Sour Dough Bread with a Pro! | THE HAPPY PEAR

Sour Dough Bread with a Pro! | THE HAPPY PEAR

The Happy Pear

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@user-pc5bv4fj7q - 09.05.2017 23:14

That's so cool 😍😎 can you please tell us how did he become a baker ? 👨🏼‍🍳

@crisbina52 - 10.05.2017 00:53

anyone know what the first video they are talking about is called? can't seem to find it...

@HeatherMoreau - 10.05.2017 02:03

Thanks! This is a little bit different method than the first video, I am going to try it!

@HeatherMoreau - 10.05.2017 02:05

Here is the recipe written out in case anyone wants it – translated 😂
2 big cups flour
.6 cups mother culture
1.25 cups water
1 tbs salt
Knead for 5 minutes and then leave it for the day – 6 to 8 hours– In the fridge
Take it out, shape it by stretching and folding on four sides, Trap the gas and seal the edge seam, put it in a basket and leave it to prove overnight
Take it out and bake it in a preheated oven for 30 minutes at 440°
Leave for at least 10 minutes to cool🙌🏻

@lysdexic9129 - 10.05.2017 06:48

I also use my sourdough starter to make flatbreads, bangin'!

@TarMarz - 10.05.2017 06:52

i was JUST thinking of attempting sourdough sometime soon! thanks guys!

@marietgonzalez5622 - 10.05.2017 07:35

This makes bread making a possibility for me. Thanks!

@lusetania - 10.05.2017 11:56

hi there, do you let it rise in the fridge or at room temperature?

@patty-cf7jj - 10.05.2017 13:28

The first their video on how to make the starter. This part is easy. Making the starter is time consuming.

@weehillywinky1 - 10.05.2017 14:27

Thank you so much for this! 😉

@archiewells3955 - 11.05.2017 03:39

Hey, thanks for this guys. I love making my own bread, but I'm inconsistent as I just kind of wing it with my ingredient amounts. I love sourdough but always buy it and would prefer to make my own. I'll watch the starter video. I can hardly wait to see the results if my loaves look that yours!

@gracetelfer2607 - 11.05.2017 07:01

My mum has been making sourdough consistently for over and year now and very few months she has to throw out her starter and try again because the bread turns out flat and dense. Her starter and bread recipe comes from the ultimate Canadian living cookbook. The starter recipe has storebought yeast in it. Could this be why the starter eventually burns out? Thanks. I love your videos!

@TheDevilDarling - 11.05.2017 12:50

Mmm! i love sourdough dipped into soup.

@DabDiichLiieb - 11.05.2017 14:39

I'm from Germany and most of the bread we eat is sour dough. I only realized that sour dough bread isn't that common when I went abroad for the first time and I've never missed anything as much as that

@markpoole6449 - 12.05.2017 05:05

Great video, as usual, dudes! 👍👍
Just one question: Owen says 600g flour at the beginning, but Steve's summary is 500g. Is it 600g flour/300ml water/150g starter? I hope so, because that 4:2:1 ratio is super-easy to remember.😊

@clodaghfox860 - 15.05.2017 00:02

do you leave your mother culture for a week without touching it. or do you feed it everyday

@100mlv - 18.05.2017 03:55


@100mlv - 18.05.2017 03:56

One of my favorite recipes from you guys. Definitely trying this weekend!

@MitaRajeshTolia - 22.05.2017 10:15

This is just fantastic. I have tried seeing so many other sites and they make things so complicated but you guys just make it like a cakewalk. Thank you so much for this .The others say you must have a dutch oven to make the loaf etc. etc.

@honantong - 10.06.2017 03:16

100% wholemeal flour / whole wheat flour

@gillgrier2709 - 29.06.2017 17:16

once the dough is made can I add pumpkin seeds, China seeds etc in the dough & leave over night?

@jessic38 - 30.06.2017 03:30

What size proofing basket was that?

@bananapatch9118 - 21.07.2017 03:05

The mother you leave the top off all the time ?
Great you guys. Being from the US, I struggle a bit with the measurements n temps.....

@Olibelus - 21.07.2017 20:19

I would never use tap water in sourdough. Bread is all about the water too. Use filtered or mineral water instead. :-)

@bananapatch9118 - 02.08.2017 17:27

The mother you leave the top off all the time or put a lid on it ? Thx

@shfrederick1 - 19.08.2017 21:29

Dave or Steve...I see you aren't answering most of the questions in the comment section so I won't ask anything. I did however enjoy the video.

@hammockmonk - 09.09.2017 17:19

Love the Smeg! I wish I could afford them, the toaster, kettle & mixer. You even have the fridge... Green w envy: 🤢😘

@wem-c9f - 14.09.2017 13:19

can I actually use commercial yeast and rye flour to make the mother culture/starter? I tried once catching wild yeast and it failed!

@toni5543 - 18.10.2017 14:46

How stoned are these guys haha

@toni5543 - 18.10.2017 14:57

Also I thought you had to leave the bread for at 2-3 hours after it’s out the oven to continue cooking and to not loose too much moisture

@Username22xD - 22.10.2017 14:48

Hey, this looks amazing and I'm definitely trying this out but I have a quick question- after kneading it for 5 minutes, do I have to let it rest in the fridge or room temperature (kitchen counter) for 6 - 8 hours? Thanks! :)

@bonnied72 - 10.11.2017 01:02

I think I need to come to Ireland for a lesson. Great, simple recipe!

@T4Cification - 29.12.2017 00:03

Doesn't look like it's been cooked long enough...would be a better loaf cooked in a dutch oven or a steamed cooker

@mrfister1899 - 29.12.2017 11:29

zero insight, zero information. Pointless video.

@user-rt5ti5fy5i - 16.03.2018 16:21

What kind of flour he said he is using? Whole mill flour? Is that spelt correctly?

@brookeflood5683 - 22.03.2018 23:14

Can I simply substitute a non-wheat flour? Thank you; great video! And much simpler for a beginner like me 😊

@THEH0WLER87 - 23.03.2018 06:36

pretty grim crumb

@haimecayanan8614 - 29.03.2018 13:21

i love how you guys give a quick recap of every ingredients used.👍

@beckypommer-jones2072 - 07.04.2018 22:21

Can you clarify please?  In the beginning of instruction Eoin indicates 600 grams of whole meal flour but later in video you indicate 500 grams of whole meal flour.  Which is it?Also, can you use buckwheat flour for gluten free option to reproduce the same results as well as making a buckwheat flour sourdough culture? Thank you for your dedication to cooking clean healthy beautiful food.

@vkash17 - 24.04.2018 22:47

I am thrilled with this recipe. Will venture forth shortly but till then I am hoping to get a reply to my query....I don't have a proofing I have an option? No sorry I can't buy it online. Can't afford it.

@desertbreeze69 - 01.09.2018 08:40

You invite a pro then talk over the top of him

@jpmorgan187 - 05.10.2018 05:40

99 percent of the yeast comes from the flour, not the air.

@The_One_Called_Keith - 16.11.2018 00:56

great video, like the previous on sourdough. This one shows sweet and short how make a beautiful bread. I LOVE my sourdough and I use the same for 5 years now. He is part of the family, and has already many 'offspring' all over the world, as we give family, friends and visitors a piece of the starter with, if they want to bake some great sourdough bread at home.

@crystalgeyser5748 - 12.02.2019 21:07

МОЛОДЦЫ! Good job!

@ajinjoseph1 - 23.04.2019 09:01

the heat is from btm or both bottom and top?

@kathleenswenning9915 - 12.09.2019 07:48

Our favorite bread! My husband and I are from San Francisco, California, we have never had better Sourdough bread than there! We moved to Colorado over 25 years ago and have missed the Sourdough ever sense😢. My Grandmother had a Mother starter that she had as long as I can remember and my sister got it when our Grandmother could no longer take care of it and now it’s gone, bummer😭. Anyway, I would love to make another Mother starter and start making bread! My husband is gluten sensitive and sourdough seems to not bother him!!!! All of that to say that your explanation of the gluten break down make sense! Thank you fo these videos about making Sourdough bread, how exciting!

@helenellsworth9556 - 11.02.2020 03:27

I have GF sourdough starter 🤗

@moustafamortada - 18.02.2020 16:57

Done it today. I wish I can post a picture for you guys. Super delicious. Good size. You’re rock stars.

@sephineminien3230 - 22.03.2020 00:46

Leave it up to 3 guys, to overcomplicate mixing 3 ingredients ☺♥

@catherineogrady8773 - 01.07.2022 05:07

Please show us where to find The Mother Couture. …..Thank. You….Greetings CD-ROM. IRELAND. 🥰🥰☘️☘️☘️☘️🥰🥰
