9 Characteristics of the Schizoid Personality Disorder

9 Characteristics of the Schizoid Personality Disorder


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@pyramidhead138 - 29.01.2012 19:28

why cant you use a normal voice instead of talking like a robot?

@TheMikeyX - 18.04.2012 14:03

I am so using this in my presentation today.

@CyberPhysician - 13.06.2012 06:57

I'd say I'm somewhat of a schizoid INTP nihilist. But then again, I do not think I'm fit to label myself, not that it really matters either way.

@roberth1990 - 11.08.2012 23:47

Because it interferes in how a the person is adapting in the society.

@Orthagoni - 05.09.2012 18:23

like its necessary to conform...

@gracii92 - 30.09.2012 01:06

Check check check, lack of desire for sexual experiences with another person. Not...check

@thelocust64 - 24.11.2012 07:20

can you see any advantages it carries?

@niallw705 - 26.11.2012 02:45

Just for anyone who is wondering, the differences between SPD and Asperges are the following : -With Asperges, there is usually a high level of intelligence, whereas with SPD, that would be a coincidence of the individual. -People with SPD simply don't care about the world around them, people with Asperges can't interact with the world around them. -Asperges = rituals and rigid timetables, SPD beliefs that the individual has 'special' powers, for example moving things with mind, reading other

@niallw705 - 26.11.2012 02:49

people's thoughts. -People with Asperges don't understand jokes, irony and/or sarcasm, people with SPD would, if not then that would be coincidence of the individual. -People with Asperges often have speech difficulties, if with an individual with SPD then that is purely a coincidence.

@niallw705 - 26.11.2012 02:54

Similarities : -Disliking or discomfort in social situations. -People with Asperges are often fantastic at one to three subjects, people with SPD are often only capable at one to five subjects, therefore resulting in being very good at said amount of subjects ( somewhat of a similarity ).

@niallw705 - 26.11.2012 03:01

Almost forgot to add these similarities : -People with Asperges often find it hard to express their feelings, and are poor at empathy - understanding other people's thoughts, beliefs and feelings. People with SPD do not have the capability to express and feel their emotions, often reported as looking 'flat' or 'distant'.

@cerise333 - 07.12.2012 03:57

the person talking is the real robot

@abstraction77 - 17.12.2012 22:51

Since the majority of people are not schizoids, this type of behavior is considered uncommon; a disorder. But any "disorder" in the Axis II of the brain shouldn't be consider as an illness. It's merely to help specialists communicate between themselves (SPD instead of simply... S?). I know I am responding to a 2 years old comment, but I'm writing it so that others can see.

@1ukjunglednbraver - 25.12.2012 01:53

nearly everything said matches me..i dont feel it to be a problem though my parents find it a problem but the problem is theres and not mine

@babybluelove1 - 06.01.2013 12:01

I cried when find out the symptom I didn't know I had a disorder

@Fersomling - 06.01.2013 12:48

What is this? Larry King with an English accent?!

@malevich2007 - 09.01.2013 04:38

As a classic Schizoid pers disorder person let me be clear--we do not want friends, we do not want sex with anyone, we want to be left alone; being alone is normal for us, not a disorder; I'm 44 yr old male never had any friends; never had sex with anyone, only people I know are immediate family which is very small; I really dont care about others' feelings and could care less if they care about me; I'm extremely self-sufficient; I don't consider myself abnormal; this is the only way I know 2b

@ErikElling - 19.01.2013 21:23

I hope you're aware of that being schizoid does not include being part of a unified stereotypical pattern which follows strict rules as out of "do" or "do not". No matter personality, be it disorderly, people dont do the same as others, at the very least schizoids. To be objective, the behavioural pattern is defined a disorder because it makes others feel bad about feeling for one who do not feel for them, since emotional balance/ regulation builds upon others will to care for you to care.

@frattaro - 26.01.2013 06:19

Disorders are classified as such because they interfere with living a functional life. Say the affected person really likes sandwiches from a local deli. He goes there every day and gets a sandwich. Over time the people at the sandwich shop develop a relationship with him until one day he can no longer go to that sandwich shop because their relationship has become too intrusive. But he really likes those sandwiches. That's a disorder.

@bluebatteries08 - 11.02.2013 22:38

Thank you! Exactly.

@wakegem3496 - 15.02.2013 18:42

It's real and sometimes drugs do help

@valeriacerrato6770 - 19.02.2013 01:43

I'm a schizoid, and I believe it's a disorder mostly because you're not "living" your life. Like there's no purpose to it because you're not happy. But honestly, most schizoids DON'T CARE if they're living life or not. Either way, they don't even KNOW what they're missing out or thankfully avoiding. I've had this for 10 years and still haven't seeked treatment. I JUST DON'T CARE :)

@storm0fnova - 05.03.2013 07:41

anything that deviates from the norm or majority will be labeled as different as opposed to the same, disorder as opposed to order, abnormal as opposed to normal. but we know that's a shallow and prejudiced way of thinking, so why take offense from something someone said because they know less than you?

@GreyZone7 - 14.03.2013 01:46

And what disorder makes people act as impostors impersonating long dead thinkers ?

@TheCrazyFinn - 15.04.2013 13:43

Luckily, people with SPD don't care what others think about them. ;)

@MrOnomatopoiea - 22.04.2013 06:26

Absolutely, that's the way I look at it too. There's always something wrong with you in the eyes of the ignorant and simple-minded if you don't mindlessly follow the herd at all or at least most of the time.

@kiragoe - 05.05.2013 22:25

Hi I have to say I have everything you have and was wondering have you had any medication for this? Just every time I go to the doctor they won't prescribe me tablets that can help me because they are to addictive so they say, and the cbt they put me on isn't working. So has anything helped with you at all? Even just a little?

@kiragoe - 10.05.2013 13:20

doing cbt at the moment, been going for 7 sessions now but nothings changing. I'll see what she say's about what to do. Thanks anyway for the information.

@IrishFriendsFan - 18.05.2013 01:59

Sheldon Cooper?

@ruff170 - 19.05.2013 20:04

look up how psychologists/psychiatrists categorize a characteristic as a "disorder", and top getting so worked up over this

@Eanetseli - 10.07.2013 01:43

We would probably diagnose him with Asperger's syndorme

@moniquaspanner1800 - 04.12.2013 03:47

I have all of those symptoms... I have the hardest time expressing my true feelings and I am constantly wanting to be alone. I don't care much for friends and popularity though people like me and always want to hang out with me, neither do I care much for sexual activity. I like to play video games, draw, read and listen to music. I want to be a manga artist/Animationist which barely require any social interaction...

@luxury0431 - 03.01.2014 09:03

This made me laugh

@ShirleyMarieBradby - 06.01.2014 06:07

.YES!  Totenkopf11111......Well said! This is why I do not consider my personality as a Schizoid to be a "disorder"!  Who are THEY to try to NEGATIVELY....label ME?

The 9 chararcteristics are the criteria for personal excellence, originality and self-realisation which distinguishes the individual from the herd. It is only labelled a disorder by mediocre minds and those emotionally dependent on others. Anyone who achieves/creates anything great prioritises solitude, will power and the inner life, and rejects sociability and company in favour of a deeper life or the channelling of their energies toward a goal.>>>

@Hercfan1978 - 06.04.2014 07:02

Can a person have parts of both Avoidant & Schizoid personalities because I many traits of both or is there no such thing?

@Rosi_in_space - 13.12.2014 04:03

C'mon artificial Larry King.

@LietRuss - 19.12.2014 02:46

Flattened duhffect

@anasyuzana7464 - 23.04.2015 16:19

There's lack of information abt secret schizoids on the internet. But i do have a very close friend. i copied her personality when im with other people and the rest of my friends,i only contact with them when needed.when having a relationship i only enjoy gratification instead of anything else. And i hate talking about feelings/what i feel. As a covert schizoids i do go to clubs and social gatherings but when im there i only either watch other people dancing or just sit,observe and laugh.

@laprechaun12 - 20.07.2015 21:10

This is me.

@xraym2356 - 30.08.2015 04:38

The only part of this that is me is lack of close relationship, asexuality, taking pleasure in few activities and introversion. Im autistic though.

@vacvictor4616 - 02.11.2015 03:37

what about hearing voices or talking to them selves acting out skits knowingly?

@paul-yy5qf - 21.01.2016 05:47

avoid ants?

@rosabellaelison5176 - 04.02.2016 07:13

totaly me

@chyfrancis-mitchell362 - 24.07.2016 09:17

I relate to this a lot. I lack certain emotions, and I don't really care for anyone except my close family, and my best friend. I fake my emotions in public to seem 'normal'. I thought I was crazy at first, but now I realize I might be a Schizoid. I still have yet to be diagnosed

@RegineAteliers - 26.01.2017 02:24

My question for people who feel they fit this description or have been diagnosed as such: Do you have a sense of rhythm? Are you able to keep a beat by clapping your hands or tapping your feet? Do you have difficulty dancing?

@dalalm1821 - 09.08.2017 18:24

Avoid ants 😂😂😂

@-_--_-8614 - 24.09.2017 04:13

I think this is me. People like me and I talk to people but only to survive school. I genuinely prefer to be alone and I don't desire friends, sometimes I even cut people off when I think I have enough. I'm cold, apathetic compared to others and I don't really feel guilty unless I force myself really hard to. My emotions don't go deep and they're just the spur of the moment, and I'm always just neutral. Just nothing, while I'm thinking about different things.

@tommytucker5464 - 27.09.2017 23:13

omg this is so meee lolol

@dojufitz - 10.10.2017 12:54

Way to go Larry....

@craigjulien75 - 12.11.2019 01:01

I also like Ayn Rand books.
