Delaying Having Kids Is Impacting Your Future Kids! Dr Michael Eisenberg

Delaying Having Kids Is Impacting Your Future Kids! Dr Michael Eisenberg

The Diary Of A CEO

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@TheDiaryOfACEO - 09.05.2024 10:02

If you like this episode please can you do me a little favour and hit the like button on the video! I really appreciate you all x 🧡

@indefatigable6176 - 26.06.2024 09:30

MidWest sperm worse than NYC sperm could be due to heightened exposure to agricultural pesticides and herbicides.

@Rosander-Xander-The.IV-12th - 26.06.2024 06:52

2.1 for the population to stay the same!?
Women must be winning in the multiple partners game.

@vcupiano - 26.06.2024 03:24

Had I known what I know now when I was entering college, I’d never EVER have majored in music. I’d pursue a degree in finance thank you very much. It seems to be one of the few ways to actually make any kind of real money these days without having to spend 8 years and half a million on a PhD. Hear me now all you aspiring concert pianists. Unless you’re in the top ten in the world, give it up now before it’s too late.

@vcupiano - 26.06.2024 03:16

My parents bought their house in the early 70’s for less than 40k today it’s worth around 500k. My father recently took out a quarter million dollar loan against the house just to pay bills and food etc. Since my mother passed he’s spending money like a drunken sailor and I’ll probably never see a dime of inheritance. I have always counted on at least having the house to sell and buy my own but I’ll never be able to afford a house. I have a useless masters degree in music and absolutely zero job prospects. My future is looking bleak and I know a lot of men are in the same boat. It seems like a lot of this started with the mandatory lock downs. How it can be fixed is beyond me and as hard as it is to imagine, I really believe that things will get MUCH worse before they get better.

@luminous6969 - 25.06.2024 20:07

Penises have gotten 25% larger? Why didn't I get a voucher?

@ohsweetiewhy6353 - 25.06.2024 19:25

i wanna get married and get kids already at 21. but money..... ill have to starve my kids and i cannot do that...

@davidherron9151 - 25.06.2024 13:50

Its very obvious all that is needed is social housing and not being obsessed trying to own property and compete with others to race to the point on the ladder where you exploit others to pay rent , thus pushing them to delay kids and so on.
Housing and the need to work all hours to simply have a flat to prepare your body for work ...that is the modern lie and the base of slavery

@higurro - 25.06.2024 11:02

So diet wise, sugar is fine, lots of fruit and veg, lots of grains, and avoid fat? Hmmm...

@Dabayare - 25.06.2024 10:53

I know how bad poverty is and I don't want to bring kids into poverty. It is very selfish to see men and women just having sx to make babies when they themselves have no future. If your government does not care or value you, why bring extra tax payers they could rob and exploit unless Ur cruel n uncaring person?

@nataliaalfonso2662 - 25.06.2024 04:48

Literally how can anyone afford kids?

There are people into their 30s and 40s still drowning in student loan debt.

@Gog.Magog. - 25.06.2024 00:51

I had my firstborn at 42. My wife is 13 years younger than me. I had my time to live my best life travelling the world, living in different countries for 15 years. Now i am living my dedicated life with my family, financially free and being the wise head of the family.

@crono1357 - 23.06.2024 23:28

Watching this made me realize how little we know still…

@sydneysider1841 - 23.06.2024 02:07

They need to study 5 and 6 G (high freq) on cellular machinery. One crappy study suggested it deqctivea lysosomes in cells and increases build up of cellular byproducts and free radicals also impacting DNA.

It really depends on freq and energy transmitted/absorbed.

There is also a phenomenon of people reacting to cell towers. We know a young girl who had seizures from the cell tower placed on her building. No seizures prior and non after she moved. There is something there with energized frequencies.

@LiveTilliDie - 22.06.2024 22:55

During the Great Depression, the exact same thing happened - people were having less kids and delaying them. People need to talk about that more.

@JustChadding_ - 22.06.2024 18:50

nah i got my girlfriend pregnant in the sauna

@AR-rn8ok - 22.06.2024 18:23

Having kids is a beautiful part of the human experience. Not having them is your choice but your human experience will be incomplete. There will be a great big gaping hole when you’re older. You may not even know why but a huge part of your humanity will be missing.

@_YeomenJ - 22.06.2024 18:08


@nutech1810 - 22.06.2024 18:06

No one can afford kids. Who also wants to raise kids in the social decay of America?

Tired of the rainbow group.

@ZenaidaRoxas-yk8pp - 22.06.2024 08:52

I have 5 kids. 3 are in the university, 1 senior high and the youngest about to start high school. I had my first child when I was 24 and my last child at 31. I think if one can afford it for women it's always good to have a child at 24 years old. Biologically I think it's our best year.

@thestorybehindthat5236 - 22.06.2024 06:29

Pull out method is 96% effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies when done correctly. Very close to the same rates of birth control pills when taken correctly. Must be nice to have that option as a man. So easy to not created an unwanted pregnancy with a tiny bit of consideration.

@James-dc7jz - 22.06.2024 03:10

This guy is talking complete rubbish

@gaurd3 - 21.06.2024 22:56

Immigrants immigrants ., the new worker bees

@guyhorowitz158 - 21.06.2024 10:23

So many of your guests are Jewish, I love that! So many leading brains are from that wonderful culture. Dr. Eisenberg is so well spoken and clear, awesome!

@KhalCrochet - 21.06.2024 04:49

It's because of all the built up microplastic inside that's why 😂

@ellenthom34 - 20.06.2024 20:50

I thought baldness was inherited trait. You can see it in generational photos

@antoniostsaousis198 - 20.06.2024 19:16

Ye enjoy your economy and your feminism! We are good with our buddies (:

@Boryte - 20.06.2024 11:03

Penises are getting larger because of sexual selection. Because of porn and just general propaganda in modern society that many young females follow that bigger penis is generally better not just for sex but because it justifies their personal biased opinion that it's correlated to personality or some other thing that's important in relationship. Later we end up to conclusion that's not remotely true and they do too later but when they're young they get pregnant by bigger penises

@ChesterCorazon - 19.06.2024 11:38

Yes of course! Because of the inbreeding!


@nazapadu02 - 17.06.2024 23:06

Can somebody time stamp the part on dicks being 25% bigger😂

@BH195829 - 11.06.2024 01:04

Sugars OK… you have got to be kidding me this guy has got to go back to MED school and brush up ON SUGAR!
Sugar is the number one cause of feeding cancer cells, if nothing else, stay away from Sugar!! 🙏🙏🙏

@BH195829 - 11.06.2024 01:02

I like this doctor, but his advice on testosterone is incredibly out of date and I urge anybody interested in testosterone to get advice on testosterone from a Testosterone optimization clinic… MD just don’t get it. It’s not one injection every one to three weeks. It’s three tiny injections per week otherwise you have huge ups and huge crashes. 🙏😊❤️

@BH195829 - 11.06.2024 00:40

I like this doctor, but his advice on testosterone is incredibly out of date and I urge anybody interested in testosterone to get advice on testosterone from a Testosterone optimization clinic… MD just don’t get it. It’s not one injection every one to three weeks. It’s three tiny injections per week otherwise you have huge ups and huge crashes. 🙏😊❤️

@dextersuarez9948 - 08.06.2024 20:10

My grandma was able to buy a house at 19 my dad was 4 years old, she was a single immigrant mother who worked factory jobs. She still owns that house, I’m 31, serve in the military, my wife works and makes decent money, we can’t afford a house or to have kids right now.

@lostinmybackyard2006 - 06.06.2024 04:26

Our lifestyle is bizarre. Historically, young women married older men. This isn't sexist. It's because young men don't want children yet, but young women do. Plus fertillity and ease of carrying a pregnancy is better when a woman is younger, 20 rather than 35. Additionally, in every generation except the Boomers, young couples initially lived with a set of parents. Why? The parents already had a house, knew how to raise kids, and could help out.

Don't look to the Boomers as an example of how to live and what to expect; the Boomers were post WW2 and flush with cash, a great dollar exchange rate, and a great labor and housing market. It wasn't true before, and not since.

Also, women have to make a choice. If they want a family and kids, they should not go to college for 8 to 10 years and then pursue a career for 15 years. They have to chose. Family or career. Sorry, but I don't think you can have it all.

@jupiterthree5228 - 05.06.2024 23:54

This guy wants to tear apart his wife 4 times and he's worried about losing his hair.

@PrinceGoldSoul - 05.06.2024 15:30

how do you say with a straight face "as along as you have a penis we can always make it hard" hahahahaha

@haithemdhan2846 - 03.06.2024 21:07

This guest is not sure about any of his answers. He does not provide cut answers. The language he uses does not attract listeners cuz you dont feel like you are sure about any information after the episode finishes. All his answers are like “ could be,maybe, i think, possibly” and so on

@shinchanninja - 03.06.2024 14:03

Testestorone and fertility is falling In societies where women are socially more powerful than men. Is those societies men usually behave in a less dominant way. Most of the time women's behaviour is more dominant while the men's behaviour is subservient. Its the other way round in societies with opposite gender dynamics eg. Africa, middle east.

@MyMaya55 - 31.05.2024 10:59

Check out shilajit

@POPsnaps - 31.05.2024 10:48

I seen many comments on living costs too high. Reason costs are high are bosses, stakeholders and employees wanna bigger paychecks. The system is designed to always go up. This trend will only continue unless some major overhaul of the system. Like a global median income? Don't know not the expert but we all need to break barriers to work on this stuff. Is a global thing

@MilesPatrick30 - 31.05.2024 04:51


@Expensive_read96 - 30.05.2024 05:03

I need the thumbnail on a t-shirt, yesterday

@lenwelch2195 - 30.05.2024 00:21

His eyes dialate when he concentrates.

@lenwelch2195 - 30.05.2024 00:21

The study of penis length 1995 study states average length is 5.2. Inches erect. Now e says that in last 30 ye arms length has gone up 25 percent. Nope, they were wrong in measurement. Average length is closer to 5.9 inches. Evolutionary changes of 25 percent in 30 years is incorrect.

@lenwelch2195 - 29.05.2024 22:35

It’s amazing That we ask ourselves about our character , have a self check before making the decision to have kids when we should be doing that out of the’s so true that we will do more for our kids than ourself. I believe GOD GAVE US THE DESIRE TO HAVE KDS IS SET UP TO LEARN WHAT LOVE IS. TO COMPREHEND THAT GOD LOVES US EVEN MORE THAN WE CAN LOVE OUR KIDS.WE MUST KEEP THIS IN MIND.

@cptcosmo - 29.05.2024 13:15

Not men's fault. Blame a toxic Marxist Feminist. Biblical order will be restored regardless of how the Jezebels feel about it...

@davidjavids2431 - 29.05.2024 04:17

That's what we all ..........

THOUGHT, we wanted.

@Insana-lv5fz - 28.05.2024 18:30

It was god answer to mine..
