is supposed to exercise discretion for his children. If he's running around whoring them out for the internet before they even get a chance to understand what he's doing to them, then he's clearly a bad parent. Bad enough that he shouldn't even be a parent. It doesn't matter what his intentions were - he whored his child out to the internet for the attention.

Connie McGee
Connie McGee - 24.10.2018 01:21

I don't believe two yr old girls should bathe with their dads. Why take naked photos of a child when you can just as easily take pictures of them at least with underwear on.. Not down to their knees. That's what is wrong with people.. They don't raise their child to be modest... Not naked for the world to see. If you choose to take naked photos of a child you risk being judged by others who see the photos or authorities getting involved to protect the child from perverts.

I probably dislike you
I probably dislike you - 02.06.2018 14:51

I can't take the US serious anymore.

Zoeii ZiZZles
Zoeii ZiZZles - 05.09.2017 11:35

i have a 5 year old daughter who as soon as she gets home she is down to her panties in about 1 minute. when she takes a bath she is always calling me or her mom into the bathroom. i think people who look at children's behavior as sexual have a problem themselves, my daughter knows nothing about sex, she is not embarrassed by her nudity at all, we adults are the ones with the problem

S B - 17.04.2017 11:02

tbh you shouldn't be uploading pictures like this. God knows what creep is looking

Casey Carter
Casey Carter - 11.04.2017 17:01

Anyone who expects a toddler to keep their clothes on has never seen one IRL.

Jonathan Suzanne Cox
Jonathan Suzanne Cox - 22.01.2017 07:11

Well here's my two cents :) I think the real issue isn't whether or not it's wrong for a father take pictures of his child naked. That's just common sense! And what people say about it, says more about them than about him. The real problem , I think, is posting everything about our lives online. Some things should be kept private and special. Seems like that is a totally foreign Idea in this day and age though.

SumGuy - 05.09.2016 22:52

People in the US oversexualize just about everything, but simple nudity most of all. The essence of innocence is to not yet know that a thing even CAN be perverted, much less to be intent on, or even aware of how to go about perverting it. There is an innocence to these images both in the fact that the kid has no concept of sexuality as being connected to the freedom of not having her dress on. To her, getting out of her clothes is not something dirty, and it shouldn't be at that age. There is also an innocence in the outlook of the photographer as a father just capturing those innocent moments in his child's life through the lens. Those who look at these pics and immediately go to that place in their heads, I have to wonder about THEM more than about this father / photographer. Everyone is SO quick these days to hunt for something to scream about, to play the victim or to accuse someone of being a victimizer, it's just such a waste of time and energy! When I look at these images, my first thoughts go back to when my kids were little and running around with no clothes and not a care in the world, happy and free from all this sort of drama and BS. Those who look at these images and instead think about child predators and doing nasty shit with little kids, those are the "sick fucks" in my opinion.

Kathleen L.A
Kathleen L.A - 29.04.2016 07:26

My family used to take photos of me on the potty and naked and stuff it's a little girl as if he would see it like that.

Tit Nutz
Tit Nutz - 03.04.2016 03:12

I feel bad for Wyatt

TheNarwhal Narwhal
TheNarwhal Narwhal - 24.03.2016 09:03


Matthew Fernandez
Matthew Fernandez - 23.03.2016 11:22

i don't see anything wrong with that at all

takeaway guru
takeaway guru - 10.02.2016 15:12

the Human Race has been throughout the ages, a victim of it's own mass hysteria, the drowning of witches in the days of yore as an example, the naked child is the latest thing which we cannot cope with, so a man who has child porn on his hard drive gets sentenced to 600 years in the USA

Anadel Baughn Barbour
Anadel Baughn Barbour - 22.01.2016 21:49

It is such an important issue. Being a sexologist and family therapist, I am aware of the confusion that arises in these instances. The reality is that global access creates dangers. In the U. S. mixed messages regarding sex combined with free speech have made Americans choose sides that never before existed. Parents will always see their children naked. Paintings and photographs of naked children have been hanging in galleries and put into photo albums for centuries! The reality is that the internet allows the images to be shown anywhere, at any time, to anyone. It is the responsibility of the parents who are posting their naked children to understand that there will be people who seek these innocent and artistic images, look at their children and masturbate. Parents choose who see their children naked. The internet makes the control of who sees the photos/videos impossible. Without a true right or wrong from the standpoint of a parent, modern day sensibilities need to come in to play, free speech or not.

John Champagne
John Champagne - 19.01.2016 14:36

The photos are beautiful, and the controversy illustrates something that should be obvious: meaning is always contextual, always the result of the specific transaction between reader and image. If anyone is interested, Kobena Mercer's essay "Just Looking for Trouble" is a terrific exploration of this idea.

Paul Hugh McGuigan
Paul Hugh McGuigan - 18.01.2016 05:11

I can't believe how people think like that it's disgusting that man can't take pictures of his daughter without be labelled for something disgusting

Ronnie Dean
Ronnie Dean - 01.01.2016 19:37

Thank you, Wyatt. Your photography is beautiful, capturing innocence at it's most pure. There are way to many religious fanatics out there.

Jerkari Hendrix
Jerkari Hendrix - 05.12.2015 03:59

they have innocence but adults don't

The Opinionator
The Opinionator - 03.12.2015 22:22

So what's the child to think of the photos when she get older since she didn't have a choice whether she wanted them or not.

Gregarious3 - 26.11.2015 20:55

Eeek, context is what makes something innocent love of parent documenting his child vs sicko saying "hey, is this sexy".

Taylor Marie
Taylor Marie - 22.11.2015 00:12

in my baby book, more than half pf the pictures are of me naked. my dad took those photos, and never once have i thought, "how creepy" or "my dad is a rapist." thats her father! thats his profession! these people are sexualizing that girl more than they claim that he is!

Daniel Fluxanity
Daniel Fluxanity - 12.11.2015 20:27

people these day's see everything in a sick and sexualized way sadly.... even when eating a banana XD

KevZen2000 - 21.10.2015 03:42

Child pornography needs to be legal. I am not for it, but arresting people for this is bad, and a form of tyranny. It is just videos, images, etc., and not something in reality, but a fantasy. Do not let your emotions or feelings get involved, but let freedom be your victor.

TypoCat - 19.10.2015 10:02

Okay lets get one thing straight if people wanna get butt hurt about a little girl running around naked in a photo then lets flag all my fucking baby pictures and also lets flag all the 3 days of peace woodstock festival too because there lots naked kids running around there too while were at it lets fucking glue close to our private parts so no one gets offended these people need grow fuck up

Dap Sugar Willie
Dap Sugar Willie - 19.09.2015 00:12

RIP Wyatt

dragonslayer015 - 08.08.2015 09:34

Isn't there people that stand naked and others would paint them?

Mika Mitena
Mika Mitena - 07.08.2015 21:53

Absolutely absurd! ! Dads a brilliant photographer and stella is an angelic lil model.
Unfortunately the fact is people are programmed with 'Triggers' nowadays and since there is so much sickness out there coming from do many different directions, the sheep are having a very difficult time understanding the balance. The artistry is amaxing and Stella is beautiful. The sicko lunatics pointing fingers might need to check their own closets first seems too me they're oversexualized misconceptions have them malfunctioning

Kay K.
Kay K. - 03.08.2015 23:55

I don't care what  else anyone thinks, but what the child might think when she gets older. What if when she's older she doesn't what naked pictures of herself online and pictures exposing her vagina? I do believe people sexualizing this child is sick, but what about that?
